日期:2019-09-17 16:01:56 / 人气:
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1 碳酸钠 Sodium carbonate
2 磷酸氢钙 Calcium monohydrogen phosphate
3 六偏磷酸钠 Sodium hexametaphosphate
4 硝酸钠 Sodium nitrate
5 硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate
6 无水亚硫酸钠 Anhydrous sodium sulphite
7 硫酸铝钾(钾明矾) Aluminum potassium sulfate
8 盐酸 Hydrochloric acid
9 沉定碳酸钙 Calcium carbonate precipitated
10 2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚 (BHT) 2

11 苯甲酸 Benzoic acid
12 苯甲酸钠 Sodium benzoate
13 冰乙酸(冰醋酸) Glacial acetic acid
14 羧甲基纤维素钠 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
15 山梨酸 Sorbic acid
16 亚硝酸钠 Sodium nitrite
17 叔丁基-4-羟基茴香醚 Tertiary butyl-4-hydroxyl anisole
18 液体二氧化碳(发酵法) Liquid carbon dioxide(from alcohol fermentation plant)
19 琼胶 Agar
20 海藻酸钠 Sodium alga acid
21 单硬脂酸甘油酯 (40%) Glycerin monostearate (40%)
22 柠檬酸 Citric acid
23 乳酸 Lactic acid
24 高锰酸钾 Potassium permanganate
25 磷酸 Phosphoric acid
26 硫磺 Sulphur
27 没食子酸丙酯 Propyl gallate
28 香兰素 Vanillin
29 天然薄荷脑 Natural menthol
30 丁酸乙酯 Ethyl butyrate
31 苋菜红 Amaranth
32 苋菜红铝色淀 Amaranth aluminum lake
33 胭脂红 Ponceau 4R
34 胭脂红铝色淀 Ponceau 4R aluminum lake
35 柠檬黄 Tartrazine
36 柠檬黄铝色淀 Tartrazine aluminum lake
37 紫胶红色素 Lac dye
38 糖精钠 Saccharin sodium
39 红曲米 Red kojic rice
40 氢氧化钠 Sodium hydroxide
41 乳酸钙 Calcium lactate
42 日落黄 Sunset yellow
43 日落黄铝色淀 Sunset yellow aluminum lake
44 冷磨柠檬油 Lemon oil,cold pressed
45 乙酸异戊酯 Isoamyl acetate
46 茉莉浸膏 Jasmine concrete
47 桂花浸膏 Osmanthus concrete
48 乳酸亚铁 Ferrous lactate
49 柠檬酸钠 Sodium citrate
50 明胶 Gelatine
51 亮蓝 Brilliant blue
52 亮蓝铝色淀 Brilliant blue aluminum lake
53 D葡萄糖酸δ内酯 Glucono delta lactone
54 山梨糖醇液 D-sorbitol solution
55 桅子黄(粉末、浸膏) Gardenia yellow,crocin
56 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 Sucrose fatty acid ester
57 D-异抗坏血酸钠 Sodium D-isoascorbate
58 固定化葡萄糖异构酶制剂 Food addition–Immobilizod glucose isomerase preperation
59 α-淀粉酶制剂 α-Amylase preperation
60 糖化酶制剂 Glucoamylase preperation
61 己酸乙酯 Ethyl hexanoate
62 乳酸乙酯 Ethyl lactate
63 生姜油 (蒸馏) Oil of ginger (distilled)
64 亚洲薄菏素油 Oil of mentha arvensis, partially dementholized
65 食品添加剂中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in food additives
66 食品添加剂中砷的测定方法 Method for determination of arsenic in food additives
67 食品添加剂中重金属限量试验法 Method for limit test of heavy metals in food additives
68 异构化乳糖液 Lactulose liquid
69 焦糖色 Caramel
70 可可壳色素 Cacao pigment
71 葡萄糖酸锌 Zinc gluconate
72 β-胡萝卜素 β-carotene
73 对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
74 对羟基苯甲酸丙酯 Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
75 活性钙 Calcium of intensifiens
76 高粱红 Sorghum pigment
77 松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯 Glycerol ester of rosin and glycerol ester of partially hydrogenated rosin
78 乙酸芳樟酯 Linalyl acetate
79 桉叶素含量80 %的桉叶油 Oil of eucalyptus, 80% cineole content
80 苯甲醇 Benzyl alcohol
81 乳化香精 Emulsion flavour
82 藻酸丙二醇酯 Propylene glycol alginate
83 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 (丙二醇法) Sucrose fatly acid ester (method of propylene glycol)
84 液体二氧化碳 (石灰窑法和合成氨法) Liquid carbon dioxide (from lime—Kiln and ammonia plant off gases)
85 辣椒红 Paprika red
86 肉桂油 Oil of cassia
87 香叶油 Oil of geranium
88 留兰香油 Oil of spearmint
89 广藿香油 Oil of patchouli
90 丁酸 Butyric acid
91 己酸 Hexanoic acid
92 乙基麦芽酚 Ethyl maltol
93 环已基氨基磺酸钠(甜蜜素) Sodium cyclamate
94 吗啉脂肪酸盐果蜡 Morpholine fatty acid salt fruit wax
95 食品添加剂分类和代码 The classification and numbering of food additives
96 山梨醇酐单硬脂酸酯(斯潘60) Sorbitan monostearate (Span 60)
97 山梨醇酐单油酸酯(斯潘80) Sorbitan monooleate (Span 80)
98 木糖醇 Xylitol
99 三聚甘油单硬脂酸酯 Tripolyglycerol monostearates
100 山梨酸钾 Potassium sorbate
101 L-苹果酸 L-Malic acid
102 黄原胶 Xanthan gum
103 食品用香料分类与编码 Classification and code of flavouring substances
104 维生素A Vitamin A
105 维生素B1(盐酸硫胺) Vitamin B1(Thiamine hydrochloride)
106 核黄素(维生素B2) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
107 维生素B6 (盐酸吡哆醇) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride)
108 维生素C(抗坏血酸) Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid)
109 维生素D2(麦角钙化醇) Vitamin D2(Ergocalciferol)
110 维生素E(d1-α-醋酸生育酚) Vitamin E(d1-α-Tocopheryl acetate)
111 烟酸 Nicotinic acid
112 咖啡因 Caffeine
113 牛磺酸 Taurine
114 新红 New red
115 新红铝色淀 New red aluminum lake
116 柠檬酸钾 Potassium citrate
117 卡拉胶 Carrageenan
118 DL-酒石酸 DL-Tartaric acid
119 杭白菊浸膏 Hang Zhou chrysanthemum flower extract
120 叶酸 Folic acid
121 葡萄糖酸钙 Calcium gluconate
122 乙酸钙 Calcium acetate
123 蒸馏单硬脂酸甘油酯 Distilled glycerin monostearate
124 香辛料调味品通用技术条件 The general techniques and standards for spices and seasoning products
125 抗坏血酸钙 Calcium ascorbate
126 红曲红 Monascus color
127 抗坏血酸钠 Sodium ascorbate
128 L–抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯 L-ascorbyl palmitate
129 柠檬酸钙 Calcium citrate
130 碳酸氢钠 Sodium hydrogen carbonate
131 碳酸氢铵 Ammonium bicarbonate
132 焦亚硫酸钠 Sodium metabisulphite
133 诱惑红Fancy(Allura) red
134 诱惑红铝色淀 Fancy(Allura) red aluminum lake
135 赤藓红 Erythrosine
136 赤藓红铝色淀Erythrosine aluminum lake
137 甜菊糖甙Steviosides
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