日期:2018-07-19 14:16:39 / 人气:
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只有Lawyer才能代表律师吗 ,其实,与“律师”相对应的单词有很多。
Advocate, attorney, attorney at law; attorney-at-law, bar,barrister, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law,,esquire,gentleman of the robe, gentleman of the long robe, lawyer, solicitor等。
• Agent ad litem诉讼代理人,常用于书面用语。
英文:Party (the agent)appointed by another party (the principal) to represent its interests ina court case where the principal cannot be present.
句子:The judicialofficers shall not accept any treat or gift from the parties or their agentsad litem 审判人员不得接受当事人及其诉讼代理人请客送礼
• Attorney一词广泛用于美国,指授权为当事人代理案件的律师;
• 英格兰法律中,attorney一词指Westminster地区普通法高等法庭的公共官员(public officer)。
• Attorney at law一词经常与attorney一词互用,用法同attorney-at-law。
• Attorney in fact指法庭外接受委托的律师,也称为lawyer in fact。 根据英文解释,Attorney的意思为:someonespecifically named by another through a written "power of attorney"to act for that person in the conduct of the appointer's business。所以,很多时候,也指代理人。
• Bar是律师的全称概念,与法官对应。各地律师协会一般用barassociation表达。
American Bar Association 美国律师协会
Hong Kong Bar Association 香港律师协会
NSW Bar Association 澳洲新南威尔士律师协会
Colorado Bar Association 科罗拉多律师协会
New York State Bar Association 纽约州律师协会
State Bar of Wisconsin 威斯康星州律师协会
• Barrister一词源自英格兰法律,多用于英国、新加坡等国和香港地区,又称大律师、辩护律师,指有资格出席高等法院法庭的律师。类似称呼还有counsel和barrister-at-law。与之相对应的是solicitor。
A barrister 也写作 barrister-at-law 或 Bar-at-law,主要是普通法系的国家里面两种律师之一。主要负责出庭,起草法律辩诉状,提供专家意见等。在澳洲的新南威尔士和昆士兰,Barrister可以接受客户的委托。在这两个州,Barrister和Solicitor的职能是融合在一起的。
• Barrister in chambers指出庭律师工作室。英国的出庭律师不准合伙开业,所以他们通常数人共同租一个工作室(chamber),提供法律服务。通常一个工作室有15个出庭律师。
• Benngoshi日本人对律师的称呼,也称为“辩护士”-弁護士
• Counsel指接受指派,专门为个人、公司和政府公务部门提供法律服务的人,称为法律顾问。
• Counsel pro hoc vice指仅仅代理某案件的律师。
A person who is not a member of the State Bar of California butwho is a member in good standing of and eligible to practice before the bar ofany United States court or the highest court in any state, territory, orinsular possession of the United States, and who has been retained to appear ina particular cause pending in a court of this state, may in the discretion ofsuch court be permitted upon written application to appear as counsel prohac vice, provided that an active member of the State Bar of California isassociated as attorney of record. No person is eligible to appear as counsel prohac vice under this rule if the person is:
(1) A resident of the State of California;
(2) Regularly employed in the State of California; or
(3) Regularly engaged in substantial business, professional, or other activities in the Stateof California.
• Counselor经常与counsel或counselor atlaw互用,多指从事出庭诉讼的律师。
• Counselor-at-law/counselor at law用法同counselor和counselor atlaw。
• Defense counsel指辩护律师。
• Esquire主要用于美国,是对律师的尊称,多以缩写形式出现,加在律师姓名之后,如John SmithEsq., Yajun Ge Esq.。
• Family lawyer理解为家庭律师,有点私人律师的意思。
• Gentleman of the (long) robe是对律师的比喻性称谓,不直接修饰某律师。
• Government lawyer指政府律师。
• House counsel,又称corporatecounsel, house attorney, in house counsel,指美国、新加坡等英美法系国家中受聘于公司从事法律事务的专业人事,他们虽然也出庭,但更多从事公司法律性事务,甚至参与公司的经营管理。
• In-house legal adviser,又称in-house legalcounsel,英、美等国大公司、商社法务部或法律室的律师。
• Lawyer律师统称,对取得律师资格的执业律师普遍适用。但在美国,可包括法官、检察官和法学教师。
• Litigation lawyer指诉讼律师。
• Local counsel指本地律师。 • Practicing lawyer在中国叫“执业律师”,在美国叫“开业律师”或“挂牌律师”。 • Legal practitioner指开业律师。
• Prosecuting attorney叫公诉律师,即美国的刑事检察官。
• Pro bona lawyer指提供社会公益性法律服务的律师。
• Public defender公设辩护律师,在美国领取政府工资,在刑事案件中提供法律援助的律师。publicprosecutor 是检察官。
英美社会对律师的别称 :
• social engineer (社会工程师)
• champion for social justice (社会正义之斗士)
• ambulance chaser (字面意思“追赶救护车的人”指专门代理事故被害人案件的律师)
A lawyer who obtains clients by persuading accident victims tosue for damages.
• hired gun (枪手),
One, especially a professional killer, who is hired to killanother person.
One hired to fight for or protect another.
One with special knowledge or expertise, as in business, law, orgovernment, who is hired to resolve particularly difficult or complex problems.
• latrine lawyer (茅坑律师),
Stop being a latrine lawyer and chill out!别再当好管闲事的”茅厕律师”了,省点力气吧!
Oh, Martin!Why do youhave to be such a barracks lawyer?唉,马丁!你为什么非得这么爱发牢骚呢?
• pettifogger (卑劣小诉棍),
a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable
• professional knife thrower (执业投刀手),
• limited purpose friend (限用之友),
• shyster (诉棍)。
• 在中国大陆,律师现分为专职律师(professionallawyers)、兼职律师(part-timelawyers)和特邀律师(specially-invitedlawyers)三种。
• 从业务划分,中国大陆律师中也有房地产律师(real estatelawyer)、证券律师(securitieslawyer)、涉外律师(lawyer withforeign related matters)等之分。
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