
日期:2017-10-15 09:07:46 / 人气: / 来源:网络转载侵权删




Conversation 1

A : Here comes the birthday cake.

(All begin singing ”Happy Birthday to You”)

B : Wow, what a lovely cake.

A : Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff.

B : Oh, they all went out! Did you make a wish?

A : Yes, but I doubt if I get it . I've never get it.

B : Better luck this time.


Conversation 2

A : Happy Birthday , Mary!

B : Thank you .

A : Here is a gift for you . I hope you like it .

B ; What a lovely dog! How did you know I love things like this ?

A : I had my own ways of finding out. It's a secret You look so beautiful today .Your new shirt goes well with your skirt.

B : Maybe you won't believe this , but it was made by my grandmother.

A : Really ? It looks so nice.

B : Thank you , Please have a cup of tea.

A : All right.

B : How about some fish?

A : No , thanks . I've had enough. Now , Mary , before you blow out the birthday candles, you have to make a wish . After that, you may cut the cake.

B : OK. Let me make a wish...Do you want a big piece of cake?

A : No, just a small one. Next Let's sing ”Happy Birthday” to Mary.

B : It is so very kind of you . I'm so moved by you .


Conversation 3

A : Hello, Bessie.

B : Hello, Jack. Happy birthday!

A : My birthday? I forgot it , Thank you for remembering my birthday.

B : I'd like to offer you my congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for your future happiness, good health and continued success. I've asked the Fairy Flowers to send you a bunch of flowers. I hope you'll like them.

A : Thanks a lot. I'm so touched.

B : Now let me sing ”Happy birthday” for you.

A : Thank you very much.


Conversation 4

A : Happy birthday , Tom , This is for you .

B : Thanks, Ms.Wang.

A : You know, in china, we usually don't open presents until the guests have gone.

B : Really? I've already opened this one. Say! This is swell! Look , Mom, a billfold.

A : It's very nice . You really shouldn't have done it , though , Ms.Wang.

B : Ms.Wang, it's a custom to bring a birthday gift as you have done. Is it the same in China?

A : Yes, it is .

B : Well, dinner is ready . Please come to the dining room

(A birthday cake with all the candles lighted on the table)

A : Oh, they all went out! Did you make a wish?

B : Yes , but I doubt if I get it , I haven't yet.

A : Where did that custom come from?

B : I've no idea.

A : You cut the cake and pass it around while I go get the ice cream.

B : Would you like some more coffee, Ms.Wang?

A : Than you . But I'll take it black this time.


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