日期:2018-01-11 09:19:30 / 人气:
/ 来源:网络转载侵权删

甲方(采购方): Party A (purchaser):
乙方(制造方): Party B (manufacturer):
鉴于 Whereas
1. 乙方在其技术基础上,设计并生产供应可以处理各种废油的油化设备,功能包括:
Base on its technology, Party B design and manufacture oil equipment (hereinafter referred to as “oil equipment”) for processing all kinds of waste oil. Its functions include:
日处理原料为 ____吨,设备工作过程为非自动兼自动化,可以连续进料或出渣,所有回收的气体用于供给该设备连续运做,总电力需要50-100 千瓦废油加工的总产油率达85%左右。
Process tons of raw materials per day.Working process of the equipment is non-automatic and automatic. It can feed raw materials or discharge residues continuously. All the collected gas should be used for the supply of the equipment to do continuous working. The total electricity needs 50-100 kilowatts. The total yield of produced oil from waste oil is about 85%.
2. 甲方欲采购乙方之技术设计生产的“油化设备”一组,售价 美元
Party A wish to purchase the oil equipment which is designed and manufactured according to the technology of Party B. One set of the equipment costs U.S. dollars .
3. 双方也共议,在乙方为甲方生产第一套油化设备的同时,甲方将获得乙方技术装备使用权。
Both parties also agree that Party B produce the first set of "oil equipment" for Party A, Party A will receive the right to use the technical equipment of Party B.
4. 甲方同乙方签订合同并在乙方收到预付款之后,乙方将设备的操作手册及工艺流程图一并交付给甲方。
After Party A signed contact with Party B and Party B has received the advance payment, Party B will provide operation manual and process flowchart of equipment to Part A.
On the basis of equality and mutual benefit, two parties voluntarily agree as follows:
一. 产品名称、价格、数量及说明 Product name, price, quantity and description
产品名称 :废旧垃圾热分解机组型号 NX 1(简称“油化设备”)
Product Name: Unit thermal decomposition of waste garbage Model NX 1(referred to as "oil equipment")
总价 :净价 美元 (中国大连港离岸价 ) ,甲方不承担外汇汇率波动风险
Total price: net price U.S. dollars (FOB Dalian, China) , Party A will not assume the risk of exchange rate fluctuation.
交货期限:建设时间,制作设备是在 45 天内,从此合约签订乙方收到首付定金款之日起计算,然后货到达安装场地2 个月内完成指 导安装及调试。总共有效时间为 105 天。 Delivery term: Construction time: manufacturing the equipment in 45 days , begin calculate since the date of signing the contract when Party B receive the deposit advance payment from Party A, and the guiding of installation and debugging should be finished within 2 months since the equipment arrived in the installation site. The total effective time is 105 days.
产品数量 :一套 型号: NX 1Product quantity: One set, model: NX 1
机组说明 : Unit Description/Specification:
环保型废油转换石油流水线 Environmental pipeline convert waste oil to oil a)
自动化程度: b) 生产能力:日处理废油 1吨左右 c) 设备主要电力满足 380v 60HZ, 220v 50-60hz 使用 d) 设备主要材料为碳素钢和不锈钢或复合钢,主要由常压容器组成。
a) The automation degree is: b) Production capacity: process about 1tons of waste oil per day c) The main electricity of the equipment can use the 380v 60HZ, 220v 50-60hz d) The main material for equipment: carbon steel and stainless steel or clad steel, and mainly composed of normal pressure vessel.
二. 包装及质保Warranty:
Packaging and Packaging is in the principle of undamaging the original product quality. Party B is responsible for the packaging. Product warranty period should be one year.
三. 支付条款 Payment Terms A.
合同签订后,甲方分三次放款支付给乙方: i. 第一次, 在签订合同的同时,支付美元的 30%现金定金,即 美元。 ii. 第二次,在买方提货时,支付 美元的 67%,即 美元。 iii. 第三次,在设备安装完毕,正常运转六个月内支付设备 3%余款,即 美元。 B. 如因乙方中国港口交货延迟造成过期,乙方须向甲方支付违约金。同 样如甲方每次预付定金及验提货延迟造成的所有损失均由甲方负责,并需要向乙方交付违约金。 支付方式为_____ a. 电汇 b. 信用证
A. After signing of the contract, Party A shall pay the cost to Party B in 3 times. i. The first time, when signing the contract Party A pay 30% cash of the U.S. dollars as advance payment, that
is U.S. dollars; ii. The second time, when taking delivery of goods, Party A should pay 67%
of U.S. dollars, which is .U.S. dollars. iii. The third time, when the equipment installation is completed and work well within six months, and then Party A shall pay the last 3%, that is ___U.S. dollars. B. If Party B delay the delivery in Chinese Port and make the delivery time expired, Party B should pay Party A compensation for breach of contract. Similarly, if Party A is late for prepaying the deposit and delivery inspection, Party A is responsible for all losses and Party A should pay Party B compensation for breach of contract. C. The method of payment is ____ a. T/T b. L/C
四、售后与安装条款 After Sales and installation Responsibilities
A法兰、管件、阀门、弯头、三通、视镜、油泵、电机、燃烧机、保温砖、 耐火砖、催化剂、密封垫、螺丝,泥土及反应釜防腐材料及焊接材料等等 所用连接设备的连接件等,由甲方负责。但乙方需提供相关材料的材质明 细。所有设备的安装由乙方指导,甲方负责安装积极配合。
Flanges, pipe fittings, valves, elbows, three links, sight glass, oil pumps, motors, burners, insulation bricks, refractory bricks, catalyst, gaskets, screws ,soil and reactor anti-corrosion materials, welding materials and other connectors used by connecting the equipment, are in the charge of Party A. However, Party B must provide the related materials details. Party B will guide the installation of all the equipments, and Party A need to cooperate actively for installation.
乙方可以提供 1—2 名技术人员赴甲方处负责“油化设备”的指导安装调试,所去人员签证往返机票饮食住宿通讯及保险由甲方负责。所有使用工具由甲方负责。安装时的工人、焊工由甲方负责。乙方人员 指导安装到调试出油。 按照甲方要求,乙方应在设备到达 后 日内完成安装调试工作,并生产出符合标准的油,全程无三废排出。乙方除负责设备安装调试外,无偿为甲方培训设备操作和维修人员 1-2 名。
Party B can provide 1-2 technical staff to be responsible for guiding the installation and debugging of the "oil equipment". The visas, round-trip air tickets, food and accommodation, communication and insurance of the technical staff should be in the charge of Party A. Party A is responsible for all the using tools. Party A is in charge of the workers and the welders during the installation. The staff of Party B will guide the installation and debugging until oil is produced. According to the requirements of Party A, Party B should complete the installation and debugging in days after equipment arrived in , and produces the oil which can meet standard, no three wastes discharging during the whole process. Besides the installation and debugging of the equipment, Party B will train 1-2 operators and maintenance workers for Party A for free.
乙方为甲方无偿提供生产技术及催化剂配方,确保甲方生产出符合标准 的产品。甲方接受乙方的设备及技术,本协议签字之日起,未经乙方同意任何人任 何时候不能留用乙方及乙方派去的外国人为甲方工作。如留用, 均属违约,并赔偿对方损失。 乙方只允许甲方使用本套设备及技术的使用权,不得甲方直接或间接加工制造本技术产品,但经乙方同意,需利益共享。
Party B will provide production technology and catalyst formula to Party A for free, and ensure that Party A can produce the products that meet standards. Party A accept the equipment and technology of Party B, since the date of signing this Agreement, without the agreement of Party B, nobody can retain staff from Party B or the foreigners which sent by Party B to work for Party A. If retained, it will be a breach of contract and Party A should compensate the losses of the other Party. Party B only allow Party A to use this set of equipment and the right of using the technology, Party A shall not directly or indirectly manufacture the equipment with this technology, but when Party B agree that, the two Parties should share the profits.
五、其他条款 Other provisions
A- 该设备应满足集装箱船装运条件,否则产生的多余运费应由乙方负责。如乙方不按时交付产品,甲方不按时付款提货均属违约,双方任何一方违约 均赔偿对方的损失。本合同执行期为自乙方收到甲方首批现金定金 30%之日,去除海运时间后的105天安装调试完毕。
The equipment shall meet requirement of shipping with containers, otherwise surplus freight should be undertaken by Party B. In case Party B fails to deliver goods on time or Party A fails to pay and pick up goods on time, either is breach the contract, any Party in breach shall compensate losses of the other Party. The period of performing the contract is from the date when Party B receives the first advance payment cash 30% from Party A, the installation and debugging will be finished in 105 days, excepting the shipping time.
B- 如水灾,火灾,风暴,地震和战争等不可抗力造成的损失及延迟交货。买卖方应邮给对方验收证书,由地方政府当局的不可抗力发生的证据为准。万一事故持续超过 6 个星期。买卖方都有权取消这一合同。
If losses or delayed deliver incurred by force majeure such as flood, fire, storm, earthquake and war, Party B and Party A shall mail acceptance certificate to each other, with the prevailing certificate approved by local government authority concerning of occurrence of force majeure. In case force majeure lasts over 6 weeks, both the seller and the buyer will be entitled to cancel the contract.
C- 供需双方在执行合同过程中产生的纠纷,应本着公平,公正原则协商解决。如协商不成,则提交由双方共同指定第三国国际仲裁委员会仲裁。
When supply-side and demand-side perform the contract, if dispute happens between the two Parties, it should be resolved in a fair and just principles based on consultation. If the dispute can not be resolved by consultation, it should be submitted to the International Committee of Inquiry of the third country to be arbitrated which is designated by both parties.
本合同一式二份 ,合同传真件具有同样的法律效力,双方签字即发生法律效力。设备制作及安装周期从收到甲方定金之日起计算。
The contract is made in two, the faxed one will be also effective with the original, and the contract will go into effect upon signatures of two parties. The period of manufacturing and installing equipment is calculated from the date of receiving the deposit from Party A.
甲方: Party A: Date:
乙方: Party B: Date:
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