
日期:2019-10-12 17:44:12 / 人气: / 来源:网络转载侵权删


  合同编号: Contract No.:

  签署日期: The date of signature of

  甲方(定作方):Party A (Buyer):

  乙方(承揽方):Party B (Supplier):

  甲乙双方本着平等、互利原则,就甲方委托乙方加工制作用于生产 (“产品”)的模具、冲模或模具(“模具”),经双方友好协商,于甲方所在地达成如下协议:

  Whereas, Party A desire to purchase the tools, dies and moulds (the “Tools”) from Party B for production of (“Products”). After friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties at the location of Party A have agreed the following:

  第一条 委托事项Article 1 Tools Information

  序号No. 模具名称Tools Name 型号Type 数量Qty. 穴数Cavity No.

  模具用料材质Tooling Material 模具单价(元)Unit Price(RMB) 备注Remark

  备注:本合同中所指模具包含: □模具本身及 □后续产品生产所需的夹具、模具等。

  Note: The “Tools”in this Contract include: □ the tools, dies and moulds □ Jigs and fixture etc which are necessary for production.

  第二条 质量标准和要求Article 2 Quality Standards and Requirements


  Quality standards and requirement: In accordance with requirements of Party A.


  Party A will provide Party B design, blueprint, specimen and relevant technical documents, which shall be illustrated by Party A solely. In case of discrepancy, Party B must enquiry Party A in written.

  2.3乙方在收到上述资料后 个工作日内,需提供详细的模具图纸,甲方应在收到模具图纸之次日起的 天内予以确认。

  Party B shall complete the drawings of Tools in working days upon receipt of aforesaid documents and specimen. Party A will check the drawings in working days after receiving.


  Party B shall design and manufacture the Tools in accordance with the drawings and conform to Party A’s technology requirements.

  2.5合格模具的定义:Definition of Qualified Tools:

  2.5.1符合经甲方确认的模具结构图;In conformity to Tools schematics approved by Party A;


  In conformity to Parts drawings approved by Party A;


  In conformity to quality and technology requirements of Party A;


  Tool life shall be ensured per provision in this Contract;


  Where no standard was prescribed, the National Standard in P.R.China shall prevail;


  The material which Tools made of shall be qualified per Party A’s requirement.

  第三条 原材料来源和模具制作时间Article 3 Material Sourcing and Lead Time

  3.1模具制造生产所需的原材料由 方承担。如为乙方承担,则乙方必须保证按甲方的技术要求采购原材料,以确保产品质量的稳定。同时,乙方还应把原材料的品质标准、产地等如实预先书面报告甲方。

  Party shall provide the material for Tooling. In case of Party B be liable for material sourcing, the purchasing procedure shall be practised strictly per Party A’s technology requirements to ensure the steady good quality of the Products.

  3.2 本合同模具开发送样周期为 天,自签订本合同之日起到 日止;模具交付使用周期为 天(即 日前)。在乙方完成试模后,须于12小时内向甲方传真或邮递《试模报告》。

  The lead time of Developing, Making and First Sample Pour is working days, from valid date of commence of this Contract to (Day\Month\Year); The delivery time shall within working days (before Day\Month\Year). After each Tryout completed, Party B shall report to Party A within 12 hours via Fax or Email.


  In case the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B shall remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen. Party B shall complete the remake in accordance with quality and lead time provisions hereto in this Contract unless mutually agreed otherwise.


  In case of emergency demand of Party A, provided that the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B may arrange production with available Tools, and meanwhile start to remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen.

  第四条 模具价格及付款方式Article 4 Price and Payment



  The quotation sheet shall be counter signed after approved by Party A, hereto constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the Contract between the Parties.

  4.1.2合同总金额(含增值税)为人民币 元(大写:人民币 元整)。

  The total contract price (include VAT) is RMB (Say RMB in total)


  The amount aforesaid in 4.1.2 has included but not limit following charges, which Party B shall never charge Party A:乙方对产品进行成型试模/二次加工/组装所需的所有夹具和治具的模具的费用;

  The charges of molds of chucks and jigs which are necessary to perform molding trial or shot, second operation and assembly;乙方按合同规定进行模具设计、试模所需的材料和设备及人工等费用;

  The charges of material, facility and labor, which are necessary for tooling design and trial;乙方提供给甲方进行模具和产品认证的试模样品的费用;

  The charges of trial samples provided to Party A to process applying Tools and Products certificate;乙方为保证模具正常生产制作的模具易损备件的费用;

  The charges of spare parts for Tools, which to ensure the normal production;乙方为保证产品正常生产所准备的其他工序的相关工具和治具的费用。

  The charges of relevant tools, instruments and jigs which to ensure normal production and working procedures.

  4.1.4当甲方书面要求乙方根据产品设计的变更对模具进行修改时,如果模具修改较简单,包括从模具上减除模具材料的修改和其他简单修改,则乙方不需向甲方收费;如果模具修改较复杂,对整个模具的结构影响很大,则由乙方根据修改模具所需工时向甲方报价,经甲方书面确认同意后,由甲方承担相应的模具修改费用(相应的模具修改费用根据双方协商的付款方式进行支付)。如果因为乙方的原因导致模具不能满足甲方的要求而进行的修模或改模, 甲方不承担任何责任和费用。

  In case of Party A request for rework on Tools per Products design variation in written, Party B shall complete the modification without charging Party A, unless the rework job is complicated enough to change and affect the general structure of the Tool. Party B shall quote the cost of aforementioned complicated rework job and get written consent from Party A. The extra cost of complicated rework job shall be paid for by Party A per payment provision hereto as agreed between both parties. Provided that the modification or rework on the Tools is due to Party B’s fault, Party A shall never bear any responsibility and charge.


  Party B shall compensate Party A for all extra cost including but not limit labor and expense due to Party B’s fault. And the reimburse method shall be approved by Party A.

  4.2付款方式 Payment

  4.2.1乙方在模具开模前,甲方支付合同总价 %(计人民币 元)作为预付款。

  Party A shall pay % of the contract price (say RMB in total) as advance payment.

  4.2.2甲方对模具验收合格、乙方交付样模并经双方签版确认后,支付剩余 %的合同价款(计人民币 元)。

  Party A shall pay % of the contract price (say RMB in total) upon qualified acceptance after delivery and sample undersigned by both parties.

  4.2.3模具在甲方试生产的 个月内稳定时,支付合同金额的 %(计 元)。

  Party A shall pay % of the contract price (say RMB in total) after months steady pilot production.


  Party B agrees to reimburse Party A RMB 1000 per day for overdue delivery as penalty. In event that the delivery delayed more than seven (7) days, it shall be deemed as material breach. Party B shall bear the responsibility of breach and compensate Party A’s loss, in addition to the mentioned penalty.

  第五条 模具的验收与交付Article 5 Inspection and Delivery

  5.1模具生产完成视交付使用的对象不同按以下第 种方式处理:

  The recipient of the Tools after Party A’s inspection will be varied, both parties hereby select following (5.1 .1or 5.1.2):


  In event of the recipient of the completed Tools is Party A:模具所有权和使用权归甲方;

  Party A has the proprietorship of ownership of Tools and right of exploitation; 乙方负责对各套模具免费试模 次,每次不小于 批次/冲次;

  Party B shall carry out trial shot times on each set of Tools at its own expense. During each trial there shall no less than times injection or stamping.乙方进行试模后,在约定的期限内送样给甲方进行样板确认。经双方签板确认后,该模具即为交付的样品(以下简称“样模”)。

  Party B shall send trial samples to Party A in time as agreed between both parties after the trial. The samples undersigned by representative of both parties shall be deemed as control sample.

  5.1. 1.4经甲方出具《合格验收报告》后视为模具目测验收合格。但在使用过程中才发现的非甲方责任导致的质量问题仍应由乙方承担责任。

  The report of inspection of qualified Tools issued by Party A shall not construed as waiver against Party B’s responsibility for quality problem incur not due to Party A during exploitation of the Tools.

  5.1. 1.5模具的材质、模穴数、热处理硬度、型号以及材料的产地等各方面技术性要求须按甲方出具的《模具技术要求》为准。

  The completed Tools shall be inspected by both parties per document of Technical Requirements of Tools provided by Party A on material, cavities, heat treatment hardness, model and place of origin etc.

  5.1. 1.6验收时,乙方须将甲方提供的所有技术资料、图纸及乙方开模的主要电极一并交付给甲方。

  Party B shall provide Party A all technical documents, drawings, specimen, main electrodes and dates while Inspection.

  5.1. 1.7交货地点:甲方指定场所。The place of delivery shall be specified by Party A.

  5.1. 1.8由乙方负责送货、装卸,并承担相关费用。

  Party B shall be liable for delivery and relevant charge.

  5.1. 1.9如果发生双方对于质量问题的重大异议而又不能达成一致意见的,则按国家或者行业最高标准为依据。

  The national standard or highest industry standard shall prevail while both parties could not reach an agreement or compromise on quality problem.


  In event of the recipient of the completed Tools is Party B:模具所有权归甲方 ,使用权归乙方 。在甲方享有所有权期间,由乙方负责保管,在甲方享有未经甲方同意,乙方不得将此模具提供给第三者使用,否则视为乙方违约。

  Party A has the proprietorship of ownership of Tools and Party B has the right of exploitation of Tools. Party B shall properly exploit and keep the Tools solely and only for benefit of Party A. Party B shall not assign the right of exploitation to any third party unless otherwise get written consent from Party A.模具生产量达到 年达到 万,乙方返还开模相关费用给甲方,模具的所有权转移为乙方所有。乙方自行承担费用将磨损部件予以更换。所有模具的组装图、零件图和所有夹治具必须返还给甲方。

  Party B shall return all charge of Tooling Party A while the production quantity of Tools reached units in years. After reimbursement, the proprietorship of ownership of Tools shall be transferred to Party B. Party B shall be liable for spare parts and maintenance at its own expense. The drawings, assembly designs, spare parts charts, chucks and jigs shall be returned to Party A without delay.

  5.2乙方出资开发模具,则:In event of Party B pay the tooling charge in advance:


  Party B shall complete the Tooling per design drawings and technology data provided by Party A at its own expense. Party B shall has the proprietorship of ownership of Tools


  Party B shall be liable for trials on the Tools, rework and maintenance work on its own expense.

  第六条 模具质量和产能保证Article 6 Quality and Production Capacity Guarantee of Tools


  Party B promises the Products produced by Tools are strictly conformity to quality requirements of Party A.


  Party B promises the Production Capacity of Tools to be as following:

  日产能:Daily Production Capacity : Units;

  月产能:Monthly Production Capacity: Units;


  Party B shall not assign part or whole of the right of exploitation of Tools to any third party or appoint subcontractor to produce the Products without written consent of Party A.

  6.4乙方保证按照上述产能交货。在此标准内出现不正常时,乙方须在 1 日内进行更换、维修或保养,否则视为违约,除承担违约责任外,给甲方造成损失的,另行赔偿甲方损失。本条约定不受本合同有效期限的限制,违约责任按照本合同违约条款处理。如实际模具产能低于上述约定的模具产能根据相差的比例,从合同总价中扣除相应的比例价款,直到累计扣完合同总价。如因此造成甲方的损失超过可扣的总价款则超出部分仍由乙方承担。

  Party B promise to delivery Products in accordance with aforesaid Production Capacity. Party B shall fix the problems provided that the Production Capacity could not be reached within 1 working day. Otherwise without affected by validation term of this Contract Party B shall not only bear the responsibility of breach but also be liable to compensate the loss of Party A. Any deviation of the Production Capacity, Party A is entitled to deduct proportional value of the Contract. In event the remedy is not adequate, Party B shall liable for the surpass amount by imbursement.


  In event that Party A’s purchase demands could not be satisfied due to Party B’s fault, both parties shall solve it together in agreed time limit. Provided that Party B fails in the aforesaid time limit, Party A in entitled to deduct responding value of the Contract.


  In case Party B is not capable in supplying Products to Party A due to its own reason, Party B shall return Tools to Party A immediately at its own expense. Both Parties shall negotiate the compensation supplement; otherwise Party B shall reimburse Party A for all the loss.


  In case Party B is not capable in supplying Products to Party A due to force majeure, Party B shall return Tools to Party A immediately at its own expense. Party A in entitled to deduct proportional value of the Tooling charge from the total Contract Price.

  第七条 模具维护和保管Article 7 Keeping and Maintenance of Tools


  During guarantee period of the Tools’ lifetime, Party B shall be responsible for preventive and corrective maintenance works on the Tools. In case the Tools’ lifetime run out before the date due, Party B shall replace or remake the Tools on its own expense. Party A shall be notified in time. Party B shall not use the new Tools without written consent of Party A.


  Party B shall keep records of the altering, preventive and corrective maintenance works, including such works proposed by Party A. Party B shall response to enquiry positively on request of Party A about the technical details or evidence.


  Party B shall safe keep the Tools in good manner. In event of damage or lose, Party B shall compensate Party A loss value in sum.

  第八条 知识产权 Article 8 Intellectual Property


  All right (including but not limit the right to apply for a Patent, Trademark or Copyright), title and interest in and to the Confidential Information is owned by and remains with Party A. Any and all work product or deliverables developed in connection with the Tools, regardless of their state of completion, shall be work-made-for-hire for the benefit Party A. Party B agrees not to copy, transfer, disclose or use, or permit to be copied, transferred, disclosed or used, any Confidential Information of Party A by or for the benefit of itself or any Person or disclose any Confidential Information to anyone. Otherwise Party A shall be responsible for all loss incurred by breach hereto.

  8.2 保密信息包括“所有有关客户、供应商、业务来源方和业务展开对象的数据和销售量;产品概念;产品设计;技术秘密;工程规格;公司财务数据;技艺技能、保密技术和方法;其他由一方向另一方以任何媒介披露并默认需要保密的信息”,“保密信息”亦应包括所有由保密信息复制或者摘录而来的信息和由披露方提供或者基于完成本合同目的的包括保密内容的电子计算机生成的数据。

  Confidential Information is defined as “all data regarding customer/client, supplier, business source, and business development identities and sales volume; concepts of products; product design; know-how; engineering specifications; company financial data; technical expertise, knowhow, and methods; and other information deemed confidential by either Party in transmitting the information to the other Party, regardless of the medium in which the information is transmitted.” “Confidential information” shall also include all copies and extracts of Confidential Information and all computer-generated data containing Confidential Information prepared by or for the benefit of the disclosing party.

  第九条 违约责任 Article 9 Responsibility of Breach of Contract


  Party B shall not subcontract or assign part or whole Tooling works to any third party, otherwise Party A is entitled to terminate the Contract at its sole discretion and Party B is liable to pay penalty sum to no less than 50000 RMB.


  Party B is not allowed to alter the material and parts at its sole discretion, which otherwise shall be deemed as material breach and Party B must compensate all loss incurred to Party A and bear the responsibility of breach of Contract to pay the penalty sum to no less than 100000 RMB.


  In case the Tools delivered by Party B is not in conformity to standard as agreed between both parties, the Agreement on Product Quality Assurance signed by both parties shall prevail.


  In case of delay or failure of delivery, Party B shall compensate all loss incurred to Party A and pay penalty no less than 50000 RMB; Party B shall reimburse advance payment in double to Party A and pay penalty meantime in case of breach after prepaid.

  9.5任何一方违反本合同或者双方其他合作协议、招投标文件、订单等约定的,守约方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。双方同意以合同总价款的10%作为违约赔偿金,如相应违约金无法计算或者低于人民币3万元的,以 3 万元计。如因乙方违约造成甲方的损失超过违约赔偿金约定额度的,则超出部分乙方仍应赔偿。

  One party who violates this Contract or other mutual agreed documents including but not limit Cooperation Agreement and Order, shall bear the responsibility of breach of Contract. Both parties agree 10% of Contract Value to be penalty, but not less than 30000 RMB. In event the remedy of penalty is not adequate to loss, Party B shall liable for the surpass amount by imbursement.

  9.6如乙方因不可抗拒力(包括战争、火灾、罢工和中国法律规定的其他不可抗拒力)造成的供货延迟的, 乙方应在不可抗力发生后24小时内以书面形式通知甲方, 经甲方同意后可不承担违约责任。但乙方仍有义务采取一切必要措施尽快交货。若不可抗力持续7天以上,甲方有权解除本合同。

  If an event of Force Majeure (including but not limit earthquakes, typhoons, flood, fire, war, strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the application thereof) occurs, Party B shall notify Party A in writing within 24 hours after the occurrence of Force Majeure and shall furnish within 5 days thereafter sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of such Force Majeure. Party B shall also use all reasonable endeavors to terminate the Force Majeure. Party A has the right to terminate this Contract provided that the duration of such Force Majeure last for more than 7 days.

  第十条 纠纷解决 Article 10 Dispute Settlement


  Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be solved by friendly negotiation. In case negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to Competent Court at Party A’s location.


  This Contract applies the law of the People Republic of China.

  第十一条 其它事项Article 11 Miscellaneous


  The master agreements (including but not limit to Tooling Contract, Quality Guarantee Agreement and Code of Supplier etc.) concluded by both parties shall be stamped with Company’s Seal.


  During execution activities of this Contract, all related bills, invoices and shipment documents shall be undersigned by Authorized Representative or stamped with Competent Seal, otherwise deemed to not be bonding on Party A.


  Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performance of its rights and obligations hereunder to its Affiliated Companies or to any third party.


  Party B’s Legal representative and the person undersigning this Contract is duly authorized by Party B, both are fully aware of this Contract and agree to assume joint and several guarantee liability under this Contract.


  This Contract shall be valid and come into force after being signed and stamped by both parties.


  Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.


  The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one. Each one shall have equal validity. The Chinese version of this contract will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this contract.


  Party B shall provide Business License, VAT and Organization Code Certification to Party A for file backup.


  No text stipulated under, below is the section for signature and seal only.

  甲方 Party A 乙方 Party B

  法定代表人Legal Representative 法定代表人Legal Representative



  • 合同翻译要做好哪些细节
  • 法律合同翻译的3点注意事项
  • 签订翻译合同中要注意几点呢?
  • 媒体报道相关问答
    答:1、我们有自己的翻译部,所有的文件都是经过我们的译员翻译出来的。 2、我们有统筹和校审部,所有文件的质量都是这两个部门来把关。 3、我们对翻译的后期修改维护负责。免费为客户提供后期的稿件维修工作。
    答: 翻译标准已经做阐述,以WORD软件中的“字符数(不计空格)”已经普遍成为翻译行业字数统计的标准,即在统计中包括了标点符号和特殊字符,因为我们处理稿件时,要考虑标点符号的意义,标点是可以决定句子意思的元素,正如鲁迅先生曾指出的,一篇没有标点符合或错用标点符号的文章不能称其为文章;另外,化学式,数学公式等在翻译中我们也要考虑,而这样做并不比进行纯文本翻译更节省时间。我们建议客户,把给我们的稿件中所有不需要的东西全部删除,在节省您成本的同时、也使我们的工作发挥最大的效力。
    答:我们建议客户一篇文章至少留2-3天时间进行翻译处理,一方面是因为翻译部门每天都安排了长期项目,您的项目或许会有适当的缓冲时间,另一方面,我们可以按照正常速度处理每个客户每天4000字以内的文字翻译量,同时进行译审,这种速度是最能保证质量的。如果您有一篇4000字以内的稿件,我们建议您留出2-3天时间来处 理,但如果您要求一个工作日内处理完毕,通常情况下我们也是可以满足您的要求的。
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