日期:2018-01-25 08:53:29 / 人气:
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The states parties to this convention, recognizing the importance of removing certain legal impediments to the international financial leasing of equipment, while maintaining a fair balance of interests between the different parties to the transaction, aware of the need to make international financial leasing more available, conscious of the fact that the rules of law governing the traditional contract of hire need to be adapted to the distinctive triangular relationship created by the financial leasing transaction, recognizing therefore the desirability of formulating certain uniform rules relating primarily to the civil and commercial law aspects of international financial leasing, have agreed as follows:
Article 1 第一条
1. This convention governs a financial leasing transaction as described in paragraph 2 in which one party (the lessor),
a. on the specifications of another party (the lessee), enters into an agreement (the supply agreement) with a third party (the supplier) under which the lessor acquires plants, capital goods or other equipment (the equipment) on terms approved by the lessee so far as they concern its interests, and
b. enters into an agreement (the leasing agreement) with the lessee, granting to the lessee the right to use the equipment in return for payment of rentals.
1. 本公约管辖第2款所指的融资租赁交易,其中,一方(出租人),
a. 按照另一方(承租人)的规格要求同某个第三方(供货人)订立一项协议。根据该协议,出租人按承租人就涉及其利益的部分所认可的条件取得不动产、厂场或其它设备(设备),并且,
b. 同承租人订立一项协议(租赁协议),以承租人支付租金为条件,授予承租人使用设备的权利。
2. The financial leasing transaction referred to the previous paragraph is a transaction which includes the following characteristics:
a. the lessee specifies the equipment and selects the supplier without relying primarily on the skill and the judgment of the lessors;
b. the equipment is acquired by the lessor in connection with a leasing agreement which, to the knowledge of the supplier, either has been made or is to be made between the lessor and the lessee; and
c. the rentals payable under the leasing agreement are calculated so as to take into account in particular the amortization of whole or a substantial part of the cost of the equipment.
2. 前款所指的融资租赁交易是一种包括以下特点的交易:
a. 承租人指定设备和选择供货人,并且不主要地依赖出租人的技能和判断;
b. 出租人之取得设备是同某一租赁协议相关联的,并且供货人知悉该协议已经或必将在出租人和承租人之间订立,以及
c. 该租赁协议项下应付租金的计算是特别考虑了摊提设备的全部或大部分成本的。
3. This Convention applies whether or not the lessee has or subsequently acquires the option to buy the equipment or to hold it on lease for a further period, and whether or not for a nominal price or rental.
4. This Convention applies to financial leasing transactions in relation to all equipment save that which is to be used primarily for the lessee personal, family or household purpose.
3. 无论承租人是否已有或随后取得购买该设备或凭另一租期的租赁协议占有该设备的任择权,也无论是支付名义货价还是支付租金,本公约均适用。
4. 本公约适用于涉及所有的设备的融资租赁交易,除非该设备将主要供承租人个人。家人或家庭使用。
Article 2 第二条
In the case of one or more sub-leasing transactions involving the same equipment, this Convention applies to each transaction which is a financial leasing transaction and is otherwise subject to this Convention as if the person from whom the first lessor (as defined in paragraph 1 of the previous article) acquired the equipment were the supplier and as if the agreement under which the equipment was so acquired were the supply agreement.
Article 3 第三条
1. This Convention applies when the lessor and the lessee have their places of business in different States and:
a. Those States and the State in which the supplier has its place of business are Contracting States;
b. Both the supply agreement and the leasing agreement are governed by the law of a Contracting State.
1. 本公约适用于出租人和承租人的营业地在不同的国家以及:
a. 这些国家及供货人有其营业地的国家是缔约国;
b. 供货协议和租赁协议均受某一缔约国的法律管辖。
2. A reference in this Convention to a party’s place of business shall, if it has more than one place of business, mean the place of business which has the closest relationship to the relevant agreement and its performance having regard to the circumstance known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of that agreement.
2. 本公约所指的某一方的营业地,若是其有一个以上的营业地时,系指同相关协议及其履行关系最密切的那个营业地,但应顾及各方在订立该协议前任何时候或在订立协议时已知或已设想到的情况。
Article 4第四条
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not cease to apply merely because the equipment has become a fixture to or incorporated to land.
2. Any question whether or not the equipment has become a fixture to or incorporated to land, and if so the effect on the rights inter se of the lessor and a person having real rights in the land, shall be determined by the law of the State where the land is situated.
1. 本公约的条款不得纯粹由于设备已成为土地的附着物或已嵌入土地内而终止适用。
2. 任何关于该设备是否已成为土地的附着物或已嵌入土地内的问题以及如果该设备已成为土地的附着物或已嵌入土地内时其对出租人以及对享有该土地的物权的人之间的权利的影响,应由该土地所在国的法律确定。
Article 5第五条
1. The application of this Convention may be exclude only if each of the parties of the supply agreement and each of the parties of the leasing agreement agree to exclude it.
2. Where the application of this Convention has not been excluded in accordance with the previous paragraph, the parties may in their relations with each other, derogete from or vary the effect of any of its provisions except as stated in Article 8(3) and 13(3)(b) and (4).
1. 除非供货协议的每一方和租赁协议的每一方都同意排除本公约的适用,本公约才可排除适用。
2. 凡本公约的适用未按前款排除者,各方在其相互关系中可以减损或改变其任何条款的效力,但第八条第3款和第十三条第3(b)款和第4款除外。
Article 6第六条
1. In the interpretation of this Convention, regard is to be had to its subject and purpose as set forth in the preamble, to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity to its application and the observance to the good faith in international trade.
2. Questions concerning matters governed by this Convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principle on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.
1. 在解释本公约时,应顾及前言中所申明的本公约的目标和宗旨,顾及其国际性质以及顾及促进其适用时的一致性和在国际贸易中遵守诚信的需要。
2. 涉及到由本公约管辖的事宜而未在本公约中明确解决的问题,应按照本公约所依据的总原则来解决,或是在没有这种总原则时,应按照国际私法规则所确定的适用法律来解决。
Article 7第七条
1.a. The lessor’ s real right in the equipment shall be valid against the lessee’s trustee in bankruptcy and creditors, including creditors who have obtained an attachment or execution.
b. For the purpose of this paragraph “trustee in bankruptcy” includes a liquidator, administrator or other person appointed to administer the lessee’s estate for the benefit of the general body or creditors.
1.a. 出租人对设备的物权应可有效地对抗承租人的破产受托人及债权人,包括已得到扣押令状和执行令状的债权人。
2. Where by the applicable law the lessor’s real rights in the equipment are valid against a person referred to in the previous paragraph only on compliance with the rules as to public notice, those rights shall be valid against that person only if there has been compliance with such rules.
3. For the purpose of previous paragraph the applicable law is the law of the State which, at the time when a person referred to in paragraph 1 becomes entitled to invoke the rules referred to in the previous paragraph, is :
a. in the case of a registered ship, the State in which it is registered in the name of the owner (for the purpose of this sub-paragraph a bareboat charterer is deemed not to be the owner);
b. in the case of an aircraft which is registered pursuant to the Convention on International Civil Aviation done at Chicago on December 7,1944, the State in which it is so registered;
c. in the case of other equipment of a kind normally moved from one State to another, including an aircraft engine, the State in which the lessee has its principal place of business;
d. in the case of other equipment, the State in which the equipment is situated.
a. 如系经注册的船舶,是以船主名义注册的国家(就本款而言,光船租船人不视为船主);
b. 如系按1944年12月7日于芝加哥制订的国际民航公约注册的航空器,是据此注册的国家;
c. 如系通常从一国向另一国移动的那类其它设备,包括飞机引擎,是承租人设有其主营业地的国家;
d. 如系其它设备,是设备所在的国家。
4. Paragraph 2 shall not affect the provisions of any other treaty under which the lessor’s real rights in the equipment are required to be recognized.
5. This article shall not affect the priority of any creditor having:
a. a consensual or non-consensual lien or security interest in the equipment arising otherwise than by virtue of an attachment or execution, or
b. any right of arrest, detention or deposition conferred specifically in relation to ship or aircraft under the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.
a. 拥有非由于扣押令状或执行令状而引起的、经同意或非经同意的对设备的留置权或担保利益,或
b. 根据国际私法规则确定的适用法律对特别是船舶或飞机拥有的任何扣留、扣押或处置的权利。
Article 8第八条
1. a. Except as otherwise provided by this Convention or stated in the leasing agreement, the lessor shall not incur any liability to the lessee in the respect of the equipment save to the extent that the lessee has suffered the loss as the result of its reliance on the lessor’s skill and judgment and of the lessor’s intervention in the selection of the supplier or the specifications of the equipment.
b. The lessor shall not, in its capacity of lessor, be liable to third parties for death, personal
injury or damage to property caused by the equipment.
c. The above provision of this paragraph shall not govern any liability of the lessor in any other capacity, for example as owner.
c. 出租人不应以其出租人身份而对第三方承担因设备所造成的死亡、人身伤害和财产损失的责任。
d. 本款的上述规定不适用于出租人以任何别的身份,例如所有权人的身份,所应承担的任何责任。
2. The lessor warrants that the lessee’s quiet possessions will not be disturbed by a person who has a superior title or right, or who claim a superior title or right and act under the authority of a court where such title, right or claim is not derived from an act or omission of the lessee.
3. The parties may not derogate from or vary the effect of the provisions of the previous paragraph in so far as the superior title, right or claim is from an intentional or grossly negligent act or omission of the lessor.
4. The provisions of paragraph 2 and 3 shall not affect any broader warranty of quiet possession by the lessor which is mandatory under the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.
3. 只要这种所有权、权利或主张是由于出租人的故意的或严重疏忽的作为或不作为所致,各方就不得减损或变更前款中的规定的效力。
4. 第2和3款的规定不得影响出租人根据国际私法所规定的适用法律所作出的对平静占有的强制性的更广泛的担保。
Article 9第九条
1. The lessee shall take proper care of the equipment, uses it in a reasonable manner and keep it in the condition in which it was delivered, subject to fair wear and tear and to any modification of the equipment agreed by the lessor.
2. When the leasing agreement comes to an end the lessee, unless exercising a right to buy the equipment or to hold the equipment for lease for a further period, shall return the equipment to the lessor in the condition specified in the previous paragraph.
1. 承租人应妥善照看设备,以合理的方式使用设备并使之保持交付时的状态,但合理损耗及各方商定的对设备的任何改装除外。
2. 当租赁协议终止时,承租人除非行使购买权或行使凭另一租期的租赁协议而持有设备的权利,否则应以前款规定的状态把设备退还给出租人。
Article 10第十条
1. The duties of the supplier under the supply agreement shall also be owed to the lessee as if it were a party of the agreement and the equipment were to be supplied directly to the lessee. However, the supplier shall not liable to both the lessor and the lessee in respect of the same damage.
2. Nothing in this article shall entitle the lessee to terminate or rescind the supply agreement without the consent of the lessor.
1. 供货人在供货协议项下的义务也应及于承租人,如同承租人是该协议的一方以及如同设备是直接供给承租人的一样。但是,供货人不应就同一损害同时对出租人和承租人负责。
2. 本条丝毫不应使承租人有权不经出租人同意而终止或撤销供货协议。
Article 11第十一条
The lessee’s right derived form the supply agreement under this Convention shall not be affected by a variation of any term of the agreement previously approved by the lessee unless it consented to that variation.
Article 12第十二条
1. Where the equipment is not delivered or is delivered late or fails to conform to the supply agreement:
a. the lessee has the right as against the lessor to reject the equipment or to terminate the leasing agreement ;and
b. the lessor has the right to remedy its failure to tender equipment in conformity with the supply agreement, as if the lessee had agreed to buy the equipment from the lessor under the same terms as those as the supply agreement.
1. 凡是设备未交付或迟交付或与供货协议不符时:
a. 承租人有权针对出租人拒收设备或终止租赁协议;以及
b. 出租人有权按供货协议提交设备作为违约补救,如同承租人已同意按供货协议的同样条款从出租人那里购买设备一样。
2. A right conferred by the previous paragraph shall be exercisable in the same manner and shall be lost in the same circumstances as if the lessee had agreed to buy the equipment from the lessor under the same terms as those of the supply agreement.
3. The lessee shall be entitled to withhold rental payable under the leasing agreement until the lessor has remedied its failure to tender equipment in conformity with the supply agreement or the lessee has lost the right to reject the equipment.
2. 前款所赋予的权利应如同承租人已同意按供货协议的同样条款从出租人那里购买设备那样,以相同的方式行使和在同样情况下丧失。
3. 承租人应有权提留租赁协议项下的应付租金,直到出租人已补救其过失和提交了符合供货协议的设备或承租人已丧失拒收设备的权利时止。
4. Where the lessee has exercised a right to terminate the leasing agreement , he lessee shall be entitled to recover the rentals and other sums paid in advance, less a reasonable sum for any benefits the lessee has derived from the equipment.
5. The lessee shall have no other claim against the lessor for non-delivery, delay in delivery or delivery of non-conforming equipment except to the extent to which this results from the act or omission of the lessor.
6. Nothing in this article shall affect the lessee’s right against the supplier under Article 10.
4. 凡是承租人已行使其终止租赁协议的权利时,承租人应有权收回任何预付的租金及其它款项,但应减去承租人已从该设备取得的任何利益的合理金额。
5. 承租人不得因不交付、交付迟延或不合格设备的交付而对出租人有任何别的主张,除非这些是由于出租人的作为或不作为所致。
6. 本条丝毫不影响承租人依第十条而享有的针对供货人的权利。
Article 13第十三条
1. In the event of the default by the lessee, the lessor may recover accrued unpaid rentals, together with interest and damage.
2. Where the lessee’s default is substantial, then subject to paragraph 5 the lessor may also require accelerated payment of the value of the future rentals, where the leasing agreement so provides, or may terminate the leasing agreement and after such termination:
a. recover possession of the equipment; and
b. recover such damages as will place the lessor in the position in which it would have been had the lessee performed the leasing agreement in accordance with its terms.
1. 若遇承租人违约,出租人可以收取到期未付租金,连同利息及损失赔偿。
2. 若承租人根本违约,则若租赁协议如此规定,则出租人还可以在第5款的条件下要求加速支付未到期租金的金额,或可以终止协议,并在该终止后
a. 收回对设备的占有;以及
b. 收取将使出租人处于如同承租人按租赁协议的条款履行租赁协议时本应取得的地位的损失赔偿。
3. a. The leasing agreement may provide for the manner in which the damages recoverable under paragraph 2(b) are to be computed.
b. Such provision shall be enforceable between the parties unless it would result in damages substantially in excess of those provide for under paragraph 2(b). The parties may not derogate from or vary the effect of the provision of the present sub-paragraph.
4. Where the lessor has terminated the leasing agreement, it shall not be entitled to enforce a term of that agreement providing for acceleration of payment of future rentals, but the value of such rentals may be taking into account in computing damage under paragraph 2(b) and 3. The parties may not derogate from or vary the effect of the provision of the present paragraph.
3. a.租赁协议可以规定按第2(b) 收取损失赔偿时的计算方法。
4. 凡出租人已终止租赁协议者,它不应有权强制执行租赁协议中规定的加速支付未到期租金的条款,但在按第2(b)款和第3款计算损失赔偿时,可以把这种租金的金额考虑在内。各方不得减损或变更本款的规定的效力。
5. The lessor shall not be entitled to exercise its right of acceleration or its right of termination under paragraph 2 unless it has by notice given the lessee a reasonable opportunity of remedying the defaults so far as the same may be remedied.
6. The lessor shall not be entitled to recover damage to the extent that it has failed to take all reasonable steps to mitigate its loss.
5. 在违约可以补救的情况下,除非出租人已经给了承租人以补救违约的合理机会,否则出租人不得行使第2款所规定的加速支付权或终止权。
6. 就出租人未采取一切合理的步骤以减轻其损失的部分而言,出租人不得收取损失赔偿。
Article 14第十四条
1. The lessor may transfer or otherwise deal with all or any of its rights in the equipment or under the leasing agreement. Such a transfer shall not be relieve the lessor of any of its duties under the leasing agreement or alter either the nature of the leasing agreement or its legal treatment as provided in this Convention.
2. The lessee may transfer the right to the use of the equipment or any other rights under the leasing agreement only with the consent of the lessor and subject to the rights to the third parties.
1. 出租人可以转让或以其它方式处理其对设备的或凭租赁协议所享有的全部或任何权利。这种转让不应解除出租人在租赁协议项下的任何义务或改变租赁协议的性质或本公约所规定的其法定待遇。
2. 承租人只有在出租人同意和不损害第三方权利时才可以转让其对设备的使用权或在租赁协议项下的任何其它权利。
Article 15第十五条
1. This Convention is open for signature at the concluding meeting of the Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the draft Unidroit Conventions on International Factoring and International Financial Leasing and remain open for signature by all States at Ottawa until December 31,1990.
2.This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States which has signed it.
1. 本公约在通过国际统一私法协会国际保付代理公约草案和国际融资租赁公约草案的外交会议闭幕会上开放签署并直至1990年12月31日仍在渥太华开放签署。
2. 本公约需经签署国批准、接受或核准。
3. This Convention is open for accession by all States which are not signatory States as from the date it is open for signature.
4. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession is effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the depositary.
3. 本公约自开放签署之日起开放给非签署国的所有国家加入。
4. 批准、接受、核准或加入通过向保管人交存具有该效力的正式文件而生效。
Article 16第十六条
1. This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For each State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention enters into force in respect of that State on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
1. 本公约在第三份批准、接受、核准或加入的正式文件交存之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。
2. 对于在第三份批准、接受、核准或加入的正式文件交存后批准、接受、核准或加入本公约的每个国家而言,本公约在其交存批准、接受、核准或加入的正式文件之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。
Article 17第十六条
This Convention dose not prevail over any treaty which has already been or may be entered into: in particular it shall not affect any liability imposed on any person by existing or future treaties.
Article 18第十八条
1. If a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different system of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention, it may, at any time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them, and may substitute its declaration by another declaration at any time.
2. These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends.
1. 如果某一缔约国具有两个或多个领土单位而其与本公约所涉及的事务有关的适用法律制度相互不同,则该国可以在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入的任何时候声明本公约适用于其全部领土单位或仅适用于其一个或几个领土单位,并可在任何时候用其它声明取代其声明。
2. 这些声明应通知保管人并明确地说明本公约所适用的领土单位。
3. If, by virtue a declaration of this article, this Convention extends to one or more but not all of the territorial units of a Contracting State, and if the place of the business of a party is located in that State, this place of business, for the purpose of this Convention, is considered not to be in a Contracting State, unless it is in a territorial unit to which the Convention extends.
4. If a Contracting State makes no declaration under paragraph 1, the Convention is to extend to all territorial units of that State.
3. 如果按本条所作的声明,本公约适用于某缔约国的一个或几个领土单位,而并非全部领土单位,而如果某方的营业地在该国,则就本公约而言,该营业地不被视为是在某缔约国内,除非该营业地在本公约所适用的某一领土单位上。
4. 如果某缔约国未按第1款作出声明,则本公约适用于该国的全部领土单位。
Article 19第十九条
1. Two or more Contracting States which have the same or closely related legal rules on matters governed by this Convention may at any time declare that the Convention is not to apply where the supplier, the lessor and the lessee have their place of business in those States. Such declarations may be made jointly or by reciprocal unilateral declarations.
2. A Contracting State which has the same or closely related legal rules on matters governed by this Convention as one or more non-Contracting States may at any time declare that the Convention is not to apply where the supplier, the lessor and the lessee have their place of business in those States.
3. If a State which is the subject of a declaration under the previous paragraph subsequently becomes a Contracting State, the declaration made will, as from the date on which the Convention enters into force in respect of the new Contracting State, have the effect of a declaration made under paragraph, provided that the new Contracting State joins in such declaration or makes a reciprocal unilateral declaration.
Article 20第二十条
A Contracting State may declare at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession that it will substitute its domestic law for Article 8(3) if its domestic law dose not permit the lessor to exclude its liability for its default or negligence.
Article 21第二十一条
1. Declaration made under this Convention at the time of signature are subject to confirmation upon ratification, acceptance or approval.
2. Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and to be formally notified to the depositary.
1. 根据本公约在签署时作出的声明须在批准、接受或核准时确认。
2. 声明及对声明的确认应取书面形式并正式通知保管人。
3. A declaration takes effect simultaneously with the entry into force of this Convention in respect of the State concerned. However, a declaration of which the depositary receives formal notification after such entry into force takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of its receipt by the depositary. Reciprocal unilateral declarations under Article 19 take effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the receipt of the latest declaration by the depositary.
4. Any State which makes a declaration under this Convention may withdraw it at any time by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary. Such withdrawal is to effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the receipt of the notification by the depositary.
5. A withdrawal of a declaration made under Article 19 renders inoperative in relation to the withdrawing State, as from the date on which the withdrawal takes effect, any joint or reciprocal unilateral declaration made by another State under that Article.
4. 根据本公约作出声明的任何国家可以在任何时候以寄给保管人的正式书面通知来撤回该声明。此种撤回在保管人收到该通知之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。
5. 对按第十九条所作的声明的撤回,自该撤回生效之日起,使别国按该条所作的任何联合的或相互单方的声明对该撤回国失效。
Article 22第二十二条
No reservations are permitted except those expressly authorized in this Convention.
Article 23第二十三条
This Convention applies to a financial leasing transaction when the leasing agreement and the supply agreement are both concluded on or after the date on which the Convention into force in respect of the Contracting States referred to in Article3(1)(a),or of the Contracting State or States referred to in paragraph 1(b)of that article.
Article 24第二十四条
1. This Convention may be denounced by any Contracting State at any time after the date on which it enters into force for that State.
2. Denunciation is effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the depositary.
3.A denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the deposit of the instrument of denunciation with the depositary. Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the instrument of denunciation it takes effect upon expiration of such longer period after its deposit with the depositary.
1. 任何缔约国在本公约对其生效之日后的任何时候都可以声明退出本公约。
2. 退出声明以向保管人交存具有此种效力的退出文件为准。
3. 退出声明在保管人收到退出文件之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。凡退出文件中规定退出生效的更长期间者,则退出在向保管人交存该退出文件后该更长期间届满时生效。
Article 25第二十五条
1. This Convention shall be deposited with the Government of Canada.
2. The Government of Canada shall: 本公约应保存于加拿大政府。
a. inform all States which has signed or acceded to this Convention and the President of the of the Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) of:
(i) each new signature or deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, together with the date thereof;
(ii) each declaration made under Article 18, 19and 20.
(iii) the withdrawal of any declaration made under Article 21(4);
(iv) the date of entry into force of this Convention;
(v) the deposit of an instrument of denunciation of this Convention together with the date of its deposit and the date on which it takes effect;
b. transmit certified true copies of this Convention to all signatory States, to all States acceding to the Convention and to the President of Unidroit.
a. 通知所有的签署或加入本公约的国家和国际私法协会主席:
(i) 各次新的签署或批准、接受、核准或加入文件的交存连同其日期;
(ii) 按第十八、十九和二十条所作的各次声明;
(iii) 按第二十一条第4款所作的对任何声明的撤回;
(iv) 本公约的生效日期;
(v) 退出本公约的文件的交存及其交存日期及生效日期;
b. 向所有的本公约签署国、本公约加入国和国际统一私法协会主席转交本公约的经核对无误的副本。
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