日期:2018-04-10 11:00:40 / 人气: / 发布者:译声翻译公司 / 来源:网络转载侵权删
中国国际旅行社(以下称甲方)与加拿大 旅行社(以下称乙方),为发展共同事业,双方愿在平等互利及友好的基础上,就双方的权利、义务关系达成如下协议,签订本合同。China International Travel Service, Harbin Branch (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Canada Panda Tours (hereinafter referred to as Party B) have, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and friendly co-operation, reached the following agreement and signed this contract on mutual rights and obligations in the development of the joint industry.
第一条,乙方计划自 至 组织60个旅行团共 名旅行者到中国旅行。
Article 1 Party B plans to organize 60 tours (or delegations) with tourists to visit China from to .
Article 2 Party B is required to confirm to Party A the final booking on a tour (or a delegation), whenever accepted by Party A, 30 days prior to the scheduled arrival of the said tour (or delegation) at the point of entry in China.
Party A should acknowledge confirmation to Party B within three working days after receipt of confirmation from Party B.
Party B is required to send Party A, at least 20 days prior to the scheduled arrival of each tour (or delegation) at the point of entry in China, a detailed list with each participant' s full name, sex, date of birth, occupation, nationality, passport number, arrival/departure flight or train number, points and dates of entry and exit, number of rooms required and requests on visits.
第三条, 乙方可随时向甲方提出计划外新组织的旅行团计划,甲方在收到乙方函电后,应在3个工作日内发出答复函电;乙方在收到甲方的答复函电后,也应在3个工作日内予以确认。(预报时间要求和报送资料与第二条相同)。
Article 3 Party B is free to propose at any time to Party A additional tours (or delegations) other than those planned. Upon receipt of a mail/fax/e-mail proposal from Party B, Party A is required to reply within three working days. Upon receipt of a reply from Party A, Party B is required to acknowledge confirmation to Party A also within three working days, with necessary information as required by Article 2.
第四条, 乙方同意至少在旅行团进人中国国境日期的15天前,用电汇方式把该团的全部费用汇人甲方账户。如乙方同时汇两个以上旅行团费,应在电汇单上注明每个旅行团的费用数额。旅行团费均不以人民币结算。
Article 4 Party B agrees to making telegraphic remittance of total expenses for each tour (or delegation) to Party A bank-account at least 15 days prior to the scheduled arrival in China of each tour (or delegation) . If more than one remittance is made simultaneously, it is necessary for Party B to specify the exact amount for each tour (or delegation) on the remittance memo. Tour expenses are not to be settled in Chinese currency Renminbi.
第五条, 如乙方未按本合同第四条规定的日期付款,甲方有选择以下三种处理方式的权利:
Article 5 If Party B fails to make the remittance before the dead-line as stipulated by Article 4, Party A has the right to take any of the three following options to deal with the overdue payment:
1. Party A will not host the tour (or delegation) any longer, no matter whether the tour (or delegation) has entered into China or not. Party B will bear all responsibilities arising therefrom;
2. Party A will report the case to the travel administration of the Chinese government and propose to all other travel services in China declining hospitality to the unpaid tour (or delegation) sent by Party B;
3. Party A will charge Party B an overdue fine for any unpaid amount. After the conclusion of each tour (or delegation) in China, Party B is required to clear off any outstanding amount within one month, otherwise an overdue fine is to be charged additionally in the following month, at a rate of 0.2 % of the outstanding amount per day.
第六条, 甲方应按照本合同和合同附件所确认的日程及包括内容提供服务。甲方应要求外联人员,导游、司机等工作人员按照规定标准提供服务,严格禁止向旅行者索取小费。
Article 6 Party A is committed to offer services according to the itineraries and package services confirmed by this contract and the appendix to the contract .Party A has the obligation to instruct all its liaison personnel, tour-guide, drivers and other staff to render standard-oriented services to tourists. They are strictly forbidden to extort tipping from tourists.
第七条, 除人力不可抗拒的因素外,甲方如未向旅行团提供符合规定标准的服务,应为旅行者提供补偿服务或将低于服务标准的费用差额退还乙方。
1. 如乙方临时改变旅行团入境日期,引起交通、住房及游览日程、项目的变更,使客人投诉、索赔,应由乙方承担;由此造成甲方的经济损失,由乙方承担。
2. 乙方旅行团进人中国后,因旅行者要求修改日程而造成的经济损失应由旅行者自己补偿,甲方不予承担。
3. 因民航、铁路、车船等交通部门的原因(如:机械故障、气候等)改变日程所造成的损失,甲方不予赔偿。
4. 由于人力不可抗拒的因素而导致的在中国停留时间、旅游行程方面的变化,将收取或退还相应的费用差价。
5. 游客在中国停留期间,在飞机/火车或轮船,或者在酒店、餐馆,或各项旅游设施(区)中受到的损害,不属甲方的责任,但甲方应尽人道主义的义务协助乙方补救处理。
Article 7 Except in situations beyond human control, Party A should provide compensatory service for tourists or refund to Party B the difference in payment for service rendered below standard.
Except in situations beyond human control, Party A will be held responsible for any additional expenses resulting from the change, caused by Party A, in itinerary, transportation vehicles, accommodation and meals. However, Party A will not be held responsible for compensation resulting from change of itinerary under the following situations:
1. The scheduled date of entry of a tour (or delegation) is changed off hand by Party B.
Consequently Party B will be liable for compensation and complaints lodged by clients, resulting from change of accommodation, transportation and sightseeing program. Party B is also liable for economic loss, if any, incurred to Party A;
2. The itinerary is changed at the request of tour (or delegation) participants after arrival in China. Subsequent economic loss, if any, will be borne by tour (or delegation) participants rather than Party A;
3. The tour schedule is changed by air/railway or steamship departments due to mechanical failure or bad weather;
4. The tour schedule, itinerary and length of stay in China are changed due to unforeseen situation beyond human control. Any difference or balance in payment will be collected or reimbursed accordingly;
5. Party A will not be held responsible for any harm sustained by tourists during their visit in China by airplane/train or steamship or during their stay in hotel, restaurant or tourist area.
However, Party A is obligated to help Party B to retrieve the harm in humanitarian spirit.
第八条, 由于甲方违反服务质量条款,造成旅行者直接物质损失,乙方保留向中国政府旅游管理机构投诉并要求赔偿的权利。
Article 8 Party B reserves the right to lodge complaint to the travel administration of the Chinese government and moreover to request compensation for material loss, as a result of violation by Party A of provisions for quality service.
第九条, 甲方如因特殊原因须调整双方已确认的旅行团包价,应在旅行团进人中国日期的三个月(九十天)前通知乙方。自通知之日起三个月(九十天)内甲方按原包价收费。
Article 9 Party A should notify Party B, three months in advance of the scheduled arrival of a tour (or a delegation) in China, the adjustment, if needed under unusual circumstance, in the package rates after confirmed by both Parties. Party A will charge the tour (or a delegation) based on original quotation within three months after the date of notification.
第十条, 甲方有责任使乙方了解中国的法令和规定,乙方应要求旅行者遵守中国的法令和规定。由于旅行者违反中国的法令和规定则依法处理,甲方不承担责任。
Article 10 It is necessary for Party A to make Party B acquainted with the policy and regulations of the Chinese government concerning tourist activities in China. Party B is required to ask tourists to abide with the laws and regulations. Party A will not be held responsible for any violation by tourists against the Chinese laws and regulations, which will be dealt with by law in China.
第十一条, 甲方按照中国价格政策规定,提出旅行团包价,经乙方认可后,订立合同附件。本合同共有3份附件。
Article 11 Party A will quote a package rate for a tour (or a delegation) scheduled to China according to Chinese pricing policy and regulation. After the quotation is confirmed by Party B, both parties will sign an appendix to the contract. There are three appendices attached to this contract.
第十二条, 甲方总代理乙方旅行团在中国各地的旅行活动安排,乙方不得另作分段委托。甲方可以将旅行接待活动委托给中国有接待资格的旅行社。甲方作为乙方直接代理商,对旅游者在华活动负有直接责任。
Article 12 Party A is committed to making overall arrangements as various cities in China for tours (delegations) sponsored by Party B. Party B can not entrust any other Party to become involved in separate arrangements for tours (delegations) at any city in China. Party A can entrust, if necessary, a certified land operator in China to take care of travel arrangements. As an immediate agent for Party B, Party A will bear direct responsibility for tourist activities in China.
第十三条, 为保证旅行者在中国旅行期间的安全,甲方为旅行者投保旅游意外保险。旅游团包价含此保险。甲乙任何一方如违反中国政府关于旅行社接待的海外旅游者的在华旅游期间统一实行旅游意外保险的规定,责任自负。
Article 13 To guarantee security for travel in China, Party A will arrange for tourists' travel-accident-insurance, which will be covered in tour package rates. Either Party is liable for violation, if any, against regulations stip¬ulated by the Chinese government concerning insurance coverage for over¬seas tourists during travel in China.
第十四条, 本合同的订立、变更、解除、违约责任处理须遵守《中国人民共和国合同法》之相关规定。未经双方共同同意,任何一方不得将根据本合同所享有的权利和承担的义务转给第三方。
Article 14 The conclusion, alteration and abrogation of this contract or retrieval of breach of contract should be in line with the regulations specified in the Contract Law of the People' s Republic of China" Without mutual consent, either Party cannot transfer, to a third Party, its right and commitments, as described in this contract .
第十五条, 双方在执行合同过程中发生的争议应通过友好协商加以解决。不能协商解决时,双方同意将争议提交中国国家旅游局协调处理。在处理本合同争议时,以中国法律为准据法。
Article 15 Both Parties should try to resolve, through friendly consultation, their disputes, if any, in the execution of the contract. If no solution could be found through consultation, both Parties agree to submit their disputes to China National Tourism Administration for coordinated settlement in accordance with the Law of China.
第十六条, 本合同自最后签字的一方签字之日起生效,有效期至 日。合同期满后,经双方同意,可以书面协议确定延长执行期限。
Article 16 This contract will be effective, once signed by both Parties, and valid until . After expiration, the validity of the contract can be extended, under a written agreement confirmed by both Parties.
第十七条 本合同有中文和英文两种文本,两文本具有同等效力。在两种文本解释不一致时,以中文文本为准。
Article 17 This contract is written in Chinese and English versions. Both versions have the same authenticity. Whenever difference in explanation arises between the two versions, the Chinese version will be regarded as the criterion of judgment.
第十八条 本合同甲乙双方签字后,甲方须将副本报所属旅游主管部门备案。本合同和合同附件为不可分割的整体,合同正文与合同附件的条款具有同等的效力。
Article 18 After both Parties have signed this contract, Party A should submit a duplicate copy of the contract to its superior tourism authorities for record. The contract and the appendixes to the contract constitute an inseparable integrity. Both the transcript of the contract and the articles in the appendix to the contract hold the same authenticity.
_____年____月____日 DATE/PLACE OF SIGNING
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