采购合同翻译Purchase Contract
日期:2017-09-04 / 人气: / 来源:https://www.rzfanyi.com/ 作者:译声翻译公司
合同编号(Contract No.):
本合同由下列双方在平等自愿,充分协商的基础上,本着公平公正、互惠互利的精神于_______年____月____日在东莞市 镇签订:
This contract is signed on the ____/____/_____/(YY/MM/DD) in Dongguan, ___________(Town) by both parties on the basis of equality, voluntary and full consultation, based on the spirit of fairness, justice and mutual benefit.
购货单位: (以下简称“甲方”)
Name of Buyer: (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)
供货单位: (以下简称“乙方”)
Name of Supplier: (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)
Buyer and Supplier are hereinafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as both “Parties”
一、 合同标的Object of Contract
Both parties should be executed the names, specification models, brand name, unit, and total amount about products, which are listed in this contract, according to and .
The products quality and technology standards should be complied with the relevant technology from Party A, the drawings requirement and which is approved by both parties or samples requirements.
If the both parties not defined the product quality and technology standards or definition not indefinite, according to the products international standards, national standards or the industrial standards are listed in this contract. If these three standards are different, should execute according to product usage and buyer's explanation under this contract.
If the transaction is carried out by samples, the samples should be approved by both parties and keep individually, use as the basis for acceptance.
三、权利保证Right Guarantee
Party B should guarantee have a legal right for the products that sold to Party A.
Party B should guarantee that the provided products not exist any hypothecate, mortgage and lien etc. that not disclose to Party A.
3、乙方保证其所出售给甲方的货物没有侵犯任何第三人的知识产权和商业秘密等权利。Party B shall guarantee that the products provided to Party A shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights and trade secrets of any third party.
Party B will be borne all the responsibility caused by the above infringement.
Party B should guarantee the provided products comply in all respects with the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this Contract.
Party B should guarantee the provided products with good performance within the working life under the right assembly, right use and maintenance conditions.
After the incoming inspection, Party B should bear all losses caused by the design, processes, products defect or any other trouble within the warranty period.
When the raw material, processes, facility and environment changed, which will cause product quality, Party B should provide written application for 5M changes and with Party A’s approval.
If Party B didn’t obey Party A’s requirement to change the products, Party B should bear all the losses caused to Party A due to change.
The packaging should meet Party A’s Requirements, and the packaging expenses should be borne by Party B.
No matter what packing standard, the packaging should be firm, to prevent extrusion, scratch, deformation, damp, rust and so on, and mark the product name, P/N, specification, quantity, batch No., production date and so on.
If the situation changes, Party B cannot change the packaging material, packing way and packaging standard without the prior written consent form Party A; If in emergency, Party B didn't get the agreement from Party A immediately, need to inform Party A within 10 days start from the changed date. If not, Party B should bear all losses caused by this.
1、交货方法及运输费用承担,按下第( )项执行。
The delivery way and transportation fee to bear for which party should be based on the below No. ( ) item.
(1) 乙方送货的,运输费用由乙方承担;
If Party B delivered the products to Party A, the transportation fee caused by this should be borne by Party B.
If for agents consignments, Party B should fully consider Party A’s requirements, to discuss an applicable transportation way and transportation tool, and the transportation fee should be borne by Party B
2、运输方式:□ 汽车 □ 火车 □ 航空 □ 其他__________
Transportation way: □Car □Train □Air plane □Others______
The Delivered place: Appointed by Party A
Party A sent the to Party B via Fax or other electronic commerce way, and Party B should sign back to Party A when got this order within one workday. If Party B not sign back the in written form within one workday, means Party B tacit approved the relevant contents of this order.
If adopt Party B’s delivery way, Party B should delivery the products to appointed place according to the , such as quantity, delivery date, and delivery place and so on.
If Party A adopts self extraction way, Party B shall inform Party A in advance to pick up the products.
Due to any reason attributed to Party B may cause the delayed delivery, the Party B should inform this issue to Party A in advance, all possible measures must be taken to shorten the delay time , and Party B should bear all the losses caused by this situation.
Party B should provide the relevant data, inspection report and experimental verification documents and so on to the appointed place within the required deadline, and guarantee the reality and validity for these documents.
九、产品的价格与价款的结算方式Price and Terms of Payment
Products price should be executed according to the which was approved by both parties;
2,产品价款的结算方式如下;Terms of payment as follows;
(1)付款周期:□月结 天; □ 其他 。
Payment terms: □monthly payment ___ Days □Others
货物到达甲方后,经甲方的检验合格入库后,乙方须于当月的 20 号前开具 增值税 发票并交给甲方挂帐,甲方则根据挂账之月计算付款周期,若乙方未于当月 20 号前开具相应票据交至甲方挂账,甲方则有权顺延至下月挂帐且于挂账之月计算付款周期,以此类推。产品价款结算到期并且乙方已开具发票给甲方后,甲方应当在一个月内支付产品价款给乙方。
After delivered the products in the appointed place, Party A shall do the incoming inspection for these products and then store, Party B shall issue VAT invoices to Party A before the 20th of current month, Party A should arrange payment within the time as stipulated in the contract. If Party B didn’t issue VAT invoices to Party A before the 20th of current month, Party A has the right to postpone the payment date, by that analogy. Payment at maturity and Party B have issued the VAT invoices to Party A, Party A should pay the products within one month.
(2)付款支付方式:□ 商业承兑汇票; □ 银行承兑汇票;□ 电汇; □ 支票;
□ 其他 。
Payment methods:□Trade Acceptance; □Bank Acceptance; □T/T; □Check
□Others .
产品验收应按甲方《质量保证协议》和甲方技术要求及双方确认的《零件确认书》执行。Product acceptance shall be executed by and technology requirements from Party A, and according to the which is approved by both parties.
十一、对产品提出异议的处理办法 Method of disposition for the argued products
The products passed the incoming inspection, and didn’t exempt the quality assurance liability from Party B according to the second item.
For the dealing method should be executed according to the .
十二、合同的终止和变更Termination of Contract and Change
1、乙方要求终止本合同时,必须提前 六 个月以书面形式通知甲方并征得甲方确认。在合同终止之前,乙方必须按照甲方要求的供货时间质量标准、技术标准向甲方供货。否则,由此所造成的一切经济损失全部由乙方承担。
When Party B required to terminate the Contract, should be advised Party A in writing 6 months prior and get the approval. Before the termination of this contract, Party B must provide the products according to Party A’s lead-time requirement, technology standard. Otherwise, should be borne all the losses caused by this reason.
2、因乙方严重违反合同义务,无论是延迟交货,或产品质量、规格出现问题,如乙方行为已影响到甲方正常生产,甲方有权终止本合同,并要求乙方承担由此给甲方造成的损失。If Party B violated this contract seriously, whatever any delay delivery, quality issue or specification, which is effected Party A’s production schedule, Party A has the right to terminate this contract and require Party B to bear all the losses caused by this.
If for the market demand, need to change the content in this contract should be approved by both parties, and signed supplemental agreement in written form. If this agreement is different with the previous contract, should be subjected to the supplemental agreement.
During the term of validity for this contract, if Party B was disqualified to supply all the products to Party A. Party A should inform Party B in written form start from the date to terminate this contract.
Party B and its employees have an obligation to keep secret for the content in this contract and its attached product item and price, whether directly or indirectly get the confidential information and production information, tooling, drawing, samples and other technology documents and other contents strictly. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract.
The obligations under this Agreement shall survive for a period of five (5) years after the termination of the Business Dealing.
十四、违约责任Default liabilities
During the effective period of this agreement, Both Parties shall comply with this Agreement in good faith, if either party breaches this Agreement, it shall bear the liability for breach of agreement and compensate the other for all the loss thus incurred.
If not delivery on time caused by Party B, Party B should pay 30% liquidated damages of total value for those products cannot be delivered, and except from that, Party A can require Party B to pay for losses caused by the other events of default and others behavior, and Party A retains the right to pursue legal actions.
If Party B’s packaging fails to meet the standard and requirements provided in this Contract, should re-change or repackage. Party B should bear all the responsibility and all cost to re-change or repackage caused by this. If Party A didn’t require re-changing the packaging, but claim for damages, Party B should pay for the fee below the value parts to Party A, because the packaging didn’t meet the approved standards and caused the damages, Party B should compensate for this loss.
4、乙方逾期交货,经双方协商后在宽限期内仍不能向甲方供货的,乙方应按照 20元/人/小时的标准向甲方支付流失工时损失。乙方在承担上述责任后,仍需向甲方履行交货义务,但甲方拒绝接收的除外。
For the overdue delivery, Party B cannot deliver the products to Party A within the grace period which agreed by both parties, Party B should pay for Party A for the man-hour losses according to 20 RMB per hour for each employee. After bearing for all the above responsibility, Party B should still need to fulfill its obligations to deliver the products to Party A, unless Party A rejects.
Party B overdue to submit relevant documents of product, Party A will provide the period of grace to Party B. If Party B didn’t provide the documents within the period of grace, should pay for Party A according to the standard payment 200 RMB each document, and liquidated damages should be deducted from the corresponding products value directly, if the corresponding products’ payment has been arranged, Party A can deduct this liquidated damages from the other unpaid payment.
After paid for the above liquidated damages, Party B still has an obligation to submit the documents to Party A, unless Party A clearly put forward no need to submit the documents.
Party B shall take the responsibility shall take the responsibilities for Party A's losses which caused by the overdue documents or the problems of reality and validity for these documents.
十五、不可抗力Force Majeure
Due to either force majeure resulting in whole or in part, is unable to perform the contract or delay the performance of the contract, and will not bear any delay compensation or perform any responsibility. But where an event of force majeure occurred after the party’s delay in performance, it is not exempted from liability.
The force majeure referred in this contract, for which cannot see, can't overcome, cannot avoid and one of the parties have a significant impact on the objective events, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, fire, storm and social events such as war, unrest, government behavior, etc. and also for others thing which agreed by both parties.
Due to either force majeure resulting in whole or in part, is unable to perform the contract or delay the performance of the contract, should force majeure events since the date within three days of the circumstances of the incident written notice to the other party. Since the incident occurred and the date on the 10th, to the other party to submit all or part of its fail to perform or delay fulfilling proof.
十六、适用法律与争议解决Applicable law and dispute resolution
The validity, interpretation and implementation of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of [the People’s Republic of China].
Any dispute occurred during the implementation of this contract is allowed to be solved by negotiation between two parties. Any party may apply to the people's court of the plaintiff's place of domicile for arbitration in case negotiation fails.
After such dispute occurs, the dispute in the proceedings, in case of emergency, both parties shall continue to perform their respective other rights under this contract, and shall continue to perform its other obligations under this contract.
The terminated, cancelled or invalid of this contract hasn’t been affected the contracted terms.
十七、通知与送达Report and Delivery
Both parties transmit this Contract or provide all notices issued by each other, documents, instruments, information, and so on, should be via the address, Fax which informed in this contract.
Any one of Parties’ contact information was changed, and should be informed to the others; if withought a written notice, any one of the parties can still use the contact information which was informed this contract to transmit to the others, and that deemed to be affected.
3、如通过传真方式发出或提供,在发出传真时视为送达;如通过递送方式发出或提供,在送至对方办公地点时视为送达;如通过邮寄方式发出或提供,以寄出后第三天视为送达。If by Fax to transmit with return confirmation requested. Notice shall be considered to have been given; and if by post, it would be considered to have been given after three days delivery.
There is not any changed, altered or scratch mark in the blanks allowed.
The parties hereto have signed and affixed a seal, for which must be the same as that in the industry and commerce administration authorities.
Party B (included the affiliated enterprise) cannot transfer all or part of its contractual rights and obligations to a third person without the other Party’s prior written consent.
4、本合同一式 贰 份,甲方执 壹 份,乙方执 壹 份,每份均具有同等的法律效力。
This Agreement is prepared in two counterparts with the same legal force. One counterpart is held by Party A and one for Party B.
5、本合同自双方法定代表人或委托代理人签定并加盖双印章之日起生效,至 年
月 日终止。
This contract is valid after the legal representatives or authorized representatives from both parties sign and stamp the contract from____/____/____YY/MM/DD to____/____/____YY/MM/DD.
If Party A would like to issue the new version, both Parties should re-sign this contract according to the new version. When the new contract goes into effect, the legal nexus of the former contract shall be withdrawn automatically.
, , , are accessory of the contract, shall be equally authentic with the contract.
Amendment: Any relevant matters are not covered by this agreement shall be executed according to the annexes and management procedure.
This Contract, the Schedules and annexes hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Contract and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations and agreements between them.
甲 方(Buyer ): 乙 方(Seller):
法人代表人(Authorized representative):法人代表人(Authorized representative):
委托代理人(Principal Agent): 委托代理人(Principal Agent):
电 话(Tel): 电 话(Tel):
传 真(Fax): 传 真(Fax):
开户银行(Bank Name):: 开户银行(Bank Name):
帐 号(Account No.): 帐 号(Account No.):
税 号(Tax No.): 税 号(Tax No.):
地 址(Address): 地 址(Address):
邮 编(Post code): 邮 编(Post code):
E-mail: E-mail:
网 址(Website): 网 址(Website):
This contract is signed on the ____/____/_____/(YY/MM/DD) in Dongguan, ___________(Town) by both parties on the basis of equality, voluntary and full consultation, based on the spirit of fairness, justice and mutual benefit.
Name of Buyer:
Name of Supplier:
Buyer and Supplier are hereinafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as both “Parties”
一、 合同标的Object of Contract
Both parties should be executed the names, specification models, brand name, unit, and total amount about products, which are listed in this contract, according to and .
The products quality and technology standards should be complied with the relevant technology from Party A, the drawings requirement and which is approved by both parties or samples requirements.
If the both parties not defined the product quality and technology standards or definition
If the transaction is carried out by samples, the samples should be approved by both parties and keep individually, use as the basis for acceptance.
三、权利保证Right Guarantee
Party B should guarantee have
Party B should guarantee that the provided products not exist any hypothecate, mortgage and lien etc. that not disclose to Party A.
3、乙方保证其所出售给甲方的货物没有侵犯任何第三人的知识产权和商业秘密等权利。Party B shall guarantee that the products provided to Party A shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights and trade secrets of any third party.
Party B will be borne all the responsibility caused by the above infringement.
Party B should guarantee the provided products comply
Party B should guarantee the provided products with good performance within the working life under the right assembly, right use and maintenance conditions.
After the incoming inspection, Party B should bear all losses caused by the design, processes, products defect or any other trouble within the
When the raw material, processes, facility and environment changed, which will cause product quality, Party B should provide written
If Party B didn’t obey Party A’s requirement to change the products, Party B should bear all the losses caused to Party A due to change.
The packaging should meet Party A’s Requirements, and the packaging expenses should be borne by Party B.
No matter what packing standard, the packaging should be firm, to prevent extrusion, scratch, deformation, damp, rust and so on, and mark the product name, P/N, specification, quantity, batch No., production date and so on.
If the situation changes, Party B cannot change the packaging material, packing way and packaging standard without the prior written consent form Party A; If in emergency, Party B didn't get the agreement from Party A immediately, need to inform Party A within 10 days start from the changed date. If not, Party B should bear all losses caused by this.
The delivery way and transportation fee to bear for which party should be based on the below No. (
If Party B delivered the products to Party A, the transportation fee caused by this should be borne by Party B.
If for agents consignments, Party B should fully consider Party A’s requirements, to discuss an applicable transportation way and transportation tool, and the transportation fee should be borne by Party B
Transportation way: □Car □Train □Air plane □Others______
The Delivered place: Appointed by Party A
Party A sent the to Party B via Fax or other electronic commerce way, and Party B should sign back to Party A when got this order within one workday. If Party B not sign back the in written form within one workday, means Party B tacit approved the relevant contents of this order.
If adopt Party B’s delivery way, Party B should delivery the products to appointed place according to the , such as quantity, delivery date, and delivery place and so on.
If Party A adopts self extraction way, Party B shall inform Party A in advance to pick up the products.
Due to any reason attributed to Party B may cause the delayed delivery, the Party B should inform this issue to Party A in advance, all possible measures must be taken to shorten
Party B should provide the relevant data, inspection report and experimental verification documents and so on to the appointed place within the required deadline, and guarantee the reality and validity for these documents.
九、产品的价格与价款的结算方式Price and Terms of Payment
Products price should be executed according to the which was approved by both parties;
2,产品价款的结算方式如下;Terms of payment as follows;
Payment terms: □monthly payment ___ Days □Others
货物到达甲方后,经甲方的检验合格入库后,乙方须于当月的 20 号前开具
After delivered the products in the appointed place, Party A shall do the incoming inspection for these products and then store, Party B shall issue VAT invoices to Party A before the 20th of current
(2)付款支付方式:□ 商业承兑汇票; □ 银行承兑汇票;□ 电汇; □ 支票;
□ 其他
十一、对产品提出异议的处理办法 Method of disposition for the argued products
The products passed the incoming inspection, and didn’t exempt the quality assurance liability from Party B according to the second item.
For the dealing method should be executed according to the .
十二、合同的终止和变更Termination of Contract and Change
When Party B required to terminate the Contract, should be advised Party A in writing 6 months prior and get the approval. Before the termination of this contract, Party B must provide the products according to Party A’s lead-time requirement, technology standard. Otherwise, should be borne all the losses caused by this reason.
2、因乙方严重违反合同义务,无论是延迟交货,或产品质量、规格出现问题,如乙方行为已影响到甲方正常生产,甲方有权终止本合同,并要求乙方承担由此给甲方造成的损失。If Party B violated this contract seriously, whatever any delay delivery, quality issue or specification, which is effected Party A’s production schedule, Party A has the right to terminate this contract and require Party B to bear all the losses caused by this.
If for the market demand, need to change the content in this contract should be approved by both parties, and signed supplemental agreement in written form. If this agreement is different with the previous contract, should be subjected to the supplemental agreement.
During the term of validity for this contract, if Party B was disqualified to supply all the products to Party A. Party A should inform Party B in written form start from the date to terminate this contract.
Party B and its employees have an obligation to keep secret for the content in this contract and its attached product item and price, whether directly or indirectly get the confidential information and production information, tooling, drawing, samples and other technology documents and other contents strictly. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract.
The obligations under this Agreement shall survive for a period of five (5) years after the termination of the Business Dealing.
十四、违约责任Default liabilities
During the effective period of this agreement, Both Parties shall comply with this Agreement in good faith, if either party breaches this Agreement, it shall bear the liability for breach of agreement and compensate the other for all the loss thus incurred.
If not delivery on time caused by Party B, Party B should pay 30% liquidated damages of total value for those products cannot be delivered, and except from that, Party A can require Party B to pay for losses caused by the other events of default and others behavior, and Party A retains the right to pursue legal actions.
If Party B’s packaging fails to meet the standard and requirements provided in this Contract, should re-change or repackage. Party B should bear all the responsibility and all cost to re-change or repackage caused by this. If Party A didn’t require re-changing the packaging, but claim for damages, Party B should pay for the fee below the value parts to Party A, because the packaging didn’t meet the approved standards and caused the damages, Party B should compensate for this loss.
4、乙方逾期交货,经双方协商后在宽限期内仍不能向甲方供货的,乙方应按照 20元/人/小时的标准向甲方支付流失工时损失。乙方在承担上述责任后,仍需向甲方履行交货义务,但甲方拒绝接收的除外。
For the overdue delivery, Party B cannot deliver the products to Party A within the grace period which agreed by both parties, Party B should pay for Party A for the man-hour losses according to 20 RMB per hour for each employee. After bearing for all the above responsibility, Party B should still need to fulfill its
If Party B’s nonperformance violates Party A’s legal interest, Party A can require Party B to bear all the responsibility, or according to some relevant law and regulations, required Party B to bear the liability for tort.6、乙方逾期提交产品有关资料,甲方给予乙方宽限期,在宽限内乙方仍未提供资料的,乙方应按每份文件 200 元的标准向甲方支付违约金,违约金从相应产品价款中直接抵扣,如相应产品价款已支付,则甲方可从其他未支付价款中直接抵扣。
Party B overdue to submit relevant documents of product, Party A will provide the period of grace to Party B. If Party B didn’t provide the documents within the period of grace, should pay for Party A according to the standard payment 200 RMB each document, and liquidated damages should be deducted from the corresponding products value directly, if the corresponding products’ payment has been arranged, Party A can deduct this liquidated damages from the other unpaid payment.
After paid for the above liquidated damages, Party B still has an obligation to submit the documents to Party A, unless Party A
Party B shall take the responsibility shall take the responsibilities for Party A's losses which caused by the overdue documents or the problems of reality and validity for these documents.
十五、不可抗力Force Majeure
Due to either force majeure resulting in whole or in part, is unable to perform the contract or delay the performance of the contract, and will not bear any delay compensation or perform any responsibility. But where an event of force majeure occurred after the party’s delay in performance, it is not exempted from liability.
The force majeure referred in this contract, for which cannot see, can't overcome, cannot avoid and one of the parties have a significant impact on the objective events, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, fire, storm and social events such as war, unrest, government behavior, etc. and also for others thing which agreed by both parties.
Due to either force majeure resulting in whole or in part, is unable to perform the contract or delay the performance of the contract, should force majeure events since the date within three days of the circumstances of the incident written notice to the other party. Since the incident occurred and the date on the 10th, to the other party to submit all or part of its fail to perform or delay fulfilling proof.
十六、适用法律与争议解决Applicable law and dispute resolution
The validity, interpretation and implementation of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of [the People’s Republic of China].
Any dispute occurred during the implementation of this contract is allowed to be solved by negotiation between two parties. Any party may apply to the people's court of the plaintiff's place of domicile for arbitration in case negotiation fails.
After such dispute occurs, the dispute in the proceedings, in case of emergency, both parties shall continue to perform their respective other rights under this contract, and shall continue to perform its other obligations under this contract.
The terminated, cancelled or invalid of this contract hasn’t been affected the contracted terms.
十七、通知与送达Report and Delivery
Both parties transmit this Contract or provide all notices issued by each other, documents, instruments, information, and so on, should be via the address, Fax which informed in this contract.
Any one of Parties’ contact information was changed, and should be informed to the others; if withought a written notice, any one of the parties can still use the contact information which was informed this contract to transmit to the others, and that deemed to be affected.
3、如通过传真方式发出或提供,在发出传真时视为送达;如通过递送方式发出或提供,在送至对方办公地点时视为送达;如通过邮寄方式发出或提供,以寄出后第三天视为送达。If by Fax to transmit with return confirmation requested. Notice shall be considered to have been given; and if by post, it would be considered to have been given after three days delivery.
There is not any changed, altered or scratch mark in the blanks allowed.
The parties hereto have signed and affixed a seal, for which must be the same as that in the industry and commerce administration authorities.
Party B (included the affiliated enterprise) cannot transfer all or part of its contractual rights and obligations to a third person without the other Party’s prior written consent.
4、本合同一式 贰 份,甲方执 壹 份,乙方执 壹 份,每份均具有同等的法律效力。
This Agreement is prepared in two counterparts with the same legal force. One counterpart is held by Party A and one for Party B.
This contract is valid after the legal representatives or authorized representatives from both parties sign and stamp the contract from____/____/____YY/MM/DD to____/____/____YY/MM/DD.
If Party A would like to issue the new version, both Parties should re-sign this contract according to the new version. When the new contract goes into effect, the legal nexus of the former contract shall be withdrawn automatically.
, , , are accessory of the contract, shall be equally authentic with the contract.
Amendment: Any relevant matters are not covered by this agreement shall be executed according to the annexes and management procedure.
This Contract, the Schedules and annexes hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Contract and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations and agreements between them.
法人代表人(Authorized representative):法人代表人(Authorized representative):
委托代理人(Principal Agent):
开户银行(Bank Name)::
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