
日期:2017-09-20 / 人气: / 来源:https://www.rzfanyi.com/ 作者:译声翻译公司


The just concluded National People's Congress session has adopted the Amendment to the Constitution
前置定语“刚刚闭幕的”通常译为后置定语(which has just concluded)。现使用前置定语The just concluded,虽然新闻体味道较重,但却符合汉语思维方式。
It will also exert a negative impact on the global and regional strategic balance and stability into the next century
如能尽量使用前置形容词结构可使译文简化,并符合汉语语序:the next century's global and regional strategic balance and stability。如使用过多的后置结构译员往往感到很累:the strategic balance and stability in the whole world or in a certain region in the next century
改革中国电讯工业的体制。will also exert a negative impact on the Now we are reforming the system of China's telecommunications industry

例 中国一直奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。
China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace.
“政策”前有3个定语“独立自主”、“和平”、“外交”。因为英语定语的位置较灵活,英译时不要花太多的时间去思考定语的位置,几乎可以以任何定语开头。除了此译员的译法,还可译为 an independent peaceful policy for diplomatic affairs/A foreign policy of independence and peace等。
Secondly,we would open the telecommunications market in China to foreign investors
英语的定语位置比较灵活,应充分利用。“中国的电讯市场”可译为China's (the Chinese) telecommunications market。但有时译员可能开始漏译了China's,直接译出了telecommunications market。这时不必退回去重新译,可在后面补上in China或of China

•例 中日双方共同宣布:把今后的中日关系定位为“中国日本致力于和平与发展的友好合作关系”。
The two sides also announced that they agree to define the future Sino-Japanese relation as a partnership for friendship and cooperation, for peace and development
“伙伴关系”前面的定语较多,有“和平”、“发展”、“友好”、“合作”4个定语。由于口译时时间紧迫,要迅速处理四个定语,还要兼顾搭配关系,有一定难度。此译员先译出“partnership for friendship and cooperation,剩下两个定语似乎不太容易连接上去,于是此译员采用并列结构for peace and development,再补译上去。当然,这里还有其它译法。如能译成前置定语的应及早处理掉,这样后面的结构就比较简单了:a friendly and cooperative partnership for peace and development。

In today's world,the trend is towards peace,development and relaxation Of tension
有时译员会思想不太集中,一下子想不出适当的词语和结构,这时可使用化繁为简的办法。在翻译“现在世界的(潮流)”时,如一下子想不出如何把两个前置定语(“现在”与“世界的”)正确地搭配在一起,不妨采用转换与分解的办法。此译员先转译成他熟悉的In today's world,由于这是一个相对独立的词组,不必再考虑它与trend的搭配关系了。

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