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        Tsinghua University has agreed to admit Dr.______ (name) from_________(country) as a post doctoral researcher at School (College, Institute, Center, Department) of ________.
  2. Prof.________(name) as Side A has been entrusted by President of School (College, Institute, Center, Department) of______________ in Tsinghua University to sign this agreement with Dr._________(name) as Side B on the basis of friendly cooperation, and both sides will pledge to conscientiously fulfill all obligations stipulated in the agreement.
  3. The period of validity of the agreement will be from the day of_______(month), ____ (year) to the __?day of _____(month) ____ (year).
  4. Side B will fulfill the following research agreed by both sides:
  Title of research project(s):
  Effects of oxygenated fuels on combustion and emissions in optical engine.
  Assignments and expected targets of the research project(s):
  Study the effects of oxygenated fuels on spray, ignition, speed of flame propagation, temperature field and particulate field, and obtain useful information about how to reduce emissions from engines.
  5. Obligations of Side A:
  Side A will provide Side B with indispensable coworker, instruments for the latter’s research.
  Side A will provide Side B with research-related supervision and cooperation.
  Under present conditions, Side A will provide Side B with convenience in the latter’s research, living condition. 
  Side A will introduce related instruments’ operation rules and regulations to Side B.
  6. Obligations of Side B:
  Side B should comply with the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by Chinese government, and should not interfere with Chinese internal affairs, and should not involve in any activities that is not commensurate with the position of a post doctoral researcher.
  Side B should observe the regulations enacted by Side A.
  Side B should complete the assignments in item 4 within the period in item 3. All research fruits achieved by Side B supported by Side A during the period should be Side A’s intellectual properties, and Side B’s publication about his/her research should be issued in the name of a post doctoral research of Tsinghua University. 
  Side B should submit his/her research summary to Side A before one to two months of expiration, give a presentation to academic committee and will be evaluated by fellow specialists about his/her research.
  7. Salary
  (1) Side B will receive ¥_______yuan(RMB) as his/her salary paid by Side A monthly.
  (2) Side A will not provide Side B with any salary.
  (3) Side B will receive his/her monthly payment of?¥______yuan in the form of scholarship supported by????????????.
  8. Housing
  During the period in item 3, Side A will provide Side B with a furnished apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen. Side A will pay the rent for Side B and Side B will pay the other expenses such as coal gas , water and electricity supplies.
  9. Medical Care
  Within the period in item 3, Side A will transact a medical card of Tsinghua University Hospital for Side B. With the card, the latter can see a doctor in the hospital, and should pay the expenses by himself/herself.
  When asking for a sick leave, Side B should have a doctor’s certificate about his/her health condition. 
  10. Vacation
  Within the period in item 3, Side B can enjoy vacations such as winter vacation and summer vocation scheduled by Tsinghua University.
  11. Arrangement of children
  During the period in item 3, Side A will provide Side B with the help for his/her children living in China to go to kindergarten or school. 
  12. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Agreement
  Both sides should abide by the agreement and should not revise, cancel and terminate the agreement without mutual approval. If dissensions arise about the agreement, both sides should consult with each other and mediate any disputes.
  Side A has the right to formally repeal the agreement reached by both sides under the following conditions:
  (Ⅰ) Side B does not fulfill the agreement or is not consistent with the stipulated obligations after Side A has pointed out his/her wrong action.
  (Ⅱ) The diagnosis about Side B’s health shows that he/she can not continue his/her research after a thirty day sick leave. 
  Side B has the right to formally repeal the agreement reached by both sides under the following conditions:
  (Ⅰ) Side A has not provided Side B with necessary research instruments and living conditions.
  (Ⅱ) Side A has not paid Side B’s salary on schedule.
  13. After the expiration of the agreement, Side B should move out the apartment offered by Side A. If Side B does not move out on time, Tsinghua University will deal with the situation according to relevant regulations. And Side B will bear all expenses he/she stays in China.
  14. The agreement will take effect after both sides’ signature, and it will become invalidation after the expiration in item 3.

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答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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