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  Service Guide of Marriage Registration for Overseas Chinese and Residents of Foreign Countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan

  第一节 政策依据 Section 1 Policy Basis


  Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China(Amended by the National People's Congress on April 28, 2001


  Regulation on Marriage Registration (State Council Order [2003] No. 387)

  三、《婚姻登记工作暂行规范》(民政部2003年9 月24日发布)

  Provisional Regulation on Marriage Registration (Issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on September 24, 2003)

  第二节结婚登记Section 2 Marriage Registration

  一、结婚登记条件 Requirements for Marriage Registration


  The parties shall apply for marriage on a voluntary basis.


  Marriage Age: male applicant must reach the age of 22, and female applicant must reach the age of 20.


  Both parties shall have no spouse (shall be single, divorced, or widowed).


  Both parties shall not be the lineal relatives by blood or the collateral relatives by blood up to three generations.

  二、结婚登记提交的证件 Documents Submitted for Marriage Registration

  (一)城市居民 For Residents within the Jurisdiction of City


  The residence household register and resident ID card (Note: the marital status on the household register shall be consistent with the actual marital status of the applicant, which shall be single, divorced, or widowed).


  Declaration with signature which declares that the applicant has no spouse and is neither the lineal relative by blood nor the collateral relative by blood up to three generations of the other party.


  Photocopies (A4): the first page and the page of general information of the applicant’s household register; both sides of the ID card.

  (五)出国人员、华侨 For Chinese Nationals Residing Abroad and Overseas Chinese

  l、本人的有效护照。 The valid passport of the applicant.

  2、居住国公证机构或者有权机关出具的、经中华人民共和国驻该国使(领)馆认证的本人无配偶以及与对方当事人没有直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系的声明,或者中华人民共和国驻该国使(领)馆出具的本人无配偶以及与对方当事人没有直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系的证明。(单身证明中姓名、出生年月日与证件号码必须与护照一致, 必须详细写明本人目前婚姻状况为单身)

  Declaration issued by the notary office or the authoritative agency in the country of residence and authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in that country, which declares that the applicant has no spouse and is neither the lineal relative by blood nor the collateral relative by blood up to three generations of the other party; or certificate provided by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in the party’s residing country, which certifies that the party has no spouse and is neither the lineal relative by blood nor the collateral relative by blood up to three generations of the other party (The name, date of birth, and certificate number appear on the single status certificate must be in conformity with those on the passport, and the applicant’s current marital status must be clearly indicated as single on the single status certificate).


  Translated documents of certificate for no spouse and certificate for non-relative by blood (everything in foreign language must be translated into Chinese).


  Photocopies (A4): the personal information page, photo-containing page, and the latest port entry page of passport.

  (六)外国人 For foreigners


  The valid passport or other valid international travel certificates of the applicant.


  Certificate of no spouse issued by the notary office or the authoritative agency in his/her home country and authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of the People’s Republic of China in that country or home country’s embassy (consulate) in China; or certificate of no spouse issued by the embassy (consulate) of the applicant’s home country in China (The name, date of birth, and certificate number on the single status certificate must be in conformity with those appearing on the passport, and the applicant’s current marital status must be clearly indicated as single on the single status certificate).


  Translated documents of certificate or declaration for no spouse (everything in foreign language must be translated into Chinese).


  Photocopies (A4) of valid passport or other valid international travel certificates: the personal information page and photo-containing page of passport or certificates, valid visa page, and the latest port entry page of passport.


  Declaration or certificate for no spouse from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and foreign countries is valid for six months since the date of issuance.

  三、结婚登记的程序 Procedure for Marriage Registration


  Both parties who plan to get married shall jointly arrive at the Marriage Registration Office of Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for registration.


  The application for post-issuance for marriage registration or re-marriage registration shall be handled in accordance with the procedure for marriage registration.


  Both parties concerned shall respectively complete a form of Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration.


  Both parties concerned shall read out their declarations in front of the marriage registrar.


  Both parties concerned must appear in front of the marriage registrar in person and sign their names or affix fingerprints in the column of Declarer on the Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration.

  6、当事人提交3张大2寸(长×宽为6 cm×100px)近期半身免冠红底光面合影照片。

  The parties concerned shall provide 3 recent photos taken together (length×width:150px×100px), half-length, bareheaded, glossy, red background.


  The marriage registration authority shall conduct a review over the documents, certificates, and declarations submitted by the parties concerned. If they satisfy the marriage requirements, the marriage registration shall be granted.

  四、结婚登记的时限 Marriage Registration Duration

  1、 登记时限:证件材料齐全,真实有效的,符合结婚条件的,当场予以登记,发给结婚证。

  Registration duration: if the documents and certificates submitted by the parties concerned are complete, true and valid, and satisfy the marriage requirements, the marriage shall be registered and the marriage certificate shall be issued on the spot.

  第三节离婚登记 Section 3 Divorce Registration

  一、离婚登记的条件 Requirements for Divorce Registration


  Both parties shall apply for divorce on a voluntary basis.


  Both parties shall have full capacity for civil conduct.


  Parties concerned must hold the divorce agreement which must specify the intention of both parties on the voluntary divorce and their accordant opinions on children up-bringing matters, property separation, and debt settlement through mutual consultation.


  The parties concerned shall hold the marriage certificate issued by China mainland’s marriage registration authority or the embassies (consulates) of the People’s Republic of China in foreign countries.


  Certificates and Documents Submitted for Divorce Registration


  The residence household register, resident ID card, exit-entry permit, passport, or other valid international travel certificates of the applicant (Note: the marital status on the household register shall be consistent with the actual marital status of the applicant, which shall be married).

  2、双方的结婚证。 Marriage certificates of both parties.


  Divorce agreements of both parties (the divorce agreement shall be self-drafted and printed in triplicate which shall not bear any signatures; if necessary, the English version shall be self-prepared in triplicate).

  4.当事人各提交2张2寸(长×宽为3.5 cm×4.5 cm)单人近期半身免冠红底光面照片。

  The parties concerned shall submit 2 recent photos respectively (length×width:87.5px×112.5px), half-length, bareheaded, glossy, red background.

  三、离婚登记的程序 Procedure for Divorce Registration


  Both parties who apply for divorce registration shall jointly file an application with marriage registration office of Civil Affairs Bureau .


  Both divorcing parties concerned shall complete the Declaration for Divorce Registration; and sign their names in the column of declarer or affix fingerprints on the Declaration for Divorce Registration in front of the marriage registrar.

  3、离婚登记当事人双方在离婚协议书(一式三份)上签署同意协议内容的意愿,并在婚姻登记员面前在《离婚登记协议书》协议人 一栏签名或按指印。

  Both parties concerned shall sign on the divorce agreement (in triplicate) of their agreement to the content of the agreement, and sign their names in the column of Concerned Partyor affix their fingerprints on the Divorce Registration Agreement in front of the marriage registrar.


  The marriage registration authority shall conduct a review over the documents, agreements, and evidence submitted by the divorcing parties concerned. If they satisfy the divorce requirements, the divorce registration shall be granted.

  四、离婚登记的时限、收费标准 Divorce Registration Duration


  The registration duration: if the documents and certificates submitted by the parties concerned are complete, true and valid, and they satisfy the divorce requirements, the divorce shall be registered on the spot and the divorce certificate shall be issued.


  Section 4 Requirements for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate


  Requirements for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate


  The parties concerned registered their marriage or divorced in accordance with law and still maintain such status.


  The marriage certificate is lost or damaged by the parties concerned.


  Certificates and Documents Submitted for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate


  The residence household register, resident ID card, exit-entry permit, passport, or other valid international travel documents of the party concerned (The marital status in the household register shall be consistent with the actual marital status of the party concerned).


  The certificate of marriage registration record issued by the archival administration authority of marriage registration.


  If the marriage registration archival is lost, the applicant shall submit a certificate which can certify his/her marital status.

  4、当事人提交3张大2寸(长×宽为6 cm×100px)近期半身免冠红底光面合影照片(补领结婚证)或2张2寸(长×宽为87.5px×112.5px)近期半身免冠红底光面单人照片(补领离婚证)。

  The parties concerned shall provide 3 recent photos taken together (length × width: 6 cm × 4 cm), half-length, bareheaded, glossy, red background) for re-issuance of marriage certificate or 2 recent individual photo (length × width: 3.5 cm × 4.5 cm, half-length, bareheaded, glossy, red background) for re-issuance of divorce certificate.


  Procedure for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate


  The marriage parties concerned shall apply to the former authority responsible for handling the marriage registration or to the marriage registration authority of one party’s residence household registry location for re-issuance.


  The parties concerned shall apply to the marriage registration authority in person and complete the Declaration of Application for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate.


  If the parties concerned could not apply to the former marriage registration authority for re-issuance of marriage registration certificate for certain reason, they may entrust others to handle the application for them. In such circumstance, the copy of identity document and power of attorney of the applicant shall be submitted to the notary authority for notarization. The power of attorney shall specify the time for the applicant to apply for marriage registration, the handling authority, the current marital status, the subject of commission, and the name and ID number of consignee. In addition, the consignee shall submit his/her identity document.


  The marriage registration authority shall conduct a review over the documents, certificates, and declarations submitted by the parties concerned who apply for the re-issuance of marriage registration certificate. If they satisfy the requirements for the re-issuance of marriage registration certificate, the re-issuance registration shall be granted.


  Duration for Re-issuance of Marriage Registration Certificate


  The registration duration: if the documents and certificates submitted by the parties concerned are complete and satisfy the requirements, the marriage certificate shall be issued.

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    答:对于不足一千字的稿件,目前有两种收费标准: 1)不足一千字按一千字计算。 2)对于身份证、户口本、驾驶证、营业执照、公证材料等特殊稿件按页计费。
    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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