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  Patent Technology Assignment Agreement

  甲方:Party A:

  乙方:Party B:

  甲方自筹经费,经过努力研究,成功研制的“汽车保洁器”,已得到中国国家专利法保护(专利号: ), 乙方是一家外资企业,乙方负责人召开董事会决定,对该项目的投资生产表示决定:甲方已对乙方的投资环境已委托代理人进行考察,认为投资环境适合。经双方合同,甲方同意转让该项目的专利权给乙方,为了明确双方的权利和义务,协议遵行如下合同条款:

  Whereas Party A has, at its own cost and through energy-consuming research, successfully invented Automobile Cleaner which is now under the protection of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (the patent number is ).

  Whereas Party B is a foreign-owned enterprise and its responsible persons have convened a board meeting and made a resolution with respect to investment in and production of the patent-related products that Party A has entrusted an agent to have surveyed and been satisfied with the investment environment of Party B.

  Whereas Party A agrees to assign the patent to Party B.

  NOW THEREFORE, both parties hereto agree to abide by the following terms and conditions so as to clarify respective rights and obligations:

  第一条 转让费及支付方式 Article 1 Assignment Fee and Means of Payment

  甲方是自筹经费研究成功的技术,属于法定的无形资产,其专利权一次性转让给乙方使用,为了补偿甲方对该专利技术所付出的劳动,乙方召开董事会决定一次性付给甲方 美元,在本合同签订的当天,由双方在当地银行办理存单,以甲方的实名存入,甲方加密后,甲方出具甲方代理人签名、甲方按手印的收条。

  The said Automobile Cleaner is invented by Party A at its own cost and the technology of the invention is the intangible asset of Party A under applicable laws. As consideration for Party A’s labor and efforts in invention of such patent technology, the Board of Directors of Party B decides to pay US Dollars to Party A in a lump sum. Both parties hereto shall, on the day signing this Agreement, apply for deposit receipt at the local bank and deposit the said amount in the name of Party A. Party A shall, after setting a code for the account, issue a receipt to Party B with the signature of Party A’s agent and the fingerprint of Party A.

  甲方收到乙方所付款 美元后,甲方须向乙方交付该技术的全部资料。交付的资料包括:向中国知识产权局递交的全部专利申请文件,包括说明书、权利要求书、附图、摘要及摘要附图:中国知识产权局发给甲方的所有文件,包括受理通知书,授权决定,专利证书及复印件:中国知识产权局出具的专利权有效的证明文件: (指最近一次专利年费缴费凭证)。

  Party A shall, after receiving the said US Dollars from Party B, provide all the materials concerning the said patent technology to Party B. The materials to be provided by Party A shall include: all the patent application documents submitted to the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China, including specification,patent request, drawings, abstract and abridged drawings; all the documents issued by the State Intellectual Property Office to Party A, including notice of accepting the patent application, patent granting decision, patent certificate and its copies; and certificates issued by the State Intellectual Property Office to prove the validity of the patent right (which shall mean the evidence of payment of the latest annual patent fee).

  第二条 交付资料的时间、地点及方式 Article 2 Time, Place and Means to Provide Materials

  1、交付资料的时间 Time to Provide Materials


  In case this Agreement becomes effective, Party A shall, after Party B pays all the assignment fees to Party A, immediately provide all the materials to Party B.

  2、交付资料的方式和地点 Means and Place to Provide Materials


  Party A shall provide the above mentioned materials to Party B by person. All the materials shall be provided to Party B at a notary office above county level at Party A’s place. When providing the materials, Party B shall issue a receipt with its official seal to Party A.

  第三条 过渡期条款 Article 3 Terms of Transitional Period


  After this Agreement enters into effect, Party B shall be responsible for any and all fess to maintain the validity of the said patent.

  第四条 税费及中介费 Article 4 Taxes and Commission

  1、甲方应当缴纳个人所得税,由乙方负责缴纳 ,甲方不负责此项税款。

  Party A shall pay the individual income tax, and shall be paid by Party B.


  In case Party B requests Party A to provide the invoice designated by the tax authority, Party B shall bear any and all costs and expenditures on such invoice.

  3、与本转让合同有关的中介费用为 美元,由乙方负责支付,甲方不负责此项款。

  The commission under this Assignment Agreement shall be US Dollars which shall be born by Party B.

  第四条 甲方提供的技术帮助 Article 5 Technical Assistance by Party A


  After this Agreement becomes effective, Party B may assign two technical persons to be trained by Party A. The training time shall be determined by both parties through consultation.


  Party B may, in the course of applying the patent technology, employee Party A to provide technical instructions provides that Party B has such need.


  In case Party B employees Party A to provide technical instruction, Party B shall remunerate Party A at 90 US Dollars a day.

  第六条 违约及索赔Article 6 Breach of Agreement and Claim


  Upon payment of the said assignment fee in a lump sum, in case Party A refuses to provide all the materials under this Agreement, Party B shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and require Party A to return all the paid assignment fee along with a liquidated damages of 30 thousand US Dollars.


  In case Party B refuses to pay the said assignment fee, Party A shall pay a liquidate damages of 30 thousand US Dollars.

  第七条 争议的解决办法Article 7 Settlement of Disputes


  Should there be any dispute between the two parties in the execution of this Agreement, the two parties shall settle the case through friendly consultation as per terms and conditions herein.


  In case the two parties fail to settle the dispute, the case in dispute may be submitted to a local people’s court at the place where this Agreement is performed.

  第八条 合同的文本Article 8 Texts of Agreement


  This Agreement is made in three originals in both Swedish language and Chinese language. This Agreement shall become effective as soon as it is signed by two parties. Should there be any inconsistency between the version in Swedish language and the version in Chinese language, the version in Chinese language shall prevail.

  甲方:(签名)Party A: (Signature)

  乙方:(盖章)Party B: (Seal)


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  • 翻译术语相关问答
    答:对于不足一千字的稿件,目前有两种收费标准: 1)不足一千字按一千字计算。 2)对于身份证、户口本、驾驶证、营业执照、公证材料等特殊稿件按页计费。
    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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