Case No. Taxpayer’s Identification No. ×××××××××××××××
Name of Taxpayer:
Chengdu×××× Packaging Co. Ltd.
Economic Type:Private
Legal Representative:×× ××××
Period Inspected From January to December of ××××
Inspectors ×× ××, ×× ×××× and ×× ××××
Type of Inspection Settlement of tax payment
Date of Inspection May ××, ××××
1. Basic information
The company, located in ×××× Town, ×××× City, is mainly engaged in the manufacture of expansible plastics, according to relevant regulations, it falls into the category of Ordinary VAT (value-added tax) Taxpayer.
2. Status of settlement
In our inspection of its settlement of tax payment, we mainly adopted methods of examination and check in chronological order. Through inspection of their accounts, we found that the sales revenue of company during the inspected period was RMB×××,×××.×× the amount returned to the company was RMB×××,×××.××, and the company had paid RMB××,×××.×× for the tax.
3. Calculation
① Tax should be paid: RMB×××,×××.×× * ××%-RMB×××,×××.×× = RMB××,×××.××.
② Tax should be paid as make-up: RMB××,×××.××-RMB××,×××.×× = ××
Issued by:
×××× Tax Office (official stamp),
×××× Municipal State Tax Bureau
Date: May ××, ××××
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