交通运输专业英语翻译 Traffic jam and the consequences such as noise, airpollution, violence and human stress are becoming the common scenario of large metropolitan areas everywhere.Roads are normally traffic saturated and new constructions suffer of long delays due to government budget restraints.Can modern technology be used to substantially improve the existing urban traffic capacity? The objective of this study is to bring up alternatives for urban transportation improvement based on recent available technologies. In particular the automation of highways, having automobiles and buses controlled by computers in platoon formation, is envisioned to improve highway jams. In USA, Japan and Europe, several studies and experiments have been done in this direction. The PATH program of the highway system of California, a cooperative program of universities, research institutes, government agencies and the private sector, involving multidisciplinary knowledge , has been an inspiration for this work [l]. The focus of this study is the large metropolitan of Great Si30 Paul0 in Brazil having more than 12 million people and growing traffic problems. 交通拥堵和其造成的结果,如:噪音、空气污染、暴力和压力等逐渐成为各大城市区域的普遍现象。道路标准交通量已经饱和,而且政府的预算限制造成了道路新建长时间拖延。现代技术能否用于大大提高现有城市交通能力?本次研究的目的是在现有可用技术的基础上为城市交通改进提供可选方案。特别是设想用高速公路自动化技术来改善高速公路的拥堵,高速公路自动化技术即在车队形成中运用计算机控制汽车和公交车。在美国、日本和欧洲,在这个方向上已经有了一些研究和实验。加利福利亚的一项由大学、研究院、政府部门和私营部门合作并涵盖各学科知识的项目——高速公路系统道路项目启发了本次研究。本次研究的核心是有120000000人口和不断增长的交通问题的大城市——圣保罗。 2 Current Transportation Systems. 2.现行的运输系统 The Great Si30 Paul0 has a large number of private automobiles, transit bus system and a network of urban train and modern subway for people transportation with a distribution shown on figs. 1 and 2 圣保罗有大量的私家车、公共交通系统和城市轨道交通和现代化地铁网为人们提供运输。各种运输工具的分配见表1、表2. Automobile - This system alone represents the most important means of people transportation in Silo Paulo, roughly 45%. Although being the system with the smallest occupancy of road area per passenger, it is the main cause of the enormous traffic jams due to the large number on the streets on workdays , The over quantity of vehicles far exceed the street network capacity , further deteriorated by the growing number of automobiles poured into the area everyday. Obvioudy the automobile is very attractive , as far as comfort and destination flexibility are concerned. No other means has superior route flexibility for inner city usage, though at the expense of overall high operational cost. Various traffic control strategies have been adopted by authorities in many places to penalize automobile circulation during rush hours to temporarily mitigate the problem。 私家车:这一系统代表着圣保罗居民最主要的出行方式,大约占45%。虽然该系统的人均道路占有率最小,但是工作日街道上的大量私家车导致它成为巨大交通拥堵的主要原因。每天,数量不断增长的私家车涌入该区域,使远远超出路网能力的过量车辆剧增。显然就舒适度和目的地灵活度而言私家车非常有吸引力。即使以高运营成本为代价也没有任何一种城市内运用的运输工具具有更高的线路灵活性。官方在很多地方采用了各种各样的交通控制策略来惩罚私家车高峰小时循环以减轻交通问题。 Bus System - It is the most comprehensive route network on the streets of metropolitan Silo Paulo and it accounts roughly for 75% of the demand for mass transportation . The transit bus system has low deployment costs, relatively low cost per passenger and reasonable route flexibility. The major drawback of regular transit bus in cities such as Silo Paulo is the excessively low mean speed, because they compete with private automobiles for the same space in the streets and face the same traffic jams having the disadvantage of being heavier, therefore slower vehicles. The consequence of
保价运输是一种运输制度,也是一种赔偿方式。铁路运输行业运输的物资所收取的运费,它并不按照所运物资的价值多少来收取,而主要是 按照它的重量和运输距离来收取的,如果在运输途中发生损失,则不能按物资的价值来赔偿,因此铁路实行了限额赔偿制度。 保价运输安全可靠,货主自愿,手续简便。
保价运输是一种负责运输,凡保价物品每件千元以上的行李、包裹需施铅封,一旦因铁路责任发生丢失,短少、破损,先赔付后划分铁路内部责任。 办理保价运输手续非常简便,托运人托运货物要求办理保价运输时,只要的托运单上托运人 记事栏内注明“保价运输” 什么叫零担运输? 零担运输 是指托运一批次货物数量较少时,装不足或者占用一节货车车皮(或一辆运输汽车)进行运输在经济上不合算,而由运输部门安排和其他托运货物拼装后进行运输。运输部门按托运货物的吨公里数和运价率计费。 水路运输概述 水路运输是利用船舶、排筏和其它浮运工具,在江、河、湖泊、人工水道以及海洋上运送旅客和货物的一种运输方式。它是我国综合运输体系中的重要组成部分,并且正日益显示出它的巨大作用。 水路运输按其航行的区域,大体上可划分为远洋运输、沿海运输和内河运输三种形式。 远洋运输通常是指除沿海运输以外所有的海上运输。 沿海运输是指利用船舶在我国沿海区域各地之间的运输。 内河运输是指利用船舶、排筏和其它浮运工具,在江、河、湖泊、水库及人工水道上从事的运输。 水路运输是利用船舶、排筏和其它浮运工具,在江、河、湖泊、人工水道以及海洋上运送旅客和货物的一种运输方式。水路运输是我国综合运输体系中的重要组成部分,并且正日益显示出它的巨大作用 水路运输具有下列的特点,也是它的优点: 1、水运主要利用江、河、湖泊和海洋的"天然航道"来进行。水上航道四通八达,通航能力几乎不受限制,而且投资省。 2、水上运输可以利用天然的有利条件,实现大吨位,长距离的运输。因此,水运的主要特点是运量大,成本低,非常适合于大宗货物的运输。 3、是开展国际贸易的主要方式,是发展经济和友好往来的主要交通工具。 |