谥号 Posthumous name (比如汉武帝的武、晋元帝的元)
庙号 Temple name(比如唐太宗的太宗、元世祖的世祖)
年号 Era name 或者 Reign name(比如贞观、嘉靖、康熙)
尊号 Regnal name(比如武则天的则天)
姓 Surname 或者 Family name
氏(先秦)Secondary surname 或者 Clan name (比如孔子姓是子,氏是孔)
名 Given name
字 Courtesy name 或者 Style name
号 Art name
名讳 True name
乳名 Birth name
法号 Dharma name
训名 School name
避讳 Taboo of names
爵位 Nobility rank
太子 Crown Prince
九爵 Nine orders of nobility
亲王 Prince
郡王 Prefecture/Commandery Prince
国公 Duke
郡公 Prefecture/Commandery Duke
县公 County/District Duke
侯爵 Marquis
伯爵 Count
子爵 Viscount
男爵 Baron
世袭的 Hereditary
封建 to enfeoff
皇后 Empress
妃 Consort 或 highly-ranked imperial concubines
品秩 Grade/Rank in the Bureaucracy
正一品 First Rank Officials
从一品 Sub-First Rank Officials
正四品上 Upper Fourth Rank Official
正四品下 Lower Fourth Rank Official
从四品上 Upper Sub-Fourth Rank Official
从四品下 Lower Sub-Fourth Rank Official
奉朝请 People who qualified for imperial audiences
千牛卫 Imperial personal guard
千牛备身 Swordsmen in the personal guard
食邑 Feudatory land
官 Bureaucrat
吏 Government staff
四民 Four occupations(士农工商分别是gentry scholars,peasants,craftsmen以及merchants)
军阀的派系 Clique of xxx
凌迟 Death by a thousand cuts 或者就叫 Lingchi 然后解释是一种cruel execution
腰斩 Death by cutting the waist
绞刑 Death by hanging
车裂 Death by dismembering the body
廷杖 Tingzhang, a type of punishment that the guilty official would be spanked by wooden planks
流放 Be banished/exiled to + 地名
追封 Posthumous enfeoffment
钦差大臣 Imperial government inspector
监正 Supervisor of xxx directorate
诏书 Edict
奏章 Memorial to the emperor
俸禄 Salary for imperial officials
中央集权 Centralization of authority
龙袍 Panlong Robe 或者 Chinese Imperial Dragon Robe
衙门 Administrative Office
中书令 Secretariat Director
中书舍人 Secretariat Drafter
中书门下 Secretariat-Chancellery
同中书门下平章事 Joint Manager of Affairs with the Secretariat-Chancellery
中散大夫 Grand Master of Palace Leisure
大理寺 Imperial Court of Justice
鸿卢寺 Office of Foreign Affairs
光禄寺 Office of Imperial Kitchen
著作局 Editorial office
转运使 Transport Commissioner
处置使 Supervisory Commissioner, an official that arranges and disposes of matters
黜陟使 Personnel Evaluation Commissioner, an official that evaluates, promotes or demotes other officials
国子监 Directorate of Education
将作院 Imperial Manufactories Commission
御史台 Censorate
法司 Judicial office
翰林院 Hanlin Academy, an organization in the central court with scholars who did drafting and editing works for the emperor
京兆尹 Metropolitan governor of capital city
教坊司 Imperial office of music
东宫 The House of Crown Prince 或者 The Eastern Palace for Crown Prince
谏议大夫 Supervisory officer
光禄大夫 Grand Master of the Palace 其中金紫光禄大夫在后面加with golden seal and purple ribbon,银青光禄大夫在后面加with silver seal and blue ribbon
假节:一般说Jiajie,然后解释,an official with a special warrant/permission to represent the emperor
主簿 Recorder 或者 assistant magistrate
主书 Assistant drafters
主事 Director/secretary of xxx section in xxx ministry
主司 Examiner 或者 recruiter,相当于古代政府的HR
漕运:一般来说就是Caoyun,然后解释是 ground and water transportation operated/controlled by the government
茶马交易 Tea-Horse Trade
羁縻制度 Jimi system (A special type of administrative system enforced by Tang and Song dynasties in remote areas where hereditary tribal rulers receive duties from the central court while keeping the high degree of autonomy),和后来明朝的土司制度相似 Tusi system (土司本人有时翻译成Chieftains或者Local headmen)
进士 Nominees who passed the highest-level Imperial Examinations (court exams 殿试),有地方直接说是Jnshi(复数Jinshies)并解释是Imperial examination graduates,其中进士及第是distinguished jinshies,进士出身是xxx with jinshi background,同进士出身是along with jinshi background
贡士 Nominees who passed the national-level Imperial Examinations
举人 Recommendees/nominees who passed the local-level (provincial-level) Imperial Examinations
秀才/生员 Scholars/Educated people (qualified for local-level Imperial Examinations)
童生 Scholars haven’t qualified for the local-level Imperial Examinations
冈仁波齐 Mount Kailash
葱岭 Pamir Plateau
兴都库什山 Hindukush Mountains
燕然山 Khangai Mountains
华阳国志 Chronicles of Huayang
三字经 Three Character Classic
百家姓 Hundred Family Surnames
千字文 Thousand Character Classic
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