Current Catalogue of Key Industries, Products and Technologies the Development of Which Is Encouraged by the State (Provisional)
一、农业I. Agriculture
动植物优良品种改良及重大病虫害防治技术Technologies for the improvement of fine breeds of animals and good strains of plant seeds and control of major diseases and pests
脱毒种苗Toxin-free seedlings
蔬菜、花卉无土栽培Soilless cultivation of vegetables and flowers
高产、高效模式化栽培High-yield, high-efficiency modal cultivation
先进农业技术开发和推广Development and extension of advanced agricultural technologies
农产品储藏、保鲜、加工及综合利用Storage, preservation, processing and comprehensive utilization of agricultural products
中低产田综合治理Integrated treatment of median- and low-yield farmland
宜农荒地、荒山、荒漠、滩涂开发Development of cultivable wasteland, barren hills and mountains, barren deserts and shoals
商品粮、棉、油、糖等农产品基地建设Construction of farm produce bases of commodity foodgrains, cotton, oils, sugar and other crops
旱作农业、节水农业及生态农业Dry farming, water-saving farming and ecological farming
天然橡胶Natural rubber
草业和草原建设Construction of the grass industry and grasslands
名特优水产品养殖Cultivation and breeding of brand-name, special and excellent aquatic products
奶业Dairy industry
生物农药Biological agricultural chemicals
高效低毒无公害农药High-efficiency, low-toxin and pollution-free agricultural chemicals
新型农膜New-type agricultural plastic films
新型兽用疫苗和兽用化学药品New veterinary vaccines and veterinary pharmaceutical chemicals
牛羊胚胎移植Bovine and sheep embryo transplant
渔船技术改造Technological transformation of fishing vessels
饲料添加剂及配套利用Fodder additives and their matching exploitation
二、林业II. Forestry
林业良种选育与遗传改良Selection, cultivation and hereditary improvement of fine seeds for forests
经济林树种、花卉良种繁育及储藏Cultivation and storage of fine species of economic forests and good strains of flower seeds
森林灾害防治Prevention and control of forest disasters
生态环境脆弱地区特殊困难立地造林Afforestation on extraordinarily difficult lands in ecologically vulnerable regions
速生丰产林Fast-growing high-yield forests
防护林工程Shelter forest projects
恢复森林资源工程Forest resources restoration projects
荒漠化防治Prevention and control of desertification
附带原料林基地的木浆造纸Pulp paper making in raw materials forest bases
木材及人工林、小径木材和林区剩余物的深度加工及系列产品Deep processing and serial products of wood, artificial forests, small-diameter wood and residues in forest regions
竹质工程材料和植物纤维工程材料Bamboo engineering materials and plant fibre engineering materials
林化工产品深加工Deep processing of forestry chemical products
树木生理活性物质Physiological active matters of trees
固沙、保水、改土新材料New materials for sand fixing, water conservation and soil improvement
三、水利III. Water Conservancy
大江、大河、大湖的防洪控制性治理工程Flood-control harnessing projects of big rivers and lakes
跨流域调水工程Trans-valley water diversion projects
水资源短缺地区的水源工程Water source projects in regions short of water resources
干旱地区的人畜饮水和改水工程Drinking water and water improvement projects for humans and cattle in drought areas
蓄滞洪区安全建设Safety construction of flood storage and retention areas
海堤防维护和建设Maintenance and construction of sea dykes
江河湖库清淤Silt clean-up in rivers, lakes and reservoirs
病险水库和堤防的除险加固Danger removal and consolidation of sick and dangerous reservoirs and embankments
综合利用水利枢纽工程Integrated utilization of water conservancy hubs
水土保持技术及设施建设Technology and construction of facilities for water and soil conservation
微咸水、劣质水、海水的开发利用及海水淡化Development and exploitation of slightly salty water, poor quality water and sea water and desalination of sea water
水能资源保护和开发Protection and development of water energy resources
水利工程中土工合成材料Civil engineering composite materials in water conservancy projects
高效输配水及节水灌溉技术、设备和方法Technology, equipment and methodology of high-efficiency water transmission and distribution and water-saving irrigation
高效耐磨及低扬程大流量水泵High-efficiency friction-enduring low-lift big-flow water pumps
水情自动测报及防洪调度自动化系统Automated systems for automatic measurement and reporting of water situation and flood control
水利工程勘测设计(CAD)系列软件CAD series software for the survey and design of water conservancy projects
水文数据采集仪器及设备Instruments and equipment for hydrological data gathering
四、气象IV. Meteorology
自动气象站系统技术及设备Systems technology and equipment for automated meteorological stations
特种气象观测及分析设备Equipment for observation and analysis of special weather conditions
多普勒雷达技术及设备Doppler radar technology and equipment
五、煤炭V. Coal
矿井地质及地球物理勘探Geological and geophysical survey of mines
大中型、高效露天煤矿Big- and medium-size high-efficiency open strip mines
大中型高效选煤厂Big- and medium-size high-efficiency coal washeries
瓦斯、煤尘、矿井水、井下火灾的防治Prevention and control of gas, coal dust, mine water and mine fire
工业型煤Industrial shaped coal
水煤浆Liquefied coal pulp
煤炭气化、液化Coal gasification and liquefaction
煤层气勘探及开发利用Survey, development and exploitation of coal rake gas
低热值燃料及煤矿伴生资源的开发利用Development and utilization of low-heat value fuels and associated resources in coal mines
管道输煤Pipeline coal transmission
六、电力VI. Electricity
水力发电Hydropower generation
大型煤矿坑口电站Big-size coal mine mouth power plants
热电联产Integrated thermal power generation
太阳能、地热能、海洋能、垃圾、生物质能发电及大型风力发电Solar energy, ground thermal energy, marine energy, trash and bio-matter energy power generation and big-size wind energy power generation
燃气联合循环发电Joint gas cycling power generation
洁净煤发电Clean coal power generation
远距离超高压输变电Long-distance ultra-high-pressure power transmission and transformation
电网改造和建设Transformation and construction of power networks
七、核能VII. Nuclear Energy
百万千瓦级压水堆核电站One-mega kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power station
低温核供热堆、快中子增殖堆、聚变堆Low-temperature heat supply nuclear reactor, fast neutron breeder reactor and fusion reactor
先进的铀矿采冶Advanced mining and smelting of uranium mine
高性能核燃料元件High-performance nuclear fuel elements
乏燃料后处理Fuel-short after-treatment
核分析、核探测仪器仪表Instruments and apparatuses for nuclear analysis and nuclear survey
同位素及辐照应用Isotopes and their radiation applications
八、石油天然气VIII. Petroleum and Natural Gas
石油、天然气勘探Petroleum and natural gas exploration
石油、天然气开采Petroleum and natural gas exploitation
原油管道输送Pipeline transmission of crude oil
天然气管道输送Pipeline transmission of natural gas
液化天然气Liquefied natural gas
石油储备Petroleum reserve
油气及伴生资源综合利用Integrated exploitation of petroleum, gas and associated resources
九、铁路IX. Railway
铁路干线网Trunk railway network
既有线路提速Speed improvement of existing railway lines
高速铁路系统High-speed railway system
25吨轴重货运重载25-ton axle-weight cargo heavy load
铁路行车安全技术保障系统Railway operations safety technology assurance system
重型优质钢轨及新型轨枕Heavy-duty fine-quality rails and new-type soft sleepers
编组站自动化、装卸作业机械化及货场设备Marshalling yard automation, loading-and-unloading operation mechanization and goods yard equipment
铁路客货运装备Railway passenger and cargo transport equipment
铁路客货运信息系统Railway passenger and cargo transport information system
铁路集装箱运输Railway container transportation
十、公路X. Highway
国道主干线公路网National trunk highway network
智能公路运输系统Intelligent highway transport system
公路快速客货运输Highway rapid passenger and cargo transportation
公路工程新材料New highway engineering materials
公路新型机械设备设计与制造Design and manufacture of new highway machinery and equipment
公路集装箱运输Highway container transportation
十一、水运XI. Water Transport
沿海主枢纽港口Main coastal hub ports
内河干线航道及码头Inland-river trunk navigation channels and wharves
船舶运输的标准化、系列化和现代化Standardization, serialization and modernization of ship transport
大型港口装卸自动化Loading and unloading automation of big ports
远洋运输电子数据交换系统Ocean shipping electronic data exchange system
水上交通管制系统Maritime traffic control system
港口新型机械设备设计与制造Design and manufacture of new port machinery and equipment
水上集装箱运输Maritime container transportation
集装箱多式联运Multi-modal coordinated transportation of containers
十二、航空运输XII. Air Transport
民用机场Civil airports
高性能机场安检设备High-performance airport security-check equipment
空中交通管制系统Air traffic control system
十三、邮电通信XIII. Posts and Telecommunications
同温同层通信系统关键技术及设备Key technologies and equipment of stratosphere telecommunications systems
622Mb/s以上数字同步系列光纤通信系统及设备Optical fibre telecommunications system and equipment for 622Mb/s and over digital synchronous series
155Mb/s以上数字同步系列微波通信系统及设备Microwave telecommunications system and equipment for 155Mb/s and over digital synchronous series
数字移动通信(GSM、CDMA、DCS1800等)系统及设备Digital mobile telecommunications systems and equipment (GSM, CDMA, DCS1800 etc.)
综合业务数字网络(ISDN)系统及设备ISDN systems and equipment
支撑通讯网的新技术设备New technologies and equipment supporting telecommunications networks
卫星通信系统及地球站设备Satellite telecommunications systems and ground station equipment
广播卫星及地球站设备Broadcasting satellites and ground station equipment
卫星移动通信系统设备Satellite mobile telecommunications systems and equipment
有线及无线用户接入网系统设备Cable-and-wireless-user-access-to-the-network system and equipment
异步转移模式宽带光电传输系统设备Asynchronous transfer-mode wide-band optical electronic transmission systems and equipment
智能网络及其应用设备Intelligent network and its applied equipment
数字集群通信系统设备Digital cluster telecommunications systems and equipment
邮政信函、包裹等自动化处理系统Automated disposal systems for postal letters and parcels
十四、钢铁XIV. Iron and Steel
高效选矿及矿产资源综合利用High-efficiency ore dressing and integrated exploitation of mineral resources
直接还原Direct reduction
小球烧结及球团烧结Pellets burning and pellet-grouping burning
配型煤炼焦及捣固炼焦Blended coal coking and tamping coking
干法熄焦Dry coke quenching
高风温长寿热风炉High-wind-temperature long-life hot-air blast furnace
高炉富氧喷煤Blast furnace oxygen-enriched coal spray
高炉高效长寿综合技术Integrated technology for high-efficiency long-life blast furnace
超高功率电炉及综合节能技术Ultra-high power electric furnace and integrated energy-saving technology
转炉溅渣护炉技术Converter splash protection technology
高效连铸High-efficiency continuous casting
连铸坯热装热送Hot loading and hot feeding of continuous casting blanks
熔融还原Melting reduction
薄板坯、薄带坯等近终型连铸连轧Near-terminal continuous casting and rolling of thin plate blanks and thin belt blanks
冶金综合自动化Integrated automation of metallurgy
控制轧制及控制冷却Controlled rolling and controlled cooling
板型控制Plate shape control
表面涂镀层Surface coating and plating
低合金钢及微合金钢Low alloy steel and micro alloy steel
50吨及以上转炉炼钢50-ton and over converter steel
不锈钢冶炼Stainless steel smelting
冷轧硅钢片Silicon steel sheet cold rolling
热、冷轧不锈钢板Hot and cold rolling of stainless steel plates
石油钢管Petroleum steel pipes
废钢加工和处理Scrap steel processing and disposal
高铝矾土、硬质粘土矿开采及熟料生产Mining of high-alumina bauxite and hard clay ore, and production of chamotte
冶金环境保护及冶金废弃物综合利用Metallurgical environmental protection and integrated utilization of metallurgical wastes
十五、有色金属XV. Nonferrous Metals
深部及难采矿床开采Exploitation of deep and difficult mine beds
有色金属复合材料、新型合金材料Nonferrous metal composite materials and new alloy materials
一水硬铝石型铝土矿生产氧化铝Production of alumina with monohydrate hard bauxite ore
有色金属强化冶炼、湿法冶炼Nonferrous metal fortified smelting and wet process smelting
非晶合金薄带Non-crystal alloy thin belts
超临界萃取Supercritical extraction
高效节能选矿和电化学控制浮选High-efficiency energy-saving mine washery and electro-chemically controlled flotation
大型预焙槽电解铝Big pre-roasted vat electrolytic aluminum
铝及铝合金快速铸轧Aluminum and aluminum alloy rapid casting and rolling
8英寸及以上单晶硅片、多晶硅8-inch and over monocrystalline silicon chips and polycrystalline silicon
高效选矿药剂High-efficiency ore dressing chemicals
高性能、高精度硬质合金、锡化合物、锑化合物及陶瓷材料High-performance high-precision hard alloy, tin compound, antimony compound and ceramics materials
高性能磁性材料High-performance magnetic materials
超细粉体材料、电子浆料及其制品Superfine materials, electronic pulp and its products
新型刹车材料New braking materials
多金属共生矿综合利用Integrated exploitation of multi-metal intergrown mines
稀土及稀有、稀散金属开发和综合利用Development and integrated utilization of rare earth, rare and scattered metals
盐湖资源综合利用Integrated exploitation of salt lake resources
采用焙烧新工艺、热压预氧化-氰化提金工艺和细菌氧化-氰化提金工艺开发利用难处理金矿石,难处理金矿含金尾矿资源综合回收Development, exploitation and integrated recovery of difficult gold ores and difficult gold tailings in gold mines by adopting new roasting technique, hot-pressure pre-oxidization and cyanidation gold extraction technique and bacteria-oxidization and cyanidation gold extraction technique
十六、化工XVI. Chemical Industry
Scientific fertilizer applications (soil-survey-based fertilizer applications, new chemical fertilizers and all types of special-purpose fertilizers)
大型合成氨、尿素Big-size synthetic ammonia and urea
大中型高浓度磷钾肥及其复合肥Big- and medium-size high-density phospho-potash fertilizer and its compound fertilizer
含作物所需微量元素复合肥Compound fertilizers with trace elements required by crops
水煤浆加压气化Pressurized gasification of liquefied coal pulp
新型高效催化剂New high-efficiency catalysts
年产20万吨及以上氯化钾和年产10万吨以上硫酸钾Potassium chloride with an annual production of 200,000 tons and over and potassium sulphate with an annual production of 100,000 tons and over
钙镁磷肥改性复合肥Improved calcium-magnesium-phosphorus compound fertilizer
管式反应器制粒状磷铵及三元复合肥Granular ammonium phosphate and ternary compound fertilizer made with tubular reactor
涂层尿素Coated urea
年产3万吨及以上料浆法磷铵和磷石膏制硫酸联产水泥Joint production of cement and sulphuric acid having an annual capacity of 30,000 tons and over with pulp-process ammonium phosphate and phosphorus limestone
硫基三元肥Sulphur-based ternary fertilizer
稀土复合肥Rare earth compound fertilizers
高纯五硫化二磷High-purity phosphorus pentasulphide
先进湿法磷酸精制Advanced wet-process refining of phosphoric acid
抗老化特种聚乙烯Anti-aging special polythene
低毒红矾钠Low-toxin aluminite sodium
万吨级氰化钠10,000-ton grade sodium cyanide
5000吨/年气相法白炭黑5,000-ton/year gaseous-phase white carbon black
大中型化学矿山Big- and medium-size chemical mines
有机硅单体及有机氟等化工新产品Organosilicon monoblocks, organic fluoride and other new chemical products
精细化工新产品New fine chemical products
大型煤化工Big-size coal chemical industry
烧碱用离子膜Ion film for caustic soda
氯化法钛白粉Titanium white chloridization
高性能子午胎High-performance meridian tyres
高性能子午胎骨架材料Bone materials for high-performance meridian tyres
十七、石化XVII. Petroleum Chemical Industry
单系列规模500万吨及以上炼油Single-series scale 5-million-ton and over oil refinery
符合经济规模的原油深度加工Economy-scale deep processing of crude oil
60万吨以上乙烯及大型后加工600,000-ton and over ethylene and big-size after-processing
聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl chloride resin
工程塑料及新型塑料合金Engineering plastics and new plastic alloys
合成材料配套原料:双酚A、丁苯吡胶乳、吡啶、4.4‘二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯、甲苯二异氰酸脂Matching raw materials for composite materials: biphenol-A, butadiene styrene latex, pyridine, 4.4’ dibenzo-methane diisocyanate and methylbenzene diisocyanate
合成橡胶及其应用Synthetic rubber and its applications
单系列能力10万吨及以上丙烯腈Single-series capacity 100,000-ton and over acrylic
单系列能力35万吨及以上PTA Single-series capacity 350,000-ton and over PTA
尼龙6和尼龙66新产品Nylon 6 and nylon 66 new products
有机化工原料新产品New products of organic chemical raw materials
炼厂气、化工副产品的综合利用Integrated utilization of gas and chemical by-products of refineries
三废治理及综合利用Treatment and integrated utilization of petroleum chemical wastes (waste water, waste gases and waste residues)
十八、建材XVIII. Construction Materials
日产4000吨及以上熟料新型干法水泥4,000-ton/day and over ripe-material new dry-process cement
新型墙体材料、装饰装修材料、防水及保温材料New walling materials, decoration and renovation materials, water-proof and insulation materials
万吨级玻璃纤维池窑拉丝10,000-ton glass fibre of direct melting process
优质塑料复合门、窗、管道、墙地覆面材料High-quality composite plastic materials for doors, windows, pipes and wall and floor coverings
平板玻璃深加工Deep processing of sheet glass
高档卫生洁具及五金配件High-grade sanitary ware and its metal parts
非金属矿超细改性加工及制品Super-fine improved processing of non-metal ores and their products
十九、医药XIX. Pharmaceutics
列入国家基本药物目录的药品Medicines listed in the Catalogue of Basic Medicines of the State
重要的出口优势产品Important products having an edge for export
生物工程药品Bioengineering medicine
放射性药品Radioactive drugs
新型抗肿瘤药品(含抗肝炎药物)及新型心脑血管药New anti-carcinogen drugs (including anti-hepatitis drugs) and new cardio- and cerebro-vascular drugs
爱滋病及放射免疫类等诊断制剂Diagnosis agents for AIDS and radiation immunization
新型地方病用药New medicines for endemic diseases
新型解热镇痛药物New fever and pain relievers
新型药物制剂及辅料和按GMP生产的药物制剂New medicaments, auxiliary materials and medicaments produced according to GMP
医药专用紧缺的中间体和新型抗生素Special-purpose medicinal intermediaries in short supply and new antibiotics
New biochemical medicine series (including agents for biochemical diagnosis)
新型药用包装材料New packing materials for medicine
新型医药和医疗器械New pharmaceutics and medical apparatuses
新型卫生材料和敷料New sanitary materials and dressings
计划生育药物及工具Medicines and tools for planned parenthood
新型药物的筛选技术与筛选模型Selection technology and selection models for new medicines
氨基酸新菌种New bacteria for amino acids
饲料级生物素Fodder-grade biotin
维吉尼亚霉素和泰乐菌素Virginiamycin and tylosin
青霉素盐提纯和纯化Penicillin salt refining and purification
发酵及自动控温系统Fermentation and automated temperature control system
大规模用多肽合成、纯化Large-scale multi-peptide synthesis and purification
大规模药用核酸合成、纯化Large-scale medicinal nucleic acid synthesis and purification
高产基因工程菌High-yield gene engineering bacteria
天然类药物Natural drugs
新型中药研制和开发Research and development of new traditional Chinese medicine
二十、机械XX. Machinery
精密成型技术及设备Precision shaping technology and equipment
三轴以上联动的数控机床、数控系统及伺服装置Triple axes joint-operation digital programmed machine tools, digital control systems and servo devices
机械产品开发用先进计算机软硬件技术及设备Advanced computer hardware and software technologies and equipment for the development of machinery products
机械产品开发用先进试验及检测技术和设备Advanced testing and measuring technologies and equipment for the development of machinery products
高速、超硬精密刀具和精密、自动量具量仪High-speed super-hard precision cutters and precision automatic measurers and measuring instruments
新型传感器New sensors
轿车轴承、铁路机车车辆轴承、精密轴承、高速轴承Ball bearings for cars, ball bearings for railway rolling stocks, precision ball bearings, high-speed ball bearings
转轮直径8.5米及以上混流、轴流式水电设备及其关键配套辅机8.5M rotor and over mixed current and axle current hydropower generation equipment and its key matching auxiliary engines
大型贯流及抽水蓄能水电机组及其关键配套辅机Big-size constant flow and pumping energy conservation hydropower generating units and its key matching auxiliary engines
超临界火电机组Super critical thermal power generating units
60万千瓦及以上大型空冷机组600,000-kilowatt and over big-size air-cool power generating units
10万千瓦及以上循环流化床锅炉100,000-kilowatt and over cyclic fluidized bed boiler
3.6万千瓦以上燃气、蒸汽联合循环设备36,000-kilowatt and over gas and steam joint cycling equipment
大型风力发电机组Big-size wind energy power generating units
核电机组及关键配套辅机Nuclear power generating units and its key matching auxiliary engines
50万伏及以上超高压交直流输变电设备500,000-volt and over ultra-high-pressure direct or alternate current transmission and transforming equipment
大电流断流容量试验及变压器突发短路试验设备Equipment for heave-current breaking-capacity test and equipment for transformer abrupt short-circuit test
新型绝缘材料New insulation materials
45万吨/年及以上化肥、乙烯关键制造技术和设备450,000-ton/year and over key production technologies and equipment for chemical fertilizers and ethylene
重大技术装备的分散型控制系统Scattered control systems for major technical equipment
在线自动测试技术与系统Online automatic testing technologies and systems
新型电力电子技术及装置New electric and electronic technologies and devices
精密、超精密加工技术及设备Precision and ultra-precision processing technologies and equipment
激光加工技术及设备Laser processing technologies and equipment
大型精密仪器Big-size precision instruments
新型液压、密封、气动元器件New hydraulic airtight pneumatic elements and parts
电子式低压电器Low-pressure electronic appliances
高强度异型紧固件High-strength special-shape tighteners and fixers
20吨/时以上树脂砂铸造设备20-ton/hour and over resin sand casting equipment
先进模具设计、制造技术及设备Design, manufacturing technology and equipment for advanced moulds
大型真空电子束焊技术及设备Big-size vacuum electronic cluster welding technology and equipment
可控气氛及真空热处理技术及设备Controllable atmospheric and vacuum heat treatment technology and equipment
安全生产及环保检测仪器新技术设备制造New-technology equipment manufacture for testing and measuring instruments for safe production and environmental protection
城市垃圾处理技术及设备Urban garbage disposal technology and equipment
大型污水处理设备Big-size sewage treatment equipment
烟气脱硫脱硝设备Smoke and gas desulphurization and denitration equipment
海水淡化技术及设备Sea water desalination technology and equipment
工业机器人Industrial robots
500万吨/年及以上井下无轨采、装、运设备5-million-ton/year and over trackless mining, loading and transport equipment
2000万吨级及以上大型露天矿成套设备Complete plant for 20-million-ton and over big-size open strip mines
地铁暗挖设备Underground railway excavating equipment
2米以上大型冷热连轧及过程控制技术和设备2m and over big-size cold and hot continuous rolling and process control technology and equipment
3万立方米/时以上空分设备机械式立体车库30,000 cubic-meter/hour and over air-separation equipment mechanical parkade
天然气集输设备Natural gas gathering and transmission equipment
柔性版印刷关键设备Key equipment for soft-plate printing
农业适度规模经营机械设备Machinery and equipment for moderate scale operations of agriculture
农、畜产品深加工及资源综合利用设备Equipment for deep processing of farm produce and animal products and integrated utilization of resources
农业环境、生态农业所需设备Equipment for agricultural environment and ecological agriculture
农业(棉花、水稻、玉米、豆类、青饲料等)收获机械及农机具Agricultural harvesters, farm machinery and tools (for cotton, paddy, corn, beans and green fodder, etc.)
真空精炼与铸造技术及设备Vacuum refining and casting technologies and equipment
新型仪表元器件和材料Elements, parts and materials for new instruments
大型工程施工机械及设备Big-size engineering construction machinery and equipment
先进内燃机及关键零部件Advanced internal-combustion engines and their key components and parts
二十一、电子信息XXI. Electronics and Information
线宽0.8微米以下大规模集成电路0.8 micron wire width and below large-scale integrated circuits
新型电子元器件(含片式元器件)及电力电子元器件New electronic elements and parts (including elements and parts in chips) and electronic elements and parts for electricity
新型表面贴装元器件New surface stick-on assembly elements and parts
光电器件、敏感元器件及传感器Optic-electro components, sensitive elements, parts and sensors
半导体、光电子专用材料开发Development of special-purpose materials for transistors and photo-electronics
大中型电子计算机Big- and medium-size electronic computers
高性能微型电子计算机High-performance micro-electronic computers
工作站、服务器Work stations and servers
软件开发Software development
计算机辅助设计(三维CAD)、辅助测试(CAT)、辅助制造(CAM)、辅助工程(CAE)系统及其它计算机应用系统3D CAD, CAT, CAM, CAE systems and other computer application systems
电子专用设备、仪器、工模具Special-purpose electronic equipment, instruments, tools and moulds
数字交叉连接设备Digital cross-connection equipment
大容量光、磁盘存储器及其部件Large-capacity CD and magnetic disc memory and their parts
New display apparatuses (LCD, panel display)
New printing devices (laser printers)
数据通信多媒体系统设备Equipment for data communications multimedia systems
单模光纤Monomode optical fibre
路由器等网络设备Routers and other network equipment
数字音视频广播系统及产品Digital audio-visual broadcasting systems and products
High-definition laser disc (following MPEG-II standards such as DVD)
数字录放像技术Digital image recording and playing technology
数字彩色电视机Digital color television
大屏幕彩色投影电视Big-screen color projection television
VCD机芯、光头、专用芯片VCD core, optical head and special-purpose chips
普通纸传真机Ordinary paper fax machine
新型保密机New encryption machines
多媒体终端Multimedia terminals
Wideband digital programmed switches (ATM)
高速无线寻呼产品High-speed wireless paging products
数字多功能电话机Digital multi-function telephones
二十二、汽车XXII. Automobiles
汽车车身和车身附件Automobile body and body accessories
汽车、摩托车新型发动机New automobile and motorcycle engines
汽车关键零部件Key auto components and parts
汽车重要部件的精密锻压、黑色铸造、有色铸造及毛坯Precision forging, ferrous casting and nonferrous casting and rough blanks of important auto components
汽车模具Automobile moulds
汽车电子产品Auto-borne electronic products
汽车轻型化新材料New materials for light-weight vehicles
汽车、摩托车整车及发动机、零部件开发系统Development systems for complete vehicle, complete motorcycle and engines, components and parts
发动机管理系统、三元催化转化装置等汽车尾气排放控制系统Engine control systems and vehicle exhaust control systems such as ternary catalysis conversion devices, etc.
国家级检测中心用于汽车、摩托车型式认证检测系统Testing systems for vehicle and motorcycle type authentication for national testing centres
二十三、船舶XXIII. Shipbuilding
高技术、高性能及6万吨级以上大型船舶High-tech high-performance and 60,000-ton and over giant vessels
船舶主机Main engine for vessels
船用电站Shipborne power stations
船用曲轴、特辅机、电子仪表Ship crankshafts, special auxiliary engines and electronic instruments
二十四、航空航天XXIV. Aviation and Aerospace
民用飞机及零部件Civilian aircraft and components and parts
航空电子综合系统Integrated avionics systems
机载设备系统Airborne equipment systems
直升机总体、旋翼系统、传动系统Helicopter body, rotor system and transmission system
航空航天新型材料及应用New materials and their applications for aviation and aerospace
燃气轮机Gas Turbines
卫星、运载火箭及零部件Satellites, carrier rockets and their components and parts
卫星应用Satellite applications
航天技术应用Aerospace technology applications
二十五、轻工纺织XXV. Light Industries and Textiles
非金属制品的模具设计、加工、制造Mould design, processing and manufacture of non-metal products
符合经济规模标准的纸浆、纸及纸板Economy-scale standards pulp, paper and paper board
新型高速九层以上瓦楞纸New high-speed nine-layer and over corrugated paper
皮革后整理加工Leather after-treatment processing
无汞碱锰二次电池、镍氢电池、锂电池Mercury-free alkaline manganese second battery cell, nickel hydrogen battery cell and lithium battery cell
特种工业缝纫机Special industrial sewing machines
合成香料、单离香料Synthetic spices and single icon spices
无氟制冷技术及应用Fluoride-free refrigeration technology and its applications
Xanthan gum (food grade)
高档包装纸制品High-grade packing paper products
新型包装材料New packing materials
全自动高速多色印刷Fully-automated high-speed multicolor printing
高档织物印染和高技术后整理加工High-grade fabric dyeing and printing and high-tech after-treatment processing
单系列日产400吨及以上聚酯Single-series 400-ton/day and over polyester
高仿真化纤面料High-emulation chemical fibre fabrics
纺织用油剂、助剂、染化料Textile oils, assistants, dyes and chemicals
碳纤维、芳纶纤维以及改性、异型、超细、复合化学纤维Carbon fibre, arylon fibre and improved special-shape ultra-fine and composite chemical fibres
特种天然纤维加工Special natural fibre processing
工业用特种纺织品Special industrial textiles
高技术的轻工、纺织机械High-tech light-industrial and textile machinery
3万吨以上直接纺涤纶短纤维30,000-ton and over direct-spin short polyester fibre
1万吨以上直接纺涤纶长丝10,000-ton and over direct-spin long polyester filament
二十六、建筑XXVI. Construction
建筑工程计算机辅助设计Construction project CAD
建筑机械计算机辅助设计和制造Construction machinery CAD and CAM
建筑施工计算机应用Computer applications for building construction
建筑节能关键技术Key energy-saving technologies in construction
高层建筑与空间结构设备Equipment for high-rise buildings and space structures
建筑施工关键设备Key building construction equipment
住宅高性能外围护结构材料与部件High-performance exterior protection structural materials and components for residential buildings
二十七、城市基础设施及房地产XXVII. Urban Infrastructure and Real Estate
城市地铁、轻轨及公共交通Urban underground railway, light rail and public transport
城市道路Urban roads
城市交通管制系统及设备Urban traffic control system and equipment
城市防洪Urban flood control
城镇供水水源、自来水、排水及污水处理Urban and township water supply source, running water, water drainage and sewage treatment
城市垃圾及其他固体废物处理和综合利用Urban garbage and other solid wastes disposal and integrated utilization
城市燃气气源厂Urban gas source plant
城市集中供热Urban central heating
节能、低污染取暖设备Energy-saving low-pollution heating equipment
城市园林绿化Urban park service and afforestation
城市立体停车场Urban parkades
城市危房改造Urban dilapidated house transformation
Comfortable living housing projects
经济适用商品住宅Economical and practical commodity residential buildings
物业管理Property management
二十八、资源综合利用和环境保护XXVIII. Integrated Resources Utilization and Environmental Protection
生态及环境整治Ecological and environmental treatment and control
自然保护区Nature reserves
资源综合利用工程Integrated resources utilization projects
固体废弃物综合利用Solid wastes integrated utilization
废水(液)综合利用Waste water (fluid) integrated utilization
废气综合利用Waste gas integrated utilization
废旧物资综合利用Old and waste materials integrated utilization
大型污水处理Big-size sewage treatment
废气监测Waste gas monitoring
海洋开发及海洋环境保护Ocean development and ocean environmental protection
二十九、服务业XXIX. Services
连锁店、超级市场、仓储式商场等商业设施Commercial facilities such as chain stores, supermarkets and warehouse markets
配送中心、代理制等现代化经营方式Modernized management modes such as distribution centres and agency business
粮食、棉花、食用油、化肥、石油等重要商品的现代化仓储运输设施Modernized warehousing and transport facilities for essential commodities such as foodgrains, cotton, edible oils, chemical fertilizers and petroleum
大型农副产品批发市场Big-size farm produce and by-products wholesale markets
农产品贸工农、产加销一体化经营及流通设施Integrated management and distribution facilities for trade, industry and agriculture and production, processing and marketing of farm produce
农业社会化服务体系Socialized services systems for agriculture
旅游交通及基础设施建设Communications and infrastructure construction for tourism
重大旅游度假项目和专项旅游项目Major tourism and holiday projects and special-purpose tourism projects
大型旅游资源综合开发项目Big integrated development projects of tourism resources
银行、财务公司、信托投资公司Banks, financial firms and trust and investment corporations
保险公司、保险经纪人及代理人公司Insurance companies, insurance brokerage firms and agencies
证券公司、投资银行、商业银行、基金管理公司Stock companies, investment banks, commercial banks, fund management companies
外汇经纪Foreign exchange brokerage
金融、保险、外汇咨询Finance, insurance and foreign exchange consulting
租赁服务Rental services
公益性文化艺术、广播影视、体育设施Nonprofit cultural and art, broadcasting and audio-visual and physical culture facilities
文物保护Cultural relics protection
基本医疗、疾病控制、妇幼保健、康复、福利等设施Basic medical, diseases control, women and infant health care, rehabilitation and welfare facilities
重点高等学校和特殊教育的教学和科研设施Teaching and scientific research facilities for key institutions of higher learning and special education
国家工程研究中心、国家重点实验室、高新技术创业中心、新产品开发设计中心、科研中试基地National engineering research centres, key national laboratories, new high-technology creation centres, new products development and design centres and scientific research pilot plants
技术推广、科技交流、气象、环保、测绘、地震、海洋、专利、技术监督等科技服务Scientific and technological services for technology extension, scientific and technological exchanges, meteorology, environmental protection, surveying and mapping, earthquake, oceanography, patents and technical supervision, etc.
经济、科技、工程、管理、会计审计、劳动就业、法律咨询Consultancy in economy, science and technology, engineering, management, accounting and auditing, labour and employment and law
高新技术广告制作、经济和科技展览、科学普及Making of new high-tech advertisements, economic and scientific and technological exhibitions, science popularization
精密仪器、设备维修及服务Precision instruments, equipment maintenance and repair and services
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