户口 registered permanent residence
民生 people’s wellbeing
团购 group buying
乡长 township head
城管 urban management officers
恶搞 video spoof
房奴 mortgage slave
黑车 unlicensed cab
毕婚族 marry-upon-graduation
安家费 settling-in allowance
代排族 hired queuers
短租房 short-term housing/accommodation
二手房 pre-owned house; second-hand house
封口费 hush money
个体户 the self-employed
公务车 state-financed vehicle
公务员 civil/public servant
假文凭 fake diplomas
开瓶费 corkage fee
两限房 house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area
廉租房 low-rent housing
农民工 migrant worker
农业税 agricultural tax
泡网吧 hit the Internet bar
双休日 two-day weekend
双职工 working couple
群租客 tenant groups
入住率 occupancy rate
潜规则 casting couch
闪跳族 habitual job hopper
筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment building
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