这一类条款的目的是防止合同双方的关系被理解为某种形式的代理关系或者合伙关系。对于代理关系而言,这一条款往往会限禁止合同的一方代表合同的另一方进行某项活动,从而防止代理关系被建立(这里需要注意:表见代理或默示代理(implied agency:implied from the their conduct by implied agreement (Garnac Grain )法院依当事人的行为和案件的事实,通过寻找默示合同关系,进而发现当事人之间的代理关系)抑或暗含的实际代理(implied actual agency。在这一种情况下,代理人必须有实际的代理权。然而一定的情况下,代理人可以超出被代理人授权范围,取得某些未包含在代理协议中的代理权限。一般而言,该情况可能发生于附带授权(incidental authority),通常授权(usual authority)以及习惯性授权(customary authority)))。这一条款仍然可以被用来建立代理关系。
而对于合作关系而言,这一条款的目的则是防止合作成为实质上的合伙人关系,从而承担合伙人责任。依据《合伙条例》第三条(also see Partnership ACT 1890 for UK‘s position),合伙是指为牟利而共同经营业务的人之间所存在的关系。法院在审理这一类案件时会依据案件的实际情况,而不是合约来断定是否存在合伙关系。所以这一条款虽然不能完全防止合同被解释为合伙关系,但是可以作为一种防止的机制。
No Partnership:Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership between the parties
No agency: Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to constitute either Party the agent of agent of the other party. Neither Party shall have any authority to make any commitments on the other party’s behalf.
No Partnership, agency: This agreement shall not constitute or imply any partnership, joint venture, agency, fiduciary relationship or other relationship between the Parties other than the contractual relationship expressent that it has, any authority to make any commitments on the other Party’s behalf.
Assertion of agency relationship: Party A enters into this agreement [both as principal, and] as agent for Company X, and warrants and represents that it has been duly authorized by Company X to enter into this agreement on Company X’s behalf.
No disclosed principal: [Party A] warrants that it is not the nominee or agent of any undisclosed principal and that it will assume sole and complete responsibility for the performance of the obligations in this agreement expressed to be performed by [Party A].
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