[孢子]外壁 exosporium
[锈菌]性孢子器 pycnium
半知菌 imperfect fungi
孢囊柄 sporangiophore
孢丝 capillitium
孢子梗 sporophore
病毒学 virology
病原学 etiology
捕食真菌 predacious fungi
不育菌丝体 sterile mycelium
藏卵器 oogonium
侧丝 paraphysis
产孢体 gleba
产囊丝 ascogenous hypha
产囊体 ascogonium
虫道真菌 ambrosia fungi
虫菌体 hyphal body
虫生真菌 entomogenous fungi
次生菌丝体 secondary mycelium
担子菌 basidiomycetes
地下真菌 hypogeal fungi
顶体 apicle
毒蘑菇 poisonous mushroom
盾状体 clypeus
分生孢子梗 conidiophore
粉孢子梗 oidiophore
梗基 metulae
工业微生物学 industrial microbiology
古始生物界 archetista
古微生物学 paleomicrobiology
古细菌 archaebacteria
国际微生物学会联合会 International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS
海洋微生物学 marine microbiology
合胞体 syncytium
核菌 pyrenomycetes
黑粉病 smut disease
黑粉菌 smut fungi
壶菌 chytrid
黄癣菌丝 favic chandelier mycelium
基内菌丝体 substrate mycelium
假菌丝体 pseudomycelium
鉴定细菌学 determinative bacteriology
酵母菌 yeast
接合孢子柄 zygosporophore
接合菌 zygomycetes
结节状菌丝 nodular mycelium
精子器 spermogonium
菌盖 pileus
菌根真菌 mycorrhizal fungi
菌核 sclerotium
菌环 annulus
菌裙 indusium
菌丝 hypha
菌丝层 subiculum
菌丝段 hyphal fragment
菌丝束 coremium
菌丝索 funiculus
菌丝体 mycelium
菌髓 trama
块菌 truffles
类侧丝 paraphysoid
类周丝 periphysoid
裂殖植物 schizophyte
瘤胃微生物学 rumen microbiology
卵菌 oomycetes
螺旋菌丝 spiral mycelium
毛内癣菌 endothrix
毛外癣菌 ectothrix
霉菌 mold, mould
美国模式培养物保藏所 American Type Culture Collection, ATCC
模式科 type family
模式目 type order
模式属 type genus
模式种 type species
模式株 type strain
蘑菇 mushrooms
木腐菌 wood-decay fungi
囊状体 cystidium
内生菌根 endomycorrhiza
内外生菌根 ectendomycorrhiza
拟侧丝 pseudoparaphysis
农业微生物学 agricultural microbiology
盘菌 cup fungi
泡囊丛枝菌根 vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza
配囊柄 suspensor
瓶梗 phialide
匍匐菌丝 stolon
普通微生物学 general microbilogy
气生菌丝体 aerial mycelium
器菌核 pycnosclerotium
球拍状菌丝体 racquet mycelium
乳品微生物学 diary microbiology
生殖菌丝体 reproductive mycelium
石油微生物学 petroleum microbiology
食品微生物学 food microbiology
始祖生物 progenote
世界培养物保藏协会 World Federation for Culture Collection, WFCC
噬菌体学 bacteriophagology
兽医微生物学 veterinary microbiology
梳状菌丝 pectinafe mycelium
数值分类法 numerical taxonomy
双态性真菌 dimorphic fungi
水生微生物学 aquatic microbiology
土壤微生物学 soil microbiology
外生菌根 ectomycorrhiza
完全真菌 perfect fungi
微生物 microorganism
微生物分类学 microbial taxonomy
微生物生理学 microbial physiology
微生物生态学 microbial ecology
微生物生物化学 microbial biochemistry
微生物学 microbiology
微生物遗传学 microbial genetics
无孢子酵母菌 asporogenous yeasts
无隔菌丝 nonseptate hypha
悉生生物学 gnotobiology
系统细菌学 systematic bacteriology
细菌学 bacteriology
小梗 sterigma
雄器 antheridium
雄器柄 androphore
锈病 rust disease
锈菌 rust fungi
锈子器 aecium
芽缝 germ slit
芽管 germ tube
芽孔 germ pore
医学微生物学 medical microbiology
营养菌丝体 vegetative mycelium
有孢子酵母菌 sporogenous yeasts
有隔菌丝 septate hypha
原核生物 prokaryote
原界 urkingdom
原生动物 protozoan
原生动物学 protozoology
原生生物 protista
原生生物学 protistology
原生植物 protophyte
原植体 thallus
粘菌 slime mold, slime mould
粘菌体 aethalium
真核生物 eukaryote
真菌 fungi
真菌学 mycology
诊断微生物学 diagnostic microbiology
中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会 China Committee for Culture Collection of Microorganisms, CCCCM
中国微生物学会 Chinese Society for Microbiology, CSM
周丝 periphysis
帚状枝 penicillus
子囊菌 ascomycetes
子实层 hymenium
子实层体 hymenophore
子实体 fruiting body
子实下层 subhymenium
自然发生说,无生源说 spontaneous generation, abiogenesis
反向转位 reversed rotation
房间隔缺损 atrial septal defect
房室瓣 atrioventricular valve, AVV
房室沟 atrioventricular groove,AVG
房室管 atrioventricular canal, AVC
房室管永存 persistent atrioventricular canal
房室孔 atrioventricular orifice, AVO
非依赖性分化 independent differentiation,self-differentiation
肺动脉瓣狭窄 pulmonary valve stenosis
肺动脉闭锁 pulmonary artery atresia
肺动脉干 pulmonary trunk, truncus pulmonalis(拉)
肺动脉狭窄 pulmonary artery stenosis
肺泡期 alveolar period
肺膨胀不全 atelectasis
肺芽 lung bud
分化 differentiation
分嵴 crista dividens(拉)
分离指 separated finger
分离趾 separated toe
分叶肾 lobulated kidney
分子胚胎学 molecular embryology
夫精人工授精 artificial insemination by husband, AIH
父性表型 patromorph
附睾附件 appendix of epididymis
复拇指 duplication of the thumb
副耳郭 accessory auricle
副肝管 accessory hepatic duct
副甲状腺组织 accessory thyroid tissue
副精囊 accessory seminal vesicle
副肋 accessory rib
副尿道 paraurethra
副脾 accessory spleen
副胸腺组织 accessory thymic tissue
副胰管 accessory pancreatic duct
副胰组织 accessory pancreatic tissue
腹部寄生胎 epigastric parasitus
腹唇 ventral lip
腹裂 gastroschisis
腹膜后淋巴囊 retroperitoneal lymph sac
腹腔妊娠 abdominal pregnancy
腹系膜 ventral mesentery
腹胰芽 ventral pancreatic bud
腹主动脉 ventral aorta
肝憩室 hepatic diverticulum
肝外胆管闭锁 extrahepatic biliary atresia
肝下阑尾 subhepatic appendix
肝下盲肠 subhepatic cecum
肛凹 proctodeum
肛门闭锁 imperforate anus
肛门不发生 anal agenesis
肛门狭窄 anal stenosis
肛门直肠不发生 anorectal agenesis
肛膜 anal membrane
睾丸发育不全 testicular dysgenesis, testicular hypoplasia
睾丸交叉异位 crossed testicular ectopia
睾丸决定基因 testicular determining gene
睾丸囊状附件 vesicular appendix of testis
睾丸女性化 testicular feminization
睾丸引带 gubernaculum testis, gubernacular cord
膈疝 diaphragmatic hernia
个体发生 ontogenesis,ontogeny
弓动脉 aortic arch
弓形子宫 uterus arcuatus(拉)
宫角妊娠 cornual pregnancy
宫颈妊娠 cervical pregnancy
宫内人工授精 intrauterine insemination, IUI
供卵 donor egg
孤雌生殖 parthenogenesis
骨颅 osteocranium
骨盆肾 pelvic kidney
固定绒毛 anchoring villus
管状鼻 proboscis-like nose
管状肠重复畸形 tubular intestinal duplication
龟头下裂 glandular hypospadia
过度角化[症] hyperkeratosis
过熟卵泡 postmature follicle
海马始基 hippocampal rudiment
含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst
毫毛 vellus(拉)
合体滋养层 syncytiotrophoblast
合子 zygote
合子输卵管内移植 zygote intra-Fallopian transfer, ZIFT
虹膜裂 coloboma of iris, coloboma iridis(拉)
虹膜瞳孔膜 iridopupillary membrane
虹膜瞳孔膜存留 persistent iridopupillary membrane
喉气管沟 laryngotracheal groove
喉气管憩室 laryngotracheal diverticulum
后肠 hindgut
后成论 postformation theory, epigenesis theory
后脑 metencephalon
后鳃体 ultimobranchial body
后神经孔 posterior neuropore
后肾 metanephros,metanephridium
后肾组织帽 metanephric tissue cap
后外侧囟 posterolateral fontanelle,mastoid fontanelle
后主静脉 posterior cardinal vein
呼吸窘迫综合征 respiratory distress syndrome
花斑胎 harlequin fetus
化学分化 chemo-differentiation
化学胚胎学 chemical embryology
环境致畸因子 environmental teratogen
环状胰 anular pancreas
会阴尿道下裂 perineal hypospadia
混合[性]转位 mixed rotation
活动盲肠 mobile cecum
活动性结肠 mobile colon
获能 capacitation
霍夫鲍尔细胞 Hofbauer cell
霍伊泽膜 Heuser membrane
肌管 myotube
肌节腔 myocoel
肌性室间隔缺损 muscular septal defect
肌原细胞 myogenous cell, myoblast
积水性脑膜脑膨出 meningohydroencephalocele
基板 basal plate
基因激活 gene activation
基因库 gene library, gene bank
基因作用 gene action
畸胎癌 teratocarcinoma
畸形发生 teratogenesis
畸形手 clubhand
畸形学 teratology
畸形易发性 susceptibility to teratogenesis
畸形足 clubfoot
极性 polarity
脊髓脊膜膨出 meningomyelocele
脊髓裂 myeloschisis
脊髓纵裂 diastematomyelia,diastomyelia
脊索 notochord
脊索形成 notogenesis
脊柱侧凸 scoliosis
脊柱裂 rachischisis
继发腭 secondary palate
寄生胎 parasitus
加特纳管 Gartnerian duct
甲小皮 nail cuticle
甲状旁腺原基 primordium of parathyroid gland
甲状舌管 thyroglossal duct
甲状舌管窦 thyroglossal sinus
甲状舌管囊肿 thyroglossal cyst
甲状腺憩室 thyroid diverticulum
假隔 septum spurium(拉)
假两性同体 false hermaphroditism, pseudohermaphroditism
假妊娠 pseudopregnancy,phantom pregnancy
假腺期 pseudoglandular period
尖形头 oxycephaly,turricephaly
间充质 mesenchyme
间介中胚层 intermediate mesoderm
间脑 diencephalon
睑裂 coloboma of eyelid, palpebral coloboma
桨状手板 paddle-shaped hand plate
桨状足板 paddle-shaped foot plate
交叉异位肾 crossed ectopic kidney
交感成神经细胞 sympathetic neuroblast
角化不良症 dyskeratosis
角化珠 horny pearl
节间动脉 intersegmental artery
界沟 sulcus limitans(拉)
界嵴 crista terminalis(拉)
晶状体[基]板 lens placode
晶状体泡 lens vesicle
精卵质膜融合 sperm-oocyte membrane fusion
精子穿卵试验 egg penetration test
精子穿入 sperm penetration
精子排放 spermiation
精子贴附 sperm binding
颈[部]肌节 cervical myotome
颈窦 cervical sinus
颈淋巴囊 jugular lymph sac
颈曲 cervical flexure
颈外侧囊肿 lateral cervical cyst
静脉导管 ductus venosus(拉)
静脉窦 sinus venosus(拉)
静脉韧带 ligamentum venosum(拉)
旧皮质 palaeopallium
局部退化 regional degeneration
巨口 macrostomia
巨舌 macroglossia
巨生殖器 macrogenitosomia
巨牙 macrodontia
决定 determination
均等联体双胎 equal conjoined twins
均等卵裂 equal cleavage
均黄卵 isolecithal ovum
卡普德庞综合征 Capdepont syndrome
抗受精素 anti-fertilizin
孔洞脑 porencephaly
口凹 stomodeum
口咽膜 oropharyngeal membrane
眶[部]肌节 orbital myotome
眶颅 orbitocranium
拉特克囊 Rathke pouch
赖歇特软骨 Reichert cartilage
冷藏精液 cryopreserved semen
冷藏胚胎 cryopreserved embryo
犁鼻器 vomeronasal organ
联合突 copula(拉),connector
联体双胎 conjoined twins
两腔心 cor biloculare (拉)
两性同体 hermaphroditism
裂手 cleft hand
裂足 cleft foot
菱唇 rhombic lip
菱脑 rhombencephalon
菱脑沟 rhombic groove
菱脑节 rhombomere,neuromere
菱脑峡 rhombencephalic isthmus
六胎 sextuplets
颅[底]咽管 basipharyngeal canal, craniopharyngeal canal
颅缝早闭 craniosynostosis
颅梁 trabecula cranium(拉)
颅裂 cranioschisis
颅咽管瘤 craniopharyngioma
露脑 exencephaly
孪生 twins
卵巢不发生 ovarian agenesis
卵巢发育不全 ovarian dysgenesis, ovarian hypoplasia
卵巢冠 epoophoron, parovarium(拉)
卵巢冠囊状附件 vesicular appendix of epoophoron
卵巢旁体 paroophoron
卵巢妊娠 ovarian pregnancy
卵巢网 rete ovarium(拉)
卵冠丘复合体 oocyte-corona-cumulus complex, OCCC
卵核分裂 ookinesis
卵黄肠管 vitello-intestinal duct
卵黄蒂 yolk stalk
卵黄动脉 vitelline artery
卵黄静脉 vitelline vein
卵黄囊 yolk sac
卵裂 cleavage
卵裂沟 cleavage furrow
卵裂面 cleavage plane
卵裂球 blastomere
卵皮质 cortical ooplasm
卵圆孔 foramen ovale(拉)
卵圆孔瓣 valve of foramen ovale
卵圆孔未闭 patent oval foramen
卵周隙 perivitelline space
卵周隙液 perivitelline liquid
马蹄内翻足 talipes equinovarus(拉)
马蹄肾 horseshoe kidney
马蹄外翻足 talipes equinovalgus(拉)
麦克尔憩室 Meckel’s diverticulum
麦克尔软骨 Meckel cartilage
脉络膜裂 choroid fissure
盲肠憩室 cecal diverticulum
盲孔 foramen coecum
猫叫综合征 cri du chat syndrome
毛芽 hair bud
面横裂 transverse facial cleft
面裂 facial cleft
面斜裂 oblique facial cleft
描述胚胎学 descriptive embryology
膜颅 desmocranium
膜性闭锁肛 membranous atresia of anus
膜性室间隔缺损 membranous septal defect
末脑 myelencephalon
母性表型 matromorph
男性假两性同体 male pseudohermaphroditism
囊胚 blastula
囊胚期 blastula stage
囊胚腔 blastocoele
囊胚形成 blastulation
囊状肠重复畸形 cystic intestinal duplication
囊状附件 vesicular appendage
脑[脊]膜膨出 meningocele
脑过小 microencephaly
脑积水 hydrocephalus
脑颅 neurocranium
脑膜脑膨出 meningoencephalocele
脑旁体 paraphysis
脑桥曲 pontine flexure
内侧鼻突 median nasal prominence, median nasal process
内脑[脊]膜 endomeninx
内胚层 endoderm, entoderm
内肾小球 internal glomerulus
内细胞团 inner cell mass
内脏反位 situs inversus viscerum (拉)
尿[生]殖窦 urogenital sinus
尿[生]殖窦括约肌 urogenital sinus sphincter
尿[生]殖膜 urogenital membrane
尿道上裂 epispadia
尿道阴道隔 urethro-vaginal septum
尿道阻塞 urethral obstruction
尿囊 allantois
尿囊腔 allantoic cavity
尿囊液 allantoic fluid
尿生殖[嵴]系膜 urogenital mesentery
尿生殖板 urogenital plate, urethral plate
尿生殖沟 urogenital groove, urethral groove
尿生殖嵴 urogenital ridge
尿生殖嵴 urogenital ridge
尿生殖孔 urogenital opening
尿生殖褶 urogenital fold, urethral fold
尿直肠隔 urorectal septum
女性假两性同体 female pseudohermaphroditism,androgynism
排卵 ovulation
排卵龄 ovulation age
盘状肾 discoid kidney
旁睾 paradidymis
膀胱外翻 ectopia of urinary bladder, extrophy of bladder
膀胱阴道瘘 vesicovaginal fistula
胚[盘]下腔 subgerminal cavity
胚[胎] embryo
胚[胎]龄 embryonic age
胚[胎]期 embryonic stage, embryonic period
胚层 germ layer, embryonic layer
胚极 embryonic pole
胚孔 blastopore
胚孔唇 blastopore lip
胚内体腔 intraembryonic coelom
胚盘 embryonic disc, germ disc
胚泡 blastocyst
胚泡期 blastocyst stage
胚泡腔 blastocyst cavity
胚泡形成 blastocyst formation
胚胎发生 embryogenesis
胚胎工程 embryo engineering
胚胎瘤 embryoma
胚胎培养 embryo culture
胚胎融合 embryo fusion
胚胎学 embryology
胚胎移植 embryo transfer, ET
胚胎滞育 embryonic diapause
胚外内胚层 extraembryonic endoderm
胚外体壁中胚层 extraembryonic somatopleuric mesoderm
胚外体腔 extraembryonic coelom
胚外外胚层 extraembryonic ectoderm
胚外脏壁中胚层 extraembryonic splanchnopleuric mesoderm
胚外中胚层 extraembryonic mesoderm
配子 gamete
配子发生 gametogenesis
配子输卵管内移植 gamete intra-Fallopian transfer, GIFT
皮肤松弛症 cutis laxa
皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst
皮质反应 cortical reaction
皮质颗粒 cortical granule
片层状鱼鳞癣 lamellar ichthyosis
平滑绒毛膜 chorion laeve(拉)
蹼状趾 webbed toe
七胎 septuplets
奇结节 tuberculum impar, median tongue swelling
脐 umbilicus
脐带 umbilical cord
脐带胶质 umbilical jelly, Wharton’s jelly
脐动脉 umbilical artery
脐静脉 umbilical vein
脐裂 omphaloschisis
脐瘘 umbilical fistula
脐囊 umbilical vesicle
脐尿窦 urachal sinus
脐尿管 urachus
脐尿瘘 urachal fistula
脐尿囊 urachal cyst
脐腔 umbilical coelom
脐疝 umbilical hernia
鳍状肢芽 flipper-like limb bud
气管闭锁 tracheal atresia
气管憩室 tracheal diverticulum
气管食管隔 tracheoesophageal septum
气管食管瘘 tracheoesophageal fistula
气管食管褶 tracheoesophageal fold
气管狭窄 tracheal stenosis
气腔形成 pneumatization
器官发生 organogenesis
器官发生期 organogenetic period
器官形成区 organ forming area
器官原基 organ primordium
髂淋巴囊 iliac lymph sac
前肠 foregut
前脑 prosencephalon
前神经孔 anterior neuropore
前嗜铬组织 prechromaffin tissue
前蜕膜细胞 predecidual cell
前外侧囟 anterolateral fontanelle,sphenoid fontanelle
前置胎盘 placenta praevia(拉)
前主静脉 anterior cardinal vein
鞘突存留 persistent processus vaginalis
球嵴 bulbar ridge
球室沟 bulboventricular sulcus
球室袢 bulboventricular loop
曲细精管索 seminiferous cord, testicular cord
去分化 dedifferentiation
去获能 decapacitation
全[潜]能细胞 totipotent cell
缺肢 ectromelia
桡骨缺如 absence of radius
人体胚胎学 human embryology
人中 philtrum
妊娠 pregnancy, gestation
妊娠反应 pregnancy reaction, gestation reaction
妊娠黄体 corpus luteum of pregnancy
绒毛膜 chorion
绒毛膜板 chorionic plate
绒毛膜囊 chorionic sac
绒毛膜绒毛 chorionic villus
融合肋 fused rib
融合牙 fused tooth
软骨发育不全 chondrodysplasia
软骨颅 chondrocranium
鳃[弓]下隆起 hypobranchial eminence
鳃窦 branchial sinus
鳃弓 branchial arch
鳃弓肌 branchial muscle
鳃沟 branchial groove
鳃节 branchiomere
鳃裂 branchial cleft
鳃瘘 branchial fistula
鳃膜 branchial membrane
鳃囊肿 branchial cyst
鳃器 branchial apparatus
三级绒毛干 tertiary stem villus
三尖瓣闭锁 tricuspid atresia
三精入卵 trispermy
三胚层胚盘 trilaminar germ disc
三腔心 cor triloculare(拉)
三胎 triplets
桑椹胚 morula
桑椹胚期 morula stage
桑椹胚形成 morulation
色素痣 nevus(拉)
上颌突 maxillar prominence, maxillar process
上胚层 epiblast
上肢肌节 upper limb myotome
上主静脉 supracardinal vein
少黄卵 miolecithal ovum, oligolecithal egg
少精子症 oligospermatism
舌[下]颌裂 hyomandibular cleft
舌骨弓 hyoid arch
舌裂 cleft tongue
舌系带过短 ankyloglossum, tongue tie
舌下囊肿 ranula
神经板 neural plate
神经肠管 neurenteric canal
神经垂体芽 neurohypophyseal bud
神经沟 neural groove
神经沟未闭 asyntaxia dorsalis[拉]
神经管 neural tube
神经嵴 neural crest
神经胚 neurula
神经胚期 neurula stage, neurula period
神经胚形成 neurulation
神经上皮 neuroepithelium
神经褶 neural fold
肾发生 nephrogenesis
肾泡 renal vesicle
肾缺如 renal agenesis,agenesis of kidney
肾上腺生殖综合征 adrenogenital syndrome
生骨节 sclerotome
生后肾原基 metanephrogenic blastema
生肌节 myotome
生角质区 keratogenous zone
生毛基 germinal hair matrix
生皮节 dermatome
生肾节 nephrotome, nephromere
生肾索 nephrogenic cord
生心板 cardiogenic plate
生心区 cardiogenic area
生心中胚层 cardiogenic mesoderm
生血管细胞团 angiogenic cell cluster
生殖 reproduction
生殖[腺]嵴 gonadal ridge, genital ridge
生殖工程 reproduction engineering
生殖结节 genital tubercle
生殖隆起 genital swelling, torus genitalis(拉)
生殖索 genital cord
生殖腺 gonad
生殖腺发生 gonadogenesis
生殖腺发育不全 gonadal dysgenesis
生殖腺索 gonadal cord
生殖周期 reproductive cycle
十二指肠闭锁 duodenal atresia
十二指肠憩室 duodenal diverticulum
十二指肠狭窄 duodenal stenosis
石胎 lithopedion
实验胚胎学 experimental embryology
食管闭锁 esophageal atresia
食管疝 esophageal hernia
食管系膜 mesoesophagus
食管狭窄 esophageal stenosis
试管婴儿 test tube baby
视[基]板 optic plate,ophthalmic placode
视杯 optic cup
视柄 optic stalk
视沟 optic groove, optic sulcus
视泡 optic vesicle
视网膜内间隙 intraretinal space
室管膜层 ependymal layer
室间隔 interventricular septum
室间隔肌部 muscular part of interventricular septum
室间隔膜部 membranous part of interventricular septum
室间隔缺如 absence of the interventricular septum
室间隔缺损 ventricular septal defect
室间沟 interventricular groove
室间孔 interventricular foramen
受精 fertilization
受精[能] 力 fertility,fertilization ability
受精龄 fertilization age
受精卵 fertilized ovum
受精膜 fertilization membrane
受精素 fertilizin
受精锥 fertilization cone
受孕 conception
授精 insemination
输卵管闭锁 atresia of uterine tube
输卵管妊娠 tubal pregnancy
输尿管开口异位 ectopic ureteral orifice
输尿管芽 ureteric bud, ureteric deverticulum
双侧唇裂 bilateral cleft lip
双胆囊 double gallbladder
双极成神经细胞 bipolar neuroblast
双角单颈子宫 uterus bicornis unicollis(拉)
双角子宫 bicornuate uterus, uterus bicornis (拉)
双精入卵 dispermy
双口子宫 uterus biforis(拉)
双卵孪生 dizygotic twins,non-identical twins
双面畸形 diprosopus, diprosopy
双腔子宫 uterus bilocularis, uterus bipartitus(拉)
双阴道 double vagina
双阴茎 double penis
双主动脉弓 double aortic arch
双子宫 double uterus
水俣病 minamata disease
斯特里特发育分期 Streeter developmental horizons, Carnegie stages
四胎 quadruplets
四肢不全 peromelia
髓核 nucleus pulposus(拉)
索旁软骨 parachordal cartilage
索前板 prochordal plate
他精人工授精 artificial insemination by donor, AID
胎[儿] fetus
胎[儿]期 fetal stage, fetal period
胎斑 mongolian spot
胎粪 meconium(拉)
胎粪性肠梗阻 meconium ileus
胎毛 lanugo [hair]
胎膜 fetal membrane
胎内胎 fetus in fetus, cryptodidymus
胎盘 placenta
胎盘[血]窦 placental sinus
胎盘隔 placental septum
胎盘母体部 maternal placenta
胎盘屏障 placental barrier, placental membrane
胎盘胎儿部 fetal placenta
胎盘形成 placentation
胎生牙 natal tooth
胎脂 vernix caseosa(拉)
唐氏综合征 Down syndrome
套层 mantle layer
套装论 encasement theory
体壁肌节 body wall myotome
体壁中胚层 somatic mesoderm
体蒂 body stalk, connecting stalk
体节 somite
体内受精 in vivo fertilization
体腔管 coelomic duct
体外受精 in vitro fertilization
体外心 ectopia cordis(拉)
体质 somatoplasm
添加性生长 accretionary growth
调变 modulation
调整型发育 regulatory development
听[基]板 otic placode
听泡 otic vesicle, otocyst
同核体 homokaryon
同期复孕 superfecundation
同源框 homoeobox
同源框基因 homoeobox gene
同源框顺序 homoeobox sequence
同源异形 homoeosis
同源异形突变体 homoeotic mutant
瞳孔膜 pupillary membrane
瞳孔膜存留 persistent pupillary membrane
头部寄生胎 cephalopagus parasiticus, cephaloparasitus
头联双胎 craniopagus, cephalopagus
头曲 cephalic flexure
头突 head process, notochordal process
头胸腹联双胎 cephalothoracoventropagus
头胸联双胎 cephalothoracopagus
头褶 head fold, cephalic fold
透明带反应 zona reaction
透明膜病 hyaline membrane disease
突变论 catastrophe theory
蜕膜 decidua
蜕膜反应 decidua reaction
蜕膜化 decidualization
蜕膜细胞 decidual cell
臀连双胎 pygopagus
外侧鼻突 lateral nasal prominence, lateral nasal process
外侧腭突 lateral palatine process
外侧颈窦 lateral cervical sinus
外侧舌膨大 lateral tongue swelling
外耳道闭锁 atresia of external acoustic meatus
外耳道栓 meatal plug
外脑[脊]膜 exomeninx
外胚层 ectoderm
外胚层发育不良症 ectodermal dysplasia
外肾小球 external glomerulus
完全卵裂 complete cleavage, holoblastic cleavage
围生期 perinatal stage, perinatal period
围心腔 pricardial coelom
尾[部]肌节 caudal myotome
尾褶 tail fold
位置信息 positional information
胃背系膜 dorsal mesogastrium
胃腹系膜 ventral mesogastrium
无耳 anotia
无睾畸形 anorchidism
无睾丸 anorchia
无虹膜 aniridia(拉)
无极成神经细胞 apolar neuroblast
无晶状体 aphakia
无精子发生 aspermatogenesis
无精子症 azoospermatism
无颈子宫 uterus acollis(拉)
无口 astomia
无颅盖 acrania
无毛症 atrichosis, atrichia
无脑畸形 anencephaly
无乳房 amastia
无舌 aglossia
无肾小球肾 aglomerular kidney
无下颌 agnathus
无下颌头面畸形 agnathocephalia
无心畸形 acardia
无性生殖 asexual reproduction
无胸腺 athymism, athymismus
无牙 anodontia
无眼 anophthalmia
无阴道 absence of vagina
无肢 amelia
无子宫 absence of uterus
五胎 quintuplets
稀毛症 hypotrichosis
细胞分化 cell differentiation
细胞接触抑制 cell contact inhibition
细胞接触诱导 cell contact guidance
细胞迁移 cell migration
细胞识别 cell recognition
细胞死亡 cell death
细胞通讯 intercellular communication
细胞增殖 cell proliferation
细胞滋养层 cytotrophoblast
细胞滋养层壳 cytotrophoblastic shell
细胞滋养层细胞柱 cytotrophoblastic cell column
虾爪状畸形 lobster-claw deformity
下额突 mandibular prominence,mandibular process
下颌弓 mandibular arch
下颌骨颜面发育不全 mandibulofacial dysostosis
下胚层 hypoblast
下肢肌节 lower limb myotome
下主静脉 subcardinal vein
先成论 preformation theory
先天[性]畸形 congenital malformation
先天肥大性幽门狭窄 congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
先天无神经节性巨结肠 congenital aganglionic megacolon, Hirschsprung disease.
先天性白内障 congenital cataract
先天性镫骨固定 congenital fixation of stapes
先天性耳凹 congenital auricular pit
先天性耳郭囊肿 congenital auricular cyst
先天性耳聋 congenital deafness
先天性耳前瘘 congenital preauricular fistula
先天性肺囊肿 congenital pulmonary cyst
先天性腹股沟疝 congenital inguinal hernia
先天性睾丸发育不全 Klinefelter syndrome
先天性膈疝 congenital diaphragmatic hernia
先天性髋关节脱臼 congenital dislocation of hip
先天性卵巢发育不全 Turner syndrome
先天性脐疝 congenital umbilical hernia
先天性青光眼 congenital glaucoma, buphthalmos
先天性上腹壁疝 congenital epigastric hernia
先天性肾上腺皮质增生症 congenital adrenal cortical hyperplasia
先天性食管裂孔疝 congenital esophageal hiatal hernia
先天性视网膜剥离 congenital detachment of retina
先天性无发 congenital alopecia
先天性心包缺损 congenital pericardial defects
相互诱导 reciprocal induction
镶嵌型发育 mosaic development
镶嵌杂种 mosaic hybrid
小耳 microtia, hypoplasia of auricle
小管期 canalicular period
小颌 micrognathia
小颈子宫 uterus parvicollis(拉)
小口 microstomia
小脑板 cerebellar plate
小舌 microglossia
小头 microcephaly
小形指 microdactyly
小形趾 microdactyly
小牙 microdontia
小眼 microphthalmia
小阴茎 micropenis
斜形头 plagiocephaly
泄殖腔 cloaca (拉)
泄殖腔存留 persistent cloaca
泄殖腔膜 cloacal membrane
心包胸膜管 pericardiopleural canal
心背系膜 dorsal mesocardium
心动脉球 bulbus arteriosus cordis (拉)
心管 cardiac tube
心肌外膜网 myoepicardial reticulum
心肌外套层 myoepicardial mentle
心胶质 cardiac jelly
心球 bulbus cordis(拉)
心下囊 infracardiac bursa
心形子宫 uterus cordiformis (拉)
新皮质 neopallium, neocortex
新生儿硬皮症 sclerema neonatorum(拉)
新小脑发育不全 neocerebellar agenesis
囟[门] fontanelle
形态发生 morphogenesis
形态发生场 morphogenetic field,embryonic field
形态发生梯度 morphogenetic gradient
性别 sex, sexuality
性别分化 sex differentiation
性别决定 sex determination
性交龄 coital age
性嵌合体 sexual mozaic
性周期 sexual cycle
胸部寄生胎 thoracopagus parasiticus, thoracoparasitus
胸腹隔膜 pleuroperitoneal membrane
胸腹连双胎 thoracoventropagus
胸腹裂 thoracogastroschisis
胸腹裂孔 pleuroperitoneal foramen, Bochdalek foramen
胸腹膜管 pleuroperitoneal canal
胸腹膜孔 pleuroperitoneal opening
胸骨后疝 retrosternal hernia
胸骨裂 cleft sternum
胸肋裂孔 sternocostal hiatus
胸联双胎 thoracopagus
胸腺原基 primordium of thymus
胸心包隔膜 pleuropericardial membrane
雄[性]配子 male gamete
雄[性]原核 male pronucleus
血岛 blood island
血管发生 angiogenesis
血管瘤 hemangioma
牙本质发生不全 dentinogenesis imperfect
咽鼓管鼓室隐窝 tubotympanic recess
咽囊 pharyngeal pouch
眼囊 optic capsule
羊膜 amnion
羊膜囊 amniotic sac
羊膜腔 amniotic cavity
羊膜腔穿刺术 amniocentesis
羊膜形成 amniogenesis
羊膜褶 amniotic fold
羊水 amniotic fluid
羊水过多 hydramnios, polyhydramnios
羊水过少 oligohydramnios
腰[部]肌节 lumbar myotome
医用胚胎学 medical embryology
依赖性分化 dependent differentiation
胰芽 pancreatic bud
遗传性别 genetic sex
异核体 heterokaryon
异期复孕 superfetation
异位肺叶 ectopic lung lobe
异位睾丸 ectopic testis
异位甲状旁腺 ectopic parathyroid gland
异位甲状腺 ectopic thyroid gland
异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy
异位肾 ectopic kidney
异位输尿管 ectopic ureter
异位胰组织 heterotopic pancreatic tissue
异位植入 ectopic implantation
翼板 alar plate
翼方软骨 pterygoquadrate cartilage
翼状层 pterygoid lamina
阴唇隆起 labial swelling
阴唇阴囊隆起 labioscrotal swelling
阴道板 vaginal plate
阴道闭锁 atresia of vagina, vaginal atresia
阴道内培养 intravaginal culture, IVC
阴茎发育不全 agenesis of penis
阴茎尿道下裂 penile hypospadia
阴茎阴囊尿道下裂 penoscrotal hypospadia
阴囊后阴茎 retroscrotal penis
阴囊隆起 scrotal swelling
隐睾 cryptorchidism, undescended testis
隐性脊柱裂 spina bifida occulta(拉)
隐眼 cryptophthalmos, cryptophthalmia
优势卵泡 dominant follicle
游离绒毛 free villus
有性生殖 sexual reproduction
右位心 dextrocardia(拉)
右主动脉弓 right aortic arch
诱导物 inducer
诱导学说 induction theory
诱发排卵 induced ovulation
釉质发生不全 amelogenesis imperfect
釉质发育不全 enamel hypoplasia
釉质珠 enamel pearl
鱼鳞病 ichthyosis
预定[胚]区 prospective area, prospective region
预定命运 prospective fate, prospective significance
预定潜能 prospective potency
原肠胚 gastrula
原肠胚期 gastrula stage, gastrula period
原肠胚形成 gastrulation
原沟 primitive groove
原基 primordium(拉), anlage
原结 primitive knot, primitive node
原皮质 archipallium,archicortex
原肾 pronephros
原肾管 pronephric duct
原肾小管 pronephric tubule
原始横隔 septum transversum(拉 )
原始后鼻孔 primitive choana
原始脑[脊]膜 primitive meninx
原始脑泡 primary cerebral vesicle
原始内胚层 primitive endoderm
原始皮质 primitive cortex, fetal cortex
原始生殖细胞 primordial germ cell
原始声门 primitive glottis
原始室管膜层 primitive ependymal layer
原始体腔 primitive body cavity
原始外胚层 primitive ectoderm
原始系膜 primitive mesentery
原始消化管 primitive gut
原始小网膜囊 primitive lesser sac
原条 primitive streak
原窝 primitive pit
月经龄 menstrual age
孕体 conceptus
再分化 redifferentiation
再获能 recapacitation
脏壁中胚层 splanchnic mesoderm
脏颅 viscerocranium, splanchnocranium
增大性生长 auxetic growth
增殖性生长 multiplicative growth
着床 nidation
真两性同体 true hermaphroditism
枕[部]肌节 occipital myotome
枕软骨 occipital cartilage
枕生骨节 occipital sclerotome
枕外软骨 exoccipital cartilage
正中唇裂 median cleft lip
正中腭突 median palatine process
肢芽 limb bud
直肠闭锁 rectal atresia
直肠尿道瘘 rectourethral fistula
直肠膀胱瘘 rectovesical fistula
直肠阴道隔 recto-vaginal septum
直肠阴道瘘 recto-vaginal fistula
植入 implantation
植物极 vegetative pole, vegetal pole
纸样胎 fetus papyraceous, papyraceous fetus
致畸临界期 critical period to teratogenic agent
致畸敏感期 sensitive period to teratogenic agent
致畸易感性 susceptibility to teratogenic agent
致畸因子 teratogen, teratogenic agent
中肠 midgut
中肠扭结 midgut volvulus
中肠袢 midgut loop
中黄卵 mesolecithal ovum, medialecithal egg
中脑 mesencephalon
中脑曲 mesencephalic flexure
中胚层 mesoderm
中肾 mesonephros,mesonephridium
中肾管 mesonephric duct,Wolffian duct
中肾旁管 paramesonephric duct, Müllerian duct
中肾小管 mesonephric tubule
中肾小球 mesonephric glomerulus
中外胚层 mesectoderm
终毛 terminal hair
终末囊泡期 terminal sac period
种间杂交 intervarietal hybridization
种系发生 phylogenesis,phylogeny
种质 germ plasm,idioplasm
重[复]肾 double kidney
重演律 recapitulation law
舟状头 scaphocephaly
周皮 periderm
轴旁中胚层 paraxial mesoderm
轴上躯干肌 epiaxial muscle
轴下躯干肌 hypaxial muscle
主[导]基因 master gene
主动脉瓣狭窄 aortic valve stenosis
主动脉肺动脉错位 transposition of great vessels
主动脉肺动脉间隔缺损 aortopulmonary septal defect
主动脉干 truncus aortae(拉)
主动脉狭窄 aorta stenosis
主肺动脉膈 aortico-pulmonary septum
主胰管 main pancreatic duct
转化基因 transformed gene
转化克隆 transformed clone
转化体 transformant
转基因动物 transgenic animal
转位不全 arrested rotation
滋养层 trophoblast, trophoderm
滋养层腔隙 trophoblastic lacuna
滋养层细胞 trophoblastic cell
子宫发育不全 uterine hypoplasia
子宫颈闭锁 atresia of cervix
子宫阴道原基 uterovaginal primordium, uterovaginal canal
总主静脉 common cardinal vein, duct of Cuvier
组织发生 histogenesis
组织分化 histo-differentiation
组织相容性Y抗原 histocompactibility-Y antigen, H-Y antigen
组织者 organizer
组织中心 organization center, organizer center
最大长度 greatest length
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