
编号:NO. : 日期:Date:
甲方:东洋电气公司 Party A: Toyo Electric Company (Party A)
乙方:长江电子公司 Party B: Yangtse Electronic Company ( Party B)
本合同由长江电子公司,地址在中国北京 (以下称乙方)与东洋电气公司,地址在日本东京 (以下称甲方)签订,按照下列条款,甲方委托乙方采用甲方提供的必需零件和材料在北京生产半导体收音机。
Yangtse Electronic Company (hereinafter called Party B ) Address: , Beijing, China and Toyo Electric Company (hereinafter called Party A) Address: Tokyo, Japan have mutually agreed that Party A entrusts party B with the manufacturing of transistor radios in Beijing with all necessary parts and materials supplied by Party A under the terms and conditions specified as follows:
1、 加工的商品及数量 Commodity and Quantities for Processing:
商品:半导体收音机。Commodity: Transistor radios Quantity: _____sets in total
All necessary parts and materials either supplied by Party A or purchased in China by Party B are as per the list attached hereto.
2、 每种型号收音机的加工费如下:The processing charge for each model is as follows:
3、晶体管收音机每台 美元
ll-transistor set: at US . 12-transistor set: at US .
4、零件和材料Parts and Materials
The parts, consumption articles and materials required for processing will be sent to Beijing by Party A, and if there is any shortage or breakage of these parts and materials, Party A shall be held responsible for supplying additional replacements.
5、付款 Payments
Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of consumption articles and of materials purchased in China by Party B one month before the shipment of the finished products concerned.
Party B must complete the manufacturing of all transistor radios and effect shipment within the date mutually agreed by the two parties without any delay unless any unforeseen circumstance occurs which is beyond control. (For details, see Appendix 1)
7、在加工中,零件和材料的损坏率是 %,此部分零件和材料由甲方供应。若损坏率超过 %,则超额部分的零件和材料由已方提供。
The damage rate of parts and materials: The damage rate of parts and materials in processing is - % and such a rate of spare parts and materials shall be supplied free by Party A. Should the damage rate surpass - %, Party B shall supplement the additional materials and parts necessary for processing.
Party B should, pursuant to in strict in accordance with the design of party A and make use of the parts and materials provided by party A for processing transistor radios.
9、技术服务:Technical Service:
10、若乙方需要,甲方同意随时派遣技术人员到中国帮助培训乙方技术人员,并同意该技术人员留在乙方检验成品。此时,乙方同意支付每人月薪 美元。其他一切费用,包括来往旅费由甲方承担。
Party A agrees to dispatch technicians to China to help train the technicians of Party B at the request of the latter at anytime and allows the said technicians to remain with Party B for inspection of finished products. In such a case, Party B agrees to pay monthly salary of US $____for each person. All other expenses including round trip tickets will be borne by Party A.
All import and export procedures in connection with this con-tract shall be taken by Party B with the government of PRC.
All transistor radios processed by Party B shall be shipped to the foreign buyers appointed by Party A according to instructions given by Party A in due time, and the expenses occurred therein shall be borne by Party A.
One set is to be packed in a polybag, and then packed in a paper box; 10 paper boxes are to be packed in an export carton.
Party A shall insurance both the materials and finished products. Or upon Party A's request, Party B will attend to the insurance at Party A' s expenses.
All the parts and materials, if necessary, purchased in China by Party B for transistor radios, their quality must measure up to standards and be approved by Party A beforehand.
This contract is made in duplicate and Party A and Party B retain one copy respectively.
各方签署如下: The signatures of parties hereto as follows:
甲方:东洋电气公司 Party A: Toyo Electric Company
乙方:长江电子公司 Party B: Yangtse Electronic Company
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