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Economic Development in Shenzhen 深圳市经济发展概况翻译

所在位置: 翻译公司 > 新闻资讯 > 公司新闻 / 日期:2018-01-17 16:49:46 / 来源:网络

Part I     Economic Development in Shenzhen 深圳市经济发展概况

Shenzhen has been in a leading position in the reform and open-up of China as well as the economic development among others across the country. Its GDP in 2006 reached 568.4 billion RMB, up by 15%. Over the recent years, with the efforts of the municipal government of Shenzhen in boosting the building of a harmonious and efficient Shenzhen, Shenzhen experiences further improvements in the quality and benefits of economic development, which are of such features as follows:
First, continued optimization of industry structure. During the past few years, a number of high-end projects were introduced in high and new technology sectors such as integrated circuit, flat panel display, compound semiconductor. New developments were made in electromechanical integration industry. The planning and construction of the national biological industry base, software export base and Baguang Fine Chemistry Park were progressing orderly. Competitiveness in traditional sectors with advantages such as top grade furniture, apparel, gold and jewelry were prominently improved. The building of industry convergence bases was pacing up and the industry chains were continually streaming up. 629.4 billion? RMB turnover was made from high and new technology products in 2006, with their mix under continuous optimization.
Second, a stable leading position in the country in innovation capability. Shenzhen is one of the most innovative cities in China. In 2006, the total investment in all sectors accounted for 3.4% of GDP. Patents applications numbered 29,728, up by 42%, which ranked the second place nationwide. Among them, the number of invention patent applications rose by 75.3%, ranking no. 1 all over the country and the number of PCT international patent applications took the first place as well. 58 products were awarded the title of famous brands of China, 21 trademarks awarded famous trademarks of China, and the PBXs made by Huawei and ZTE were selected as the Chinese products with world famous brands.
Third, complete supporting facilities to general infrastructure. Energetic efforts were taken in Shenzhen to drive the construction of major projects of general transportation and energy guarantee and growth of logistics, finance, conventions and exhibition, telecom and culture sectors. Advancements were made in the building of 114 key hub, functional and public infrastructures, e.g. Beijing-Guangzhou-Shenzhen-HongKong special line for passenger carriage, Xiamen-Shenzhen railway, Longhua passenger transport center, etc. Shenzhen port stood firmly in the fourth place in term of container throughput in the world; Yantian Bonded Logistics Park was launched to better secure resources and energies and substantive progresses were made in its strategic cooperation with CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corp.) and CGNPG (China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group). All of them contributed to the construction of a solid foundation for the sustainable development of Shenzhen.
Fourth, continually rising dynamics of economic and social development. Operation mechanism transformation and reforms of personnel and distribution systems in state-owned enterprises were driven actively in Shenzhen. The state enterprises were leaders in the country with regard to economic efficiency indicators. The system and mechanism facilitating the private economy was perfected that accelerated and strengthened the growth of private economy. Great efforts were taken in implementing the walking out strategy that further optimized exports mix. Regional economic cooperation was boosted through active involvement in collaborations in infrastructure, energy, economy & trade, tourism and labor service in the Pan-Pearl River Delta to further enlarge the economic hinterland.
Fifth, leading living standard throughout the country. With high-speed economic development, the living quality of residents was improved and consumption activated. In 2006, Shenzhen ranked the no. 1 in top cities of high living quality, Registered unemployment rate of the City was restricted to as low as 2.31%; per capita GDP achieved 69,450 RMB, which was the highest among all large and medium-sized cities; per capita disposable income went up by 5% to 22,567 RMB; the total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 167.1 billion RMB, up by 16.2%; and the residents’ investment and consumption weighed more and more heavy in the economic and social development.

Part II     Current Development Status of the Financial Industry in Shenzhen 深圳市金融业发展现状

Shenzhen, one of the key financial centers in south China, is leading the country in the open-up of financial market and product innovation, taking many no. 1 places ranked by indicators. Major domestic and foreign financial institutions have located their head offices or regional head offices in Shenzhen. Playing significantly supporting and driving roles in the economic and social development, finance is one of the three mainstay industries in Shenzhen.
First, high quality and benefit of growth of finance. Shenzhen’s finance stood in leading positions among large and medium-sized cities in China by major indicators with 6 breakthroughs made in 2006, which are: 1) deposits exceeded 1 trillion RMB to 1.06 trillion RMB; 2) trading volume in the capital market broke 3.5 trillion RMB to set a new record; 3) total volume of cash flow rallied above 30 trillion RMB and accounted for one tenth of the nation in total; 4) profits of the finance sector went beyond 20 billion RMB to 24.8 billion RMB recognized profits before tax; 5) total financial assets surpassed 1.5 trillion to 1.61 trillion RMB, ranking the fourth in the country; 6) added value in finance sector accounted for more than 10% of GDP, which indicate sound quality and benefit in the development of this sector.  
Second, established modern financial organizational system with a rational structure and comprehensive functions. Diversification of the financial organizational system, the financial market system, the financial macro-control system and the financial regulatory system has been shaped in Shenzhen. So far, there are over 150 financial institutions of all sorts, including 60 banks and non-bank financial institutions, 17 securities companies, 17 fund management companies, 11 futures brokers, 43 insurance companies. And there are 135 insurance intermediary institutions as well as 193 guaranty companies. The 203 venture capitals take about 1/3 of the total in the country to rank Shenzhen one of the areas with the strongest convergence of the most active domestic venture capitals.
Third, energetic innovation and reform of finance. The construction of Shenzhen Financial Center District, the financial industry park and the back office of Hong Kong’s finance are advancing steadily. Positive outcomes were achieved in the building of the National Pilot Area for Insurance Innovation Development. The All-in-one Card of China Merchants Bank and Bi-weekly Repayment of personal loans of Shenzhen Development Bank both become the most influential new products in the sector. Individual financial NPD centers of ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) and CCB (China Construction Bank) have been launched in Shenzhen. Ping An Insurance continues to expand to be an active explorer for mixed operation in China’s financial sector.
Fourth, availability of policy environment suitable for financial development. Focuses are put on building Shenzhen into the A series of policies in support to the financial development were launched one after another over the years to create a positive policy environment and mechanism for the development of the finance sector, which include: Several Opinions of Shenzhen Municipality on Supporting Financial Development and its details regulations, Opinions concerning the Enhancement of Capital Market Development, Measures of Shenzhen Municipality of Selecting Winners of Financial Innovation Awards, and supporting development in the bank card sector, reform and innovative development in the financial sector, pilot areas for speeding up innovative development in the insurance sector, to name a few. The annual Financial Innovation Award as the first award in China co-sponsored by the Finance Office of a municipal government and the People’s Bank celebrated its tenth birthday.   

Part III     Research on Small Loan Market 小额贷款市场调研

The banks and companies that are now operating in small loan services include Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank, Shenzhen Ping An Bank, Xin An Easy Money and Zhong An Credit, etc.
I.    Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank 深圳农村商业银行
Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank (SRCB), founded on December 9, 2005 on the basis of the former Shenzhen Rural Credit Cooperative, now has 1,796 employees and 193 business offices. As at the end of 2005, SRCB owned 44 billion RMB total assets and 2.331 billion RMB net assets, and made 455 million RMB net profit, with 12.19% capital adequacy. As at Dec. 2006, SRCB’s nonperforming loan ratio was reduced to 7.51% while its adequacy rate of loan loss provision was 100%, and its principal financial indicators were at the leading levels amongst domestic commercial banks. 
SRBC has been rooting itself in townships and villages in Shenzhen. Since 2000, it has positioned itself as a retail bank in the market to be committed to the building of Community Convenience Financial Station targeting mostly community members, community businesses and other SMEs. It is a major rival of the community bank of Postal Savings. As at Sept. 30, 2006, SME loans accounted for 89% of its corporate loans, and 60% of total loans. At present, SRBC’s SME loans are categorized into personal entrepreneurial loans and credit service for private enterprises, where the personal entrepreneurial loans are divided into three types by means of guaranty, i.e. loan on guarantee, loan on pledge and loan on mortgage. The basic information about the loan on guarantee which is similar to the small loan products launched by Postal Savings Bank is as follows:

1. The Applicant and Conditions
The applicant shall be a natural person with full civil capacity and registered residence in Shenzhen; the applicant must have registered residence and fixed domicile in Shenzhen; the applicant’s age plus the term of loan shall not exceed 65; the applicant has a stable source of income and capacity to repay principal and pay interest; the sum of the applicant’s existing credit, balance of loan on guarantee and credit line of non-pledge and non-mortgage loans with SRBC shall not exceed 500,000 RMB; the sum of the applicant’s existing credit, balance of loan on guarantee and credit line of non-pledge & non-mortgage loans and balance of external guarantee responsibility with all financial institutions shall not exceed 800,000 RMB; the applicant has no bad credit history; the application of a married applicant shall be made jointly by both the husband and the wife for a personal loan on guarantee of 100,000 RMB or above. 

2. Conditions for the Guarantor
The guarantor must have registered residence and fixed domicile in Shenzhen; the guarantor shall have stable source of income and capacity of performing the debt payment for the applicant; the guarantor’s age plus the term of guarantee shall not exceed 65; the sum of the guarantor’s existing credit, balance of loan on guarantee and credit line of non-pledge & non-mortgage loans and balance of external guarantee responsibility with all financial institutions shall not exceed 800,000 RMB; the guarantor has no bad credit history. 

3. Required Number of Guarantors
Two guarantors are required for application for a loan of 300,000 RMB or above by a customer in one of the Five Categories; At least one guarantor is required for application for a loan of below 300,000 RMB by a customer in one of the Five Categories; At least two guarantors are required for application for a loan of 100,000 RMB or above by a customer not in the Five Categories; at least one guarantor is required for application for a loan of below 100,000 RMB by a customer not in the Five Categories. (the Five Categories are original habitants, public servants, staff of non-profit organizations, staff of financial institutions, staff in monopoly industries and some technical professionals)

4. Line of Credit
The amount of personal loans on guarantee applied for by the same borrower shall not exceed 500,000 RMB.
5. Term of Loan
The term of revolving operating loan shall not exceed 2 years; the term of loan on fixed asset investment shall not exceed 5 years.
6. Repayment Methods
Monthly interest only (only applicable for less-than-one-year loans), average monthly capital plus interest, average monthly capital starting from the second year, average quarterly capital starting from the second year, etc.

7. Lending Rate
Fluctuating on the basis of base interest rate given by the People’s Bank of China (the tolerance is based on personal credit standing).
Currently, SRCB has completely suspended the entrepreneurial loan granting service and only personal loan for public servant is available at the base interest rate given by the People’s Bank of China.

II.    Shenzhen Ping An Bank 深圳平安银行
Shenzhen Ping An Bank (Ping An Bank) grew out of Shenzhen Commercial Bank and now is an important part of Ping An Group. Ping An Bank relies on the comprehensive financial service platform of Ping An Group to focus on individuals and SMEs. It is an active responder to the government’s call for helping SMEs overcome fund-raising problems.
Ping An Bank introduced a product line called Ying Dong Li last year to especially address funding problems encountered by SMEs. The required conditions for applying for Small Credit Loan, one of these products include: stable operation for 2 years or above, the term of no more than 1 year, the line of no more than 500,000 RMB, no pledge (mortgage), no corporate guarantee given by the third party, 13% interest rate plus 1% handling fee at that time, which is, some 14%. 
The release process is similar to that of the Postal Savings Bank. However, the product is now suspended. According to some related staff of the bank, the product will be re-developed and promoted in the second half of this year.   

III.    Xin An Easy Money 信安易贷
Shenzhen Xin An Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. (Xin An Easy Money) operates in agency services and undertakes marketing and recommendation to customers of personal consumer credit services as the sole agent of Pin An Trust Investment Co., Ltd. It started the trial of non-guarantee and non-mortgage small loans in Dec. 2005. Now it has 12 business offices (including the head office), of which 5 are in Bao’an and Longgang Districts and the rest in Shenzhen Special Zone.
Existing products are focused on proprietors and the working class:

1. Line of credit: no more than 5 times of monthly personal income, no more than 500,000 RMB for small businesses (very few customers are granted the line of 500,000 RMB). The first grant of credit to a new customer is no more than 40,000 RMB. 
2. Lending rate: nominal monthly interest rate is 2.3%, but the actual annual interest rate gets to 47.5% as the repaid principal decreased by and by. Additionally, 2% handling fee is charged in a lump sum.
3. Release time: 3-5 days.
4. Investigation fee: 300-500 RMB per visit (which means the charge for visits paid by a customer manager for investigation at the expense of the customer)
5. Term of loan: 12-18 months
6. Means of guarantee: no guarantee, no mortgage

IV.    Zhong An Credit 中安信业
Zhong An Credit is a financial service provider operating in small loan business for individuals, proprietors of small private businesses. Founded in 1993, it is originated from a former division of Pin An Insurance to carry out pawn broking and then try non-mortgage, non-guarantee small credit loan starting from 2004. It has 19 business offices, of which 4 in Baoan and Longgang, and 15 in the Special Zone. Each office is staffed with 6-25 persons dependent on its scale to assume four positions, i.e. business operator, reviewer, branch manager and teller. Now it has 350 employees.  
Exiting products are designed for individuals, and micro proprietors to some extent who are restricted by the line of credit. In particular, 
1.    The line of credit to customers is 100,000-150,000 RMB in maximum, with average 20,000 RMB per loan. 
2.    Monthly rate is 1.3% and annual rate, 15.6%, with additional 2% risk management fee charged starting from the next month after the money is leased. A penalty will be imposed for early repayment with 2.5% monthly rate of the balance of outstanding part. 
3.    Term of loan: 12-18 months
4.    Overdue rate: 6-8% for 1-30 days overdue,2-3% for 30-90 days overdue, over 90 days overdue is regarded as losses, of which the rate is less than 2%. 
5.    Means of guarantee: no guarantee, no mortgage

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    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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