
1. Conclusion of Agreement / Formal Requirements 签订协议 / 格式要求
1.1 For the purposes of these general terms and conditions purchasing (GTCP), KAMAX shall refer to the respective company of the KAMAX Group placing the order, i.e. KAMAX Automotive Fasteners (China) Co., Ltd.
1.2 The relationship between the supplier and KAMAX shall be exclusively governed by these GTCP and any other agreements between the parties in the order of priority set forth in Clause 14.
General terms and conditions of the supplier shall not apply even if KAMAX does not expressly object thereto in a given case.
1.3 Call-offs and individual contracts (orders and order confirmations) subject to existing master agreements, as well as any amendments or supplements thereto shall be in writing. Communication via mail, fax, e-mail or dial-up connection shall be sufficient to comply with this written form requirement.
1.4 KAMAX shall be bound by orders for the duration of one week from placement of such order, to the extent that no other binding period is expressly specified in the order or the master agreement.
1.5 Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and KAMAX in writing, individual call-offs by Kamax under existing master or supply agreements shall be binding on the supplier, unless the supplier objects thereto within one week from receipt of such call-off. Receipt of the objection by KAMAX shall be decisive for determining compliance with the objection period.
1.6 Even after conclusion of a single supply agreement, KAMAX shall be entitled to request modifications to the delivery item – with regard to design and construction – as far as this is reasonable. The supplier undertakes to implement the modifications within a reasonable period. The Parties shall mutually agree on the consequences of modification, in particular any resulting
increase or decrease in costs as well as changes to delivery dates. Should they fail to reach an agreement in this regard within a reasonable period, KAMAX shall decide as it reasonably sees fit.
即使在单个供应协议签订后,卡迈锡仍有权要求 - 在设计和建造方面 - 修改交付的货品,只要该要求合理。供应商承诺在合理期限内进行修改。双方对修改后果,尤其是对所导致的成本提高或降低以及交付日的变更需协商一致。若双方在合理期限内未就此达成一致,卡迈锡应合理地据实作出决定。
2. Prices / Conditions of Payment 价格 / 付款条件
The prices agreed shall be fixed prices and include the total price for manufacturing and delivering the products as per Clause 3.1 below, including all ancillary services, in particular packaging but excluding statutory VAT.
2.2 Payment shall be by bank transfer, at the choice of KAMAX. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, Kamax’s payment will normally be made within 90 days as of the earlier of either (i) the date when KAMAX received invoice to its satisfactory; or (ii) the date when the goods and/or services provided by the supplier have been properly delivered, inspected and accepted by KAMAX. KAMAX shall be entitled to a 3% discount if payments are made within 14 days as of the above date. Decisive for determining compliance with the payment deadline shall be the crediting of the amount in the supplier’s account in the case of payment by bank transfer, or the delivery of a cheque to the supplier for which sufficient funds are available in the case of payment by cheque. To ensure verifiability of the invoice the supplier shall indicate in each invoice the order number, account details, unloading point, supplier number, part number, number of units, price per unit and volume per delivery.
由卡迈锡选择,可通过银行转账方式付款。除非另有明确约定,否则正常情况下,卡迈锡应在90天内付款,起算日期可从:(i) 卡迈锡收到令其满意的账单之日;或者(ii)供应商提供的商品和/或服务已适当交付并已经卡迈锡验收之日,以在先者为准。如果在上述日期起14日内付款,卡迈锡有权获得3%的折扣。若通过银行转账的方式付款,则对确定是否遵守
2.3 In the event of defective delivery KAMAX shall have the right to扣留相应比例的付款 withhold an equivalent proportion of the payment until the defective part of the delivery has been duly remedied.
2.4 The supplier shall not be entitled to offset its claims unless these have been decided on by a court or arbitration tribunal. The same applies to the assertion of retention rights.
2.5 Without the prior consent of KAMAX, which may not be unreasonably withheld, the supplier shall not be entitled to assign any claims it may have to third parties or have these collected by the same.
3. Terms of Delivery 交付条款
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, deliveries shall be made DDP to the KAMAX plant as specified by Kamax (Incoterms 2010).
3.2 The supplier shall notify KAMAX of any deliveries on the date of their dispatch. A delivery note shall be attached in duplicate to each delivery. The delivery note shall indicate the order number, article number and supplier assigned by KAMAX, as well as the quantity delivered.
3.3 For any deliveries expressly agreed as ex works on exceptional cases, KAMAX shall be notified as soon as possible of the dimensions and the weight of the consignment. Where the supplier commissions a freight forwarder on behalf of KAMAX, the supplier shall ensure that such freight forwarder issues any necessary notifications and declarations in this regard. The supplier shall only be entitled to commission the freight forwarder on behalf of KAMAX if KAMAX has previously expressly authorised it to do so.
3.4 When completing the shipping documents the supplier shall ensure that customs clearance shall be carried out at KAMAX’s plant and that KAMAX is exempted from the obligation to present goods. For deliveries from countries benefiting from preferential treatment the supplier shall attach the proof of preferential status to each delivery. Prior to each delivery the supplier shall check whether the goods require an export licence, and if so, shall notify KAMAX thereof without undue delay and obtain such licence.
3.5 The supplier undertakes to notify KAMAX of the substances contained in its products (citing the relevant CAS number and percentage by weight contained in each homogeneous material), to the extent the importation and use of such substances in China is restricted or subject to special control, including but not be limited to those addressed under the following legislation and regulations:
─ List of Toxic Chemicals Severely Restricted for Import and Export in China
─ Catalogue of Dangerous Chemcials
─ List of Controlled Ozone Layer Depleting Substance
─ Measures on Environment Administration of New Chemical Substances (i.e. not listed in the
Inventory of Existing Chemical Substance in China)
─ For those products provided by the suppliers which are to be further exported to another jurisdiction, the supplier is obliged to support KAMAX in fulfilling the respective requirements on
control of chemical substances (e.g. REACH Regulation in EU).
─ 《中国严格限制进出口的有毒化学品目录》
─ 《危险化学品名录》
─ 《中国受控消耗臭氧层物质清单》
─ 《新化学物质环境管理办法》(即:未列入《中国现有化学物质名录》的那些物质)
─ 对于供应商提供的将再出口至另一个管辖区的那些产品,供应商有义务在卡迈锡履行相关化学物质管制要求(例如欧盟的《关于化学品注册、评估、授权和限制的规定》)时提供支持。
4. Delivery Dates and Delay 交付日期和延迟
4.1 Agreed dates and deadlines shall be binding. The supplier shall be in default without the necessity of a reminder where it fails to deliver the goods or does not deliver these by the delivery
4.2 The supplier undertakes to inform KAMAX of any foreseeable delays in writing and without undue delay.
4.3 In case of delay in delivery, KAMAX shall have the right to demand payment of liquidated damages equal to 0.3% of the respective total purchase price for each working day of delay, but up to 10% of the respective total purchase price. Such liquidated damages shall be deducted from any compensation payable in respect of the delivery. This shall not affect KAMAX’s right to claim compensation for further losses it suffers. Should KAMAX accepts a delayed delivery without objection, it shall be deemed that it expressly reserves the right to claim for the above liquidated damages including for compensation for any further damages.
5. Confidentiality / Intellectual Property Rights / Information 保密 / 知识产权 / 信息
5.1 The supplier undertakes to maintain secrecy as to the information provided by KAMAX such as drawings, records, findings, specimens, production means, models, data carriers etc., and neither to disclose such information to third parties (including sub-suppliers) without the prior written consent of KAMAX, make any copies thereof nor to use the same for any other purposes than as defined by KAMAX. The supplier shall obtain corresponding undertakings from its sub-suppliers before engaging such sub-suppliers.
5.2 The supplier shall keep the records and items as well as copies thereof provided to it safe and secure at its expense and surrender or destroy these at any time when requested by KAMAX. At
KAMAX’s request the supplier shall confirm in writing that it returned or destroyed all such records and items.
5.3 Without the prior written consent of KAMAX, the supplier may not advertise its business relationship with KAMAX.
5.4 Each event of breach of any of the above obligations set forth in Clause 5 shall be subject to liquidated damages of RMB 200,000 up to a maximum of RMB 800,000 per calendar year. The liquidated damages shall become due and payable at the time of the breach. Any liquidated damages paid shall be credited towards claims for damages. KAMAX reserves the right to assert
further claims for damages against the supplier.
5.5 The supplier shall indemnify KAMAX against claims of third parties resulting from the infringement, for which the supplier is responsible, of intellectual property rights in Europe, Asia or the U.S. by a delivery item used as contractually agreed. The indemnification obligation shall also cover losses of KAMAX including the costs of necessary legal action. This shall not apply to the extent the supplier has manufactured the delivery items according to KAMAX’s specifications (drawing specifications, design specifications, other descriptions).
5.6 The Parties undertake to inform each other without undue delay of any risks of infringement or alleged cases of infringement of which they become aware and to give each other the opportunity to defend against any relevant claims.
6. Quality Management 质量管理
The supplier’s deliveries shall meet state-of-the-art scientific and technological standards, applicable safety regulations and the agreed technical specifications. It shall continuously monitor the quality of its deliveries and services. To this end it shall set up a suitable quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949 or VdA 6.1 and furnish proof thereof.
供应商的交货应符合最先进的科技标准、适用的安全规定和约定的技术规格。其应持续监控其交货和服务的质量。为此,其应根据DIN EN ISO 9001、 ISO TS 16949或VdA 6.1建立适当的质量管理体系并提供相应证明。
6.2 Where the Parties have concluded a quality assurance agreement, KAMAX’s inspection duty shall be limited to checking the quantity and identity of the delivery item as well as checking for
visible damage. KAMAX shall notify the supplier of any defects identified during such inspection. Notification shall be deemed as timely where it is received by the supplier within two weeks of delivery of the goods.
6.3 Where the Parties have not concluded a quality assurance system, KAMAX undertakes to check the goods for defects within a reasonable period. KAMAX shall notify the supplier of any
defects identified. Notification shall be deemed as timely where it is received by the supplier within two weeks of delivery of the goods or, in the case of latent defects, of such defects having been discovered by KAMAX.
7. Defects and Product Liability 缺陷和产品责任
The supplier warrants and represents that all services and deliveries are qualified for a correct, secure and economic use, that they meet the scientific and technological standards and that they are suitable for the intended use.
7.2 In manufacturing the deliveries or rendering its services the supplier shall comply with all relevant legal provisions, in particular all relevant environmental, hazardous material, dangerous goods and accident prevention regulations, as well as the generally recognised safety and occupational health rules.
7.3 In the event of defective delivery KAMAX is entitled – subject to the warranty rights separately agreed in a master agreement – to demand, at its choice that the supplier shall remedy any defects either by means of repair or replacement. This shall not affect any further statutory or contractual claims which KAMAX might have.
若交付货物存在缺陷,卡迈锡有权 – 在受限于主协议中另行约定的质保权的情况下 – 自行选择要求供应商以修理或更换的方式补救任何缺陷。本项规定并不影响卡迈锡可能享有的任何其它法定的或合同约定的权利主张。
7.4 Subject to the warranty rights separately agreed in a master agreement, KAMAX may remedy a defect itself at the supplier’s expense, if it is unreasonable to expect KAMAX to wait for it to be
remedied by the supplier, in particular where an immediate remediation of the defect is required to prevent significant damage or to guarantee operational safety.
7.5 The supplier shall be liable for damage prevention measures (e.g. product recall, customer service measures or other field measures) taken by KAMAX, its customers or other third parties, to the extent such measures result from the defectiveness of the product delivered by the supplier or any other breach of duty for which the supplier is responsible. As far as requested by Kamax, the supplier shall bear the burden of proof that the concerned products it delivered are free from
7.6 The statutory provisions shall apply in all other respects.
8. Product Liability, Indemnification, Liability Insurance 产品责任、补偿、责任保险
8.1 Where the supplier is responsible for damage to products it shall be obliged to indemnify KAMAX on first demand from third-party claims based on such damage, if (1) the cause of the claim falls within its sphere of control and organisation and (2) it is itself liable vis-à-vis the third party.
8.2 Within the scope of its liability for claims pursuant to above Clause 8.1, the supplier also undertakes to reimburse expenses arising from or in connection with recalls carried out by KAMAX pursuant to applicable statutory regulations. KAMAX shall inform the supplier – to the extent possible and reasonable – of the content and the scope of recalls to be carried out, giving it the opportunity to comment thereon. In this case KAMAX shall, at its reasonable discretion and taking into account all circumstances of the specific case at hand, decide on which measures to take as part of the recall. To this end, apart from ensuring for efficient hazard management, particular consideration must also be given to KAMAX’s good reputation as a manufacturer of quality goods. Other statutory claims of KAMAX shall remain unaffected.
在其根据上文第8.1条对索赔承担的责任范围内,供应商还承诺对因卡迈锡根据适用法律规定进行的召回而发生的或与之相关而发生的费用予以补偿。卡迈锡应 – 在合理范围内尽可能 – 将待进行的召回内容和范围告知供应商,给供应商提出意见的机会。在该情况下,卡迈锡应在考虑现有的具体案例的全部情形后合理自行决定采取哪些措施作为召回的一部分。为此,除了确保有效的危害管理,还必须特别考虑卡迈锡作为优质商品制造商享有的良好商誉。卡迈锡的其它法定权利主张仍不受影响。
8.3 The supplier undertakes to take up product liability insurance that also provides an appropriate amount of coverage for product recalls, however at least RMB 80 million per claim.
9. Tools and Materials Provided 提供的工具和材料
Where KAMAX provides the supplier with parts or materials, these shall remain the property of KAMAX. These shall be processed, mixed or combined by the supplier on behalf of KAMAX in
its capacity as manufacturer Where, in connection with the processing, mixing or combining of such parts or materials with items belonging to third parties, said parties retain their ownership rights, KAMAX shall acquire co-ownership in the new item in the proportion of the value of the item to that of the other items at the time of processing, mixing or combining. The supplier shall do an inventory at least once a year at its expense. Any costs arising from discrepancies identified in inventory shall be borne by the supplier.
9.2 Production and inspection means provided or paid for by KAMAX (either directly or by means of amortisation) as well as the relevant accessories and documentation shall be or remain the property of KAMAX and shall be identified as such or, if applicable, as property of KAMAX’s customer. These shall be provided to the supplier on a loan basis, and KAMAX may demand that they be returned at any time.
9.3 The items specified in Clauses 9.1 and 9.2 may only be used to manufacture products for KAMAX, and shall be kept in good condition at the supplier’s expense. The supplier shall bear the risk for as long as these are in its possession and shall have them insured at replacement cost. The supplier already assigns all compensation claims arising from such insurance to KAMAX. KAMAX accepts such assignment. The supplier shall have no right of retention with regard to these items.
10. Software 软件
Where deliveries include customised software, the supplier agrees, for a period of 5 years from delivery, to modify/improve the software based on KAMAX’s specifications in exchange for reimbursement of reasonable costs. Where the software is sourced from upstream suppliers, the supplier shall extend this obligation to such suppliers and shall provide proof to this effect upon request of Kamax.
11. Replacement Parts 更换备件
11.1 The supplier undertakes to ensure the supply of delivery items or parts thereof at series prices to KAMAX as replacement parts during the series production of KAMAX products in which delivery items or parts thereof are used, as well as for a further 10 (ten) years after the end of series production.
11.2 Where the production of replacement parts is discontinued after the end of the period specified in Clause 11.1, the supplier undertakes to return to KAMAX design specifications/drawings at its request.
12. Force Majeure / Long-Term Inability to Deliver 不可抗力/长期无法交付
不可预见、不可避免且无法克服的事件Unforeseeable and unavoidable eventswhich cannot be overcome shall release the supplier and KAMAX from their contractual obligations for the duration of the disruption plus a reasonable period for restarting production and to the extent of its effect. The affected party shall use reasonable efforts to inform the other party without undue delay on the occurrence, nature and the estimated duration of the disruption, to limit the impact of such events and to inform the other party of the end of the disruption.
13. Work Safety / Accident Prevention / Environmental Protection
安全生产/预防事故/ 环境保护
13.1 The supplier guarantees that at least the applicable, relevant accident prevention rules and regulations as well as the generally recognized safety and occupational health rules will be met with regard to the structural design (construction and workmanship) of the technical equipment (installations and machines).
13.2 Any supplier who is obliged to render services and works on KAMAX’s premises as part of its contract shall ensure that its legal representatives, vicarious agents and other employees are instructed of KAMAX’s internal and legal requirements regarding visitors and external personnel, and shall demonstrate such instruction to KAMAX at its request. It shall also ensure that sufficient insurance coverage exists for work-related accidents.
13.3 Where work materials are delivered that are used for the first time by KAMAX, the supplier shall attach safety data sheets and chemical safety labels in compliance with national standards.
13.4 KAMAX operates an environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001. The supplier’s conduct shall be aimed at protecting the environment and ensuring that environmental protection is continuously improved. The supplier shall adhere to the guiding principles listed at www.kamax.de/de/html/umwelt.html (in the version applicable at the time the
agreement is concluded, as amended).
卡迈锡按照DIN EN ISO 14001的标准管理环境管理体系。供应商的行为应力求保护环境和确保环保不断改进。供应商应遵守www.kamax.de/de/html/umwelt.htm 所列出的指导原则(采用订立协议时经修订的适用版本)。
14. Order of priority 优先顺序
In the case of conflict between the individual contractual documents, the following documents shall, to the extent they have been effectively concluded and incorporated by the parties, apply in
descending order:
─ individual contracts or supply agreement (generally on the basis of orders or service orders placed by KAMAX);
─ call-offs;
─ master agreement or similar one of framework nature (where concluded between the parties);
─ quality assurance agreement (Quality Agreement);
─ these GTCP
─ 各项合同或供应协议(一般基于卡迈锡下的订单或服务订单为准);
─ 分订单;
─ 主协议或(如果双方订立)类似的框架性协议;
─ 质量保证协议(质量协议);
─ 这些通用采购条款与条件。
15. Final Provisions 最后规定
The place of performance for deliveries and services shall be the destination specified by KAMAX for delivery/rendering of the service. Where no destination has been agreed, the place of performance for deliveries and services shall be the point of use desired by KAMAX in China.
15.2 Please note that KAMAX stores and pro-cesses, for commercial purposes, the (personal) data required for performance of the Agreement in compliance with statutory provisions.
Unless otherwise agreed, the business relationship between KAMAX and the supplier shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (which for the purpose of this Agreement shall exclude the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan) to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim (collectively Dispute) arising between the parties out of or in relation to these GTCP including the related agreement(s)/contract(s) concluded, the parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such Dispute through friendly consultations. If the Dispute has not been resolved by friendly consultations within sixty (60) days after one party has served written notice to the other party requesting the commencement of such consultations, then any party may demand that the Dispute be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in accordance with its arbitration rules. The venue of arbitration shall be Beijing. The number of arbitrators shall be one. During the arbitration, the Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights, and fulfill their remaining respective obligations under the contracts, except insofar as the same
may relate directly to the Dispute.
15.4 These GTCP are made in English version. A Chinese translation is prepared for reference only. In the event of conflict between the English and Chinese versions of the present GTCP the English version shall prevail.
15.5 Should a provision of these GTCP be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In the event of a gap, this shall be filled by a valid and enforceable provision which would have been agreed upon by the parties given the economic purpose of the Agreement and the purpose of the GTCP had they recognised the gap from the outset.
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