
11. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU 本行对贵公司的责任
The use of any and all services at or under the Internet Banking for Business service shall at all times be governed by the following terms and conditions as may be modified or supplemented from time to time pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
1.1 The Customer wishes to use the Internet Banking for Business Service provided by the Bank, and the Bank is willing to make the Internet Banking for Business Service available to the Customer, subject to the terms and conditions contained or referred to in this Agreement.
1.2 The Customer will, through Customer Delegate(s), access the Internet Banking for Business Service through the hsbc.com.cn site.
客户将通过客户代表经hsbc.com.cn 网址登入使用网上银行服务。
1.3 By signing the Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form and returning it to the Bank, the Customer agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
1.4 Defined terms used in this Agreement are set out below: 本协议所使用的术语定义如下:
This Internet Banking for Business Service Agreement together with all the Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form(s) submitted by the Customer from time to time, (is modified from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including any supplementary terms for the provisions of the Agreement Internet Banking for Business Service published by the Bank from time to time which shall form par to this
Bank (also we ,us,our) si HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
The Customer named in the Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form.
Customer Delegate is any of the Primary User or Secondary User who are authorized by the Customer (or Primary User, in case of Secondary Users) from time to time to use the Internet Banking for Business Service.
Customer Instruction is any request or instruction that is received by the Bank through the Internet Banking for Business Service.
HSBC Group is HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiary and associate undertakings, or any of their branches.
Internet Banking for Business Service or Services is any banking product or service provided by the Bank to the Customer as described in Clause 2 below.
Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form is the application form provided by the Customer to the Bank from time to time in the form prescribed by the Bank, for the purpose of applying for and/or amending access to the Internet Banking for Business Service.
Mainland China is The People’s Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan.
Online is by way of internet access to the Internet Banking for Business Service.
Password means any confidential password, phrase, code or number, or any other identification whether issued to the Customer or any Customer Delegate by the Bank or adopted by the Customer ( including any Security Code ) which may be used to access the Internet Banking for Business Service.
Transaction Limit means any limit on any Internet Banking for Business Service imposed by the Bank from time to time upon you generally or upon any Customer Delegate, or subject to the foregoing limit, any limit on any Internet Banking for Business Service imposed by you in the Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form(s) from time to time upon any Customer Delegate. In respect of the limit imposed by the Bank, the Bank may add or remove any types of limit and/or vary the amount of any limit at any time upon giving you not less than 30 days notice.
User ID means the user short name for the Internet Banking for Business Service designated (whether by the Bank, the Customer or the Customer Delegate as the Bank shall prescribe) for use and/or used by the Customer Delegate.
Security Code means a none-time Password generated by the Security Device for use by a Customer Delegate to access the Internet Banking for Business Service.
Security Device means an electronic device designated by the Bank for use by each Customer Delegate to generate the Security Code.
Primary User means the Customer Delegate authorized in the Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form who are entrusted with responsibility for the Customer’s on-going use of Internet Banking for Business Service.
Secondary User means a Customer Delegate appointed by the Primary User.
2.1 The Internet Banking for Business Service enables you to give us instructions Online in relation to account balance and transaction history enquires, deposit rate and exchange rate enquiries, local transfers (inter-company), overseas remittances, new time deposit placement, set-up/change of time deposit maturity instructions, stop[ing cheque payment or reporting cheque loss, cheque book order and requesting interim/historical statements for any such account(s) of yours with any branch(es) of the Bank in Mainland China as specified in your Internet Banking for Business Service Request Form(s), and to receive messages from the Bank Online.
网上银行服务能够使贵公司在线向本行发出各种指示,为任何贵公司在中国大陆设立的任何分支机构开设的并在贵公司的《网上银行服务指示书》中明确说明的任何账户,查询账户余额和账户历史交易记录,查询存款利率和外汇利率,国内转账(公司间),海外汇款,安排定期存款,设定/修订定期存款到期指示,止付或挂失指派,申领支票本,要求临时账单/前期账单,并在线接收本行发送的 信息。
2.2 You agree to at all times, in addition to complying with this Agreement, exercise due diligence and good faith in using our Internet Banking for Business Service. Should we be of the opinion that you or any of your customer Delegates have in any way breached this Agreement, we shall have the right to, without further notice, suspend or terminate the use of our Internet Banking for Business Service be you and /or any one or more of your Customer Delegates.
2.3 The Bank has the right to determine and vary from time to time the scope and type of the Services to be made available including, without limitation:
2.3.1 Expanding, modifying or reducing the Services at any time:
2.3.2 Imposing and varying any restrictions on the use of the Services such as minimum and maximum daily limits with respect to the value of any transaction or dealing or any type of transactions or dealings which the Customer may conduct by using the Services;
2.3.3 Prescribing and changing the normal service hours during which the Services are available and any daily cut-off time for any type of Services or transactions. Any Customer Instruction(s) received by the Bank after any applicable daily cut-off time shall be deemed to be received on the next business day. The Bank may specify business day and daily cut-off time by reference to the time of various markets operating in different time-zones; and
2.3.4 Reducing or re-setting a Transaction Limit (whether designated by the Customer or the Bank) to a lower value or down to zero if the Customer has not utilized the relevant Service(s) for a period of time that the Bank may designate from time to time or otherwise as part of the Bank’s internal risk control program.
3.1 We will only accept a Customer Instruction if it has been effected through the Internet Banking for Business Service using the appropriate Password(s) in accordance with this Agreement and as shall be prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
3.2 You request and authorize us to treat all apparently valid Customer Instructions received by the Bank as instructions properly authorized by you, even if they conflict with the terms of any other mandates given by you at any time concerning your accounts or affaires. Subject to our obligations iin Clause 3.1 above, we shall be under no other obligation to check the authenticity of Customer Instructions or the authority of the person or persons giving them.
You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of Customer Instructions and for ensuring that they will achieve your intended purpose. We are not liable for any loss or delay where the contents of Customer Instruction are inaccurate or incomplete.
In the event that you request us to cancel or modify any Customer Instruction, we will make all reasonable efforts to comply with your request. However, we are not liable for any failure to cancel or modify the Customer Instruction if such a request is received at a time or under circumstances that us unable to comply with your request.
We are entitled to debit your accounts, wherever they are situated and whenever they are opened, with any amounts that we have paid or incurred in accordance with a Customer Instruction.
3.6 We may, in our absolute discretion and without liability, refuse to act on or delay acting on a Customer Instruction if
3.6.1 It is a request or instruction the effect of which would be to exceed the applicable Transaction Limit:
3.6.2 We know of or suspect a breach of security in respect of or in connection with the operation of one or more of your accounts or the Internet Banking for Business Service generally: or
3.6.3 We have terminated this Agreement pursuant to Clause 16 hereof.
3.7 In the event that we do not act on or delay acting on a Customer Instruction pursuant to Clause 3.6 above, we shall notify you of this as soon as in reasonably possible.
3.8 A transaction being carried out is not always simultaneous with a Customer Instruction being given. Some matters may take time to process and certain Customer Instructions may only be processed during normal banking hours even though the Internet Banking for Business Service is Online and may be accessible outside such hours. Where the processing of any Customer Instruction requires the presentation of supporting documents and/or other documents, the Customer Instruction will not be processed by the Bank unless and until the Bank receives all the required documents within three(3) business days after the date of the Customer Instruction, and the Customer Instruction shall be deemed as received by the Bank upon presentation of all the required documents.
3.9 As part of the Internet Banking for Business Service, you may issue a Customer Instruction requesting us to forward certain information to third parties on your behalf. If we agree to act on such request, we will use reasonable efforts to forward any such information to the recipient and address specified in the relevant Customer Instruction within a reasonable time of receipt of such Customer Instruction. You must ensure information you ask us to forward is complete, accurate and will not give rise to any claim against us (including without limitation any claim in defamation, in relation to privacy or for infringement of any other third party rights).
If we agree that you may communicate with us or we agree to communicate with you ( or any third party ) via email, the internet, or any other method (other than via the Internet Banking for Business Service), you acknowledge the risks that any such communications may be intercepted, monitored, amended or otherwise interfered with by third parties. We are not responsible or liable to you or any third party in the event of any such occurrence in relation to any communication between us and you (or which appears to have been made on your behalf), or any communication you ask us to enter into with any third party.
3.11 You may check your transaction record(s) of the Internet Banking for Business Service, by enquiring Online, calling up the call center of the Bank in Mainland China or approaching the branch(es) of the Bank where the relevant account(s) is/are maintained. Such transaction records are also available in the relevant account statements sent by the Bank to you at regular intervals. If you identify any transaction error, you shall notify us immediately.
4.1 We will only accpt access to the Internet Banking for Business Service if the appropriate Password is used in accordance with this Agreement.
4.2 You request and authortise us to treat all access to the Internet Banking for Business Service making use of the appropriate Password as having been properly by you. Subject to our obligations in Clause 4.1 above, we shall be under no other obligation to check the authority or identity of the person or persons accessing the Internet Banking for Business Service.
贵公司要求并授权本行对适当使用的密码登陆的一切网上银行服务,视为已被贵公司适当授权。在遵守本协议第4.1 条中本行的义务前提下,本行并无其他义务检查登陆网上银行服务服务人员的权限或身份。
3. We may, in our absolute discretion and without liability, refuse to allow or delay allowing access to the Internet Banking for Business Service if we know of or suspect a breach of security in respect of or in connection with the operation of the Internet Banking for Business Service or we have terminated this Agreement pursuant to Clause 16 below. In such event, we shall notify you of this as soon as is reasonably possible.
5.1 We may suspend any service provided to you under the Internet Banking for Business without notice where we consider it necessary or advisable to do so, for example to protect you when there is a suspected breach of security or we need to suspend the Internet Banking for Business for maintenance or other reasons.
5.2 we will use reasonable efforts to inform you without undue delay through the Internet Banking for Business, and/or our webstite (s) if any serviced under the Internet Banking for Business is not available. In the event that we have levied any charge to you which is specifically expressed to be for a particular service which is not available
(which for the avoidance of doubt shall not mean any periodic fee charged for the Internet Banking for Business as a whole) then we will reimburse you this sum .Other than reimbursing any sum as set out above, we will have no further liability to you.
5.3 It may be necessary from time to time to suspend some or all of the Internet Banking for Business for routine, non-routine or emergency maintenance where we consider it necessary to do so. In the event of such a suspension being necessary, we will in so far as is possible provide you with a reasonable period of notice prior to the suspension.
6.1 We will take reasonable care to ensure that information about you and all Customer Delegates which is stored or transmitted using the Internet Banking for Business Service remains confidential and is not disclosed to any third parties outside the HSBC Group without your written permission. However, you authorize us to disclose information relating to you, your accounts and all Customer Delegates to any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides services to us in connection with the operation of our business and where we are obliged to comply with the orders of courts, government agencies or other lawful authorities anywhere in the world or where we reasonably think necessary in order to give effect to a Customer Instruction or generally to enable us to provide the Internet Banking for Business Service.
6.2 you agree that we, and any other members of the HSBC Group, may disclose information relating to you, your accounts and all Customer Delegates to other member of the HSBC Group where we consider this to be desirable for the effective provision of the Internet Banking for Business Service, or so that services may be processed for us or any member of the HSBC Group in any country or jurisdiciotn, both inside and outside the PRC.
7.1 You and all Customer Delegates agree to comply with the terms of this Agreement and any other reasonable instructions or recommendations we may issue to you regarding security of the Internet Banking for Business Service. Your agree that it is your sole responsibility to set up, maintain and regularly review security arrangements concerning access to, and use of, the Internet Banking for Business Service, and information stored on your computing and communications systems, and in particular your and any of your Customer Delegates control of Passwords and access to the Internet Banking for Business Service.
7.2 You confirm that you have assessed the security features of the Internet Banking for Business Service and have determined that they are adequate to protect each Customer Delegate’s and your interests.
7.3. You agree to ensure that each of your Customer Delegates complies with the terms of this Agreement and any security procedures mentioned or referred to in it.
7.4 You must ensure that each of your Customer Delegates keeps his/her Password, Security Device secure and secret at all times and takes steps to prevent unauthorized use of his/ her Password. For example, he/ she must:
7.4.1 never write or otherwise record his/her Password in a way that can be understood by someone else except where it is required by the Bank for the registration of a Customer Delegate;
7.4.2 never reveal his/her Password to anyone else including our staff except where specially provided in the Internet Banking for Business Service;
7.4.3 destroy any advice from us concerning his/her Password as soon as possible;
7.4.4 avoid Passwords which may be easy to guess such as Passwords used in connection with third parties;
7.4.5 inform us immediately if he/she believes that a third party may have seen or have had access to his/her Password;
7.4.6 never record his/her Password on any software which retains it automatically (for example, any computer screen prompts of 'save Password' feature or the like on his/her Internet browser);
7.4.7 ensure that he/she is not overlooked by anyone or monitored by closed circuit TV and must avoid allowing anyone to identify the keys he/she is pressing while logging on;
7.4.8 Change his/her Password on a regular basis and not alternate between Passwords;
7.4.9 never personalise their Security Device in such a manner so as to allow or facilitate anyone to link the Security Device to them; and
7.4.10 never allow anyone to come into possession or take control of or use their Security Device.
7.5 Once he/she has logged on to the Internet Banking for Business Service, the Customer Delegate must not leave at any time the Internet terminal from which he/she has accessed the Internet Banking for Business Service or let anyone else use the Internet terminal until he/she has logged off the Internet Banking for Business Service. You will be responsible for ensuring that each Customer Delegate has logged off the Internet Banking for Business Service at the end of any session.
7.6 You and your Customer Delegates must not permit Customer Delegates to access the Internet Banking for Business Service from any computer connected to a local area network (LAN) or any public Internet access device or access point without first making sure that no-one else will be able to observe or copy their access or get access to the Internet Banking for Business Service pretending to be a Customer Delegate.
贵公司及贵公司的客户代表不得允许客户代表在事先未确保没有其他人假装成客户代表将能够观察或复制其登陆使用网上银行服务或获得对网上银行服务的登陆使用情况下,从与局域网( LAN)或任何公共互联网接入设备或接入点相连的任何计算机登陆使用网上银行服务。
7.7 You and/or your Customer Delegates must notify us immediately of the following:
7.7.1 any unauthorised access to the Internet Banking for Business Service which you or any of your Customer Delegates know of or suspect; or
7.7.2 if it is suspected that someone else knows the Password of one or more of the Customer Delegates or has access to any of their Security Device.
In the event of any such breach or suspected breach of security you must ensure that all your Customer Delegates change their Passwords immediately to the ones which they have not used before.
You hereby agree to comply immediately with all reasonable requests for assistance from us and/or the police in trying to recover any losses or identify actual or potential breaches of security. We may disclose information about you or your account to the police or other third parties if we think it will help prevent or recover losses.
7.8 If you suspect any impropriety on the part of any Customer Delegate in connection with the Internet Banking for Business Service or a Customer Delegate leaves your business, you must immediately take all steps available to ensure that the Customer Delegate is unable to access the Internet Banking for Business Service, and/or to replace the Primary User (as the case may be).
7.9 You agree that you are solely responsible for the performance and protection of any browser used in connection with the Internet Banking for Business Service including the prompt adoption by you of all security patches and other security measures issued or recommended from time to time by the suppliers of such browsers.
7.10 You agree to keep us indemnified against all actions, proceedings, costs, loss and damage of any kind which we or any other member of the HSBC Group may suffer as a result of your failure to comply with your duties under this Clause 7.
贵公司同意对因为贵公司未能遵守贵公司在本第 7条项下的责任导致本行或汇丰集团的任何其他成员可能蒙受的一切任何类型的诉讼、程序、成本、损失和损害,而向本行进行赔偿。
We will take reasonable care to ensure that any information provided to you through the Internet Banking for Business Service (including without limitation any account or transaction information) is an accurate reflection of the information contained in our computer systems. Due to the nature of the product and circumstances beyond our control we do not warrant that the information provided through the Internet Banking for Business Service is accurate or error free. Some of the information available through the Internet Banking for Business Service may be identified on the screens as subject to a disclaimer or other provisions. If you rely on that information, you do so subject to the disclaimer or those provisions.
9.1 We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any Security Device that we provide to you will perform as necessary to permit access to the Internet Banking for Business Service as and when required. You and/or the relevant Customer Delegate will notify us immediately if any Security Device fails to function correctly.
9.2 We shall have no liability for breach of any implied term as to satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any Security Device.
9.3 We shall not be liable for any loss or damages incurred or suffered by you or your Customer Delegates arising from or in connection with, whether directly or indirectly, your and their use of the Security Device.
10.1 You agree to pay our charges (if any) for providing the Internet Banking for Business Service as we advise you from time to time including, without limitation, charges for the Security Device. We may vary our charges and the frequency and dates of payment on giving you not less than 30 days notice. These charges are in addition to any charges for particular banking or other services we might provide through the Internet Banking for Business Service in response to your requests.
贵公司同意向本行支付本行不时告知的因提供网上银行服务的费用(如有),包括但不限于对安全密码器收取的费用。本行可在向贵公司发出不少于 30 天通知的情况下,变更本行的收费以及付款的频率和日期。上述收费不包括于本行应贵公司的要求而可能通过网上银行服务提供的特定银行服务或其他服务的任何收费。
10.2 You are liable for any telephone charges and any charges made by your Internet service provider as a result of the use by you of the Internet Banking for Business Service.
10.3 You authorise us to debit any of your accounts with any charges for providing the Internet Banking for Business Service.
10.4 When we introduce new products or services under the Internet Banking for Business Service we may provide them on supplementary terms which will be notified to you from time to time in accordance with this Agreement.
10.5 The hsbc.com.cn site through which you access the Internet Banking for Business Service is subject to change by us. Unless we have specifically agreed to give prior notice to you we may make such changes (including changes to layout) without notification to you
本行可以不时改造贵公司登陆使用网上银行服务而登录的网址 hsbc.com.cn 。除非本行已明确同意向贵公司发出事先通知,否则,本行可在不向贵公司发出通知的情况下进行改造(包括变更版面)。
10.6 We may modify the terms of this Agreement on not less than 30 days notice to you or such shorter period (other than in the case of any variations to our charges) as is necessary for the effective operation of the Internet Banking for Business Service.
本行可以至少提前 30 天或其他更短的时间(但对本行的费用进行任何变动的情况除外)向贵公司发出通知,修改本协议的条款,以有效运行网上银行服务。
11. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU 本行对贵公司的责任
11.1 Subject to Clause 11.4 below, we shall be liable to you for direct losses suffered by you arising out of your use of the Internet Banking for Business Service where such losses are directly attributable to our willful breach of contract or to gross negligence of the Bank, its officers or employees.
在遵守下文第 11.4条之前提下,本行将承担贵公司遭受的、因贵公司使用网上银行服务引起的直接损失,但该等损失系可直接归于本行之故意违约或本行或其高级职员或雇员之严重疏忽。
11.2 Save to the extent required by applicable law, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Internet Banking for Business Service, or caused by any breach of contract, including any breach of Clause 11.1 above or Clause 11.8 below, or negligence of the Bank, to the extent that such loss or damage is indirect, consequential or special, whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
除了适用的法律所要求的程度,对于因贵公司使用网上银行服务引起的或任何违约(包括违反上文第 11.1条或下文第 11.8条的情况)或本行任何疏忽导致的任何损失或损害,如果该等损失或损害乃非直接的、间接的或特殊的,无论本行是否已经被告知该等损失或损害之可能性,则本行均不会对贵公司承担责任
11.3 You agree that unless we have specifically agreed with you otherwise, we shall have no liability whatsoever for (a) any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any party other than us produces or supplies at any time for use in connection with the Internet Banking for Business Service including, without limitation, the Security Device or (b) any services through which you access the Internet Banking for Business Service which are not controlled by us.
贵公司同意,除非本行已经明确与贵公司另行达成合意,否则,对于 (a)本行以外的任何一方为了与网上银行服务有关的使用而在任何时候制造或供应的任何设备、软件或相关用户文件,包括但不限于安全密码器,或(b)贵公司透过本行控制范畴以外的途径登陆使用网上银行服务而享用的任何服务,本行并不承担任何责任。
11.4 Without prejudice to Clause 11.2 above, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the Internet Banking for Business Service to the extent that such loss or damage is:
在不影响上文第 11.2条的前提下,对于因贵公司使用网上银行服务而引起的任何损失或损害,如果该等损失或损害为以下内容,则本行均不会对贵公司承担责任:
11.4.1 A loss of profits; 利润损失;
11.4.2 A loss of data; or数据损失;或
11.4.3 any loss other than as set out in Clause 11.1 above whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
上文第 11.1条中所述的损失之外的任何损失,而无论本行是否已告知了该等损失或损害的可能性。
11.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of Clauses 11.4.1, 11.4.2 and 11.4.3 above shall each be construed as a separate exclusion of liability.
为避免疑问,上文第 11.4.1条、第 11.4.2条和第 11.4.3条应被解释为每一条均系一项单独的责任免除。
11.6 Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the Bank's liability for death or personal injury or for dishonesty, deceit or fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the Bank.
11.7 We do not exclude or limit liability for loss of interest on your credit balances or interest incurred on your debit balances as a result of a Customer Instruction that we have processed in breach of our duties to you under this Agreement. We are not liable for this loss to the extent that it is attributable to your own neglect or default.
11.8 In the case of a breach of the undertaking in Clause 9.2, we will take all reasonable steps to correct the defect.
当发生违反本协议第 9.1条中的承诺时,本行将采取一切合理手段来纠正违约。
12.1 You may only access the Internet Banking for Business Service via the hsbc.com.cn site. Customer Delegates are required to log on via the hsbc.com.cn site with the User ID and Password.贵公司仅可通过 hsbc.com.cn 的网址登陆使用网上银行服务。客户代表需要在 hsbc.com.cn 网址输入用户名称和密码登录。
12.2 Reset procedures may be notified via the Internet Banking for Business Service or via other means prescribed by us from time to time. You agree you will comply with such reset procedures as are in force from time to time.
13.1 You request and authorise us from time to time to act upon written instructions or requests to us concerning the administration of the Internet Banking for Business Service when signed, or purporting to be signed, by any person(s) authorised by you for the time being for such purpose. Such instructions and requests may include, without limitation, the giving by you to us of requests (a) to add, remove or replace any Customer Delegate; (b) to reset any Password; or (c) to take any action to promote the continued and orderly operation of the Internet Banking for Business Service.
13.2 We shall be entitled to refuse to act on any written instruction or request which is sent by facsimile transmission or other electronic communication in accordance with Clause 13.1 above. We agree however to use reasonable endeavours to inform you if we refuse to so act.
对于根据上文第 13.1条以传真发送或其他电子通讯手段发送给本行的任何书面指示或要求,本行应有权拒绝按照该等指示或要求行事。但是,本行同意,当本行拒绝如此行事时,本行将尽合理努力告知贵公司。
13.3 Where any written instruction or request referred to in Clause 13.1 above is sent by facsimile transmission or other electronic communication, you hereby request and authorise us from time to time without further authority or notice from you to act upon such instruction or request. In addition you agree that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any loss or damage suffered by you or any third party arising from the facsimile transmission or other electronic communication being unauthorised or fraudulent and you agree to keep us fully indemnified against any claims or demands arising therefrom.
如果上文第 13.1条中提述的任何书面指示或要求是以传真发送或其他电子通讯手段发送给本行,则贵公司在此要求并不时授权本行在无来自于贵公司进一步授权或通知的情况下,按照该等指示或要求行事。此外,贵公司同意,对于贵公司或任何第三方因未经授权的或欺诈性的传真发送或其他电子通讯而蒙受的任何损失或损害,本行并不对贵公司或任何第三方承担任何责任,并且,贵公司同意对因上述原因产生的任何索赔或要求而向本行进行全额赔偿。
13.4 We shall not be liable for any losses arising as a result of any delays when acting in accordance with written instructions howsoever given pursuant to Clause 12 above and this Clause 当本行根据上文第 12条和本第 13条无论在何种情况发出的书面指示行事时,本行对因任何延误导致的任何损失并不承担任何责任。
13.5 You explicitly permit and authorise the Primary User to create Secondary User(s) through the Internet Banking for Business Service and further authorise the Primary User to define each Secondary User's daily Transaction Limits (subject only to the cap of the daily Transaction Limit of the said Primary User) for executing transaction(s) in your accounts through the Internet Banking for Business Service. You hereby agree and confirm that identification documents (also called "Know Your Customer documentation"), as prescribed by the Bank from time to time, shall be submitted to the Bank within 15 days of creation of the Secondary User's profile online by the Primary User. You further agree and understand that until such documents are submitted to the Bank and verified by the Bank to its satisfaction, the Secondary User thus created shall only be able to view information through the Internet Banking for Business Service and input transactions on the Internet Banking for Business Service, but shall not be permitted to authorise execution of any transaction(s). The Bank reserves the right to revoke the access rights for such Secondary User(s) where the prescribed Know Your Customer documentation is not submitted to and verified by the Bank to its satisfaction within the said period of 15 days.
贵公司明确同意并授权一级用户通过网上银行服务创建二级用户,并授权一级用户决定二级用户通过网上银行操作贵公司账户进行交易的每日交易限额(不高于该一级用户自身的每日交易限额)。贵公司特此同意并确认,在一级用户在线创建二级用户之后 15天内,向本行提供本行不时所要求的该二级用户的身份证明文件(也称了解你的客户文件)。贵公司进一步同意并了解在该等文件递交给本行并经本行员工确认符合要求之前,该新创建的二级用户只能通过网上银行服务进行查询和交易输入,但不被允许对任何交易的执行进行授权。若贵公司未能在规定的 15天内提交本行指定的、经审核符合要求的了解你的客户文件,本行保留取消该二级用户使用权限的权利。
13.6 You authorise the Primary User to modify (increase or decrease) the daily Transaction Limits of the Secondary User(s) online through the Internet Banking for Business Service.
From time to time we may advertise our own products or services and those of other companies in the HSBC Group and also those of other parties on our Internet website(s) through which you access the Internet Banking for Business Service. If, in relation to other agreements between you and us, you have asked us not to send you any marketing material (or if you do so in the future), you agree that this restriction will not apply to these electronic advertisements and consent to receiving them when accessing our Internet website(s) and/or the Internet Banking for Business Service.
15.1 You should be aware that we use a very high level of encryption. The use of such levels of encryption may be illegal in jurisdictions outside Mainland China. It is your responsibility to ensure that, if outside Mainland China, your ability to use the Internet Banking for Business Service is permitted by local law and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of not being able to use the Internet Banking for Business Service in these jurisdictions.
15.2 The Internet Banking for Business Service is accessed through the Internet which is a public system over which we have no control. It is therefore your duty to make sure that any computer or other device which you use to access the Internet Banking for Business Service is free from and adequately protected against acquiring computer viruses and other destructive or disruptive components.
15.3 Due to the nature of the Internet Banking for Business Service, we will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your data, software, computer, computer networks, telecommunications or other equipment caused by you using the Internet Banking for Business Service unless such loss or damage is directly and solely caused by our gross negligence or deliberate default.
16.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement on not less than 30 days' notice to the other party.
本协议任何一方均可在向对方发出不少于 30日的通知后,终止本协议。
16.2 Either party may also terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by notice to the other, if the other party commits a material breach of this Agreement or becomes insolvent under the laws of any applicable jurisdiction.
16.3 Termination will not affect the rights and remedies of either party accrued to the date of termination nor will it affect any provision of this Agreement (including, without limitation, Clauses 11 and 18) which is intended to apply after termination.
终止本协议并不会影响本协议任何一方累积截至终止之日所享有的权利和救济,亦不会影响意图在本协议终止后仍然适用的本协议的任何规定(包括但不限于第 11条和第 18条)。
16.4 Upon termination of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement which in order to give effect to their meaning need to survive termination of this Agreement, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding termination, each party shall continue to be bound by this Agreement to the extent that they relate to any obligations or liabilities which remain to be performed or discharged.
Neither party will be liable for delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement which is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, the failure, malfunction or unavailability of telecommunications, data communications and computer systems and services, war, civil unrest, government action, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action or trade disputes (whether involving either party's employees or those of a third party). Any delay or failure of this kind will not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement and the time for performance of the affected obligation will be extended by a period which is reasonable in the circumstances.
18.1 This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties concerning the use of the Internet Banking for Business Service. It supersedes all previous agreements, communications, representations and discussions between you and us relating to the Internet Banking for Business Service. Neither party will have a right of action against the other arising from any previous agreement, communication, representation and discussion in respect of the Internet Banking for
Business Service, except in the case of fraud. Any other agreements between us and you and/or mandates relating to the conduct of your accounts shall remain unaffected.
18.2 Where the Customer is a partnership, this Agreement will continue in force unless revoked by notice given by any one partner, notwithstanding any change of name of the partnership, admission of new partner(s) or any partner ceasing to be a member of the partnership by reason of death or otherwise.
18.3 The provision of the Internet Banking for Business Service in certain countries or territories may be subject to special supplementary terms. Where applicable, you confirm that you have received and read these terms and agree to be bound by them.
18.4 We both agree to comply with all applicable data protection and other laws to the same or similar purpose in all relevant jurisdictions. You confirm that all employees and other persons whose personal or other data is transmitted, processed or otherwise handled have consented to such transmission, processing or other handling under this Agreement in accordance with these laws, or will do so prior to any such transmission, processing or other handling. You agree that you will obtain such consent by getting all such employees and other persons to sign an appropriate consent in writing and, upon request, to provide to us copies of all such consents. You further agree to indemnify and hold the HSBC Group harmless from all costs, penalties, damages and other losses incurred as the result of any breach of this provision.
18.5 Each of the terms of this Agreement is severable from the others and if one or more of them becomes void, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder will not be affected in any way.
18.6 Subject to the applicable laws of evidence, each party agrees not to object to the admission of the records (including computer records) of the other as evidence in legal proceedings.
18.7 Copyright in the pages, screens, information (other than information about your accounts and financial affairs) and all material in their arrangement included in the Internet Banking for Business Service (the "Material") is owned by or licensed to us or the HSBC Group unless otherwise noted. You may imprint, copy, download, or temporarily store extracts from the Material for your own information or when you use the Internet Banking for Business Service. You may not alter or otherwise make any changes to any Material that you print or download including, without limitation, removing any identifying marks or legends from such Material. Any other use is prohibited unless you first request and obtain our written permission.
HSBC is a trademark of HSBC Holdings plc and all rights in and to HSBC vest in HSBC Holdings plc. Other than as provided above, you may not use or reproduce the HSBC trademark, logo or brand name.
18.8 Nothing in this Agreement shall affect any right of set-off or combination which we have in relation to any accounts which you access Online.
18.9 Without prejudice to any right of assignment enjoyed by the Bank under any applicable law or any other documents, the Bank may, without the Customer's consent, assign any and/or all of its rights and obligations hereunder to any HSBC Group member(s) that are/is more than 50% owned or controlled by HSBC Group or to any branch or sub-branch of the Bank.
This Agreement is governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Mainland China. Both parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Mainland China in respect of any proceedings which may be initiated in connection with this Agreement.
The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.
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