
Contract No. 合同号: ___
THIS SERVICE CONTRACT (Contract) is made on the __th day of ____.
Party A (Client) 甲方 (客户)
Party B ( Supplier of Service) 乙方 (服务方)
WHEREAS, Party A may from time to time demand business service from Party B in Hong Kong
and Mainland China; and Party B has the resources and capability to provide such services;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing of mutual covenants and conditions herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows.
Article 1: Services第一条:服务内容
1. Administration Support - hotel reservation, transportation arrangement, air ticket booking,
schedule arrangement, counsel etc.
2. Verbal translation service during business trip in Hong Kong or Mainland China (Chinese -
English, Chinese – Hungarian).
3. Written translation service, incl. commercial documents and related product information
(Chinese – English, English - Chinese)
4. Local market research and report市场调查与报告
5. Sourcing support, incl. sample collection and delivery
6. Purchasing Support (if Party B receives the formal order from Party A) - production status track & update, quality inspection & acceptance, storage and shipping arrangement (incl. document preparation, custom clearance and other necessary support for both sea and air shipment.) A sales contract shall be entered between the Parties for such purchasing support and the sales contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancy.
Article 2: Service Rates & Adjustment 第二条:费率及调整
Party B shall charge for its services stipulated as above and the rates listed in Party B’s formal
quotation shall apply.
Party B shall issue invoice to Party A according to the quotation confirmed by Party A. Party A
shall pay the amount indicated in the invoice before receiving service from Party B.
Article 3: Confidentiality 第三条:保密
In performance of the services under this contract, Party B may receive proprietary and confidential information from Party A. All such information shall be safeguarded and not be disclosed to third parties without approval by Party A.
Article 4 Entire Agreement & Amendment 第四条:完整性与修改
This Contract and its Appendices (including but not limited to quotation) constitute the final, complete and exclusive statement of the contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof. It supersedes all prior communications, understandings and agreements relating to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written. No modification or claimed waiver of any provision
of this Contract shall be valid except by written amendment signed by authorized representatives of the parties through negotiation.
Article 5 Dispute Resolution 第五条:争议解决
If any dispute or difference of whatsoever kind shall arise in connection with or arising out of this
Contract, the Parties shall solve attempt to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations. If
such attempt fails, either party shall be entitled to submit the dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
Article 6: Language 第六条:语言
This contract shall be written in both Chinese and English. Both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the English version shall prevail.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Contract to be signed by their authorized representatives. It shall valid for __ months from the execution date of this contract.
期 个月。
Party A’s Representative: 甲方代表
Name and Title (Print): ______ 代表姓名/职位(打印或正楷书写):______
Signature: 签名:
Party B’s Representative:乙方代表
Name and Title (Print): 代表姓名/职位(打印或正楷书写):
Signature: 签名:
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