
Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.
工程名称: 发电工程 Project Name: Power Generation Engineering
工程地点: Project Location:
合同编号:Contract No.:
发包人: Employer (Party A):
设计人: Design Firm (Party B):
签订日期: Signed on:
第一条 本合同签订依据Article 1. Basis of this contract
第二条 设计依据Article 2. Design Basis
第三条 合同文件的优先次序Article 3. Priority of Contract Document
第四条 本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段及设计内容
Article 4. Name, Scale, Phase and design Content for the Contract Item
第五条 发包人与设计人相互提交的有关资料、文件及时间:
Article 5. Relevant materials, documents and time submitted reciprocally
by designer and employer
第六条 设计人向发包人交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间:
Article 6 Documents, number of copies, location and time submitted to the employer by the designer:
第七条 费用Article 7.Expenditure
第八条 支付方式Article 8. payment
第九条 双方责任Article 9 Responsibility of Parties hereto
第十条 保密Article 10 Confidentiality
第十一条 仲裁Article 11 : Arbitration
第十二条 协议生效及其他Article 12 : Contract effective and miscellaneous
发包人委托设计人承担发电工程设计任务,工程地点为尼日利亚, 经双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同执行。
Employer entrust designer to undertake the mission of the design of power generation engineering, the place of engineer is Nigeria. This contract is, through mutual agreement by parties hereto, entered into and made for common enforcement.
第一条 本合同签订依据Article 1.Basis of this Contract
1.1 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《建设工程勘察设计市场管理规定》。
1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。
The regulations and rules, issued by State and local government, of construction engineering survey and design.
1.3 建设工程批准文件。Documents of Approval for Construction
第二条 设计依据Article 2. Design Basis
2.1 发包人给设计人的委托书
The Letter of Project Authority which is provided by employer to designer.
2.2 发包人提交的基础资料 Fundamental materials submitted by the employer.
The main technical standards include State’s design norms, regulations and procedures.
第三条 合同文件的优先次序Article 3. Priority of Contract Document
The documents which constitute this contract can be deemed as explanation and demonstration of one another, where any ambiguity and discordance in the documents, the priority order will be judged as following:
3.1 合同书 This Contract
3.2 发包人要求及委托书 Requirement of the employer and Letter of Authority
第四条 本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段及设计内容
Article 4. Name, Scale, Phaset and design Content for the Contract Item
名称:发电工程Engineering Name: Power Generation Engineering
规模:3台 MS9001E燃气轮发电机组+3台余热锅炉+3台60Mw汽轮发电机组联合循环发电系统
Scale: 3x126MW MS9001E gas turbine generating unit + 3x60MW HRSG + 3x60MW turbo-generation unit combined cycle power system
Phase: concept design, preliminary design and drawings of detailed design
设计内容: design contents
1、热力系统:Thermodynamic system
Within power station, Main steam system, main water supply system, extract steam system, make-up water system and engineering cooling water system.
Sea water desalination system and chemical water treatment system
System of treatment of seawater desalination by chemical water for the use of waste heat boiler and living water.
3、海水循环冷却水系统 Seawater Circulation cooling system
4、天然气燃料输送系统:Gas fuel conveying system
System of gas fuel supply to entrance of gas turbine.
5、电气系统Electrical system
Systems of main power line and 330Kv booster station, and all electrical works within outlet switch cabinet will be liable for party A.
6、控制系统Control system
上述范围内的所有DCS控制系统。DCS Control system referred above.
( 译注:DCS 控制系统指:Distributed Control System, 即:分散控制系统)
7、建筑结构部分Building structural parts
厂房建筑结构;管网支架; 设计包含本项目电厂内整个厂区的有关设计,包括消防、采暖通风、照明及厂内通讯等,设计人提供所有的设备清册、材料清册、安装图、施工图等。
Plant building structure and pipe support. The design works is inclusive of the same with respect to whole plant zone in this project, which include firefighting, heating / ventilation, lighting and communication within plant zone, and so on. Designer should provide all equipment list, material list, installation diagram and construction drawings and so on.
第五条 发包人与设计人相互提交的有关资料、文件及时间:
Article 5. Relevant materials, documents and time submitted reciprocally
by designer and employer
第1阶段:概念设计Stage 1: Concept design
1、 合同签订时,发包人即提供天然气元素分析资料、海水水质资料,电站当地气象资料和当地震烈度资料;燃气轮发电机组及余热锅炉资料。
Employer should, at the time upon signature of this contract, make available to designer with the data of natural gas analysis, sea water quality, local weather, local earthquake, gas turbine generating unit, exhaust heat boiler and so on.
Designer should,within 45 days after effectiveness of contract and receipt of valid materials referred above,provide the documents of concept design.
Stage 3: Completion of basic design of barge and barge’s power station.
Stage 4 Completion of supplementary basis adding to installation thereof, which are coordination with the biding ship factory.
第六条 设计人向发包人交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间:
Article 6 Documents, copies number, location and time submitted to the employer by the designer:
方案设计文件:8 份(中英文 PDF版) Design documents: 8 copies (in Chinese and English, PDF format )
第七条 费用Article 7.Expenditure
The design fee agreed by parties hereto is one million Yuan, including the fee of drawing exam / check.
第八条 支付方式Article 8. Payment
第1阶段:概念设计完成后,支付预算费用:----- 万元。
第2阶段:初步概念设计审查通过后,支付预算费用:----- 万元。
第3阶段:完成驳船及驳船电厂的基本设计:支付预算费用:----- 万元
第4阶段:: 完成招标船厂合作协调的补充基础+安装:支付预算费用:----- 万元
Stage 1: The budget fee of ----- Yuan will be effected upon completion of concept design.
Stage 2: The budget fee of ---- Yuan will be effected after examination / acceptance of primary concept design.
Stage 3: The budget fee of ----- Yuan will be effected upon completion of basic designs of barge and barge’s power station.
Stage 4: The budget fee of -----Yuan will be effected upon completion of supplementary basis adding to installation thereof, which are coordination with the biding ship factory.
第九条 各方责任Article 9 Responsibilities of Parties
9.1 发包人责任9.1 Responsibility of Employer
9.1.1 发包人按协议第五条规定的内容,在规定的时间内向设计人提交基础资料及文件,并对其完整性、正确性及时限负责。发包人不得要求设计人违反国家有关标准进行设计。
Employer should, subject to the provisions of five Article hereof, within the specified time limited, provide designer with the basic materials and documents, and assume the liabilities of completeness, correctness and time limit, shall not in any way require designer to carry out the design which is in violation of State’s related standards.
9.1.2 发包人变更委托设计项目、规模、条件或因提交的资料错误,或所提交资料作较大修改,以致造成设计人设计返工时,发包人应按设计人所耗工作量向设计人支付返工费。
Provided that if employer make any variation of consigned design project, scale, terms or submit error materials or make major amendment of the delivered material, and which bring about rework of designer, employer should make payment of rework cost to designer pursuant to the workload used by designer.
9.1.3 在协议履行期间,发包人要求终止或解除协议,设计人未开始设计工作的,不退还发包人已付的定金;已开始设计工作的,发包人应根据设计人已进行的实际工作量,不足一半时,按该阶段设计费的一半支付;超过一半时,按该阶段设计费的全部支付。
During implementation of contract, provided that employer require to terminate or cancel contract, if, designer have not commence design work, no security will be refund to employer; if, design work have been commenced by designer, employer should make payment pursuant to designer’s actual workload, where workload less half of consigned work, half of design cost of that stage will be paid; where workload excess over half of consigned work, full payment of that stage should be make to designer.
9.1.4 发包人要求设计人派驻现场服务时,派驻现场的工作人员的差旅费由发包人负担,并按每人每天120美元的标准提供服务津贴,并提供工作、生活及交通等方面的便利条件及必要的劳动保护装备。
In case that employer require designer to dispatch service on site, employer should assume the travel expense of worker on-site and provide them with service allowance of 120 US Dollars per day for each person, the convenient conditions in respect of working living and traffic in addition to the necessary labor protect equipment.
9.2 设计人责任 Designer’s Responsibilities
9.2.1 设计人应按国家规定和协议约定的技术规范、标准进行设计,按本协议第五条规定的内容、时间及份数向发包人交付设计文件,并对提交的设计文件的质量负责。
Designer should, subject to State’s regulations and the technical norms stipulated hereof, conduct the design, effect delivery of the designed documents pursuant to the contents, date and copies in Five article hereof to employer and assume liability of the quality of delivered design documents.
9.2.2 设计合理使用年限为 20 年。The reasonable life of design will be 20 years.
9.2.3 负责对外商的设计资料进行审查,负责该协议项目的设计联络工作。
Be liable to exam the design materials from foreign businessmen and design liaison of this project.
9.2.4 协助发包人向厂家订货,指导发包人安排项目进度计划。
To assist employer place order to manufacturer and give direction of project’s progress plan.
9.2.5 对所有设备及辅机提供详细的规格参数、技术要求和供货范围,以作为发包方向厂家订货的协议附件。
Provide detail specifications, parameters, technical requirements and supply scope of all equipments and accessories, which are the appendix of the order agreement between employer and manufacturer.
第十条 保密Article 10 Confidentiality
Parties hereto should be liable to protect opposite intellectual property, without prior consent neither party may alter at its own initiative, copy or transfer the opposite materials and documents to third party for the project other than this project.
第十一条 仲裁Article 11 : Arbitration
Any dispute occurred in performance of this agreement will be settled by parties’ friendly negotiation, if, failure of negotiation, the settlements may be effected by following means:
(一)提交仲裁委员会仲裁;Submit to Arbitration Committee for arbitration.
(二)依法向人民法院起诉。Initiate lawsuit with Court of competent jurisdiction.
第十二条 协议生效及其他Article 12 : Effective and Miscellaneous
12.1 本工程项目中,设计人不得指定建筑材料、设备的生产厂或供货商。发包人需要设计人配合建筑材料、设备的加工订货时,所需费用由发包人承担。
Designer should not, in this project, design the manufacturer or supplyer of construction materials and equipments. In case employer need designer’s assistance of making process or order materials or equipments, the relevant fees / charges will be assumed by employer.
12.2 发包人委托设计人承担本协议内容以外的工作服务,另行签订协议并支付费用。
The service which is beyond the content hereof commissioned to designer by employer should be subject to another agreement and effect relevant payment.
12.3 由于不可抗力因素致使协议无法履行时,双方应及时协商。
Provided that if failure of performance due to force majeure parties should make timely negotiation.
12.4 本协议双方签字盖章后即生效,一式--- 份,发包人---份,设计人--- 份。
This agreement will be effective upon the signature and sealing by parties hereto, with original copies --- for employer --- copies and designer --- copies.
Any correspondence of faxes, telegram, meeting minutes, etc, are integral part of agreement and have equal validity.
Any outstanding issues will be reached unaminity by parties’ negotiation and by supplement agreement which has equal validity.
发包人 Employer: 设计人 Employer:
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