
1、目的及任务 1. Purpose and Task
This Procedure aims to ensure that all the newly-built ships and vessels of the Company (Ship Owner) are built in strict compliance with classification society’s specifications, relevant international conventions, and statutory standards required by laws and regulations of the flag state; and at the same time, to ensure that all the newly-built ships and vessels can meet relevant requirements of inspections by oil companies and port states; in addition, to ensure that all the newly-built ships and vessels are money-making, cost-saving and suitable for navigation, and that all the equipment onboard can be easily maintained and the living compartment for the crew is satisfying. After all, this Procedure aims to enable the newly-built ships to provide shipping service with high quality and efficiency.
Pursuant to requirements of the Safety and Quality Management System of the Company, this Procedure aims to supervise the ship building process in strict compliance with the Contract for Shipbuilding Supervision concluded by and between the Company (Ship Owner) and Shipbuilder and the ship’s specifications, standards, and approval drawings, etc. For the purpose of supervising and controlling the installation, testing and debugging of ship’s hull, engines, electrical appliances, communication and navigation equipment and systems, and ensuring that the quality of a newly-built ship or vessel can comply with the specifications, contracts and requirements of the Company (Ship Owner), this Procedure is hereby formulated and presented.
2、适用范围 2. Applicability
This Procedure shall be applicable to all the departments covered by the Safety and Quality Management System of the Company, and the supervision and control work of on-site Shipbuilding Supervisors in the process of shipbuilding.
3、参照文件 3. References
The Safety and Quality Management Manual of the Company, and books concerning rules and codes of inspections of newly-built ships.
4、定义和缩写 4. Definitions and Abbreviations
Relevant definitions and abbreviations used in ISM/NSM codes and the Safety and Quality Management Manual of the Company shall be applicable to this Procedure.
5、职责 5. Duties
5.1 机务部是船舶监造相关事宜的负责部门和各方关系协调的组织召集部门。指导监督现场监造小组开展好监造工作,及时反馈新船出厂营运的系列问题并落实整改,为后续系列船或同类型船质量改进及控制把关;机务部负责编制和修改本程序,指定人员负责批准本程序。
5.1 The Mechanical Department shall be responsible for all the matters related to shipbuilding and coordinate relationships between all sectors. The Mechanical Department shall direct and supervise the on-site Shipbuilding Supervision Group to effectively carry out its supervision work, timely feed back all the problems concerning the operation of the newly built ships after it is put into service and implement corrective actions, so as to improve and control the quality of the subsequent series of ships or ships of the same type. The Mechanical Department shall be liable to develop and amend this Procedure and the Designated Persons shall be liable to approve this Procedure.
5.2 安质部协助机务部做好监造方面相关技术支持和协助,并及时反馈分析新造船出厂营运后的问题至机务部。
5.2 The Safety and Quality Department shall assist the Mechanical Department to provide technical support and assistance concerning shipbuilding supervision, and timely analyze problems of a newly-built ship after it is put into service and feed back the problems to the Mechanical Department.
5.3 业务部负责调研提出前期新造船项目的任务需求和相关货物系统的技术指导和支持,并及时反馈分析新造船出厂营运后的问题至机务部。
5.3 The Business Department shall be liable to investigate requirements for tasks and demands of building a new ship at the earlier stage and provide technical directions and supports for relevant cargo systems, and timely analyze problems of a newly-built ship after it is put into operation and feed back the problems to the Mechanical Department.
5.4 船员部负责监造后期船员接船的相关安排。
5.4 The Crew Department shall be liable to supervise relevant arrangements for taking over the ship at the later stage.
5.5 现场监造组在机务部的领导下代表公司(船东)驻厂对船舶监造相关事宜负责,公司应授予现场监造组相应权力以行使船东监造的权力和义务。现场监造组具体职责如下:
5.5 The on-site Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall, under the leadership of the Mechanical Department, station at the dockyard on behalf of the Company (Ship Owner) and be responsible for all matters related to shipbuilding; the Company shall grant corresponding powers to the on-site Shipbuilding Supervision Group to exercise and execute relevant powers and duties of the Ship Owner for supervising shipbuilding. The specific duties and liabilities of the on-site Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall be as the following:
5.5.1 积极参与对新造船项目的任务书(说明船舶航区、船速、吃水、载货量、装载货品、船籍国、 船级社等)的讨论并献计献策;参与船舶技术规格书、厂商表、总布置图、船舯图等的制定和审核工作;参与前期的图纸审核、供图等工作的协调;参与设备认可图和工作图、施工图纸的审核,做好图纸送退审意见的协调工作,尽量做好各项施工前的准备工作。
5.5.1 To take part in the discussion on the Specifications of New Ship (to explain the ship’s navigation areas, ship speed, draft, loading capacity, cargo, state of registry, classification society, etc.) and provide proposals and ideas therein; to take part in the development and review work of the ship’s Technical Specifications, Manufactures List, Overall Arrangement Plan, Ship’s Cross-Section Profile, etc.; to take part in coordination work for drawings’ review and supply at the earlier stage; to take part in review work for equipment’s Design Approval Drawings, Working Diagram and Working Drawing; to coordinate opinions on delivery, returning and inspection of drawings; and to utilize all its endeavors to prepare for the shipbuilding work.
5.5.2 参与船舶各设备材料的选用建议和技术协议协谈,根据管理需要配备的备件及管理要求等细节的落实;对各设备厂商的信息进行合理客观评估。
5.5.2 To provide proposals for selecting materials of shipboard equipment and negotiate the technical agreements; to purchase spare parts required to be equipped in line with the management needs and implement details of management requirements; to evaluate the information of all equipment manufacturers in an objective and reasonable manner.
5.5.3 积极跟踪营运船的管理问题及公司(船东)、PSC/FSC、MAJOR等检查缺陷和前期造船缺陷,积极推动新造船项目的相关缺陷的整改和改进。
5.5.3 To trace the management problems of ships in service and deficiencies found in inspections by the Company (Ship Owner), PSC/FSC and MAJOR inspections and shipbuilding deficiencies at the earlier stage, and actively take actions to correct and improve deficiencies of the new ship.
5.5.4 代表公司(船东)进行现场监造,着重进行现场过程监控,并积极推动船厂的工艺质量的提升和建造进度的顺利推进。
5.5.4 To carry out on-site shipbuilding supervision on behalf of the Company (Ship Owner) and lay emphasis on monitoring the building process; to enhance the technology quality of the dockyard and accelerate the building speed.
5.5.5 参与船舶主要设备的出厂试验和验收,监督设备和材料的进厂情况和保养保护等环节。
5.5.5 To take part in the pre-delivery test and acceptance work for main equipment of the ship, supervise the supply of equipment and materials into the dockyard, and the equipment maintenance, etc.
5.5.6 参与主要检验项目的检验(主要包含船体部分、油漆涂装、船舶系统、船舶设备、机械部分、电气部分及无线电部分,一般的项目只要船厂和船级社报检即可),其中船体结构、油漆涂装工程、主机和轴系及螺旋桨、付机、锚绞机、舵机、货泵及货物系统等的安装和试验,系统系泊试验、倾斜试验、航行试验等必须全程参与。
5.5.6 To take part in main inspections (mainly including the hull, use of paints, ship systems, ship equipment, machinery, electrical equipment and radio equipment; with respect to the general project, it is acceptable be reported to and inspected by the dockyard and the classification society), of which, the On-site Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall take part in the whole process of inspection for ship hull, paint application, installation and test of main engine and its shafting system, propeller system, auxiliary engine system, anchor windlass system, steering engine system, cargo pump system and cargo system, mooring test, heeling test and navigation test.
5.5.7 协调试航和交船物料及备件等供给、船舶登记及证书办理、交船文件及证书清点移交船舶和公司(船东)、接船船员工作安排和熟悉及培训、船厂交船物料备件等移交和交船油料等清算工作,做好交船的各项工作。
5.5.7 To coordinate the following matters: sea trial, the supply of materials and spare parts to the ship, ship registry, certificates applying and handling, checking documents and certificates given to the ship and transferring them to the ship and the Company (Ship Owner), work arrangement, familiarization and trainings for crew who take over the ship, taking over materials and spare parts given to the ship by the dockyard, calculating the oil given to the ship, and finishing all works related to ship delivery.
5.5.8 协助处理船舶出厂后的保修工作,积极跟踪落实。
5.5.8 To assist to handle the warranty issues for the ship having left the dockyard and actively trace the ship and guarantee after-delivery services.
5.5.9 与船舶设计院或设计中心、船级社及造船厂等保持良好的沟通,做好技术质量和进度等协调工作,尽力推动项目满足公司(船东)的用船周期和管理使用要求。
5.5.9 To keep in good communication with the ship design institute, ship design center, classification society and shipbuilder, coordinate the technology quality and the building speed, and utilize all its endeavors to accelerate the building work so as to satisfy the deadline and requirements for management and use of the Company (Ship Owner).
5.5.10 做好航运板块和造船板块的协调工作,与船厂现场管理及设计部门建立良好的协调机制,促进新造船项目与营运管理的紧密结合和互相推动。
5.5.10 To coordinate the shipping sector and the shipbuilding sector; to establish good coordination mechanism with the on-site management and design departments of the shipbuilder; to encourage the close integration and mutual promotion of the new ship project and the operation and management.
5.5.11 根据公司(船东)管理实际及市场情况,对船舶设备及材料厂家进行收集和质量及服务等进行评级和分档,对进口设备的资料进行收集,为各新造船项目提供厂商信息反馈。
5.5.11 According to the management reality of the Company (Ship Owner), to collect information concerning manufacturers of shipboard equipment and materials, and grade and classify the quality and services; to collect data concerning imported equipment; to provide fed back information concerning manufacturers and shipbuilders for all the new ship projects.
5.5.12 做好各项监造记录和工作报告,按公司(船东)管理流程和体系规定进行规范化系统化工作;建立相应文档对监造资料进行合理归档。
5.5.12 To make records for shipbuilding supervision and develop work reports; to carry out the standard and systematic work according to requirement of the management flow and system of the Company (Ship Owner); to make corresponding documents so as to reasonably archive the shipbuilding supervision data.
6、监造程序 6. Procedure for Shipbuilding Supervision
6.1 监造前准备6.1 Preparation for Shipbuilding Supervision
6.1.1 机务部会同各专业监造人员结合公司各部门提出的新要求对所有的船舶建造技术说明书、设计和审核图纸进行审核,对不符合的填写《船舶监造工作协调流转单》送交技术中心、采购中心及船厂,应在采购和建造前完成此项工作。
6.1.1 The Mechanical Department shall, together with all the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors, review and inspect all the technical instructions, designs and drawings of all the ships after considering new requirements raised by each department, fill in the Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List for any non-conformity and thereafter submit the List to the Technology Center, Purchasing Center and Dockyard; such work shall be completed before the purchasing and shipbuilding.
6.1.1 各专业监造人员接到监造任务后,应首先阅读、熟悉船舶建造合同,船舶建造技术说明书,相关规范、标准,认可图样等。
6.1.2 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall, after assuming the supervision task, at first read and familiarize the shipbuilding contract, shipbuilding technical instructions, relevant specifications, standards, and approved drawings.
6.1.2 监造组驻厂后,各专业监造人员应了解船厂的质量体系,工艺过程,掌握船厂检验、试验程序。做好监造准备。
6.1.3 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall, after the Shipbuilding Supervision Group enters the dockyard, learn about the quality system and technical process of the dockyard, and master procedures for inspection and test of the dockyard. In addition, the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall prepare for the shipbuilding supervision work.
6.2 厂内检验 6.2 In-dockyard Inspection
6.2.1 各专业监造人员接到船厂的厂内《检验、试验通知书》时,监造人员收到申请后,根据情况由监造组长分配工作;责任人员应查看相关图纸、试验程序、检验标准、注意问题、审图意见等,对不明问题尽快向设计部门或质检部门提出,注意跟踪落实审图意见。通常应要求船厂一般报验项目提前24小时申请,重点项目提前4-7天申请,以便监造人员做好准备。原则上不接受当日检验申请。
6.2.1 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall, upon receiving the Notice of Inspection and Test from the dockyard or after receiving the application, be assigned tasks by the Leader of the Shipbuilding Supervision Group as the case may be; the Responsible Person shall check relevant drawings, test procedures, inspection standards, matters needing attention, opinions on drawing review, etc., timely reflect any matter that is unclear to him/her to the Design Department or the Quality Inspection Department, and pay attention to trace and implement the opinions for drawing inspection. Generally, a common project reported for inspection of the dockyard is required to apply for inspection 24 hours in advance and a key project reported for inspection is required to apply for inspection 4-7 days in advance so that the Shipbuilding Supervisors may prepare for such inspection. In principle, the application for an inspection on the same day will not be accepted.
6.2.2 若检验、试验的结果满足船舶建造合同,规范和船舶技术要求,所属专业监造人员应在船厂提供的《检验、试验报告》上填写合格字样,并签字验收。
6.2.2 If the results of the inspection and test meet requirements of the shipbuilding contract, specifications and the ship’s technical requirements, the involving Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall affix the word Qualified onto the Inspection and Test Report provided by the dockyard and sign and accept the Report.
6.2.3 若检验、试验存在质量问题不满足船舶建造合同,规范和船舶技术要求,所属专业监造人员应在船厂提供的《检验、试验报告》上填写对检验、试验中不满足船舶建造合同,规范和船舶技术要求的相关设备、系统、部件等的整改、更换字样,并签字,要求船厂按船厂的质量控制程序进行处理。
6.2.3 If the result of the inspection and test shows some problems of quality and fails to meet the requirements of the shipbuilding contract and specifications and ship’s technical requirements, the involving Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall affix Correct and Replace onto the Inspection and Test Report provided by the dockyard for relevant equipment, system and parts that are found failing to meet the requirements of the shipbuilding contract, specifications and the ship’s technical requirements in the inspection and test, and affix his/her name on the Report and require the dockyard to handle the case in compliance with its quality control procedure.
6.2.4 对检验、试验中不满足船舶建造合同,规范和船舶技术要求的相关设备、系统、部件等已整改、更换的,再次提出检验、试验。重复6.2.2和6.2.3条款,直至合格。
6.2.4 If relevant equipment, system or parts, found failing to meet the requirements of the shipbuilding contract and specifications and the ship’s technical requirements, have been rectified or replaced, an inspection and test shall be applied for again for the said equipment, system or parts. Under this condition, Clauses 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 shall be applied again till the said equipment, system or parts are determined as qualified.
6.2.5 若检验、试验存在质量问题不满足船舶建造合同,但满足船舶规范要求,船厂要求减帐处理,各专业监造人员应通过监造组长书面报告公司(船东),按公司的指示办理。
6.2.5 If the result of the inspection and test shows some problems of quality and fails to meet the requirements of the shipbuilding contract but meets the requirements of ship’s specifications, and the dockyard wants to settle the case with the price cut-down, all Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall report the case to the Company (Ship Owner) in written form via the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group, and thereafter handle the case in compliance with directions of the Company.
6.2.6 若检验、试验中存在对使用、维修有影响的问题,但满足船舶建造合同,船舶规范要求,需要整改,船厂要求加帐,各专业监造人员应通过监造组长书面报告公司(船东),按公司的指示办理。
6.2.6 If the result of the inspection and test shows some problems affecting the use and maintenance but meets the requirements of the shipbuilding contract and the ship’s specifications, related equipment, system or parts are required to be corrected and the dockyard wants to lift the price, all Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall report the case to the Company (Ship Owner) in written form via the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group, and thereafter handle the case in compliance with directions of the Company.
6.2.7 对公司(船东)同意的加、减帐项目,各专业监造人员应书面通知船厂。并按6.2.2和6.2.3条款验收。
6.2.7 If the Company (Ship Owner) agrees to increase or decrease the price of a project, all Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall report the case to the dockyard in written form and thereafter inspect and accept the project in compliance with Clause 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 herein.
6.2.8 监造人员应定期与船厂会晤,针对前一阶段出现的问题要求船厂拿出纠正措施,监督船厂尽快解决遗留问题。
6.2.8 The Shipbuilding Supervisors shall meet relevant persons from the dockyard at regular intervals, require the dockyard to work out corrective actions for problems found at the previous stage, and supervise the dockyard to settle the outstanding problems as soon as possible.
6.2.9监造人员应与船级社密切联系,支持船级社工作,并注意在出现争议时取得其技术支持, 但不能完全依赖船级社,对其工作也应有所监督
6.2.9 The Shipbuilding Supervisors shall keep close contact with the classification society, support its work of the classification society, and try to acquire the technical support from it in case of disputes; however, the Shipbuilding Supervisors shall not fully rely on the classification society and shall supervise its work also.
6.3 外检6.3 External Inspection
6.3.1 各专业监造人员接到船厂的外检《检验、试验通知书》时,应通过监造组长报告公司(船东),按公司的指示办理,通常要求要求船厂提前4-7天将外检计划通知监造组。
6.3.1 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall, upon receiving the Notice of Inspection and Test for external inspection from the dockyard, report the case to the Company (Ship Owner) via the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group, and thereafter carry out the inspection and test in compliance with the directions of the Company; generally, the dockyard is required to submit its external inspection plan to the Shipbuilding Supervision Group 4-7 days in advance.
6.3.2 若公司(船东)同意外检,按6.2.3至6.2.7条款验收。
6.3.2 If the Company (Ship Owner) agrees such external inspection, Clause 6.2.3 to 6.2.7 herein shall be applied for inspection and acceptance.
6.4 试航6.4 Sea Trial
6.4.1 The dockyard is required to notify the Shipbuilding Supervision Group of the Sea Trial Plan 2 weeks in advance and meanwhile provide the Sea Trial Outline to the Shipbuilding Supervision Group; the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall, after the Shipbuilding Supervision Group receives the said Notice, carefully verify the implementation of the shipbuilding contract and check whether the dockyard has the conditions for carrying out the sea trial, and organize all Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors to check whether the shipboard anchor, rudder, and life-saving, fire-fighting, ballasting, communication and navigation equipment and systems can be used safely. In case conditions for the Sea Trial is up to the requirements, the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall timely report to the Company (Ship Owner) and acquire approval therefrom.
6.4.2 试航时间确定后,监造组长应及时通知公司(船东)派试航人员来船厂试航。
6.4.2 In case the date of the Sea Trial is determined, the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall timely notice the Company (Ship Owner) to dispatch persons to carry out the trial.
6.4.3 试航前各专业监造人员应对船厂提出的试验大纲进行审核认可,试航大纲应包括主机磨合过程、抛锚试验、操舵试验、回转试验、停车惯性试验、测速试验、噪声试验、信号设备试验、主机试验、发电机运行试验、分油机试验、造水机试验、空压机性能试验、废气锅炉、辅助锅炉性能试验、各种泵类性能试验、通风机性能试验、加热器及冷却器性能试验、消防设备试验、航速、吃水、燃料消耗等试验项目。
6.4.3 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall, prior to the Sea Trial, review and approve the Sea Trail Outline presented by the dockyard. The Sea Trial Outline shall branch the following projects to be tested: running-in of main engine, anchoring test, steering test, turning test, shut-down inertia test, speed test, noise test, signal equipment test, main engine test, generator test, oil separator test, fresh water generator test, test of function of air compressor, waste gas boiler test, test of function of auxiliary boiler, test of functions of various pumps, test of functions of ventilators, test of functions of heaters and coolers, fire-fighting equipment test, navigation speed, draft and fuel consumption.
6.4.4 各专业监造人员根据认可的试验大纲规定的试验项目进行检验,按6.2.2至6.2.7条款验收。
6.4.4 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall carry out the inspection according to the test projects prescribed by the approved Sea Trial Outline, and accept the projects according to requirements of Clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.7 herein.
6.4.5 对公司(船东)派来的试航人员提出来的意见,各专业监造人员应对其整理分类,对超出船舶建造合同和船舶规范的要求,各专业监造人员负责向公司(船东)派来的试航人员解释,确属质量问题各专业监造人员应填写《船舶监造工作协调流转单》交船厂等相关部门进行整改,并按6.2.2至6.2.7条款验收,合格后,在《船舶监造工作协调流转单》确认栏里签名确认。
6.4.5 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall arrange and classify the opinions provided by the persons in charge of the Sea Trial dispatched by the Company (Ship Owner), and shall be liable to explain any requirement exceeding the shipbuilding contract and the ship’s specifications to the persons in charge of the Sea Trial dispatched by the Company (Ship Owner). A Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall fill in the Shipbuilding Coordination Circulating List for any problems of quality and submit the list to the dockyard and relevant departments for correction, and accept the project according to requirements of Clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.7 herein. In case the project is determined as qualified, the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall affix his/her name onto the Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List for verification.
6.5 巡检6.5 Tour Inspection
6.5.1 各专业监造人员主要工作应在现场,不管有无报验项目,均应每日上船巡检,纠正施工错误,发现较大问题或普遍性问题应填写《船舶监造工作协调流转单》交船厂等相关部门整改,并按6.2.2至6.2.7条款验收,合格后,在《船舶监造工作协调流转单》确认栏里签名确认。
6.5.1 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall work at the shipbuilding site for the most time, and, whether there is a reported project for inspection or not, board the ship to inspect every day, correct any error found thereat, fill in the Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List for any major problem or frequently-occurring problem found thereat and submit the List to the dockyard and relevant departments for correction, and accept the project according to requirements of Clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.7 herein. After the project is determined as qualified, the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall affix his/her name onto the Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List for verification.
6.6 交船6.6 Ship Delivery
6.6.1 监造组接到交船通知时,监造组长应仔细校核合同执行情况,检查船厂是否具备交船条件,组织各专业监造人员检查船舶的完工情况。若满足交船要求,监造组长应及时上报公司(船东)并征得同意。
6.6.1 The Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall, after the Shipbuilding Supervision Group receives the notice of ship delivery, carefully check and verify the implementation of the shipbuilding contract, check whether the dockyard has the conditions to deliver the ship, and organize all the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors to inspect the shipbuilding completion situation. In case all the requirements for ship delivery are satisfied, the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall timely report to the Company (Ship Owner) and acquire approval therefrom.
6.6.2 交船时间确定后,监造组长应及时通知公司(船东)派接船人员来船厂接船。
6.6.2 In case the date of ship delivery is determined, the Leader of Shipbuilding Supervision Group shall timely notify the Company (Ship Owner) to dispatch persons to take over the ship.
6.6.3 接船人员到厂后,各专业监造人员负责联系船厂配合安排接船人员(船员)熟悉各种设备,了解设备的性能和使用要求。清点随船工具、备件、物料及船厂提供的各种文件、技术资料、船舶证书、完工图等。
6.6.3 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall, upon the arrival of persons in charge of taking over the ship, be liable to contact the dockyard to provide assistance and arrange persons in charge of taking over the ship to familiarize all the equipment, learn about functions and use requirements of equipment. All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall check all the shipboard tools, spare parts, materials and various documents, technical materials, ship certificates and Finished Drawing provided by the dockyard.
6.6.4 对公司(船东)派来的接船人员(船员)提出来的意见,各专业监造人员应对其整理分类,对超出船舶建造合同和船舶规范的要求,各专业监造人员负责向公司派来的接船人员解释,确属质量问题各专业监造人员应填写《船舶监造工作协调流转单》交船厂等相关部门进行整改,并按7.2.2至7.2.7条款验收,合格后,在《船舶监造工作协调流转单》确认栏里签名确认。
6.6.4 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall arrange and classify the opinions provided by persons (crew) in charge of taking over the ship dispatched by the Company (Ship Owner), and shall be liable to explain any requirement exceeding the shipbuilding contract and the ship’s specifications to persons in charge of taking over the ship dispatched by the Company (Ship Owner). A Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall fill in the Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List for any problems of quality and submit the List to the dockyard and relevant departments for correction, and accept the ship according to requirements of Clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.7 herein. In case the ship is determined as qualified, the Professional Shipbuilding Supervisor shall affix his/her name onto the Shipbuilding Coordination Circulating List for verification.
6.7 纪录6.7 Record
6.7.1 各专业监造人员负责各专业的《检验、试验通知书》、《检验、试验报告》、《船舶监造工作协调流转单》纪录的整理和保存。
6.7.1 All Professional Shipbuilding Supervisors shall be liable to arrange and keep the record of Notice of Inspection and Test, Inspection and Test Report and Shipbuilding Supervision Coordination Circulating List of respective sectors.
7、相关文件7. Relevant Documents
SQM-06《人员健康手册》 Personnel Health Manual
SQM-07《船岸记录手册》 Ship-Shore Record Manual
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