Omnibus Trust Receipt Agreement

A trust receipt is a written legal document between a bank and a person borrowing from that bank. It states that the bank will give merchandise to the borrower but the bank will still retain the title to the merchandise and can repossess it if the buyer does not uphold the terms decided upon in the trust receipt. The borrower must keep the merchandise and any profits made from that merchandise separate from normal business expenses and if the bank repossesses the items, the borrower will return the items or the money made from selling the merchandise.
Typically, items used in trust receipts are large items with serial numbers that are easy to record and keep track of. For example, automobiles, TVs, large appliances, and trailers can all be given to a borrower by signing a trust receipt. The borrower then promises to pay the loaner back an amount of money worth the property loaned to him.
通常而言,信托收据中的商品都是带有序列号的大宗物品,这样易于记录和追踪。 例如借贷方在签署了信托收据后就可以获得诸如汽车、电视机、大型家用电器及拖车。借贷者承诺之后偿还给银行等同于借贷给他的财产的金额。
I/We will from time to time:-
a) Request that you release documents of title (the Documents) to goods, produce, chattels or other personal property (the Goods), whether pursuant to a Collection or a Documentary Credit, where payment for such Goods is deferred in accordance with the terms of the relevant Credit, or where we request you to advance to me/us a Trust Receipt Advance sufficient to pay for the Goods to enable the release of Documents or
b)Where Goods are supplied against Advance Payment or on an Open Account request that you advance to me/us a Trust Receipt Advance sufficient to pay for the Goods.
I/We hereby agree that any such request shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and to the terms of this Agreement dated 2/2/2015(the Facilities Agreement) made between me/us and you, and may be amended, varied, renewed, or replaced from time to time. Terms defined in the Facilities Agreement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning in this Agreement.
I/We confirm that you shall not be under any obligation or commitment to agree to any request for release of any Documents or Goods or to grant a Trust Receipt Advance.
I/We, as legal and beneficial owner, hereby assign and transfer to you all my/our rights, title and interest in and to the Goods and Documents in (conditional) settlement (in whole or in part) of all principal, interest (including compound interest) fees and other moneys which are owing or which may at any time become due or owing by me/us to the Bank in respect of, or in connection with , any facility(including any provided by the Facilities Agreement) that the Bank has made available to me/us for the issue (or otherwise) and/or financing of the above Goods or Documents (the Secured Debt) on the following terms and conditions and subject to discharge of the Secured Debt in full-
1 I/We will acknowledge that I/We have received the Documents and will hold and deal with the same, and also the Goods and all and any proceeds of sale thereof, as trustee(s) for you and in respect of any sale or disposal of the Goods or Documents, and as agent(s) on your behalf and not otherwise. Each such receipt to be read in conjunction with this Agreement.
2 Without prejudice to clause (1) above, I/We will hold the Documents and will only deal with the same for the following purposes and on the following terms.
(i) I/We will require the Documents in order to obtain and take delivery of the Goods on your behalf. Any sales of any of the Goods shall be on your behalf only. I/We expressly acknowledge that the Goods remain subject to the assignment by way of security contemplated in your favor by this Trust Receipt until sale and I/We hereby undertake to act as your agent(s) for the sale of the Goods and to receive and to pay to you the proceeds of such sale (the Sales Proceeds) (Without set-off or any deduction whatsoever) specifically and immediately upon the receipt thereof of each portion thereof, as the case may be. I/We further undertake, not to sell or otherwise dispose of the Goods or any part thereof on credit or for any non-monetary consideration or for less than the full market value without obtaining your prior written consent.
我/我方要求单据来代贵行获取并提取货物。我/我方明确承认在货物出售之前,凭借本信托收据在有以贵行为受益人的担保物的条件下,仍然可以对货物进行转让。我/我方特此承诺担任贵行货物出售的代理人, 并承诺在收到每笔相关货款之时(视情况而定)立即将货款(不作任何性质的冲抵和扣除)支付给贵行。我方进一步承诺, 在未经贵行书面同意前,不得出于融资目的而抛售货品或任何部分,同时也不得以低于足额的市场价值出售货物。
(ii) Prior to any sale of the goods on your behalf or, in respect of any Goods not sold at any sale, I/We will properly store and warehouse on your behalf and in your name, or otherwise as directed by you, all such Goods and will hold the same as your trustee(s) and advise you, at all times, of their location,
(iii)I/We will insure the Goods on your behalf against all insurable risks, on such terms as you may request, and will hold the polices of insurance on your behalf and in case of loss or damage howsoever caused, I/We will immediately pay over to you all moneys received from the insurers or otherwise( the Insurance Proceeds) and, until such payment, will hold the same on trust for you.
(iv)I /We hereby acknowledge that you shall have no liability or responsibility to me/us, or to any other third party, for the correctness, validity or sufficiency of the Documents or for the existence, quantity, quality, or otherwise, of the Goods.
(v)Any sale or other disposal of the Goods or part thereof shall(if requested by you)be made by me/us only to purchaser(s) to whom I/We am/are not indebted (whether actually or contingently) or under any liability whatsoever, and
(vi) I/We shall advise you immediately of any change or deterioration in the state of quality, or otherwise, of the Goods and shall keep the same, and the Documents, free from any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other encumbrance whatsoever.
(vii)At the request of the Bank, I/We undertake to allow access to the Bank’s authorized staff to my/our premises for physical inspection of Goods.
3 I/We undertake to return to you forthwith on your request at any time(irrespective of whether the purpose set out herein has been completed of not and without prejudice to my/our obligations under clause 7 below)the Documents and/or any other documents received by me/us in exchange therefore and to comply fully and promptly with any instructions which you may give me/us as to the manner of dealing with the Goods or any of them or regarding the removal, storage or the disposal of the same at my/our expense by sale arranged by you or otherwise.
4 I/We further undertake that this transaction shall be kept separate from all other transactions and that the Documents, the Goods and any Sale Proceeds or, if applicable, Insurance Proceeds thereof shall at all times be kept separate and distinct and capable of identification from any other documents, goods or proceeds of sale relating to or arising from any other transaction.
5 I/We hereby acknowledge that a certificate signed by any of your duly authorized officers showing the amount of the Secured Debt owing at any time shall be binding upon me/us for all purposes.
6 I/We hereby agree to indemnify you (and your correspondents and agents), from time to time, against all losses, actions, proceedings, claims, expenses, demands, liabilities and damages which you may incur for any act or omission of any nature whatsoever in connection with your release to me/us of the Documents or otherwise in relation to the Goods.
在贵行给我方借单过程中或和货物相关的事务中,若因任何行为或任何性质的疏漏而导致贵行遭受了任何损失、诉讼、索赔, 或发生了任何债务或赔偿金,则我/我方同意对贵行(及贵行的代理行和代理人)进行赔偿。
7 I/We hereby acknowledge that I/We shall remain at all times liable to you on demand for the immediate payment and discharge in full of the Secured Debt and shall remain so liable to the extent that the Sale Proceeds or, if applicable, the Insurance Proceeds shall be insufficient (in your sole opinion) to discharge the Secured Debt in full.
8 The security constituted by this Trust Receipt shall be in addition to and shall be independent of every other security which you may at any time hold for the Secured Debts or any part thereof.
9 If I/We shall at any time fail to perform and observe any of the terms and conditions contained in this Trust Receipt, you shall be entitled, but not obliged , to take such steps as you may deem necessary to make good such failure, and all expenses and costs incurred and/or any money paid out by you in connection therewith shall be treated as part of the Secured Debt.
10 If this Trust Receipt is, or purports to be, signed or executed by or on behalf of more than one person (other than in relation to you):
i the liability of each such person hereunder shall be joint and several and every agreement and undertaking herein shall be construed accordingly; and
ii the liability of any one such person hereunder to you shall not be discharged or affected in any way by (a) reason of the invalidity, avoidability or unenforceability in respect of any other such person of this Trust Receipt or any other security which the bank may hold in relation to the Secured Debt or any part thereof, or, (b)you releasing, discharging, compounding with or varying the liability hereunder of , or making any other arrangement with, any other such person.
(a) 由于某种原因,导致本信托收据(或者任何其他银行持有的关于有抵押债务或其部分)的任一签字人的责任失效、可以避免或无法执行。
11 All costs, charges and expenses( including legal fees) incurred by me/us in complying with my/our obligations hereunder shall be borne by me/us.
12 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Kuwait and I/We hereby irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive of the Kuwaiti Courts provided that such submission shall not prejudice your rights to bring proceedings against me/us in any other jurisdiction.
本协议书应根据科威特国法律进行管辖和解释。 我/我方特此不可撤销地将本协议提交给科威特法庭的专属管辖权,前提条件是这种行为不会影响贵行在任何其他管辖权内对我/我方提起诉讼的权利。
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