政府采购合同翻译(政府采购法第五章 中英文翻译模板)
Chapter V Government Procurement Contract of Government Procurement Law
第四十三条 政府采购合同适用合同法。采购人和供应商之间的权利和义务,应当按照平等、自愿的原则以合同方式约定。
Article 43 Government procurement contracts shall be governed by the Contract Law. The rights and obligations of the procurement party and the supplier shall be agreed upon in the form of contract under the principle of equality and voluntariness.
A procurement party may appoint any procurement agency to conclude, on its behalf, a government procurement contract with the supplier. Where a contract is signed by a procurement agency in the name of the procurement party, the power of attorney issued by the procurement party shall be required and treated as annex to the contract.
第四十四条 政府采购合同应当采用书面形式。
Article 44 A government procurement contract shall be made in writing.
第四十五条 国务院政府采购监督管理部门应当会同国务院有关部门,规定政府采购合同必须具备的条款。
Article 45 The procurement supervisory and administrative department under the State Council shall, in consultation with other departments thereunder, stipulate what specific terms and conditions must be contained in a procurement contract.
第四十六条 采购人与中标、成交供应商应当在中标、成交通知书发出之日起三十日内,按照采购文件确定的事项签订政府采购合同。
Article 46 The procurement party, the bid winner and conclusive supplier shall, within 30 days after the issue of notices of winning the bid and concluding the transaction, enter into a government procurement contract on the items as determined by the procurement documents.
The notices of winning the bid and concluding the transaction shall have binding force upon both the bid winner and the supplier. If, after issue of the notices of winning the bid and concluding the transaction, the procurement party alters the results of bid winning and conclusion of transaction, or the bid winner and the supplier give up the bid and the transaction, the breaching party shall bear the legal liability according to law.
第四十七条 政府采购项目的采购合同自签订之日起七个工作日内,采购人应当将合同副本报同级政府采购监督管理部门和有关部门备案。
Article 47 The procurement party shall, within 7 business days after the date on which the government procurement contract is signed, submit a copy thereof to the procurement supervisory and administrative department of the government at the same level for its record.
第四十八条 经采购人同意,中标、成交供应商可以依法采取分包方式履行合同。
Article 48 The bid winner and the conclusive supplier may, with the approval of the procurement party, perform the contract in the form of sub-contract.
Where a government procurement contract is to be performed in the form of sub-contract, the bid winner and the conclusive supplier shall be responsible to the procurement party in respect of the items procured and those sub-contracted, and the sub-conclusive suppliers be responsible to the procurement party in respect of the items sub-contracted .
第四十九条 政府采购合同履行中,采购人需追加与合同标的相同的货物、工程或者服务的,在不改变合同其他条款的前提下,可以与供应商协商签订补充合同,但所有补充合同的采购金额不得超过原合同采购金额的百分之十。
Article 49 In case the procurement party needs an increase of the same commodities, engineering works or services as the contracted subject in the process of performance, supplementary contracts may be concluded with the procurement party, provided all the other terms and conditions remain unchanged, and the total amount of such supplementary contract prices does not exceed 10% of the original contract price.
第五十条 政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。
Article 50 Both parties to a government procurement contract shall not alter, suspend or terminate the contract without mutual consent.
In case the continuous performance of a government procurement contract would do harm to the interests of the state and society, both parties thereto shall alter, suspend or terminate the contract. The party with fault shall bear the liability of compensating the other; if, however, both parties have faults, they shall bear their respective liability.
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