
Party A: 甲方:
Party B: 乙方:
IT IS HEREBY understood and agreed as follows:
1. (hereafter referred as Party A), a company Registered in ,is urrently working on the Pre-qualification and following possible tendering works for (hereafter as the Project) to be the project main contractor.
(以下称为甲方)是一家在 公司,总部设在 ,甲方目前正在参与 (以下简称项目)的 工作,以期成为该项目的总承包商。
2. (hereafter referred as the Party B ), registered respectively in , have close ties with the owner
(以下称为乙方)是在 成立的公司,与本项目业主 (以下称为业主)有着密切关系。
3 Hereby, Party A appoints Party B as its independent and exclusive Consultants for the Project Pre-qualification and tendering stage, to coordinate, facilitate and make the liaison for Party A with Owner to help Party A to be successfully awarded with the Project and enter into the contract with Owner.
4 Party B shall act as the coordinator and facilitator between Party A and Owner, and shall conduct liaison work with the high officials with Owner during the pre-qualification/bidding work and the possible construction of the Project.
5 During the whole process of Pre-qualification/bid and the following possible construction work, Party B shall coordinate, facilitate and make the liaison for Party A with Owner, provide the local government related services and collect the local material, labor information and local regulations regarding the Project for/to Party A. Party B shall collect the pre-qualification or bid documents (including but not limited to Addendums, bidding drawings and other information or data relating to pre-qualification/bid work) from Owner and obtain all prerequisite information, procedures, bylaws or local regulations, regarding any requirements on pre-qualification of bidders, submission of pre-qualification/bid Documents and all other information or data relating to, and required by the Project, and transmit such documents to Party A for pre-qualification/bid preparation.
6 Party A hereto and Party B shall bear its own costs and expenses (including but not limited to costs for legal, accounting, brokers or finder’s fees, professional or advisory services) in connection with the pre-qualification and following possible bidding preparation for this Project. In the event that Party A has signed the contract with Owner on this Project, Party A agrees to pay Party B commissions for its services in a total amount equal to (percentage) of the signed total contract value (hereafter referred to as the Commission) between Party A and Owner. The Commission shall be paid by Party A in the form of check for transfer to Party B or its designated payee. Party A agrees to pay Party B the Commission in 15 installments, on a pro rata basis within 15 working days upon the receipt by Party A of the first ten payments from Owner in accordance with the contract between Party A and Owner.
该协议中的甲乙双方就该项目的资格审核及随后的投标工作所产生的费用(包括但不限于法律的、会计的、经纪的、现场考察的费用,以及专业性的或建议性的咨询服务费用)将由各方自己承担。如果甲方与业主就该项目签署了总承包合同,甲方同意向乙方(所有的咨询顾问)一共支付该项目所签署合同总额的 百分比)作为咨询服务报酬(以下简称咨询服务佣金),咨询顾问佣金将由甲方以转帐支票形式支付给乙方或乙方指定的收款人。甲方同意,将根据其与业主签署的总承包合同的相关条款,在收到业主支付的前十五次工程款后的十五个工作日内,按工程款比例分十五次向咨询顾问支付咨询服务佣金。
7 In the event that Party A has not signed the contract with Owner on this Project, Party A has no any obligations to pay the Consultants any commission for its services.
8 Party A agrees to keep all the information on the Project, provided through Party B or directly by Owner confidential. Party B agrees to keep all the information regarding the works of pre-qualification and bidding of the Project confidential. This provision is strictly construed but shall not prevent the parties from disclosing information to third parties who have obtained the written consent of all the parties, and are necessary to assist accomplishing the purpose of the pre-qualification and bidding of the Project.
9 Once the agreement comes into effect, it should be strictly observed by both parties hereto. Any party’s non-performance or incomplete performance of this agreement shall be deemed as a default. Any party violating against the clauses therein shall be claimed by the other party to make remedies to such defaulting act.
10 If there are any disputes arising out of this agreement, all parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute amicably through direct discussions among the parties. In case that the parties fail to settle the dispute amicably, the parties may refer arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and the CIETAC's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration shall apply.
11 This Agreement will be signed in English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between the documents, the one written in English shall prevail.
This agreement in three original versions shall become effective on the date when it is executed by the parties below.
Signature Page: 签字页:
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