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上市章程公司指引(上部分 中英文翻译模板)


  中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission

  第一条 为维护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,规范公司的组织和行为,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)、《中华人民共和国证券法》(以下简称《证券法》)和其他有关规定,制订本章程。

  Article 1 In order to protect the legal rights of companies, shareholders and creditors,regulate the organization and behavior of companies, this Article of Association is established according to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), PRC Securities Law and other relevant regulations.

  第二条 公司系依照〖法规名称〗和其他有关规定成立的股份有限公司(以下简称公司)。

  Article 2 A company is a joint stock company (JSC) established according to (name of regulation) and other relevant regulations (hereinafter called ‘the company’).


  The company was established according to (method of Association), registered at the (location of company registration organization) of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, and obtained its Business License (number).


  Note: according to legal requirements, an incorporated company should specify the approval organization and document.

  第三条 公司于〖批/核准日期〗经〖批/核准机关全称〗批/核准,首次向社会公众发行人民币普通股〖股份数额〗股,于〖上市日期〗在〖证券交易所全称〗上市。公司向境外投资人发行的以外币认购并且在境内上市的境内上市外资股为〖股份数额〗,于〖上市日期〗在〖证券交易所全称〗上市。

  Article 3 The company was approved by (name of organization) on (date), first issued publicly (number of) ordinary shares of RMB (amount), and was listed on (name of stock exchange) on (date).


  Note: companies which do not issue (or plan to issue) domestic foreign capital listed shares, need not explain the contents of domestic foreign capital listed shares. The same applies below

  第四条 公司注册名称:〖中文全称〗 〖英文全称〗

  Article 4 Registered name of the company is: (full name in Chinese) (full name in English)

  第五条 公司住所:〖公司住所地址全称,邮政编码〗。

  Article 5 Residence of the company is at (full address and post code)

  第六条 公司注册资本为人民币〖注册资本数额〗元。

  Article 6 Registered capital RMB (amount)


  Note: if the company increases or decreases its registered capital, resulting in a change in its total registered capital, the company can, after passing a resolution to increase or decrease its registered capital at a shareholders’ meeting, pass a resolution to amend the company’s articles of association, and explain the registration procedure to amend the registered capital by authorising its board of directors to handle the logistics.

  第七条 公司营业期限为〖年数〗或者〖公司为永久存续的股份有限公司〗。

  Article 7 The operational period of the company shall be (number of years) or the company shall be a perpetual JSC.

  第八条 〖董事长或经理〗为公司的法定代表人。

  Article 8 (The chairman of the board of directors or the manager) shall be the company’s legal representative.

  第九条 公司全部资产分为等额股份,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任。

  Article 9 All the company’s assets are divided into equal shares. Each shareholder is responsible to the company up to his subscribed shares. The company is responsible for its debts up to its total assets.

  第十条 本公司章程自生效之日起,即成为规范公司的组织与行为、公司与股东、股东与股东之间权利义务关系的具有法律约束力的文件,对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有法律约束力的文件。依据本章程,股东可以起诉股东,股东可以起诉公司董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员,股东可以起诉公司,公司可以起诉股东、董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员。

  Article 10 From the effective date, this Articles of Association shall become the legally binding document which regulates the company’s organization and behavior, the rights and liabilities between the company and shareholders, and amongst the shareholders. According to these Articles, shareholders can sue other shareholders, shareholders can sue the company directors, supervisors, managers, and other senior management personnel. Shareholders can sue the company. The company can sue the shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers, and other senior management personnel.

  第十一条 本章程所称其他高级管理人员是指公司的副经理、董事会秘书、财务负责人。

  Article 11In these Articles, the senior management personnel means the assistant manager, the secretary to the board of directors, and the financial controller of the company.


  Note: the company can, according to actual circumstances, specify the senior management personnel of the company in the articles.

  第十二条 公司的经营宗旨:〖宗旨内容〗

  Article 12 The operational objectives of the companies are ( ).

  第十三条 经依法登记,公司的经营范围:〖经营范围内容〗

  Article 13 Having been legally registered, the scope of operation of the company is ( ). Note: those operational scopes of the company which require approval, according


  to law and administrative regulations, should be approved accordingly.

  第十四条 公司的股份采取股票的形式。

  Article 14 The company shares shall be in the form of share certificates.

  第十五条 公司股份的发行,实行公开、公平、公正的原则,同种类的每一股份应当具有同等权利。

  Article 15 Issuing of company shares shall adopt an open, fair, and just principle. Shares of the same type shall have equal rights.


  During the issuance of the same type of shares, each share shall have the same conditions of issuance and price. Any such share subscribed by any unit or individual should charge the same price.

  第十六条 公司发行的股票,以人民币标明面值。

  Article 16 Shares certificates issued by the company are denominated in RMB.

  第十七条 公司发行的股份,在〖证券登记机构名称〗集中存管。

  Article 17 Shares issued by the company are centrally stored at (name of securities registration organization).

  第十八条 公司发起人为〖各发起人姓名或者名称〗、认购的股份数分别为〖股份数量〗、出资方式和出资时间为〖具体方式和时间〗。

  Article 18 The sponsors of the company are (names of sponsors). Their respectively subscribed shares are (serial numbers). Their method and time of subscription are (actual method and time).


  Note: a company established for one year or more, in which a sponsor has already transferred his shares, need not complete the serial number of shares held by that sponsor.

  第十九条 公司股份总数为〖股份数额〗,公司的股本结构为:普通股〖数额〗股,其他种类股〖数额〗股。

  Article 19 The total number of shares of the company is (number). The share structure of the company is: ordinary shares (total number), and other types of shares (total number).


  Note: if the company issues other types of shares, this should be explained.

  第二十条 公司或公司的子公司(包括公司的附属企业)不以赠与、垫资、担保、补偿或贷款等形式,对购买或者拟购买公司股份的人提供任何资助。

  Article 20 The company or its subsidiary (including the company’s subsidiary enterprises) cannot use methods such as giving, paying for, guaranteeing , compensating or lending, in order to provide any assistance to anyone subscribing or intending to subscribe the company’s shares.

  第二十一条 公司根据经营和发展的需要,依照法律、法规的规定,经股东大会分别作出决议,可以采用下列方式增加资本:

  Article 21 According to operational and development needs, the company can, according to law and regulations and having been resolved at shareholders’ meetings, adopt the following methods to increase its capital:

  (一)公开发行股份; (1) Publicly issue shares

  (二)非公开发行股份;(2) Non-publicly issue shares

  (三)向现有股东派送红股;(3) Give bonus shares to existing shareholders

  (四)以公积金转增股本;(4) Use central reserve


  (5) Other methods prescribed by law and regulations or approved by the CSRC.


  Note: A company which issues convertible bonds should also set out detailed requirements in the articles of association concerning the issuance, transfer and other arrangements of convertible bonds and changes to the company shares resulting from such transfer.

  第二十二条 公司可以减少注册资本。公司减少注册资本,应当按照《公司法》以及其他有关规定和本章程规定的程序办理。

  Article 22 The company can decrease its capital. If the company wishes to decrease its capital, it should proceed according to the requirements of the Company Law, other related regulations and these Articles.

  第二十三条 公司在下列情况下,可以依照法律、行政法规、部门规章和本章程的规定,收购本公司的股份:

  Article 23 In the following circumstances, the company can buy back shares of the company according to the law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations and these Articles:

  (一)减少公司注册资本;(1) To decrease the company’s registered capital,


  (2) To merge with another company which hold shares of the company,


  (3) As a token of reward, to give shares to staff of the company,


  (4) Because a shareholder opposes the company’s merger or division during the shareholders’ meeting, he requests the company to buy back his shares. Except the above circumstances, the company cannot buy or sell its own shares.

  第二十四条 公司收购本公司股份,可以选择下列方式之一进行:

  Article 24 A company buying back its own shares can choose one of the following methods:


  (1) Centralized price competition and trading at securities exchanges

  (二)要约方式;(2) Offer

  (三)中国证监会认可的其他方式。(3) Other recognized methods by the CSRC

  第二十五条 公司因本章程第二十三条第(一)项至第(三)项的原因收购本公司股份的,应当经股东大会决议。公司依照第二十三条规定收购本公司股份后,属于第(一)项情形的,应当自收购之日起10日内注销;属于第(二)项、第(四)项情形的,应当在6个月内转让或者注销。

  Article 25 If the company, because of Article 23 (1) to (3), buys back company shares, this should be approved by the shareholder’s meeting. If the company buys back its shares according to Article 23 (1), it should cancel the shares within 10 days of buying back. Under Article 23 (2) or (4), the shares should be transferred or cancelled within 6 months.


  If the company buys back its shares according Article 23 (3), the shares bought back shall not exceed 5% of the total issued shares of the company. The funds used for the buy back should come from the company’s after-tax profits. Shares bought back should be transferred to the staff within one year.

  第二十六条 公司的股份可以依法转让。

  Article 26 The company’s shares can be legally transferred.

  第二十七条 公司不接受本公司的股票作为质押权的标的。

  Article 27 The company shall not accept its shares as security.

  第二十八条 发起人持有的本公司股份,自公司成立之日起1年内不得转让。公司公开发行股份前已发行的股份,自公司股票在证券交易所上市交易之日起1年内不得转让。

  Article 28 If a sponsor holds shares of the company, he cannot transfer those shares within one year of incorporation of the company.


  The company directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel should declare to the company the shares held by them and any changes to those shares. When they are holding these posts, they cannot transfer more than 25% of the total shares held by them in the company per year. The shares held cannot be transferred within one year of the company securing listed status. After the above personnel leave their posts, they cannot transfer the shares held in the company within six months.


  Note: if the company’s articles have other restrictions concerning the transfer of company shares held by directors, supervisors, or senior management personnel, this should be explained.

  第二十九条 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员、持有本公司股份5%以上的股东,将其持有的本公司股票在买入后6个月内卖出,或者在卖出后6个月内又买入,由此所得收益归本公司所有,本公司董事会将收回其所得收益。但是,证券公司因包销购入售后剩余股票而持有5%以上股份的,卖出该股票不受6个月时间限制。

  Article 29 If a company director, supervisor, senior management personnel, or shareholder holding 5% or more of shares in the company, sells shares in the company within 6 months of buying those shares, or buying those shares within 6 months of selling, all the resulting profits should belong to the company. Those profits shall be collected by the board of directors. But if a securities company undertakes unsold shares, thereby holding more than 5% of the shares, the sale of these shares shall not be subject to the said 6 month restriction.


  If a board of directors does not comply with the foregoing paragraph, the shareholders can request the board to do so within 30 days. If the board does not comply within the said period, the shareholders are authorized to start litigation in the People’s Court in their own names for the interest of the company.


  If a board of directors does not comply with the first paragraph, responsible directors are jointly and severally responsible.

  第三十条 公司依据证券登记机构提供的凭证建立股东名册,股东名册是证明股东持有公司股份的充分证据。股东按其所持有股份的种类享有权利,承担义务;持有同一种类股份的股东,享有同等权利,承担同种义务。

  Article 30 The company should establish a register of shareholders in accordance with evidence from the securities registration organisation. The register of shareholders is conclusive evidence of shareholders holding company shares. Shareholders enjoy rights and have responsibilities according to the type of shares held. Holding the same type of shares enjoys the same rights and bears the same liabilities.


  Note: the company should enter into a safe custody agreement with the securities registration organization. It should periodically investigate the information and change in the shareholding of major shareholders (including the raising of capital), and update itself on the share structure of the company.

  第三十一条 公司召开股东大会、分配股利、清算及从事其他需要确认股东身份的行为时,由董事会或股东大会召集人确定股权登记日,股权登记日收市后登记在册的股东为享有相关权益的股东。

  Article 31 When the company convenes a shareholder’s meeting, distribute dividends, commence liquidation or participate in other activities requiring the identification of shareholders, the convener of the board of directors’ or shareholders’ meeting should decide the day for confirming the shareholders. The shareholders who appear on the register of shareholders, after the closing of trading on the day of confirmation of shareholder, enjoy the relevant rights.

  第三十二条 公司股东享有下列权利:

  Article 32 The company’s shareholders enjoy the following rights:


  (1) Receive dividends and other forms of distribution of benefits according to the shares held,


  (2) According to the law, request, convene, hold, participate or send proxy to attend shareholders’ meeting and to exercise corresponding voting rights,


  (3) To monitor, make suggestions or question the company’s operation,


  (4) According to the law, administrative regulations and these articles transfer, give, or provide securities using the shares held,


  (5) Inspect these articles, the register of shareholders, company bond stubs, minutes of shareholders’ meeting, board of directors’ decisions, supervisory boards’ decision and financial accounting reports,


  (6) When the company terminates or liquidates, receive its share of remaining company assets according to the shares held,


  (7) If a shareholder opposes the merger or division of the company during a shareholders’ meeting, he can request the company to buy back his shares,


  (8) Other rights provided by the law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations and these Articles.

  第三十三条 股东提出查阅前条所述有关信息或者索取资料的,应当向公司提供证明其持有公司股份的种类以及持股数量的书面文件,公司经核实股东身份后按照股东的要求予以提供。

  Article 33 When a shareholder presents a request to inspect the information under the preceding Articles, he should present proof of the type and number of shareholding in writing. The company should comply with the shareholder’s request after verifying his identity.

  第三十四条 公司股东大会、董事会决议内容违反法律、行政法规的,股东有权请求人民法院认定无效。

  Article 34 If a decision of the company’s meeting of shareholders or board of directors contravenes the law or administrative regulation, the shareholders can request the People’s Court to void the decision.


  If the convening procedure or voting method of a shareholders’ meeting or board of director’s meeting contravenes the law, administrative regulation or these Articles, or if the contents of the decision contravenes these Articles, the shareholders can request the People’s Court to cancel the decision, within 60 days of the decision.

  第三十五条 董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,连续180日以上单独或合并持有公司1%以上股份的股东有权书面请求监事会向人民法院提起诉讼;监事会执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,股东可以书面请求董事会向人民法院提起诉讼。

  Article 35 If a director or a senior management personnel contravenes the law, administrative regulation, or these Articles when carrying out his duties in the company, resulting in losses to the company, shareholders individually or together holding 1% or more of shares for 180 days continuously, can request the supervisory board in writing to start litigation in the People’s Court. If a supervisory board contravenes the law, administrative regulations or these Articles when carrying out its duties in the company, resulting in losses to the company, the shareholders can request the board of directors in writing to start litigation at the People’s Court.


  If the supervisory board or board of directors refuses to start litigation after receiving the shareholder’s written request under the preceding paragraph, or does not start litigation within 30 days of receiving the request, or the situation is so urgent that without an immediate litigation will lead to irreparable losses suffered by the company, the shareholder under the previous paragraph can litigation directly at the People’s Court under his own name, for the interest of the company


  If any person intervenes with the legal interests of the company, resulting in losses suffered by the company, a shareholder under the first paragraph can start litigation at the People’s Court in accordance with the two preceding paragraphs.

  第三十六条 董事、高级管理人员违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,损害股东利益的,股东可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

  Article 36 If a director or senior management personnel contravenes the law, administrative regulation, or these Articles, thereby damaging a shareholder’s interests, the shareholder can start litigation in the People’s Court.

  第三十七条 公司股东承担下列义务:

  Article 37 Shareholders of the company have the following responsibilities:


  (1) Comply with law, administrative regulation and these Articles,


  (2) To pay in accordance with the shares subscribed and the method of subscription,


  (3) Cannot give up those shares except as prescribed by the law or administrative regulations,


  (4) Cannot abuse his rights as a shareholder to damage the company’s or other shareholders’ interests; cannot abuse the legal personality of the company and the limited liability of the shareholders to damage the interests of creditors. A shareholder who abuses his shareholders’ rights, resulting in losses to the


  company and other shareholders, should compensate according to the law.


  Shareholders who abuse the legal personality of the company and limited liability of shareholders, in order to escape from liability, thereby seriously damaging the interests of creditors, should be jointly and severally responsible to bear the company’s debts,


  (5) Other responsibilities required by the law, administrative regulations and these Articles.

  第三十八条 持有公司5%以上有表决权股份的股东,将其持有的股份进行质押的,应当自该事实发生当日,向公司作出书面报告。

  Article 38 If a shareholder holding 5% or more voting rights of the company provides security using those shares, he should report to the company in writing on the day of such occurrence.

  第三十九条 公司的控股股东、实际控制人员不得利用其关联关系损害公司利益。违反规定的,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

  Article 39 The controlling shareholder or actual controller of the company cannot use his associated relationship to damage the company’s interests. If this requirement is contravened, resulting in damage to the company, he should be responsible to compensate.


  The controlling shareholder and actual controller have a duty of honesty towards the company and shareholders holding the public community shares9 of the company. The controlling shareholder should strictly exercise his rights as a provider of capital. The controlling shareholder cannot make use of methods such as the distribution of profits, restructuring of assets, external investment, misappropriation of assets, borrowing, or providing guarantee, in order to damage the legal interests of the company and shareholders of public community shares. He cannot make use of his controlling position to damage the legal interests of the company and shareholders of public community shares.

  第四十条 股东大会是公司的权力机构,依法行使下列职权:

  Article 40 The shareholders’ meeting is an organisation of authority. It exercises the following authorities in accordance to the law: 9 In Chinese ‘she hui gong zhong gu’, taken to mean the freely transferable shares.


  (1) Decide the operational policy and investment plan of the company,


  (2) Elect and replace directors and supervisors who are not staff representatives. Decide the salary matters of the relevant directors and supervisors,

  (三)审议批准董事会的报告;(3) Review and approve the reports of board of directors,

  (四)审议批准监事会报告;(4) Review and approve the reports of the supervisory board


  (5) Review and approve the annual financial budgets of the company,


  (6) Review and approve the profit distribution plan and loss compensation plan of the company,


  (7) Decide on increasing or decreasing the registered capital of the company,

  (八)对发行公司债券作出决议; (8) Decide on the issuing of company bonds,


  (9) Decide on merger, division, winding up, liquidation or changing the form of the company,

  (十)修改本章程; (10) Amending these Articles,


  (11) Decide on hiring and firing the accounting firm of the company,


  (12) Review and approve the guarantees under Article 41


  (13) Review purchases and sales of significant assets within a year exceeding 30% of the most recently audited total assets of the company,


  (14) Review and approve changes in usage of raised funds,

  (十五)审议股权激励计划;(15) Review share incentive plans,


  (16) Review other matters which should be decided by shareholders’ meetings as required by the law, administrative regulations, department regulations or these Articles.


  Note: the above responsibilities of the shareholder’s meeting cannot be exercised through authorisation by the board of directors or other organisation or individuals.

  第四十一条 公司下列对外担保行为,须经股东大会审议通过。

  Article 41 The following external guarantees of the company must be reviewed and passed by the shareholder’s meeting:


  (1) Any external guarantee by the company or its subsidiary, whose total amount is equal to or more than 50% of the company’s audited net assets,


  (2) Any external guarantee by the company or its subsidiary, whose total amount is equal to or more than 50% of the company’s audited total assets,


  (3) To provide guarantee to entities with more than 70% debt equity ratio,


  (4) A single guarantee whose amount exceeds 10% of the latest audited net assets


  (5) To provide guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its associates.

  第四十二条 股东大会分为年度股东大会和临时股东大会。年度股东大会每年召开1次,应当于上一会计年度结束后的6个月内举行。

  Article 42 Shareholders’ meeting consists of annual shareholders’ meeting and extraordinary shareholder’s meeting. Annual shareholders’ meeting is held once a year, and should be held within 6 months after the end of the last accounting year.

  第四十三条 有下列情形之一的,公司在事实发生之日起2个月以内召开临时股东大会:

  Article 43 In the following circumstances, the company should convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting within 2 months of their occurrence:


  (1) When the number of directors falls below two thirds of the number prescribed by the Company Law or these articles,


  (2) When the uncompensated losses reaches one third of the company’s paid up capital,


  (3) When requested by shareholders who individually or together hold more than 10% of the shares of the company,

  (四)董事会认为必要时;(4) Whenever the board of directors considers necessary,

  (五)监事会提议召开时;(5) When the supervisory board suggests to convene,


  (6) Other circumstances prescribed by the law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations or these Articles.


  Note: the company should specify the number required in paragraph 1 in these Articles.

  第四十四条 本公司召开股东大会的地点为:〖具体地点〗。

  Article 44 The venue to hold a shareholders’ meeting of the company is (name of venue).


  The shareholders’ meeting should provide a venue for holding the meeting. The company will also provide (internet or other means) for the convenience of shareholders attending the shareholders’ meeting. Shareholders attending the shareholders’ meeting using the above method are considered present at the meeting.


  Note: the articles can specify the company’s residence or other clearly designated venues as the venue for holding a shareholders’ meeting. If the company uses other methods to hold a shareholders’ meeting, it should specify them in the articles and clearly specify the legally valid methods to confirm the shareholders’ identities.

  第四十五条 本公司召开股东大会时将聘请律师对以下问题出具法律意见并公告:

  Article 45 When the company holds a shareholders’ meeting, it will hire lawyers to provide legal opinions on the following matters:


  (1) Whether the convening and meeting procedures comply with the law, administrative regulations, and these Articles,


  (2) Whether the qualifications of the attendees and the convener are legally valid,


  (3) Whether the voting procedure and decisions of the meeting are legally valid,


  (4) Other legal opinion as requested by the company.

  第四十六条 独立董事有权向董事会提议召开临时股东大会。对独立董事要求召开临时股东大会的提议,董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到提议后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。

  Article 46 Independent directors are authorized to suggest to the board of directors to convene extraordinary shareholders’ meetings. Concerning the above request, the board of directors should, in accordance with the requirements of the law, administrative regulations and these articles, provide a written opinion to agree or disagree to convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting within 10 days of receipt of the suggestion.


  If the board of directors agrees to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, it will issue a notice of shareholders’ meeting within 5 days of the decision of the board of directors. If the board of directors does not agree to convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, it will publicly announce the reasons.

  第四十七条 监事会有权向董事会提议召开临时股东大会,并应当以书面形式向董事会提出。董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到提案后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。

  Article 47 The supervisory board is authorized to suggest to the board of directors to convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, and should be presented to the board of directors in writing. Concerning the above request, the board of directors should, in accordance with the requirements of the law, administrative regulations and these articles, provide a written opinion to agree or disagree to convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting within 10 days of receipt of the suggestion.


  If the board of directors agrees to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, it will issue a notice of shareholders’ meeting within 5 days of the decision of the board of directors.


  If the board of directors does not agree to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, or does not reply within 10 days of receipt of the suggestion, this is treated as the board of directors not able to or not discharging its duties to convene shareholders’ meeting. The supervisory board is authorized to convene and hold the meeting by themselves.

  第四十八条 单独或者合计持有公司10%以上股份的股东有权向董事会请求召开临时股东大会,并应当以书面形式向董事会提出。董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到请求后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。

  Article 48 Shareholders individually or together holding more than 10% of the shares of the company are authorized to request to the board of directors to hold an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, and should be presented to the board of directors in writing. Concerning the above request, the board of directors should, in accordance with the requirements of the law, administrative regulations and these articles, provide a written opinion to agree or disagree to convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting within 10 days of receipt of the suggestion.


  If the board of directors agrees to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, it will issue a notice of shareholders’ meeting within 5 days of the decision of the board of directors. If there are changes to the original request in the notice, they should be agreed by the relevant shareholders.


  If the board of directors does not agree to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, or does not reply within 10 days of receipt of the suggestion, shareholders individually or together holding more than 10% of the shares of the company are authorized to request to the supervisory board to hold an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, and should be presented to the supervisory board in writing.


  If the supervisory board agrees to convene the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, it will issue a notice of shareholders’ meeting within 5 days of the decision of the supervisory board. If there are changes to the original request in the notice, they should be agreed by the relevant shareholders.


  If the supervisory board does not issue the notice of shareholders’ meeting within the prescribed period, this is treated as the supervisory board not convening and not holding the shareholders’ meeting. Then shareholders who individually or together hold more than 10% of the shares for more than 90 days continuously can convene and hold the meeting by themselves.

  第四十九条 监事会或股东决定自行召集股东大会的,须书面通知董事会,同时向公司所在地中国证监会派出机构和证券交易所备案。

  Article 49 When the supervisory board or shareholder decides to convene a shareholders’ meeting by themselves, they should inform the board of directors in writing. At the same time, to prepare a file at the CSRC sub-office and the securities exchange situated at the company’s residence.


  Before publicly announcing the decision of the shareholders’ meeting, the convening shareholders should not hold less than 10% of the shares.


  When the convening shareholder issues the notice for shareholders’ meeting and publicly announce the decision of the shareholders’ meeting, he should submit the relevant proof to the CSRC sub-office and the securities exchange at the company’s residence.

  第五十条 对于监事会或股东自行召集的股东大会,董事会和董事会秘书将予配合。董事会应当提供股权登记日的股东名册。

  Article 50 When a shareholders’ meeting is convened by the supervisory board or by the shareholders, the board of directors and the secretary to the board of directors should assist. The board of directors should provide the register of shareholders on the date of registration of shareholding.

  第五十一条 监事会或股东自行召集的股东大会,会议所必需的费用由本公司承担。

  Article 51 When a shareholders’ meeting is convened by the supervisory board or by the shareholders, the company should bear all the necessary expenses of the meeting.

  第五十二条 提案的内容应当属于股东大会职权范围,有明确议题和具体决议事项,并且符合法律、行政法规和本章程的有关规定。

  Article 52 The contents of the resolutions to be raised should be within the scope of duties of the shareholders’ meetings. It should have a clear topic and have actual decisions, in compliance with the law, administrative regulations and these articles.

  第五十三条 公司召开股东大会,董事会、监事会以及单独或者合并持有公司3%以上股份的股东,有权向公司提出提案。

  Article 53 When a shareholders’ meeting is being held by the company, the board of directors, supervisory board or shareholders holding individually or together more than 3% of the shares of the company, can propose resolutions to the company.


  Shareholders, individually or together, holding more than 3% of the shares of the company can submit temporary resolutions in writing to the convener, 10 days before the holding of the shareholders’ meeting. The convener should issue a supplementary notice of the shareholders’ meeting within 2 days of receipt of the proposal and publicly announce the contents of the temporary resolutions.


  Except as provided in the last paragraph, after the convener publicly issues the notice of the shareholders’ meeting, he cannot change any resolution or add new resolutions in the notice of shareholders’ meetings.


  If a notice of shareholders’ meeting does not specify the proposed resolutions or does not comply with Article 52, the shareholders’ meeting cannot vote and reach a decision.

  第五十四条 召集人将在年度股东大会召开20日前以公告方式通知各股东,临时股东大会将于会议召开15日前以公告方式通知各股东。

  Article 54 The convener should publicly inform all shareholders 20 days before the holding of the annual shareholders’ meeting. An extraordinary shareholders’ meeting should be publicly announced to all shareholders 15 days before the holding of the meeting.


  Note: When a company calculates the commencement of a period, it does not include the day the meeting is held.


  According to the actual circumstances, the company can decide whether to specify the prompting procedure in the articles.

  第五十五条 股东大会的通知包括以下内容:

  Article 55 The notice of shareholders’ meeting includes the following contents:


  (1) The time, venue, and period of the meeting,


  (2) Matters and proposals to be submitted to the meeting for review,


  (3) Using clear words to specify that all shareholders are entitled to attend the shareholders’ meeting, and that they can appoint a proxy in writing to attend the meeting and vote. The proxy need not be a shareholder in the company,


  (4) The date of registration of shareholding of the shareholders, for determining those shareholders entitled to attend the shareholders’ meeting,


  (5) The name and telephone number of the permanent contact person concerning meeting matters.


  Note: The notice and supplementary notice of the meeting should fully and completely disclose all the actual contents of the resolutions. If a discussion matter requires an opinion from independent directors, then when the notice or supplementary notice of shareholders’ meeting is issued, the opinion and reasons of independent directors should be disclosed at the same time


  If a shareholders’ meeting uses the internet or other methods, the notice of shareholders’ meeting should clearly contain the time and voting procedure using such methods. The commencement time for voting under the shareholders’ meeting by such methods cannot be earlier than 3pm of the previous day of the holding of the actual shareholders’ meeting, and not later than 9.30 am on the day of holding of the actual shareholders’ meeting. The conclusion time cannot be earlier than 3pm on the day of conclusion of the actual shareholders’ meeting.


  There should not be more than 7 working days between the registration date of shareholding and the day of the meeting. Once the date of registration of shareholding is confirmed, it cannot be changed.

  第五十六条 股东大会拟讨论董事、监事选举事项的,股东大会通知中将充分披露董事、监事候选人的详细资料,至少包括以下内容:

  Article 56 If a shareholders’ meeting intend to discuss the election of directors or supervisors, the notice of shareholders’ meeting should disclose full information of the candidates for directors and supervisors. It should at least include the following:


  (1) Personal circumstances such as: education background, work experience, other simultaneous appointments


  (2) Whether there is associate relationship with the company or the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company


  (3) Disclose the number of shares held in the company


  (4) Whether subject to punishment by CSRC and other relevant department and sanctioned by the securities exchange.


  Unless the election of directors and supervisors uses cumulative voting, each candidate of director or supervisor should be individually proposed.

  第五十七条 发出股东大会通知后,无正当理由,股东大会不应延期或取消,股东大会通知中列明的提案不应取消。一旦出现延期或取消的情形,召集人应当在原定召开日前至少2个工作日公告并说明原因。

  Article 57 After the issuance of the notice of shareholders’ meeting, if there are no proper reasons, it should not be proposed or cancelled. Proposals specified in the notice of shareholders’ meeting should not be cancelled. Once a delay or cancellation occurs, the convener should publicly announce and give reasons within 2 days before the originally scheduled holding date.

  第五十八条 本公司董事会和其他召集人将采取必要措施,保证股东大会的正常秩序。对于干扰股东大会、寻衅滋事和侵犯股东合法权益的行为,将采取措施加以制止并及时报告有关部门查处。

  Article 58 The board of directors and other conveners of the company shall adopt necessary procedures to ensure the proper order of the shareholders’ meeting. Any actions which interfere with the shareholders’ meeting, causing disruptions and interfering with the legal rights of shareholders will be stopped and immediately reported to the respective departments for investigation.

  第五十九条 股权登记日登记在册的所有股东或其代理人,均有权出席股东大会。并依照有关法律、法规及本章程行使表决权。

  Article 59 All shareholders, or their proxies, appearing on the registration on the date of registration of shareholding, can attend the shareholders’ meeting. They can also exercise voting rights in accordance with the law, regulations and these Articles.


  A shareholder can attend the shareholders’ meeting personally or appoint a proxy to attend or vote on his behalf.

  第六十条 个人股东亲自出席会议的,应出示本人身份证或其他能够表明其身份的有效证件或证明、股票账户卡;委托代理他人出席会议的,应出示本人有效身份证件、股东授权委托书。

  Article 60 A shareholder who attends the shareholders’ meeting personally should present his personal identity card or other effective document or proof or share certificate account card which can confirm his identity. If appointing a proxy to attend, the latter should present his valid personal identity card or authorization letter from the shareholder.


  A shareholder who is a legal person should attend the meeting through its legal representative or proxy of legal representative. If a legal representative attends, he should present his personal identity card or valid proof which can confirm his qualification as a legal representative. A proxy attending the meeting should present his personal identity card. A legal representative of a shareholder who is a legal person should present a written authorization letter.

  第六十一条 股东出具的委托他人出席股东大会的授权委托书应当载明下列内容:

  Article 61 A shareholder who presents an authorization letter to authorize another person to attend the shareholders’ meeting should contain the following contents:

  (一)代理人的姓名; (1) Name of the proxy,

  (二)是否具有表决权;(2) Whether the proxy has voting rights,


  (3) Indication of consent, objection or abstention concerning each proposal on the shareholders’ meeting agenda,

  (四)委托书签发日期和有效期限; (4) Date of signing of authorization letter or validity period,


  (5) Signature (or chop) of the person making the authorization. If the person making the appointment is a legal person shareholder, it should add the chop of the legal person.

  第六十二条 委托书应当注明如果股东不作具体指示,股东代理人是否可以按自己的意思表决。

  Article 62 The authorization letter should state that if the shareholder does not make specific instructions, whether the proxy could vote according to his own will.

  第六十三条 代理投票授权委托书由委托人授权他人签署的,授权签署的授权书或者其他授权文件应当经过公证。经公证的授权书或者其他授权文件,和投票代理委托书均需备置于公司住所或者召集会议的通知中指定的其他地方。

  Article 63 If the authorization to vote is signed by a third party authorized by the appointer, the authorization letter or other authorization document should be notarized. A notarized authorization letter or document and the voting authorization letter should be placed at the residence of the company or the venue specified in the notice to convene the meeting.


  If the appointer is a legal person, its legal representative or board of directors or other person authorized by resolution by other decision-making organizations should attend the shareholders’ meeting of the company.

  第六十四条 出席会议人员的会议登记册由公司负责制作。会议登记册载明参加会议人员姓名(或单位名称)、身份证号码、住所地址、持有或者代表有表决权的股份数额、被代理人姓名(或单位名称)等事项。

  Article 64 The registration document of the meeting containing the people attending the meeting should be made by the company. The registration document contains the names of persons (or names of organizations) attending the meeting, identity card numbers, residential addresses, the number of shares held or representing the voting rights, and names (or name of organizations) of the proxies.

  第六十五条 召集人和公司聘请的律师将依据证券登记结算机构提供的股东名册共同对股东资格的合法性进行验证,并登记股东姓名(或名称)及其所持有表决权的股份数。在会议主持人宣布现场出席会议的股东和代理人人数及所持有表决权的股份总数之前,会议登记应当终止。

  Article 65 The convener and the lawyer hired by the company shall examine the legality of shareholders’ qualifications according to the register of shareholders provided by the securities registrations and clearing organizations. The names of shareholders and the number of shares with voting rights shall be registered. The registration at the meeting should terminate before the conductor of the meeting announces the number of shareholders and proxies attending the meeting and the shares held with voting rights.

  第六十六条 股东大会召开时,本公司全体董事、监事和董事会秘书应当出席会议,经理和其他高级管理人员应当列席会议。

  Article 66 When a shareholders’ meeting is held, all the directors, supervisors and secretaries to the board of directors should attend the meeting. The managers and other senior management personnel should be present at the meeting.

  第六十七条 股东大会由董事长主持。董事长不能履行职务或不履行职务时,由副董事长(公司有两位或两位以上副董事长的,由半数以上董事共同推举的副董事长主持)主持,副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务时,由半数以上董事共同推举的一名董事主持。

  Article 67 The shareholders’ meeting is conducted by the chairman of the board of directors. If the chairman cannot or will not carry out his duties, the vice chairman of the board of directors shall conduct the meeting (if the company has two or more vice chairmen, more than half of the directors will nominate a vice chairman to conduct the meeting). If the vice chairman cannot or will not carry out his duties, more than half of the directors will nominate a director to conduct the meeting.


  If the supervisory board convenes the shareholders’ meeting by themselves, the supervisory board shall conduct the meeting. If the chairman of the supervisory board cannot or will not carry out his duties, the meeting will be conducted by a vice chairman. If the vice chairman will not or cannot carry out its duties, more than half of the supervisory board will nominate a supervisor to conduct the meeting.


  If a shareholders’ meeting is convened by the shareholders themselves, the convener will nominate a representative to conduct the meeting.


  When a shareholders’ meeting is held, if the conductor of the meeting contravenes meeting procedures, making the meeting impossible to proceed, then if exceeding half of the shareholders with voting rights and attending the meeting agree, the shareholders’ meeting can nominate one person to become the conductor of the meeting to continue with the meeting.

  第六十八条 公司制定股东大会议事规则,详细规定股东大会的召开和表决程序,包括通知、登记、提案的审议、投票、计票、表决结果的宣布、会议决议的形成、会议记录及其签署、公告等内容,以及股东大会对董事会的授权原则,授权内容应明确具体。股东大会议事规则应作为章程的附件,由董事会拟定,股东大会批准。

  Article 68 The company shall lay down the meeting regulations of the shareholders’ meeting. It will specify in detail the procedure for convening and voting at the shareholders’ meeting, including notices, registration, examination of proposals, voting, counting of votes, announcement of voting results, formation of meeting resolutions, minutes of the meetings and their signing, public announcements as well as principles of authorizations to the board of directors by the shareholders’ meeting. The contents of authorization shall be clear and concise. The meeting regulations of the shareholders’ meeting should be appended to the articles. They should be drafted by the board of directors and approved by the shareholders’ meeting.

  第六十九条 在年度股东大会上,董事会、监事会应当就其过去一年的工作向股东大会作出报告。每名独立董事也应作出述职报告。

  Article 69 During the annual shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and supervisory board should report its work during the past year. Each independent director should also present a work report.

  第七十条 董事、监事、高级管理人员在股东大会上就股东的质询和建议作出解释和说明。

  Article 70 Directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel should explain with respect to questions and suggestions from shareholders at the shareholders’ meeting.

  第七十一条 会议主持人应当在表决前宣布现场出席会议的股东和代理人人数及所持有表决权的股份总数,现场出席会议的股东和代理人人数及所持有表决权的股份总数以会议登记为准。

  Article 71 The conductor of the meeting should, before voting, announce the number of shareholders and their proxies as well as their shares held with voting rights. The number of shareholders and their proxies, as well as their shares held with voting rights, are in accordance with those registered at the meeting.

  第七十二条 股东大会应有会议记录,由董事会秘书负责。会议记录记载以下内容:

  Article 72 The shareholders’ meeting should have minutes prepared by the secretary to the board of directors. The minutes should have the following contents:


  (1) Meeting time, venue, agenda, and names of the conveners,


  (2) The name of the conductor of the meeting and the names of the directors, supervisors, managers, and other senior management personnel attending or present at the meeting,


  (3) The numbers of shareholders and proxies attending the meeting as well as their shares held with voting rights, and such shares as a percentage to the total share capital of the company,


  (4) The process of examination, main points of address and voting results of each proposal,


  (5) Shareholders’ questions, opinions or suggestions and their corresponding answers or explanations,

  (六)律师及计票人、监票人姓名; (6) Names of lawyers, vote counters and voting supervisors,


  (7) Other contents specified by these Articles to be included in the minutes.


  Note: if a company issues both internal shares and domestic listed foreign capital shares, the minutes should also contain: (1) Domestic shareholders (including proxies) and domestic listed foreign capital shareholders (including their proxies) attending the meeting, as well as the number of shares held by them with voting rights, and the percentage of such shares with respect to the total shares of the company. (2) When recording the voting result it should also record the voting circumstances of each voting matter, by the domestic shareholders and domestic listed foreign capital shareholders.


  A company which has not completed its shareholding distribution reform should also include in its minutes: (1) The number of shares held with voting rights and percentage of such shares with respect with the company’s total shares, held respectively by the liquid shareholders (including their proxies) and non liquid shareholders (including their proxies) attending the shareholders’ meeting, (2) When recording the voting results, it should also record the voting circumstances of each voting matter, by the liquid and non liquid shareholders.


  The company should according to actual circumstances specify in the articles other contents required to be recorded in the minutes.

  第七十三条 召集人应当保证会议记录内容真实、准确和完整。出席会议的董事、监事、董事会秘书、召集人或其代表、会议主持人应当在会议记录上签名。会议记录应当与现场出席股东的签名册及代理出席的委托书、网络及其他方式表决情况的有效资料一并保存,保存期限不少于10年。

  Article 73 The convener should ensure that the contents of the minutes are true, accurate and complete. Directors, supervisors, secretaries to the board of directors, conveners and their representatives and the conductor of the meeting attending the meeting should sign their names on the minutes. The minutes should be kept together with the signature book of shareholders attending the meeting, authorization letters of proxies, valid information on voting by internet and other methods. They should be kept for not less than 10 years.


  Note: the company should according to actual circumstances specify in the articles the period such minutes should be kept.

  第七十四条 召集人应当保证股东大会连续举行,直至形成最终决议。因不可抗力等特殊原因导致股东大会中止或不能作出决议的,应采取必要措施尽快恢复召开股东大会或直接终止本次股东大会,并及时公告。同时,召集人应向公司所在地中国证监会派出机构及证券交易所报告。

  Article 74 The convener should ensure that the shareholders’ meeting shall be conducted continuously until final decisions are made. If the shareholders’ meeting is suspended or a decision cannot be made because of force majeure or other special circumstances, he should adopt necessary procedures to resume the meeting or directly terminate that meeting. He should also publicly announce immediately. At the same time, the convener should report to the local CSRC office and securities exchange.

  第七十五条 股东大会决议分为普通决议和特别决议。

  Article 75 Resolutions at shareholders’ meetings consist of ordinary resolutions and special resolutions.


  If a shareholders’ meeting makes an ordinary resolution, it should be passed by more than half of the voting rights held by shareholders (including their proxies) attending the shareholders’ meeting.


  If a shareholders’ meeting makes a special resolution, it should be passed by more than two thirds of the voting rights held by shareholders (including their proxies) attending the shareholders’ meeting.

  第七十六条 下列事项由股东大会以普通决议通过:

  Article 76 The following matters are decided by ordinary resolutions at shareholders’ meetings:


  (1) Work reports of the board of directors and the supervisory board,


  (2) Plans proposed by the board of directors to distribute profits or compensate losses,


  (3) Appointment, removal, remunerations and method of payment of members of the board of directors and the supervisory board,

  (四)公司年度预算方案、决算方案; (4) The company’s proposed and finalized annual budget,

  (五)公司年度报告; (5) Annual report of the company.


  (6) Matters other than those which should be decided by special resolutions as specified by the law, administrative regulations or these Articles.

  第七十七条 下列事项由股东大会以特别决议通过:

  Article 77 The following matters are decided by special resolutions at shareholders’ meetings:


  (1) When the company increases or decreases its registered capital,


  (2) Division, merger, winding up or liquidation of the company,

  (三)本章程的修改; (3) Amendment of these Articles,


  (4) When the company within one year buys, or sells significant assets or guarantees an amount exceeding 30% of the most recently audited total assets,

  (五)股权激励计划; (5) Share incentive schemes,


  (6) Matters specified by the law, administrative regulations or these Articles and other matters which are confirmed through ordinary resolutions at shareholders’ meetings as making a significant influence on the company and requiring special resolution to approve.

  第七十八条 股东(包括股东代理人)以其所代表的有表决权的股份数额行使表决权,每一股份享有一票表决权。

  Article 78 When a shareholder (including his proxy) exercises his voting rights using his shares with voting rights, each share has one vote.


  Shares held by the company have no voting rights. This portion of shares is not considered part of the total number of shares with voting rights and attending the shareholders’ meetings.


  The board of directors, independent directors and shareholders complying with relevant regulations can accumulate share-voting rights.


  Note: if the company has shares issued overseas, it should specify whether they have voting rights.

  第七十九条 股东大会审议有关关联交易事项时,关联股东不应当参与投票表决,其所代表的有表决权的股份数不计入有效表决总数;股东大会决议的公告应当充分披露非关联股东的表决情况。

  Article 79 When the shareholders’ meeting discusses associated transactions, the associated shareholders should not participate in the voting. His shares held with voting rights will not be calculated within the total number of valid votes. The public announcement of shareholders’ meeting decisions should fully disclose the voting circumstances of the non-associated shareholders.


  Note: the company should according to special circumstances specify in these articles the abstention and voting procedure of associated shareholders.

  第八十条 公司应在保证股东大会合法、有效的前提下,通过各种方式和途径,包括提供网络形式的投票平台等现代信息技术手段,为股东参加股东大会提供便利。

  Article 80 The company should, while assuring legality and effectiveness of the shareholders’ meeting, through different methods and channels, including supplying modern information technology methods such as the internet voting platform, provide convenience to shareholders attending the shareholders’ meeting.

  第八十一条 除公司处于危机等特殊情况外,非经股东大会以特别决议批准,公司将不与董事、经理和其它高级管理人员以外的人订立将公司全部或者重要业务的管理交予该人负责的合同。

  Article 81 Except when the company is under a special circumstance such as a crisis, the company shall not, without an approval by a special resolution at a shareholders’ meeting, enter into a contract to handover all or part of the management of important matters of the company to a person other than to a director, manager or other senior management personnel.

  第八十二条 董事、监事候选人名单以提案的方式提请股东大会表决。

  Article 82 The list of candidates for director and supervisor shall be proposed to the shareholders’ meeting for voting.


  When a shareholders’ meeting votes to elect directors and supervisors, it can adopt a cumulative voting system according to the regulations of these Articles or resolutions of shareholders’ meetings.


  The cumulative voting system mentioned in the last paragraph means that when a shareholders’ meeting elects directors or supervisors, each share has the number of votes equivalent to the number of director or supervisor candidates. A shareholder can vote by concentrating the number of shares held. The board of directors should publicly announce to the shareholders the resumes and basic circumstances of the candidates for directors and supervisor.


  Note: the company should specify in these Articles the method and procedure of nomination of the directors and supervisors and relevant matters concerning the cumulative voting systems.

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    答:对于不足一千字的稿件,目前有两种收费标准: 1)不足一千字按一千字计算。 2)对于身份证、户口本、驾驶证、营业执照、公证材料等特殊稿件按页计费。
    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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