
1. OCIMF Title to be translated (Cl. 1): Effective Mooring 3rd Edition ("EM3")
石油公司国际海事论坛要被翻译的文件标题(第1条): 《有效系泊第三版》
2. Agreement Date: 协议签订日期
3. Publisher / Place of Business: 出版单位/营业地点:
Oil Companies International Marine Forum 石油公司国际海事论坛
4. Translator/ Place of Business: China Classification Society
翻译单位/营业地点 中国船级社
5.Publication Price (Cl.7.1) Recommended Retail Price
出版价格(第7.1条) 建议零售价为
6.Publication Format (Cl. 5.1) Pocket Book
出版格式(第5.1条) 袖珍本
Copyright of translated EM3 to be jointly owned by the Publisher & Translator
The Publisher and Translator agree as follows:出版单位和翻译单位约定如下:
1 Definitions and Interpretation 定义和解释
1.1 In this Agreement except where a different interpretation is clear from or necessary in the context the following terms shall have the following meanings:
The OCIMF focus group reporting to the "OCIMF China Focus Group" responsible for reviewing the translation.
1.2 Any reference in this Agreement to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed as referring to that statute or statutory provision as it may from time to time be amended modified extended re-enacted or replaced (whether before or after the date of this Agreement) and including all subordinate legislation from time to time made under it.
1.3 The expression 'copyright' shall include the entire copyright design right rental right, right to authorise or prohibit lending and database right subsisting now or created at any time during the Term under the laws of the United Kingdom and all analogous rights subsisting now or created at any time during the Term under the laws of each and every other jurisdiction throughout the Territory.
2 Recitals 叙文
2.1 The Publisher has written EM3 and is the owner of the copyright in it.
2.2 The Publisher has agreed to grant the Translator the right to translate EM3 into Chinese subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
2.3 The Publisher has agreed to publish a Chinese translation of EM3 subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
3 Delivery and acceptance of the Work 翻译工作的交付和接受
3.1 The Publisher shall complete and deliver to the Translator not later than [Date] an electronic template of EM3 on CD (or a number of CDs as requested) formatted to have the English language version on the left hand page and formatted spaces on the right hand page for inserting the translated text.
4. Translation 翻译
The Translator shall undertake the translation work using the using the electronic template provided on CD (or a number of CDs as requested). Sections of the completed translations shall be uploaded electronically to WSIL.
4.1 翻译单位应当使用光盘(或者根据要求多张光盘)内提供的电子模板来从事翻译工作。翻译后的译文段落应当通过电子方式上传给WSIL。
When all sections of the translation have been uploaded to WSIL, WSIL (on behalf of the Publisher) shall produce a draft translation. This draft translation shall be sent to the Translator for checking and review.
5. Quality Control of the Translation 翻译质量控制
5.1 On receipt of the draft translation the Translator shall review and check the translation.
5.2 On completion of the Translator's review and checking of the draft translation any amendments shall be submitted to WSIL.
5.3 WISL, on behalf of the Publisher, shall incorporate the amendments and produce a revised draft translation. The revised draft translation shall be provided to the OCIMF Mandarin Translation Review Focus Group for review and approval.
6. Acceptance of the Translation for Publication 同意译文出版
6.1 The completed translated text shall not proceed to publication until both the Publisher and the Author have confirmed their approval which shall be provided in writing or by receipted email.
6.1 完成的译文应当在得到出版单位和作者以书面方式或者收到电子邮件方式做出的批准后,才可以付印。
7. Production and Publication 制作和出版
7.1 Publication 出版
The Publisher shall unless otherwise agreed or unless prevented from doing so by circumstances beyond its control publish the Chinese translation of EM3 within 3 month of receiving the finalised draft in the following format:-
7.2 The front and back covers of the Chinese translation of EM3 will include the CCS logo in equal prominence to the OCIMF logo. The work of CCS as the Chinese translator will be acknowledged in the opening pages of the Chinese translation of EM3.
7.3 Print runs印刷数量
It is agreed that the initial print run shall be 2,000 copies. Any subsequent print runs shall be agreed between the Publisher and Translator. The Chinese translation of EM3 shall be printed with the assistance of WSIL to ensure consistency of quality with other OCIMF publications.
7.4 % Copies for the Translator给翻译单位的本数百分比
The Publishers shall provide to Translator free of charge 25% of all copies printed of the Chinese Translation of EM3.
7.5 Control of publication出版控制
The Publisher shall have within its control the publication sales distributing and storage of the Mandarin translation of EM3.
8. Production Costs of Producing the Chinese Translation of EM3
8.1 The Publisher will pay the costs of publishing and printing the initial print run of 2,000 copies. The production costs of any subsequent prints runs shall be agreed between the Publisher and Translator.
8.2 The copies of the Chinese translation of EM3 not provided to the Translator (under Cl. 7.3) will be sold and distributed by WSIL as per other OCIMF publications.
9. Publication price 出版价格
9.1 The Chinese translation of EM3 will be sold for the same recommended retail price as the English language version of EM3 (currently £25 per copy).
10 Copyright protection 版权保护
Nothing in this agreement transfers the copyright of EM3 held by the Publisher to any other party.
10.2 The copyright in the Chinese translation ofEM3 will be jointly owned by the Publisher and the Translator.
10.3 The Publisher will ensure that all copies of the Chinese translation of EM3 bear in a prominent position the joint ownership of the copyright. and the year of first publication.
11 Dealings 交易
The Parties to this agreement agree not to assign their respective benefits of this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.
12 Amendments / Abridgement 修正/删节
12.1 The Chinese translation process shall not amend the original text of EM3.
12.2 No part of the Chinese translation of EM3 including text, drawings photographs or abridged versions or versions in any way altered may be to published or licensed to be published without the prior written consent of both the Publisher and Translator.
13 Termination 《协议》的终止
13.1 Termination by notice发出通知终止协议
Either of the Parties may by written notice to the other terminate this by giving reasonable notice.
14 Consequences of Termination 《协议》终止的后果
14.1 If the translation of EM3 is unfinished neither party may use any part of the unfinished translation without the written agreement of the other party.
14.2 The Publisher may for a period of 12 months on a non-exclusive basis continue to sell any copies of the published Chinese translation of EM3 which it still has in its control as at the date of expiry or termination of this Agreement subject to the 25% of copies being provided to the Translator in accordance with clause 10.4.
15 Force majeure 不可抗力
15.1 If either party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement by reason of any supervening event beyond its control (including but not limited to war national emergency flood earthquake strike or lockout (other than a strike or lockout induced by the party so incapacitated) or illness) the party unable to fulfill its obligations ('the incapacitated party') shall immediately give notice of this to the other party and shall do everything in its power to resume full performance of its obligations as soon as possible
15.2 Subject to compliance with the requirements of sub-clause 15.1 above the incapacitated party shall not be deemed to be in breach of its obligations under this Agreement during the period of incapacity and the other party shall continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement save only in so far as they are dependent on the prior performance by the incapacitated party of obligations which it cannot perform during the period of incapacity
15.3 If the period of incapacity exceeds 6 months then this Agreement shall automatically terminate unless the parties first agree otherwise in writing
16 General 总则
16.2 Whole agreement 完整协议
This Agreement contains the whole agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between them in relation to its subject matter
16.3 Assignment 转让
Neither the Publisher nor the Translator may assign the benefit of nor its obligation under this Agreement without the prior express written consent of the other party.
16.4 Third Parties第三方
This agreement does not create any right enforceable by any person not a party to it.
16.5 Reservation of rights 权利保留
All rights not specifically and expressly granted to the Translator by this Agreement are reserved to the Publisher.
16.6 Proper law and jurisdiction合适的法律和司法管辖
This Agreement shall be governed by English law in every particular including formation and interpretation and shall be deemed to have been made in England and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
16.7 Waiver弃权
The failure by either party to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of them or of the right at any time subsequently to enforce all terms and conditions of this Agreement
16.8 Severance可分割性
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void voidable illegal or otherwise unenforceable or indications of this are received by either of the parties from any relevant competent authority the parties shall amend that provision in such reasonable manner as achieves the intention of the parties without illegality or at the discretion of the Publisher it may be severed from this Agreement and in either event the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
17 Confidentiality保密条款
The terms of this Agreement are confidential to the parties.
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