1.Whereas: Considering that. 鉴于,就..而论(法律用语)如:鉴于甲方愿意聘请乙方,乙方同意受聘为甲方的常年法律顾问。合同双方特此达成如下协议:Whereas Party A is willing to employ Party B and Party B agrees to work as the long-term legal consultant of Party A, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:
2.In witness whereof=In testimony whereof: 以此为证,特立此证。如: 我方于2017年3月29日签署本文,特此证明。In witness whereof, we have hereto signed this document on 29,March,2017. 又如: 小王已于2017年2月15日离开本公司,双方同意终止劳动合同,特立此据。In witness whereof, Xiaowang left our company and agreed to terminate the employment contract on Feb 15, 2017.
3. Know All men by these presents: 根据本文件,特此宣告:如:根据本文件,兹宣布,招商银行(注册地址:东莞石龙)(以下简称:银行) 向业主立约担保支付50000元人民币的担保金..Know All Men by these represents that we, China Merchant Bank having our registered office at Shilong Dongguan (hereinafter known as the Bank) will be bound unto the employer, in the sum of 50000RMB for which payment well and truly to be made to the Employer.
4. undersigned: 文件末尾签署的,The undersigned 文件签署者。如:兹经签约的买卖双方同意,按下列条款达成这笔交易。The undersigned buyer and seller have agreed to conclude following transaction in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:
5.Now Therefore: 特此,因此之意。 常与Whereas, hereby前后呼应。如:
Whereas, Manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture and sale of the Products;
Whereas, Distributor is engaged in the importation and distribution of the related products in the Territory; and Whereas, Distributor is desirous of becoming a distributor of the Products in the Territory.
Now Therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows:
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