This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English in duplicate. Each Party shall hold three (3) original copies of each version. Both versions are equally authentic.
This Agreement shall be written in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.
The parties hereby covenant and agree that this Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese,and that in the event of any discrepancy between the two versions,the English version shall prevail.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.(范文祥、吴怡,2008:232)
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,each of which will be deemed an original of this Agreement,and which together will constitute one and the same instrument. Neither Party will be bound to this Agreement unless and until both Parties have executed a counterpart.(范文祥、吴怡,2008:232)
This Agreement is executed in English only,and the executed English language Agreement shall prevail in all cases. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,each of which shall constitute one and the same agreement,and by facsimile or electronic signature.
This Agreement is signed in_____ originals,with each of equally binding force,and the Parties shall each keep______ originals. This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English. In case of any dispute as to the interpretation,the English version shall prevail.
This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic. This contract shall come into force from the date it is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. The annexes as listed in Article 10 shall form an integral part to this Contract .Any amendment and/or supplement to this contract will be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written documents,forming integral parts of the Contract.(王相国,2008:93)
All notices,demands,requests,statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language. Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof and in the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof,the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.(王辉,2008:96)
签订合同合同语言与文本条款的核心是合同用何种语言拟就及签订,其关键词无疑是写和签。其实,这两个貌似不同的词在该条款中属于同一概念,至少在英文合同中是这样的,即签订。合同用中文撰写,用英文签订,或反之,几乎是不可能的,尽管签名者可能只签中文名或英文名,甚至法文名。所以,尽管在英文中签订 有很多不同的表达方式,翻译成中文时虽然也有拟就签署签订等词语,但实质上都只有一个概念:使合同生效。为此,除了经授权人士在合同上签名外,往往还需盖上公司印章,并把已签名的文本提交给对方。这个过程可能涉及返签,即乙方(合同的起草方)先在若干份合同上签字、盖章后,全部寄给甲方;甲方签字、盖章后,除留下给甲方自己的合同正本外,将约定份数的合同通过挂号邮件寄送或亲自提交给乙方。在以上典型例句中,表达该概念的句式有:
This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English;
This Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese;
This Agreement is executed in English only;
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts;
This Agreement is signed in___ originals;and
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English.
上述例句中特别要引起对法律概念比较陌生的读者注意的是execute一词,它不但指签署,还指盖印并将文本递交给对方负责人以使合同正式生效。虽然有时合同作者会额外使用一个 be delivered的词,但其实真正懂英文法律概念的人都知道 be executed 已经包含这层意思,多用一个be delivered 虽然不怎么画蛇添足(就普通英文而言,似乎还挺有逻辑、自然),但在一般情况下可以推断出作者对法律英文中execute这个词的含义缺乏足够的认识。
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,each of which shall constitute one and the same agreement,and by facsimile or electronic signature.
由上述例句还可以看出,合同的有效文本可以有多个(in one or more counterparts)。又如:
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.
这个例句强调的是合同可以有多个副本,而且各个副本都跟正本同样有效,但条件是这个副本上的签字必须与正本上的签字一致(signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement) 。
合同何时生效: come into force from the date...(自之日起生效);
合同效力:be equally authentic同等效力 / have equally binding force。同等法律效力读者所熟悉的validity一词倒不在此处使用。
首先,指出该合同或协议(及其附件)以何种语言拟就或订立,一式几份。一般表达方式包括:This Contract/Agreement shall be written/executed and delivered/made out in (language) in (duplicate/...);
This Agreement is executed in English only,and the executed English language Agreement shall prevail in all cases.
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English.
This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English in duplicate.
This Agreement shall be written in both English and Chinese.或 This Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese.
This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic.
All notices,demands,requests,statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language.
Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof.
All communications,including notices,demands,requests,statements,etc.to be made or given by the parties shall be in the English language.以及Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered under this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
其次,为述明文本的效力,一般会在条款中指出两个版本具有同等法律效力,表达方式包括: both versions/each version are/is equally authentic /have the same effect;
例8. Both versions are equally authentic.
例9. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.
再次,如果要规定在两个或多个文本或版本出现内容不一致或冲突的情形下应以哪个版本为准,标准的表达方式为:If there is any conflict between English and Chinese versions/ in the event of any discrepancy between two versions/ in case of any dispute,the English version shall prevail/ shall be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.其实,例8的写法貌似公正,两个版本同具法律效力,实际上在发生内容不一致的情形下,该条款是相当令其中一方头痛的,有时甚至是劳民伤财的,因为公说公有理,婆说婆有理,各执己见是不能解决问题的,最后可能为此而闹到 公堂对簿 。依笔者之见,应该以起草合同时的主要用语为准,这样在发生分歧时就会有据可依,因为翻译必然有词不达意的时候,也不可能保证百分百正确。
例10.If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.
例11.In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions,the English version shall prevail.
例12.In case of any dispute as to the interpretation,the English version shall prevail.
例13.In the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof,the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.
以哪个文本或版本为准条款的表述一般都采用典型的法律条件句句型: 条件部分的引导词为 if,in the event that (of) 或者in case (of)。笔者更倾向使用例10的句式,但conflict和 dispute在此语境中并非是最合适的,更恰当的应当用discrepancy(分歧)。两个版本有分歧,才会产生争端(dispute),或引起冲突或矛盾(conflict)。再说,in the event that (of) 是个长词,可以用一个短短的if 解决,没有必要用一个冗长的词组,表达一个极为普通、通常都会发生的概念;况且,后者一般都用来引导发生大事件或特别不幸的事件(李克兴,2013)。
所以,表达这个概念更合理的句式应该这样: If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.当然,in case of discrepancy 的表达方式也可以接受,一则可以丰富表达形式,另则也符合条件句引导词 in case that (of) 的用法特点:主要表达不常发生的状况;同一合同的不同语言的文本产生分歧,当然是偶发状况 (李克兴,2008)。
还值得注意的是,以上表述是在20世纪末中国对外改革开放、希望多多益善地吸引外资和使产品打进国际市场的特殊历史时期、带点委曲求全的条款用语,因此,即使合同签署地是在中国,也不得不把非母语文本作为具有更高地位的统治文本(controlling version);以后,随着中国国力的逐渐增强,中国产品在国际市场上地位的提高,这一条的说法有所改变,这就是两种版本同时有效的写法:This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic.近年,也曾出现 If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions,the Chinese version shall prevail 的写法。对于这类写法,笔者持有异议,详见下文推荐条款中的解析。
INSURER is required to provide oral translation services of information to any Enrollee who speaks any non-English language regardless of whether an Enrollee speaks a language that meets the threshold of a prevalent non-English language. INSURER is required to notify Enrollees of the availability of oral interpretation services and to inform them of how to access such services. There shall be no charge to Enrollee for translation services. INSURER shall make all written materials available in English,Chinese,and all other appropriate foreign languages.
Each Party shall hold three (3) original copies of each version.
This Agreement and all its appendices (if any) is executed in English,and the Chinese version is a translation. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail. All communications,including notices,demands,requests,statements,etc.to be made or given by the parties in performing the Agreement shall also be in the English language. If they are not originally in English,a certified English translation shall be accompanied.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.

This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English in duplicate. Each Party shall hold three (3) original copies of each version. Both versions are equally authentic.
This Agreement shall be written in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.
The parties hereby covenant and agree that this Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese,and that in the event of any discrepancy between the two versions,the English version shall prevail.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.(范文祥、吴怡,2008:232)
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,each of which will be deemed an original of this Agreement,and which together will constitute one and the same instrument. Neither Party will be bound to this Agreement unless and until both Parties have executed a counterpart.(范文祥、吴怡,2008:232)
This Agreement is executed in English only,and the executed English language Agreement shall prevail in all cases. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,each of which shall constitute one and the same agreement,and by facsimile or electronic signature.
This Agreement is signed in_____ originals,with each of equally binding force,and the Parties shall each keep______ originals. This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English. In case of any dispute as to the interpretation,the English version shall prevail.
This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic. This contract shall come into force from the date it is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. The annexes as listed in Article 10 shall form an integral part to this Contract .Any amendment and/or supplement to this contract will be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written documents,forming integral parts of the Contract.(王相国,2008:93)
All notices,demands,requests,statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language. Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof and in the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof,the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.(王辉,2008:96)
签订合同合同语言与文本条款的核心是合同用何种语言拟就及签订,其关键词无疑是写和签。其实,这两个貌似不同的词在该条款中属于同一概念,至少在英文合同中是这样的,即签订。合同用中文撰写,用英文签订,或反之,几乎是不可能的,尽管签名者可能只签中文名或英文名,甚至法文名。所以,尽管在英文中签订 有很多不同的表达方式,翻译成中文时虽然也有拟就签署签订等词语,但实质上都只有一个概念:使合同生效。为此,除了经授权人士在合同上签名外,往往还需盖上公司印章,并把已签名的文本提交给对方。这个过程可能涉及返签,即乙方(合同的起草方)先在若干份合同上签字、盖章后,全部寄给甲方;甲方签字、盖章后,除留下给甲方自己的合同正本外,将约定份数的合同通过挂号邮件寄送或亲自提交给乙方。在以上典型例句中,表达该概念的句式有:
This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English;
This Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese;
This Agreement is executed in English only;
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts;
This Agreement is signed in___ originals;and
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English.
上述例句中特别要引起对法律概念比较陌生的读者注意的是execute一词,它不但指签署,还指盖印并将文本递交给对方负责人以使合同正式生效。虽然有时合同作者会额外使用一个 be delivered的词,但其实真正懂英文法律概念的人都知道 be executed 已经包含这层意思,多用一个be delivered 虽然不怎么画蛇添足(就普通英文而言,似乎还挺有逻辑、自然),但在一般情况下可以推断出作者对法律英文中execute这个词的含义缺乏足够的认识。
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,each of which shall constitute one and the same agreement,and by facsimile or electronic signature.
由上述例句还可以看出,合同的有效文本可以有多个(in one or more counterparts)。又如:
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.
这个例句强调的是合同可以有多个副本,而且各个副本都跟正本同样有效,但条件是这个副本上的签字必须与正本上的签字一致(signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement) 。
合同何时生效: come into force from the date...(自之日起生效);
合同效力:be equally authentic同等效力 / have equally binding force。同等法律效力读者所熟悉的validity一词倒不在此处使用。

首先,指出该合同或协议(及其附件)以何种语言拟就或订立,一式几份。一般表达方式包括:This Contract/Agreement shall be written/executed and delivered/made out in (language) in (duplicate/...);
This Agreement is executed in English only,and the executed English language Agreement shall prevail in all cases.
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English.
This Contract and all appendices hereto shall be written in Chinese and English in duplicate.
This Agreement shall be written in both English and Chinese.或 This Agreement is executed and delivered in both English and Chinese.
This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic.
All notices,demands,requests,statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language.
Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof.
All communications,including notices,demands,requests,statements,etc.to be made or given by the parties shall be in the English language.以及Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered under this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
其次,为述明文本的效力,一般会在条款中指出两个版本具有同等法律效力,表达方式包括: both versions/each version are/is equally authentic /have the same effect;
例8. Both versions are equally authentic.
例9. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.
再次,如果要规定在两个或多个文本或版本出现内容不一致或冲突的情形下应以哪个版本为准,标准的表达方式为:If there is any conflict between English and Chinese versions/ in the event of any discrepancy between two versions/ in case of any dispute,the English version shall prevail/ shall be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.其实,例8的写法貌似公正,两个版本同具法律效力,实际上在发生内容不一致的情形下,该条款是相当令其中一方头痛的,有时甚至是劳民伤财的,因为公说公有理,婆说婆有理,各执己见是不能解决问题的,最后可能为此而闹到 公堂对簿 。依笔者之见,应该以起草合同时的主要用语为准,这样在发生分歧时就会有据可依,因为翻译必然有词不达意的时候,也不可能保证百分百正确。
例10.If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.
例11.In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions,the English version shall prevail.
例12.In case of any dispute as to the interpretation,the English version shall prevail.
例13.In the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof,the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.
以哪个文本或版本为准条款的表述一般都采用典型的法律条件句句型: 条件部分的引导词为 if,in the event that (of) 或者in case (of)。笔者更倾向使用例10的句式,但conflict和 dispute在此语境中并非是最合适的,更恰当的应当用discrepancy(分歧)。两个版本有分歧,才会产生争端(dispute),或引起冲突或矛盾(conflict)。再说,in the event that (of) 是个长词,可以用一个短短的if 解决,没有必要用一个冗长的词组,表达一个极为普通、通常都会发生的概念;况且,后者一般都用来引导发生大事件或特别不幸的事件(李克兴,2013)。
所以,表达这个概念更合理的句式应该这样: If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail.当然,in case of discrepancy 的表达方式也可以接受,一则可以丰富表达形式,另则也符合条件句引导词 in case that (of) 的用法特点:主要表达不常发生的状况;同一合同的不同语言的文本产生分歧,当然是偶发状况 (李克兴,2008)。
还值得注意的是,以上表述是在20世纪末中国对外改革开放、希望多多益善地吸引外资和使产品打进国际市场的特殊历史时期、带点委曲求全的条款用语,因此,即使合同签署地是在中国,也不得不把非母语文本作为具有更高地位的统治文本(controlling version);以后,随着中国国力的逐渐增强,中国产品在国际市场上地位的提高,这一条的说法有所改变,这就是两种版本同时有效的写法:This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English language,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party,both texts being equally authentic.近年,也曾出现 If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions,the Chinese version shall prevail 的写法。对于这类写法,笔者持有异议,详见下文推荐条款中的解析。

INSURER is required to provide oral translation services of information to any Enrollee who speaks any non-English language regardless of whether an Enrollee speaks a language that meets the threshold of a prevalent non-English language. INSURER is required to notify Enrollees of the availability of oral interpretation services and to inform them of how to access such services. There shall be no charge to Enrollee for translation services. INSURER shall make all written materials available in English,Chinese,and all other appropriate foreign languages.
Each Party shall hold three (3) original copies of each version.
This Agreement and all its appendices (if any) is executed in English,and the Chinese version is a translation. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the English version shall prevail. All communications,including notices,demands,requests,statements,etc.to be made or given by the parties in performing the Agreement shall also be in the English language. If they are not originally in English,a certified English translation shall be accompanied.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Agreement.
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答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
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答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面:
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