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法律英语基础句子:Insurance 保险

2021-07-13 12:09 随心笔记

  Insurance 保险1.[ls]He is a holder of an insurance policy.[/ls]


  2.[ls]How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?[/ls]


  3.[ls]Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea.[/ls]


  4.[ls]Mr.Rodman is the most heavily insured man in the world, carying $4,000,000 insurance on his life.[/ls]


  5.[ls]One kind of insurance policy is the one that covers a named person.[/ls]


  6.[ls]Parties to an insurance contract are required to exercise the utmost good faith and disclose all relevant matters to each other.[/ls]


  7.[ls]The coverage is written in the basic form and clauses.[/ls]


  8.[ls]What cover will you take out?[/ls]


  9.[ls]What do your insurance clauses cover?[/ls]


  10.[ls]Who will pay the premium for WPA?[/ls]


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