开幕/闭幕式:opening/closing ceremony
开幕词:opening speech/address
致开幕词:make an opening speech
友好访问:goodwill visit
阁下:Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency
贵宾:distinguished guest
尊敬的市长先生:Respected Mr.Mayor
远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友:friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific
东道国:host country
值此之际:on the occasion of
借此机会:take this opportunity to
以……名义:in the name of
本着……精神:in the spirit of
代表:on the behalf of
由衷的谢意:heartfelt thanks
友好款待:gracious hospitality
正式邀请:official invitation
回顾过去:look back on
展望未来:look ahead/look into the future
最后:in closing
圆满成功:a complete success
提议祝酒:propose a toast
亚太地区:Asian-Pacific region
建交:establishment of diplomatic relations between
互访:exchange of visit
外交政策:foreign policy
一贯奉行:in persistent pursuit of
平等互利:equality and mutual benefit
双边关系:bilateral relations
持久和平:lasting peace
贸易额:trade volume
商业界:business community
跨国公司:transnational corporation
经济强国/经济大国/经济列强:economic power
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