1.户号:Household number
2.集体户:Corporate,非农业集体户:Non-agricultural corporate。(集体户口常住人口登记卡:Registry of De Jure Population in Corporate Household)
3.派出所Police station;公安分局Public Security Sub-Bureau(市辖区级);公安局Public Security Bureau(地、市、县级);公安厅Public Security Department(省级)
a、户主本人,就填Householder himself或Householder herself。
d、儿媳、女婿不可用Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law,易引起歧义(多数情况下指养子女或继子女),应当用Son’s wife/Daughter’s husband。
The Household Register is a legal instrument for proving the citizenship and relationship between family members. It is the main basis for inquiring and checking the household registration status of citizens by the Household Registration Organ. The householder or members of the household shall, upon request, submit the Household Register to the officials of the Household Registration Organ for checking
The householder shall properly keep the Household Register in safe place.Unauthorized altering,
Household Registration Organ immediately should it be lost.
居民户口簿登记权属于户口登记机关,其他任何单位和个人不得在簿上作任何记载。 Only the Household Registration Organ may record data onto the Household Register. None of the other organizations or individuals may record anything onto the Household Register.
本户如有人员增减或者登记事项发生变动,应持居民户口簿到户口登记机关申报登记。 If any of the registered items, such as the number of family members, have changed, the holder of the Household Register shall bring the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for updating.
Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for revocation
6.民族、民族成分:Ethnicity或Ethnic group
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