
PARTY I Agreement 第一部分 协议书
Landlord: 发包人(全称):
Contractor: 承包人(全称):
The agreement is made on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and friendly negotiation in accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the construction law of the Peoples Republic of China and other relevant regulations and laws .
1. General information of the project: 工程概况:
Project Name: The extension of the existing production hall of LCW and technical annex building.
Location: 工程地点:
Fund Resource: 资金来源:
2. Project scope: Please refer to the Tendering Invitation Letter.工程承包范围:详见招标邀请函。
3. Construction period:合同工期:
The date of start-up: within one week after the contract is signed. The date of completion: Jan.10, 2004. (accepted by the government). The landlord will give full support to the contractor in organizing the government acceptance, for instance, put stamps, offer relevant documents within 24 hours after the contractor requires. Otherwise the time deadline for the government acceptance can be postponed correspondingly. .
开工日期:本合同签订后1星期内。竣工日期:2004年1月10日。(需通过政府部门竣工验收)。 但业主应给予全力配合,在承包方提出要求的24小时内提供需要的公章、材料等,如因发包方的配合不力,验收时间可以顺延。
4.Quality standards adopted: 质量标准:
This project shall not only reach state qualified standard, but also reach the concrete standard described in the drawings, tendering documents and other attachments of this contract.
5.Contract amount:合同价款:
In capital: 7,940,000 yuan (in RMB)
大写: seven million nine hundred forty thousand yuan RMB (人民币)
6. Components of the contract:组成合同的文件
(1) The agreement协议书
(2) Contract terms 合同条款
(3)Invitation for tender 招标邀请函
(4)Quantities information 工程量信息。
(5)Additional information 附加信息。
(6)Meeting minutes 会议记录
(7) Drawing 图纸
(8) Tendering document 投标书
(9) Quotation and offer 报价
(10) Time schedule 时间表
7. The words in Part I have the same meanings as those specified in Part II.
8. The contractor promises to the landlord that he shall carry out all of the construction works in respect of the contracted scope of supply, and will ensure the building maintenance if any quality problems occur during guaranteed period.
9. The landlord shall pay to the contractor the contract amount and any other reasonable payment as that is indicated in the contract.
10. Come into validation: 合同生效
The landlord: 发包人: The contractor: 承包人:
Date 日期 : Date 日期 :
PARTY II Contract Terms第二部分 合同条款
Definitions of special words & Regulations词语定义及合同文件
1.The definitions of special words 词语定义
The following words have the definition as given below unless elsewhere stipulated in the contract.
1.1 The contract terms: The terms which are applied to the construction works, and are under requirements of law and regulations.
1.2 The landlord: The company as specified in the agreement that has the right to contract the project and make the project payment. And/or the legal inheritor who has obtained the eligibility to be the litigant.
1.3 The contractor: The construction company and/or its legal inheritor as specified in the agreement that has the construction qualification and has been accepted by the landlord.
1.4 The project manager: The representative as pointed by the contractor to be in charge of the construction management and execute the contract.
1.5 The design institute: The company that has the design qualification of appointed projects and is entrusted by the landlord for carrying out the designing works.
1.6 The supervision company: The company that has the qualification for supervision and is appointed by the landlord for carrying out the supervising works.
1.7 The engineer: The general supervision engineer appointed by the supervision company or the representative appointed by the landlord to execute the contract; and whose business scope will be laid down by the developer and contractor in the special clauses of the contract.
1.8 The cost managing office: The relevant department of the State Council, the construction administrative authorities of the local government for county and above county areas or any authorized project cost administration authority.
1.9 The project: The project within the scope of this agreement.
1.10 The contract amount: The amount specified in this agreement that the landlord shall pay to the contractor on condition that the contractor has fulfilled the contract and execute maintenance in accordance with this agreement .
1.11 The supplemental amount: The amount that is the additional cost raised during the execution of the contract, calculated as per the agreed method upon the confirmation of the landlord.
1.12 Expenses: The amount that is excluded in the contract and shall be born by either the landlord or by the contractor.
1.13 Construction period: The days are specified in the agreement and are calculated in the calendar days(incl. legal holidays).
1.14 The date of start-up: The absolute or relative date when the contractor starts construction as specified in the agreement.
1.15 The date of completion: The absolute or relative date when the contractor completes their works as specified in the agreement.
1.16 The drawings: All of the drawings that are presented by the landlord or presented by the contractor but approved by the landlord (incl: clarifications and relevant documents).
1.17 The site field: The field that is provided by the landlord for the purpose of executing the construction and any other place specified by the landlord in the drawing for the purpose of executing the construction.
1.18 In writing: The form that can show tangibly the contents of the contract, letters and tele-data (incl: telegram, fax, E-mail and etc.)
1.19 Responsibilities for breach of the contract: The responsibilities to be taken by either part who fails to fulfill the contracted obligations or can only finish partial obligations.
1.20 Claim for compensation: Claim for compensation or postpone the construction period made to the part that causes actual losses.
1.21 Force majeure: Any objective conditions that can not be forecasted, avoidable or conquerable.
1.22 Hour: The time calculated in hours shall be calculated form the effective time(non-working time shall not considered).
2. Components of the contract and their order
2.1 All of the documents of the contract are supported and inter-explained mutually. In case those documents conflict with each other, the drawing will be explained first. The explaining order of other documents is same.
2.2 If there is any ambiguous or incongruous item, it shall be solved after negotiation between the landlord and the contractor. Both parts shall ask the supervision engineer to make the arbitration. If no agreement can be reached or if the arbitration and clarification of the engineer are not accepted by one of the two parts, disputes will be solved in accordance with the item 36.
3. Language and applicable laws, regulations & standards.
3.1 Language 语言文字
The contract shall be in writing, explained and clarified in Chinese and English.
When the two explanations differ, English version will be abided by.
3.2 Applicable laws and regulations 适用法律和法规
The Chinese state laws and regulations are applicable for the contract.
3.3 Applicable standards 适用标准、规范
The landlord and the contractor shall agree on the applicable state standards and codes as listed in the Standards & Regulations; or stipulate the name of the professional standards if there are no state standards; or name the local standards if there are neither state standards nor professional standards. The contractor shall provide to the landlord the named standards and/or codes in duplicate required by the landlord. If the two parties have their own appointed standards, then the landlord and contractor shall first adopt the appointed standard.
The landlord should provide to the contractor the construction technical requirements. Then the contractor will make out construction design that will be approved by the landlord.
All of the charges for purchasing and translating the standards and making out construction methods shall be on the contractors account.
4. Drawings 图纸
4.1 The landlord should provide to the contractor 7 sets of the specified drawings, and will make further copies on the contractors account as required by the contractor.
4.2 The contractor cannot transfer the drawings to any third part without the landlords approval. When the maintenance period is expired, the contractor shall return all of the drawings to the landlord except those for the contractors filing.
4.3 The contractor shall keep a full set of drawings at the sitefield for the engineer and the relevant personnel who will carry out the inspection.
Right and obligations双方一般权利和义务
5. Engineer 工程师
5.1 The landlord shall advise in writing to the contractor the supervision company, the scope of work of the supervision company and authority in advance.
5.2 The general supervision engineer appointed by the supervision company will be named as the engineer in this contract, and his name, position and rights will be specified below. The engineer will execute his works within the contracted scale, and should obtain the landlords approval in advance to execute certain missions if there is a requirement by the landlord.
5.3 The representative on the site dispatched by developer is also called as representative, whose detailed business scope will be specified in the special clauses of the contract but not overlap that of the representative sent by Supervisory Agency. When the overlapping of the business scope happens, the developer will define it and inform the contractor in writing form.
5.4 During contracted period, the general supervision engineer shall solve objectively and justly any matter, which might affect the rights or obligations of either the landlord or the contractor in accordance with his rights as specified in this contract. The dispute can be solved as specified in the item 36.
5.5 The general supervision engineer has no rights to terminate any contractors rights or obligations unless otherwise it is stated clearly in this contract or approved by the landlord in advance.
6. Engineers appointment and instruction工程师的委派和指令
6.1 The instruction in writing and signed by the engineer will be valid at the time when the project manager receives it, signs his personal signature and writes the receiving time. When necessary, the engineer can make an oral instruction, which shall be confirmed in writing within 48 hours, and the contractor shall execute the instruction at once. If the engineer cannot send his writing confirmation timely, the contractor may require the confirmation in writing within 7days upon receiving the instruction. The oral instruction will be deemed as confirmed if the engineer fails to reply within 48 hours.
If the contractor thinks that the instruction is unreasonable, he must ask in writing for modification within 24 hours upon receiving the instruction, and the engineer shall give his reply in writing within 24 hours either amending the instruction or confirming to the original instruction after receiving the request. The contractor shall execute the instruction. On the emergency, the contractor should perform according to the engineers instructions although the contractor holds different opinions.
6.2 The engineer shall provide on time to the contractor the necessary instructions, approvals, and any other obligations as specified in this contract. Any loss suffered by the contractor or supplemental amount caused by the engineers failure will be on the landlords account, and the completion date will be postponed if necessary.
6.3 The landlord shall note in writing to the contractor 7 days in advance if the engineer will be replaced. The successor must fulfill the predecessors rights and obligations.
7. Project manager 项目经理
7.1 The project manager elected for this project is Mr. Fujun, his telephone number is: 13338187171
7.2 A notice in writing, made by the contractor according to this contract, and signed by the project manager will be valid after signing by the engineer.
7.3 The project manager shall execute and manage construction works in accordance with the design confirmed by the landlord and the instructions from the engineer according to this contract. In case of emergency, if the project manager cannot get in touch with the engineer, he can take measures to ensure the safety of the workers, the properties of the project, and report to the engineer within 48 hours of the eme4rgency situation. If the landlord or a third part is responsible for the problem, the loss suffered by the contractor will be on the landlords account, and the completion date will be postponed if necessary. If it is the contractor who is responsible for the matter, he shall bear the costs and the completion date will not be postponed.
7.4 The contractor must note in writing to the landlord 7 days advance the replacement of the project manager. The successor shall fulfill the predecessors rights and obligations.
7.5 The landlord has the right of asking the contractor to replace the incompetent project manager if necessary.
8. Works to be done by the landlord 发包人工作
8.1 The landlord should execute the following duties.发包人必须完成以下工作:
(1) Purchase the land, level the site field. And solve any other remaining problems obtain acceptable conditions to start the works.
(2) Connect the lines and/or tubes for temporary supply of water, electricity, and telecommunication.
(3) Complete the connections between the site field and the main traffic road, and other roads to meet the requirement of the construction works.
(4) Provide to the contractor the required information on the underground lines and tubes, the soil survey of the site field, and ensure that the roads will remain accessible during the construction works.
(5) Get the Construction Permit, and other necessary approvals. Apply for temporary landuse rights. Obtain the authorizations to shut public power or water supply, shut down roads if necessary for the execution of the works.
(6) Confirm the limits and elevations of the land, and present information in writing to the contractor for check-on -site.
(7) Organize meeting between the contractor and the design institute of drawings design checking and review.
(8) Coordinate for the protection of the underground pipes and lines, structures (incl.historical building ) or historical trees on the site field and bear the relevant charges.
8.2 If the landlord asks, he contractor must deal with part of or all the works stated in item 8.1, and the related charges will be in this case on his account.
9. Works to be done by the contractor承包人工作
9.1 The contractor should complete the following works within ____ days.
承包人应在____ 天内完成以下工作:
(1) Finish construction drawings or relevant design within his business scope as required by the landlord. The designs shall be checked and approved by the engineer prior to using and the developer pays for the relevant costing.
(2) Present the engineer the weekly progress schedule and relevant progress statistics. A monthly report is also requested.
(3) Supply and maintain the lighting and other facilities used in non-daytime, and response for safe guard.
(4) Supply temporary offices to the landlord on the site field in accordance with the requirements of the engineer(OFFICE:20m2).
按监理方的要求,向发包人提供施工场地办公室 ____m2。
(5) Follow management regulations and formalities of the relevant administrative authorities and notify to the landlord the executed works in writing. All of the charges and penalty caused by the contractor will be on the contractors account.
(6) Protect the project before completion and hand over to the landlord. Any charges for repair shall be on the contractors account. Developer should bear the costing charged for adapting special measures for protecting some special parts of the project, which is also required to be specified in the special clauses of the contract.
(7) Protect underground pipes and lines, buildings, structures (incl.historical building), trees and etc.
(8) Keep the site field clean as required by environment administration. Any loss and penalty caused by the contractor shall be on the contractors account. Clean the site before works completion to meet he requirements as stated in the Changzhou City project requirements.
9.2 If the contractor fails to complete his works as stated in item 9.1, which causes delay and/or loss to the landlord, the amount will be on the contractors account.
Construction methods statement and time limit 施工组织设计和工期
10. Progress schedule进度计划
10.1 The contractor must present the construction methods statement and the progress schedule to the engineer on the time stipulated in the contract special clauses. And the engineer makes confirmation or put forward different opinions on the time fixed in the special clauses. Otherwise, see that as agreement.
10.2 The contractor shall execute the construction works in accordance with the schedule approved by the engineer and will be checked and supervised by the engineer. The contractor must submit improvements s required by the engineer if the work progress is not in accordance with the schedule, and shall execute the improvements after approval by the engineer. The contractor shall not ask for supplemental payment for this improvement if it is him who causes the delay in the schedule.
11. Start-up and its postponement 开工及延期开工
11.1 The contractor shall start construction on the contracted date, and submit requirement in writing for delay with the necessary explanations to the engineer 7 days the contracted date. The construction can be postponed only after the written approval is obtained from the engineer. Otherwise the schedule cannot be postponed if the engineer does not agree or the contractor does not ask for postpone.
11.2 The engineer shall notify the contractor in writing for postpone if it is the landlords reason that the project cannot be started at the specified date in the contract. The developer should compensate for the contractors loss caused by the developer and the protract the project cycle.
12. Suspend the project 暂停施工
The engineer may ask the contractor for project suspension in writing within 48 hours after making the verbal request. The contractor shall stop construction and protect the completed constructions according to the engineers requirement. The contractor can request for re-starting after he has completed to execute the instruction of the engineer, and the engineer shall reply within 48 hours. The contractor can restart if the engineer doesn’t reply within the appointed time. The loss will be on the account of the part who causes the suspending.
13. Delay 工期延误
13.1 The completion date can be postponed after confirmed by the engineer if one or more than one of the following matters causes the delay:
(1) The landlord cannot provide the contracted drawings of meet conditions for
start-up as agreed in the contract.
(2) The landlord cannot make payment on time without any legal reasons, which make the project cannot be continued.
(3) The engineer does not offer on time the necessary instructions, approvals and etc, which makes that the project cannot be continued normally.
(4) Modification of the design and/or the project quantity is increased.设计变更和工程量增加。
(5) Due to non-contractors reason, water, power or gas supply is shutdown for more than 8 hours within one week.
(6) Force majeures.不可抗力
13.2 The contractor shall report to the engineer in writing for the details of delay within 14 days after any of problem happens as specified in item 13.1 of this contract terms, and the engineer shall reply within 14 days upon receiving.
14. Completion of the project工程竣工
14.1 The contractor shall complete the project on the contracted date or the postponed date as agreed by the engineer.
14.2 The contractor shall bear the consequences for breach if he cannot complete the project on the contracted date or the postponed date as agreed by the engineer due to his reason. Penalties will have to be paid by the contractor to the landlord.
14.3 During the construction, if the landlord requests to finish the project ahead of the schedule, the landlord and the contractor shall sign an agreement for that after negotiated, which will be as part of this contract. This agreement includes the contractors measures to adopted to ensure quality and safety of the project.
Quality and quality controlling 质量与检验
15. Quality of the project工程质量
15.1 The quality shall comply with contracted quality standards in this agreement. The contractor shall bear the consequences for breach if the quality cannot comply with the contracted standards because of the contractors faulty.
15.2 If there is dispute on the quality between the two parts, the arbitration will be made by the quality checking institute chosen by the client. The relevant charges and loss will be on account of the responsible part, and will be shared accordingly to the parts if both of them have responsibilities.
16. Inspection and re-construction检查和返工
16.1 The contractor shall be strictly in accordance with the standards, designs and correct instructions made by the engineer under this agreement, and prepare convenience for the engineers inspection.
16.2 Once he finds that the quality fails to comply with the contracted standards, the engineer shall ask the contractor to dismantle and re-construct till the quality meets the standards. The charges for demolish and re-construction will be on the contractors account and the schedule cannot be postponed.
16.3 It will be on the landlord account if any supplemental amount is caused by wrong instructions from the engineer.
17. Buried structure and intermediate check隐蔽工程和中间验收
17.1 The contractor shall inform the engineer to check 48 hours in advance the works which have already met the specified standards on condition that he has previously done a self-checking. The notice includes the details to be checked, the place, checking time and records, and he shall also prepare the inspection records. After the engineer has signed on the records, the contractor can continue the construction and the structure can be buried. If the quality is not accepted, the structure will be reconstructed and rechecked.
17.2 The engineer shall note the contractor in writing and ask for postpone within 24 hours in advance if he cannot carry out inspection on time, and postpone cannot exceed 48 hours.
18. Re-inspection 重新检验
The contractor shall remove the cover of buried works for re-inspection if it is required by the engineer even if it has been already inspected and valid, and shall recover it after inspection. If it is qualified, the landlord shall pay for supplemental amount and the contractors loss for that, and postpone the completion date if necessary. If the quality is not accepted, the contractor will bear the loss and the completion date will not be postponed.
无论工程师是否进行验收,当其要求对已经隐蔽的工程重新检验时,承包人应按要求进行剥离或开孔,并在检验后重新覆盖或修复。检验合格,发包人承担由此发生的全部追加合同价款,赔偿 承包人损失,并相应顺延工期。检验不合格,承包人承担发生的全部费用,工期不予顺延。
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