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超市内装修工程合同招标文件翻译模板(第一部分 中英文)

所在位置: 翻译公司 > 新闻资讯 > 行业新闻 / 日期:2018-01-25 08:28:32 / 来源:网络

  Tender Documents of Hypermarket Fit-out works


  A部分 投标须知Part A Instruction for tender

  B部分 工程范围,图纸目录,技术要求及工程量清单

  Part B Scope of work and drawings, specification and bill of quantity

  C部分 合同条款Part C Conditions of Contract

  D部分 安全管理要求Part D Safety Management Requirement

  E 部分 附件Part E Appendix

  A部分Part A

  投标须知Instruction for Tender


  1.0 概述 GENERAL

  2.0 招标程序和日程安排






  1.0概述 GENERAL

  1.1 工程名称:超市内装修工程(以下简称本工程)。

  Project name: Changshu Auchan Hypermarket Fit-out works (called hereafter the work)

  1.2 本工程位于 。

  The Project is located at .

  1.3 项目背景:本工程为规划土地总面积约为19151㎡,建筑面积为约34495㎡,三层钢筋混凝土框架结构,一层为商铺、停车场及功能型区域,二层为超市卖场及生鲜区,三层为停车场、局部为办公区,屋面为停车场,建筑高度为18.10m。本此招标包括超市的内部装修和机电设备安装。

  Project profile: The land area for this project is about 19151 ㎡, with the built-up area of about 34495 ㎡. The hypermarket is in a 3-floor reinforced concrete building, among which the first floor would be mall area, partial car parking area and function area, and the second and third floors are for sales / FP areas and car parking/ office areas respectively. In addition, the roof would also be used as the car parking area. The architectural height is 18.10m. The tender is for the interior fit-out work and supply and installation of the MEP works.


  Interior Fit-out Works, the scope of civil construction is for 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor and the roof as well.


  The MEP Works: the following systems should be covered, such as the HVAC system, Power system, Electric system and Plumbing & Drainage system.


  The client consigns Run Feng (Shanghai) Construction Management Ltd. to manage the project and execute the whole project quality、progress、cost controlling and contract management on behalf of it.


  The Tender Document is the standard document in the Employer’s tendering process, one of the main bases for compiling the tender submission and the part of the Contract.

  1.7 合同基础Basis of Contract

  1.7.1价格清单PRICING SCHEDULE除招标文件特别说明以外,合同价格覆盖了所有材料的供应和安装工作,其中包括提供工具、 设备、 劳力、管理和其它所有相关的工作, 如现场物品存储、 搬运与安装、 公共设施的延伸、现场道路的维护,挖掘中的排水,及进场、退场和验收、正式水电通过验收并启用之前的所有设备调试的水电费用等。

  Except indicated in following tender documents, the prices list in contract include for the supply of all materials and installation works including the supply of tools, equipment, labor and supervision and all associated activities including site storage, handling and installation, extension of site utilities, maintenance of site roads, dewatering of excavations, and mobilization, demobilization and inspection, and all the water / power consumption for the equipments commissioning work before the official permit of water / power systems.合同价格包括了政府和非政府机构征收的所有税款、规费和其他一切费用,以及所有的管理费用和利润等。

  The prices listed in contract include for all taxes and fees imposed by government and non-government authorities and for all management fees and profit.价格的货币为人民币。The Prices are in Chinese Renminbi.价格为总包价格,除非合同条款允许,否则不得变更。工程量清单中的单价同时有效,业主有权随时变更工程范围,所引起的价格变化以工程量清单中的单价为准,在以下情况下除外:变更范围后,工程量清单中没有的项目以项目管理公司造价工程师审核的价格为准。投标价包括的工程质量和工程量是招标图纸和规范所说明和描述的。

  The prices listed below are fixed lump sum and cannot be changed unless contract clauses permitted. Meanwhile the prices in Bill of Quantities are efficient, the client has right to change works scope at any time, and the prices caused will follow the unit price in Bill of Quantities, but except the following condition: After the scope is changed, the items not existing in Bill of Quantities will follow the price calculated and checked by the Cost engineers from Project Management Company. The works quality and quantity included in tender price is described and explained in tender drawings and specification.这些价格应包括承包商按合同条款对承包商造成的任何缺陷进行整改的费用。

  The prices listed below include the remedying by the Contractor of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

  1.7.2工作计划PROGRAMME OF WORKS本工程的开工日期为交付日期为即具备超市布置店面和办公室使用条件。最终完成验收和交付的日期为 。

  The works commence date of this project is , and hand-over date is Dec.15th, 2005, i.e., Auchan has condition to layout the store and the offices can be used. The final completion date of acceptance and hand-over is Jan.20th, 2006.

  1.7.3建议的付款计划 PAYMENT SCHEDULE


  The Owner will make payment to the Contractor of the amounts and at the times specified below:本工程采用月进度付款方式。合同签订,业主收到承包商等额的预付款保函后30日内支付合同总价的20%预付款作为第一笔付款。预付款将从第一次月进度付款开始扣除,每次扣除月进度付款额的20%,直至项目结束。

  Monthly payment would be adopted for the work. In thirty (30) days of contranct signed, 20% of lump sum will be paid as advanced payment after contractor submits same amount of advanced payment bond. 20% of each monthly payment will be deducted as advanced payment refund until project finishs..业主将根据管理公司审核的当月实际完成工程量金额的80%作为月进度付款额进行支付。具体付款日期为在收到承包商之付款请求且得到业主批准,并收到发票的三十(30)天内。

  The client will pay for the monthly payment at 80% of the actual completed works calculated by the PM Company. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days of request from the Contractor, approved by the Owner.在完工并且工程通过所有验收、移交并完成签署决算协议书后,业主将支付结算总价总价的95%。决算总价的5%将被保留1年作为质量保证金。根据质量保证条款,在保证期满后支付。

  95% of the Total Lump Sum Price upon completion and delivery of the works and sign on the final accounting agreement for both parties. 5% of the Total Lump Price should be remained in one years as quality guarantee. According to the quality guarantee clause, the retention fund will be refunded after quality guarantee period expires.

  1.8 现场考察Site Visit


  Tenderer will be invited to inspect the construction site and surroundings and afford its inspection expenses. Requests for site visit please connect with Employer.


  The Employer will arrange site visits after the issue of Tender Documents.


  Tenderer shall fully know site location, condition, access, storage space, load/unload limitation and any other conditions, which could influence contract price. Any extra establishment works required by the Tenderer should be listed separately in Bill of Quantities, Any claim or application of working duration extension caused by ignorance or misunderstanding of the site conditions will not be approved.


  3.1 招标文件由下述5个部分组成:

  The Tender Documents shall comprise of the following five (5) Volumes :

  3.1.1 投标须知 Instructions for Tender

  3.1.2 合同范围,技术规范和图纸目录以及工程量单

  Scope of work, Specifications, Drawing and Bill of Quantity

  3.1.3 合同条款 Conditions of Contract

  3.1.4 安全管理要求 Safety Management Requirement

  3.1.5 附件 Appendix


  All documents forming the Tender Documents are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another and in the event of any ambiguities or discrepancies, the Tenderer shall refer to the order of precedence found in Part – Terms of Contract.

  3.2 发出的招标文件不能作未经授权的改动。

  Issued tender documentation cannot be changed without authorization.

  3.3 投标者应仔细检查招标文件页数是否齐全。若有遗漏、重复或不清楚,须立刻书面通知发包方予以更正。

  Tenderer should carefully check whether tender documentation has complete pages. If there are any pages missing, repeated or unclear, tenderer should immediately notify Employer in written form for modification.

  3.4 若有必要在回标日期之前会发出补充文件对招标文件做部分或全部的澄清或修改。

  Prior to the date of submission of the Tender, if necessary, Addenda will be issued to clarify or modify the Tender Documents in part or in whole.

  3.5 每一份补充文件将发送给所有的投标人,并成为招标文件的一部分。每一份补充文件都有一份签收单确认是否收到。

  Every Addendum issued will be distributed to the Tenderer and shall become part of the Tender Documents. Receipt of each Addendum must be acknowledged on the form issued with the Addendum.

  3.6 若投标者对招标文件任何项目有不明之处,须立刻书面通知发包方以便在截止回标前能予以解释。

  If the Tenderer is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Tender Documents, he should at once notify the Tender in writing so that the Tender can give the interpretation before Tender Submission closes.

  3.7 任何对招标文件的解释必须由发包方以正式的补充文件的形式发出才有效。

  Interpretations of the Tender Documents will be valid only if made by formal Addenda issued by the Employer.

  3.8 招标文件中任何错误若可按上述方法予以更正而没有更正的,其导致投标错误的责任,业主不会承担。

  Any mistake in tender documentation, which is not corrected but could be corrected by the tender according to the above mentioned ways, then Employer will not take the responsibility caused by these mistakes in the tender submission.


  4.1 投标人应提交完全符合要求的投标文件。

  The Tenderer must submit conforming bidding documents which fully meet the requirements of the Tender Documents.

  4.2 技术标 Technical Proposal

  4.2.1 施工提纲 – 描述工程施工的计划,若有必要可以用草图或图示的方法,必须包括但不局限于:

  Outline Tender Method Statement - shall describe the plan for the performance of the Work together with explanatory sketches and graphics where necessary and shall include but not be limited to :

  4.2.2 组织结构图 – 详细工程管理人员表,以及各自的职责分工和信息流转程序。

  Organization Chart - shall detail the proposed management staff plan for the Works in terms of functional responsibilities and lines of communication.

  4.2.3 关键管理人员和现场人员 – 描述关键管理人员和现场人员的主要任务和职责,以及他们各自的简历。

  Key Management & Site Personnel - shall describe the major tasks and responsibilities of the Key Management and Site Personnel together with their respective resumes/curriculum vitae.

  4.2.4 分包商和供应商目录 – 提交建议的分包商和供货商的名录。

  List of Sub-contractors and Suppliers - shall submit a list of the proposed sub-contractors and suppliers

  4.2.5 样本 – 须根据雇主的要求提交用于工程的物资的样本,并标明制造商和产品型号。

  Stylebook- shall be prepared upon Owner’s request, to submit sample of materials and stylebook intended for the Works, identified with the producer and model number

  4.2.6 承接施工项目的信息 – 提供近几年承接施工的项目的详细情况。

  Information on Projects undertaken - shall provide particulars of all projects being undertaken in recent years.

  4.2.7 质量保证和控制体系 – 投标人应在施工方法提纲中专门列出一个部分说明其质量体系。

  Quality Assurance and Control Programs - The Tenderer shall include with his Outline Tender Method Statement a section devoted entirely to its proposed Quality System

  4.2.8 安全生产体系 – 包括安全主管、安全检查、安全手册和指导、安全培训计划、事故报告、火灾保护细节。

  Safety and Health Programme - incorporate details of safety officers, safety inspection, safety manual and instructions, safety training programme, accident reporting and fire protection.

  4.3 商务标 Commercial Proposal

  4.3.1投标书 – 应说明投标人全称和注册地址。签字官员的姓名和职务应打印在签字下。

  Form of Tender - shall bear the Tenderer's full legal name and registered address. The name and the title of the signing officer shall be typed or printed below the signature.

  4.3.2 投标汇总 – 投标人应提交一份投标汇总。任何没有表明价格的项目或任何没有表明名称的项目都被认为已包括在投标总价中。

  1. Summary of Tender - The Tenderer shall submit a summary of the Tender. Any item not priced or not described shall be deemed to be included in the Tender Sum.

  4.3.3 现金流量 – 应是对应工程进度的合理的现金流量。

  Cash Flow – shall be a logical cash flow that corresponds with the work programme.

  4.3.4 工程量清单 – 投标人应完成工程量清单,根据合同文件的规定,所报的单价将用来计算工程变更的价值。工程量清单所列价格除合同规定的变更外,将不做任何调整。

  Bill of Quantities - The Tenderer shall complete the attached Bill of Quantities, the rates of which shall be used during the Contract for the purpose of evaluating any variation of the Works made in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Price in the Bill of Quantity will not be adjusted except in the case of variations instructed under the Contract.

  4.3.5 为便于做回标分析,投标人必须将其工程量清单填写在随招标文件一起提供的计算机光盘里。光盘必须在Windows 2000 中文版和英文版或更新发行的版本下用EXCEL格式完成。工程量清单必须按照招标文件提供的格式和顺序及对应序号,不能有任何改动,对于各专业若有增加项目只能放在各专业工程量清单的末尾。

  In order to make the tender analysis easily, the Tenderer must submit his Bill of Quantities on the preloaded computer disc that is supplied with the tender documents. The disc must be completed using EXCEL form in Windows 2000 CHINESE and ENGLISH software or updated version. and the Bill of Quantities must comply with the formula, sequence and corresponded number supplied by the tender document which cannot be modified. The added items for each specialty can only be placed after the Bill of Quantities of each specialty.

  4.4 投标标书一式二份(其中正本一份,副本一份)和含全部投标文件的计算机光盘。技术部分与商务标分须分别装订成册,密封并加盖骑缝章,光盘装在商务标密封内。商务标标书要加盖单位公章或合同专用章及法人代表或法人代表委托人的印章。

  Triplets of tender submission document (one original, one copies)and computer disc including all tender submission document. Technical tender submission and commercial tender submission documents should be bound separately and sealed with stamp on both sides, the computer disc shall be sealed in commercial tender submission document. Commercial tender submission document should be chopped with company seal or contract-used seal and seal of legal designated person or authorized representative of legal designated person.

  4.5 若正本和副本的价格和插入到投标文件中的特定条款有矛盾,以正本为准。

  In the event of any discrepancies between the Original and Copy tender, then the prices and other particulars as inserted in the Original tender shall prevail.


  5.1 评标原则:公平、公正、合理。 Evaluation Principle: Fairness, Equity and Rationality.

  5.2 投标文件将按照投标须知中列明的方法和准则进行复查。

  The tender submissions will be reviewed based on the methodology and criteria as listed in the Instructions to Tenderers.

  5.3 技术标按以下环节进行详细评标:

  Detailed technical assessment includes the evaluation of the following:

  5.3.1 项目实施 – 投标人应能管理工地上施工进度及后勤协调问题,以证实其能力。投标人提交的施工组织和计划应是非常详细和切实可行的,能实现合同所规定的目标。

  PROJECT EXECUTION - Tenderers shall demonstrate the ability to manage the project within the schedule and logistic constraints prevalent at the site. Tenderers are required to submit construction method statements and execution plan that must be sufficiently detailed and practical to be able to achieve the objectives of the Contract.

  5.3.2 施工进度 – 投标人在给定的时间表要能完成所有的施工任务。投标人应确认进度是合理的并且具有可操作性。

  CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME - Tenderers are required to meet all contractual obligations within the time frame given. Tenderers are to ensure that the programme is logical and workable.

  5.3.3 组织框图 – 投标人应为项目派驻足够的管理人员,并且清楚说明管理结构,以及每位关键管理人员和现场人员的作用。

  ORGANIZATIONAL CHART - Tenderers are to provide adequate management and site supervisory staff for the project, and to indicate clearly the management reporting structure, and the role played by each of the key management and site staff.

  5.3.4 关键管理人员 – 投标人要提供所有关键管理人员和现场人员的详细的经验资料。

  KEY MANAGEMENT STAFF - Tenderers are to provide full and substantiated details on the experience of all key management and site staff.

  5.3.5分包商 – 投标人要提供所有可能参与项目、合格的、有经验的分包商和供货商名单。

  SUB-CONTRACTORS - Tenderers are to provide the full list of qualified and experienced sub-contractors and suppliers for the individual trades of the project.



  All information documents and transmittals issued or generated by the Employer or on its behalf during the course of tendering shall be treated as confidential and shall not be transmitted to any third party without the written approval of the client.

  PART B工程范围及图纸,技术要求及工程量清单




  2. 分项工程WORK ITEMS



  5. 投标时须报送样品和样本的材料表


  1.总则: General Rules:

  1.1 由于超市采用租赁的模式建造超市,因此本次招标以超市与开发商之间的工程分界(一份为租赁合同签订时项目分界limits of supply,详见附件5,一份为项目分界的细化讨论的会议纪要,详见附件6)为依据,将属于超市范围内的工程作为本次招标范围。下面分项工程的工程范围是对上述文件的补充与局部细化说明。


  With regards to the leasing module for the project, the work interface (see attached two documents which are the limits of supply on leasing contract-appendix 5 and meeting minutes for specifying the work interface-appendix 6) between Auchan and the developer should be worked as the tendering basis. And the work scope of Auchan would be covered in this tendering work. For instance, hereinafter is the supplementary and specification for the work scope.

  Notice: the below-mentioned overall fees should be included into the total contract sums except the items listed in the tender document..


  The bidder should calculate the works quantity according to the drawings the client supplies, and quote as following format. During the quotation, if there any item omitted in the sheet, it can be added after the sheet for quotation.


  During the quotation, the bidder should mark the fit-out material suppliers and brand, specification as their quotation basis. If there is any brand appointed by the client, the bidder should quote as the appointed brand. Supply catelogue or sample as requirement when tender returns.


  The bidder must have the certifications and confirmations required by the local administration department.


  During the quotation, if there any problem needs clarification, they can consult from Shanghai Run Feng Construction Management Co., Ltd.


  For the potential problems of the construction drawings, which would be inconsistent with the national and local design and delivery codes, or the related regulations demonstrated by local building department, the bidder should pointed them out timely to Auchan. Should any such problems after the acceptance of the tender, the bidder must rectify them and pay for the related fees for rectification.

  1.7 下列所描述的工作: The following listed works should be covered, which are:

  1.7.1 中标单位施工的临时用水、用电及为超市指定分包商提供临时施工用电、用水设施。负责从现场临时变压器下引出总配电箱,并在每个楼层放置两个主配电箱(内配足够的开关),以便超市分包商能够从同楼层就近的配电箱内取得临时用电,和施工期间的维护。水电费用用表按量计量由分包商直接支付。对超市指定分包商进行管理。超市所有的分包商对外均以中标单位的名义,而不再另行交费。

  The bidder should be responsible for the temporary water and power supply for the nominated subcontractors of Auchan as well as themselves, moreover, they should also take charge of the maintenance work and the works to prepare a general distribution cabinet coming from the temporary transformer and then to arrange two main distribution cabinets with sufficient switches on each floor, so that the subcontractors of Auchan could get the power supply at the nearest distribution cabinet. The water and power fees should be directly paid by the nominated subcontractors as per the records. For instance, the subcontractors of Auchan should also be under the control of the bidder and not pay for additional fees in the name of the bidder.

  1.7.2 为大楼提供现场环境临时照明、临时通风、临时消防、安全设施等施工临时设施,如市政水电未正式开通之前,如业主要求,为甲供设备调试及运转提供临时水电。

  Supply the temporary construction facilities for the building, such as the temporary lighting, ventilation, fire protection, safety equipment and so on. Before the connection to municipal water and power supply, supply temporary water and power systems for the commissioning and running of client offered equipments if the client requires for.

  1.7.3 负责大楼内的所有施工垃圾(包括所有分包商的建筑垃圾)清运和现场保洁,达到文明卫生工地的要求,有专职清洁队伍。

  Be responsible for all of the construction trash (including all builders rubbish collected by the subcontractors) transportation and site cleaning of the building, reach the requirement of civilized and healthy site, and a professional cleaning staff in site.

  1.8 .本工程中标单位将以开发商苏常置业有限公司的总承包商南湖建筑公司的分包商的名义进场施工,须服从总包的管理。有关总包管理配合费,投标单位须在报价汇总表中以总包服务费列出。通过与开发商及总包协商,取合同分项分部工程价款3%,所有投标单位按这一比例记取。

  The bidder of this project should be involved into the construction work in the name of subcontractor of Nanhu Construction Company who is the general contractor of the developerSuchang Real Estate Co., Ltd, and be under the control of the general contractor. The cooperation fees for general contractorshould be listed as the service fees for general contractor in the quote summary. After discussion with developer and GC, the percentage is 3% of total sum of Summary A. all the bidder should adopt to this percentage when tendering.

  1.9 .所有由业主提供,承包商负责安装施工的设备、材料,承包商须负责卸货、仓储、保管、驳运、安装及调试等全部工作。

  The contractor should be responsible for unloading, storing, keeping, lighterage, installing and commissioning works for all of equipment and material supplied by the client and installed by the contractor

  1.10 本招标文件中指定品牌和规格的材料,欢迎投标单位在投标时提供替代的选择方案,将由业主最后确定。

  As to the materials nominated brands and specifications in the document, welcome the bidders submit options for substitution, which will be finally confirmed by the client.

  1.11 所有各种材料的采购和施工,必须取得业主代表的批准方可进行采购和大面积的施工。

  All kind of material purchase and construction, before its processing, must be confirmed by the Client’s representative.


  The excavation and reinforce ment fees of the pre-reseved holes as per the construction drawings, though the holes hadn’t pre-reserved on the site.

  1.13 由业主提供的甲供设备清单(见附件7),分为三部分:第一部分为超市指定的分包商负责供货安装,中标单位进行必要的施工配合,另一部分是超市提供设备,中标单位负责安装,其他的为中标单位负责提供、安装,调试。

  Appendix 7 is the list of client supplied equiments, which could be divided into three parts: one is that, the subcontractors wouldprovid and install the equipments, while the tendering company offer their cooperation work; and the other one is that, Auchan would only provide the equipments while the tendering company take the installation work. The rest of equipments is that bidder supply, install and test equipments.

  2.分项工程 Work Items

  2.1.给水排水工程Plumbing and drainage


  All items should be with full procedures required by regulations, including painting, thermal insulation and anti-dew insulation, bracket, pressure test, wash, sanitation inspection and so on. At the end of the feed water pipes, purified hot or cold water pipes and hot water pipes, they should be painted with different colors for 1-meter wide, and the valves should be stainless steel handling butterfly ball valves with the same color as their pipes. In addition, the samples of these valves should be provided upon tendering. Mark the pipe with different colors at every 5m and indicate the water flowing direction.

  2.1.1生活水系统Domestic water system



  The water supply on 1st floor would be provided by the municipal department directly. From exterior ring main substation to the interior vertical pipes of 1m high, it would not be contained in this quote; while the rest water pipes should be covered in it. The below-mentioned works should be covered in this tender, that are, the water supply for 2nd, 3rd floors and the roof would be provided by domestic water pump in frequency translation. According to the work interface, this quote would contain the parts from the first valve (this valve would also be included) of the outlet of domestic water tank to the rest.


  The sanitary brand is American Standard. Basin faucet is water-save type;urinal water-valve is auto-sensible type; the flushing valve of squatting is foot-pressing type; pedestal pan is separated type; and the basin is eustylos. In the quote, the sanitary facilities should be quoted with a full unit that includes the aboved-mentioned faucet, flushing valve and accessories, etc.


  Drinkable water system


  The facilities and pipes in drinkable water room would be provided and installed by the nominated subcontractors of Auchan. In this quote, only some parts would be convered, such as the connection from the inlet water pipe to the equipments of drinkable water system, the outlet of the drinkable water system to each water points (including the valves) and 1 meter out of the boiler roomthe install work of drinkable water pipes outside, all the valves direct or across the boiler to the water points. However, the water facilities would not included into this quote. They would be arranged after the installation of purified water facilities by Auchan.

  2.1.3热水系统 Domestic hot water system

  所有的热水系统(包括生活热水及回水、纯净水热水及回水)均以锅炉房墙外一米为界 限。锅炉房内管道设备安装见动力系统锅炉房安装一项。

  All the refered hot water system (including the domestic hot water and return water, purified hot water and return water) should be limited to 1 meter outside of the wall of the boiler room. While the installation of the pipe works of the boiler room could be attached to the installation of power system in the boiler room.

  2.1.4 排水系统 Drainage system


  For the drainage system, the following works would be covered in this tender, such as the drainage on 2nd, 3rd floors and the roof, the connection from the T joints on each floor slabs to the crossing pipes, sub down pipes, vent pipes and communicating pipes at each drainage point. While all the down pipes should be provided by the developer.

  2.1.5 超市卖场区域及冷库食品加工区的地漏均采用专用的不锈钢大地漏,地漏和清扫口由超市提供,本次招标仅负责安装该地漏和清扫口。其他区域地漏和清扫口的安装在本次招标范围内,并提供地漏和清扫口样本。

  The special big stainless siphon supplied by the client will be adopted in hypermarket sales area and refrigeration area. However, in this tender, only the install work of the siphon would be covered. The siphons and the installation of the clean out in other areas are also covered in this tender. Need to offer the samples.

  2.1.6 所有空调冷却水系统均在本次招标范围内。

  Cooling water system of HVAC should be included.

  2.2暖通空调工程 HVAC works


  Work scope of this project: finish the AC system, Ventilation system, and smoke exhausting system on 2nd floor as per the construction drawings, furthermore, supply the equipments (except the client provided equipments), materials and machine workers as well.

  2.2.1 一般说明 Introdution







  The installation and construction work should be with full procedures required by regulations, including painting, thermal insulation and anti-dew insulation, bracket, pressure test, wash, sanitation inspection and so on.

  The smoke exhausting system of fire fighting should not be contained in this quote, such as the shared equipments for air and smoke exhaustion and air ducts.

  All the ventilation system except one of the fire fighting pump room and distribution room should be covered in this quote.

  The pipe works for air heating should be connected to 1 meter away from the wall of the boiler room. And the pipe installation works for the equipments in the boiler room could be attached to the item of Power Engineering.

  The installation of equipments in refrigeration room should be included.

  Cooperate with site modification work.

  2.2.2 设备、材料要求 Requirements for the equipments and materials












  The air ducts and air exhausting ducts of AC system should be compounding air ducts, thermal insulated with organic steel glass.

  Adopt galvanized steel pipes for the refrigeration water system, cooling water system, feeding water system of DN《65 and the jointless steel pipes for the refrigeration water system, cooling water system and feeding water system.

  Adopt UPVC for the condensation water pipes.

  The insulation materials of latex-plastic is adopted instead of the designed material. The thickness remains same.

  The independent Air Conditioner, related refrigerant pipes and accessories should be provided by the contractor.

  All the adopted valves should be of carbon steel or copper valves.

  The oil & smoke exhausting system on 2nd floor should include, as per the drawings, the following works, such as the manufacture and install of the equipments, pipes and valves, the install of the oil & smoke exhausting equipments (which would be provided by the client), the commissioning work of the system and the approval of the government.

  The type, sample, and quality report of selected equipments, materials (charged by the submitted bidders) must be submitted to the client for permit first.

  All the air-duct type ACs are replaced by split type. The quantities and the refrigeration capacity is as following: reduce 2 ACs to 1 of 5P in security office, 1 AC of 3P in Ups room, 1 AC of 1.5P in receiving office, 2 ACs of 2.5P in computer room, 2 ACs of 1.5P in cash office. Cancel 2 sets of AC in bakery. All the condensate water outlet and power socked should be included as well as the lengthened refrigeration fluid because of long distance of AC’s external part from the main part.

  All electrical two way valve of cooling water system of AC are cancelled including two gate valves ahead and behind the electrical two way valve.

  Mark the usage of pipes and direction at every 5m.

  2.3电气工程Electrical works


  For weak current system, only the trays would be covered in this quote. Division panel should be set in the cable tray.

  2.3.1强电系统Heavy voltage system


  Dynamic lighting circuit from the wiring end in H.V. and L.V. distribution cabinet in L.V. distribution room to each distribution box, and laying and sleeving for junior dynamic lighting circuit and cable. Cooperated installation for the client supplied equipments refer to list of client supplied equipments. Except the below-mentioned distribution cabinet added for the signboard, all the other distribution, as per the drawings, should be provided by the client and installed by the bidder. However, the electric for fire fighting system would not be covered in this quote.照明包括除消防应急照明和室外照明以外的所有的照明。所有的灯具由业主提供,中标单位负责安装。插座中,所有ups插座的面板为红色,在所有的插座上和配电箱内都要标明回路号,所有的插座均为三眼二眼插座。位于消防控制室的远程控制按钮箱供货安装及其回路电缆电线安装敷设,有吊顶区域的灯具均为嵌入式。

  All the lighting except the emergency lighting of fire fighting system and exterior lighting would be covered and socket (the panel of all UPS socket are red, indicate the circuit codes on all sockets and distribution cabinets.) (All of the lamps are supplied by the client), remote control box and the circuits at the fire fighting control room, and lighting in the fire fightin control center and in the car parking area. For the ceilng area, all the lights shoud be of shuttle type.动力系统Dynamic system



  Be responsible for dynamic, common socket system from distribution box to hypermarket equipment, including 380V and 220V waterproof socket (waterproof grade is IP65 or IP44, and the brand is Legrand), UPS socket (all of UPS socket panels are red) .

  Add two switch box at later appointed places to each oil smoke exhausting ventilation system of 2F.

  2.3.2桥架 Tray


  All of heavy voltage tray and installation; If it is the tray independently for fire fighting, it does not need quotation, and public tray needs quotation. The trays of the general transformer distribution room as well as its extention out of the distribution room should not be convered in such quote. However, all the trays in the distribution room and the blockage across slab and walls on each floor should be covered in such quote. All the electrical conduit is exposed except conduit of roof light. In order to prevent condensed water on the conduit, all the conduits within cold and food processing are replaced by PVC type.

  2.4装饰工程Fit-out works

  2.4.1墙及墙面装饰Wall and wall decoration


  As per the work interface between the client and the developer, this tender would cover the following parts, which are: painting for the inner sides of the external walls, painting for all internal walls, and building and decorating for the light partition walls.

  2.4.2楼(地)面 Floor


  In this tender phase, the referred quote for 1st floor would only cover the parts above damp proofing layer (but the damp proofing layer would not included into it), while the parts under damp proofing layer would be run by the developer. In addition, the quote for 2nd and 3rd floors would only referred to those parts above the building slabs.

  2.5动力工程 Power Engineering

  2.5.1 本次动力工程的范围仅包括锅炉房内设备、管道安装与调试。柴油机房、燃气系统不在本次范围内。

  For the dynamic power system, the following works would be covered in the quote, which are: the installation and commissioning work of the equipments in the boiler room. However, the diesel generator room and the gas system would not be contained in such quote.

  2.5.2 锅炉房墙体外一米范围为本次招标范围,机房内真空锅炉、所有的泵、烟囱由业主提供,中标单位负责甲供设备的安装,其他设备供应安装和管道的提供、连接、安装,烟囱安装以及烟囱室内部分的保温、系统的调试。在安装中所需的阀门、法兰、支架、油漆、设备的支座槽钢等所有辅材均包含在报价中。

  One-meter outside of the boiler room would be contained in such quote. But some of the equipments, such as the vacuum boiler, all the pumps, chimney, would be provided by the client; while the other works, such as the supply, connection and install of the pipes, the install of all equipments (including the chimney) and the heat insulation and commissioning of the systems inside of the chimney. However, the required accessories, such as valves,Franks, Supports, Paintings, Section Steel supports should be covered in such quote.

  3.工程量清单Bill of Quantities


  notice: the colume of quantity in following BQ is just reference for bidders and all the bidders should calculate the actual quantities according to construction drawings and scope of work described in this tender documents. In the BQ, column of price of main materials is the cost of main materials in bidders’ analysis unit price, labor and other is the remaining price out of complete unit price and has to be filled in. Fill in zero when the materials or equipments are supply by client.

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    答:对于不足一千字的稿件,目前有两种收费标准: 1)不足一千字按一千字计算。 2)对于身份证、户口本、驾驶证、营业执照、公证材料等特殊稿件按页计费。
    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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