
签署日期:Signature Date of
本协议当事方:Parties hereto between:
中国孔子学院总部 The Confucius Institute Headquarters
与 and
英国教育部国际合作中心International Cooperation Centre of The British Ministry of Education
In order to strengthen educational cooperation between China and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, support and promote the development of Chinese language education, and increase mutual understanding between China and Britain, the Confucius Institute Headquarters and The British Ministry of Education hereby agree as follows:
第一条 宗旨Article 1 Purpose
The purpose of this agreement is to identify the rights and responsibilities of the Headquarters and The British Ministry of Education in the establishment of London Confucius Institute .
第二条 孔子学院的性质Article 2 Character
London Confucius Institute shall be a non-profit institute with the purpose of enhancing intercultural understanding in The United Kingdom of Great Britain by sponsoring courses of Chinese language and culture.
第三条 执行机构Article 3 Executive Institution
Through The British Ministry of Education’s approval, the Headquarters will authorize and appoint a Chinese institute to construct the Confucius Institute with The British Ministry of Education as the Chinese executive institution. The two parties of cooperation can sign the supplementary agreement on matters not settled by this Agreement. The supplementary agreement should be audited by the Headquarters before signing.
第四条 业务范围Article 4 Scope of Activities
London Confucius Institute can serve the following Chinese teaching courses and programs according to the local instance:
1. Teach Chinese using a variety of methods including multimedia and the Internet;
2. Train teachers to teach Chinese in primary schools, high schools and colleges;
3. Administer the Chinese Proficiency Test and tests to certify ability to teach Chinese as a foreign language;
4. Teach Chinese courses of various types in various areas for all circles of person;
5. Sponsor academic activities and Chinese competitions;
6. Show Chinese movies and TV programs;
7. Provide consulting services for individuals wishing to study in China;
8. Provide reference materials for the educational and other professional individuals.
第五条 组织和管理Article 5 Organization
The Confucius Institute shall have a Board of Advisors and the two parties nominate members of the Board of Advisors. The Board of Advisors shall have the responsibility for the operation of the Confucius Institute.
第六条 双方义务Article 6 Obligations
总部义务:The obligations of the Headquarters:
1. To authorize the use of the title Confucius Institute, and provide logos and institute emblems.
2. To provide multimedia coursewares and other teaching materials, supplementary materials, and audio-visual materials authorized by the Headquarters; and to authorize the use of online courses.
3. To provide 50,000-100,000 US Dollars as a start-up fund, payable to the special account opened by The British Ministry of Education in the local Bank of China.
4. To provide 3,000 volumes of books, audio-visual, and multimedia materials.
5. To send one or two Chinese instructors and pay for their air fares and salaries.
国际合作中心义务:The obligations of International Cooperation Centre
1. To provide an appropriate site for the Confucius Institute to carry out its activities; to provide the necessary conditions and facilities management to establish the Confucius Institute and take charge setting, management and maintenance and open the special account for the Confucius Institute in the local Bank of China.
2. To provide necessary administrative personnel (full time or part-time) and provide the related payment.
3. To provide necessary working conditions for the Chinese instructors.
4. Assist the Chinese party at the Institute with all immigration procedures.
5. Agree to discuss with the Headquarters any further requirements of the Confucius Institute.
第七条 经费Article 7 Financial Support
The Confucius Institute will be jointly funded by The British Ministry of Education and the Headquarters, and it should finally assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses by charging language course fees and other programs.
第八条 知识产权Article 8 Intellectual Property
The Headquarters exclusively owns the title of The Confucius Institute, its related logo, and plaque (or badge) as its exclusive intellectual property. The British Ministry of Education cannot continue applying or transfer the title, logo, and plaque (or badge) in any form, either directly or indirectly, after this agreement has been terminated. The provider owns intellectual property of the certain program. The two parties can consult the owner of the co-operated programs. In the events of any dispute, the two parties should consult with each other friendly or submit to the jurisdictional organ according to the related laws and regulations.
第九条 协议的修改Article 9 Revision
With the consent of both parties, this Agreement may from time to time be revised through a process of negotiation and discussion in a spirit of cooperation and good will and any revisions will be made in writing, in both English and Chinese, and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
第十条 协议的有效期Article 10 Term
The Agreement shall be effective on the date when the two parties sign below. The Agreement shall have a period of validity of 5 years. If, during the 90 days before the end of the Agreement, neither party notifies the other in writing that it wishes to terminate the Agreement, then it will automatically be extended.
第十一条 不可抗力Article 11 Force Majeure
Parties hereto will be released from their obligations under this agreement in the event of a national emergency, war, prohibitive government regulation or any other cause beyond the control of the parties hereto that renders the performance of this agreement impossible. In the event of such circumstance, the party under the situation shall inform the other party so the program may be delayed or terminated in order to mitigate the loss of the other party.
第十二条 协议终止Article 12 Termination
This Agreement shall be terminated in one of the following cases:
1. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon giving written notice at least six months in advance of their intention to terminate.
2. The two parties have no aspiration of cooperation at the expiration of the term.
3. The Agreement can not go through or can not achieve the anticipated aim because of comedown of the condition.
4. If the act of one party of the Agreement severely harms the image and reputation of the Confucius Institute, the other party will terminate the Agreement immediately and reserve the right of claiming.
5. The Agreement can not go through because of force majeure.
The termination of the Agreement can not affect some other agreement, contract and program between the two parties.
Before the Agreement is terminated, The British Ministry of Education should make appropriate arrangements on the enrolled students and other works.
第十三条 争议的解决Article 13 Dispute Settlement
In the events of any dispute, the two parties should consult with each other friendly or submit to the jurisdictional organ at the place this Agreement signed.
第十四条 协议语言Article 14 Agreement Language
This Agreement is written in Chinese and in English. Each party shall keep one copy in Chinese and one copy in English of the signed Agreement. The Agreement, in both languages, shall have the same effect.
第十五条 其他事项Article 15 Other Terms
Other matters not settled by this Agreement shall be solved through friendly, cooperative negotiations between the two parties.
中国孔子学院总部 英国教育部国际合作中心
The Confucius Institute International Cooperation Centre of
Headquarters The British Ministry of Education
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