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液化天然气(LNG) 购销总协议翻译模板(中英文第二部分)

所在位置: 翻译公司 > 翻译案例 > 翻译领域 / 日期:2018-02-07 10:07:47 / 来源:网络

  7.3 运输Transportation

  (a) 目的港船上交货时,卖方需负责将所有根据协议出售并交付的LNG 量从装运港运输到卸货港。

  Seller, in the case of a DAP delivery, shall be responsible for the transportation from the Loading Port to the Discharge Port of all quantities of LNG sold and delivered pursuant to an Agreement.

  (b) 关于LNG 船舶、海运操作、装卸货、滞期、事故责任、确定交付LNG 量和质量的条款,装运港船上交货时,附件B 中有相关规定;目的港船上交货时,附件C 中有相关规定。The provisions which shall govern LNG Ships, shipping operations, loading and unloading, demurrage, liability for incidents and determination of delivered quantity and quality of LNG are set out in Schedule B, in respect of FOB deliveries, and Schedule C, in respect of DAP deliveries.


  根据协议交付的LNG 量的合同价格(以下简称“合同价格”)需为相关销售备忘录中规定的美元/MMBtu 价格。

  The contract price ("Contract Price") for quantities of LNG delivered pursuant to an Agreement shall be the price in USD per MMBtu set out in the applicable Sale Memorandum.


  9.1 装运港船上交货时:In the case of a FOB delivery:

  (a) 买卖双方根据协议购买/出售的LNG 需在装货港装上相关LNG 船,交付给买方。当LNG 通过交付点,或到达协议双方以书面形式约定的其它时间或位置, 才能认定LNG 交付完成,LNG 的灭失风险和所有权从卖方转移至买方;以及

  LNG to be sold by Seller and purchased by Buyer pursuant to an Agreement shall be delivered to Buyer into the relevant LNG Ship at the Loading Port, and delivery of LNG shall be deemed completed, and title to and risk of loss of such LNG shall pass from Seller to Buyer, as the LNG passes the Delivery Point or at such other time or location as may be agreed by the Parties in writing; and

  (b) 在LNG 装载过程中,从LNG 船上返回的天然气蒸发气的所有权和灭失风险在其通过蒸发气回流点时由买方转移至卖方。

  Title and the risk of loss and any liabilities in respect of Natural Gas vapour returned from the LNG Ship during loading of LNG shall pass from Buyer to Seller as it passes the Vapour Return Point.

  9.2 目的港船上交货时:In the case of a DAP delivery:

  (a) 买卖双方根据协议购买/出售的LNG 需在卸货港从相关LNG 船上卸下,交付给买方。当LNG 通过交付点,或到达协议双方以书面形式约定的其它时间或位置,才能认定LNG 交付完成,LNG 的灭失风险和所有权从卖方转移至买方; 以及

  LNG to be sold by Seller and purchased by Buyer pursuant to an Agreement shall be delivered to Buyer from the relevant LNG Ship at the Discharge Port, and delivery of LNG shall be deemed completed and title to and risk of loss of such LNG shall pass from Seller to Buyer, as the LNG passes the Delivery Point, or at such other time or location as may be agreed by the Parties in writing; and

  (b) 在LNG 卸载过程中,从LNG 船上返回的天然气蒸发气的所有权和灭失风险在其通过蒸发气回流点时由买方转移至卖方。

  Title and the risk of loss and any liabilities resulting from Natural Gas vapour returned to the LNG Ship during unloading of LNG shall pass from Buyer to Seller as it passes the Vapour Return Point.

  9.3 卖方向买方声明并保证,一旦根据协议完成LNG 交付,卖方即拥有所有相关LNG 的

  所有权,并从即时起有权进行上述LNG 的销售,且在交付点进行所有权转移时,上述LNG 无任何留置权、权益负担、不利权利主张和所有权,届时不会存在任何可能导致任何相关留置权、权益负担、不利权利主张或所有权的情况,由于买方行为或不作为所导致的除外。Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that upon the delivery of LNG to Buyer pursuant to an Agreement, Seller will have title to all such LNG and covenants that it will have the right at such time to sell the same and that such LNG will be free from all liens, encumbrances, adverse claims and proprietary rights at the passing of title at the Delivery Point, and that no circumstances will then exist which could give rise to any such liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or proprietary rights other than those caused by acts or omissions of Buyer.


  10.1 卖方纳税责任Seller's Tax Burden

  卖方应支付、赔偿并保护买方免于承担(i)装货港所在国家或其任何政治分支机构; 或(ii)卖方所在国或装货港所在国和任何中转国(目的港船上交货时)负责进行相关税款征收的任何其他政府机关,针对根据协定销售的LNG,或LNG 本身或其所有权, 或任何LNG 船或其所有权,或由此产生的任何收入、收益、利润或所得,所征收的所有税款,包括对根据协议进行LNG 销售、购买、交付、运输、储存或出口,或由此产生的任何收入而征收的相关税款(不包括卸货港国家可以征收的税款),买方已经支付(或以代扣税或其他形式间接承担)的上述税费将由卖方偿还(由于买方或买方设施运营方的故意不当行为而征收的税费除外)。由于买方在装货港所在国家或在任何中转国从事与协议无关的活动,或由于买方成为装货港所在国或任何中转国的居民, 在买方应税状态评估为存在于装货港所在国家(或目的港船上交货时,由相关国家的税务机关评估为任何中转国)的任何期间内,如果单纯由于上述应税状态或应税居住权而产生的所得税,根据协议第10.1 条,卖方不应向买方进行上述所得税的补偿或退

  还。Seller shall pay, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against all Taxes attributable to LNG sold under an Agreement or the LNG itself or its ownership or any LNG Ship or its ownership or any receipts, revenues, profits, or income resulting therefrom which are imposed by (i) the country of the Loading Port or any political subdivision thereof or (ii) any other governmental authority where such Tax is levied or imposed by Seller’s country or the country of the Loading Port and in the case of DAP deliveries, by any transit country, including any such Tax imposed on the sale, purchase, delivery, transportation, storage or export of LNG under an Agreement or from any income arising therefrom, (excluding Taxes that could be imposed by the country of the Discharge Port), and Seller shall reimburse Buyer for any such Taxes paid (or borne indirectly in the form of a withholding tax or otherwise) by Buyer (except those incurred solely due to the Wilful Misconduct of Buyer or the operator of Buyer's Facilities,). No indemnity or reimbursement under this Section 10.1 relating to Income Taxes shall be paid by Seller to Buyer for any period during which a taxable presence of Buyer is assessed to exist in the country of the Loading Port (or in respect of DAP sales, any transit country by the tax authorities of such country), as a consequence of activities unrelated to an Agreement performed in the country of the Loading Port or in any transit country by Buyer or resulting from Buyer becoming a resident of the country of the Loading Port or any transit country so long as and to the extent that such Income Taxes are, or were, payable solely because of the existence of such taxable presence or residency.

  10.2 买方纳税责任Buyer's Tax Burden

  买方应支付、赔偿并保护卖方免于承担(i)卸货港所在国家或其任何政治分支机构; 或(ii)买方所在国或卸货港所在国和任何中转国(装运港船上交货时)负责进行相关税款征收的任何其他政府机关,针对根据协定销售的LNG,或LNG 本身或其所有权, 或任何LNG 船或其所有权,或由此产生的任何收入、收益、利润或所得,所征收的所有税款,包括对根据协议进行LNG 销售、购买、交付、运输、储存或进口而征收的相关税款,卖方已经支付(或以代扣税或其他形式间接承担)的上述税费将由买方偿还(由于卖方或卖方设施运营方的故意不当行为而征收的税费除外)。由于卖方在卸货港所在国家或在任何中转国从事与协议无关的活动,或由于卖方成为卸货港所在国或任何中转国的居民,在卖方应税状态评估为存在于卸货港所在国家(或目的港船上交货时,由相关国家的税务机关评估为任何中转国)的任何期间内,如果单纯由于上述应税状态或应税居住权而产生的所得税,根据协议第10.2 条,买方不应向卖方进行上述所得税的补偿或退还。

  Buyer shall pay, indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against all Taxes attributable to LNG sold under an Agreement or the LNG itself or its ownership or any LNG Ship or its ownership or any receipts, revenues, profits, or income resulting therefrom which are imposed by (i) the country of the Discharge Port or any political subdivision thereof or (ii) any other governmental authority where such Tax is levied or imposed in Buyer's country or the country of the Discharge Port and in the case of FOB deliveries, by any transit country, including any such Tax imposed on the sale, purchase, delivery, transportation, storage or import of LNG under an Agreement and Buyer shall reimburse Seller for any such Taxes paid (or borne indirectly in the form of a withholding tax or otherwise) by Seller (except those incurred solely due to the Wilful Misconduct of Seller or the operator of Seller's Facilities). No indemnity or reimbursement under this Section 10.2 relating to Income Taxes shall be paid by Buyer to Seller for any period during which a taxable presence of Seller is assessed to exist in the country of the Discharge Port (or in respect of FOB sales, any transit country by the tax authorities of such country), as a consequence of activities unrelated to an Agreement performed in the country of the Discharge Port or in any transit country by Seller or resulting from Seller becoming a resident of the country of the Discharge Port or any transit country so long as and to the extent that such Income Taxes are, or were, payable solely because of the existence of such taxable presence or residency.

  10.3 退税Tax Refunds

  根据第10 条规定完成支付后,如果收款人获得或有权获得该款项的退税(不论是通过实际收款、信用、抵消或其他方式),收款人应偿还,或要求他方向另一方偿还相关费用,数额等于实际获得的退款减去在获得退款过程中产生的任何合理费用,再减去针对该退款已征收或可征收的任何税费;同时,如果上述款项为收款方所有,上述偿付款项需从收到退税之日起,到协议另一方得到偿付之日期间按利率进行计息。Where a payment has been made under this Section 10 and the recipient of such payment receives or is entitled to receive a refund in respect of Taxes which gave rise to the right to that payment (whether by way of actual receipt, credit, set-off or otherwise), the recipient shall repay, or cause to be repaid, to the other Party a part of that payment equal to the amount of the refund effectively received or enjoyed, less any reasonable costs incurred in obtaining the refund, and less any Taxes levied or leviable in respect of that refund; and, if such funds are held by the recipient, such repayment shall bear interest at the Interest Rate from the date the refund was received until the date the other Party is repaid.

  10.4 税款缴纳流程Procedure for Payment of Taxes

  若买方或卖方意识到,缴纳任何税款的潜在或实际义务可能会引起第10 条中的索赔, 该方需在合理可行的情况下尽快将上述情况通知另一方,以使协议双方在保证始终遵守相关国家法律的前提下,能有合理的机会去将相关税款的义务降至最低。在上述情况下,协议一方需对另一方提供适当的协助,且只有当相关税款根据相应税收法规到达到期应付之日时,买方或卖方(视情况而定)才需进行相关税款的支付,除非提前支付可以减轻相关税款的义务。为使协议双方在不违反任何税收、税费、关税或其它征收税项的前提下向对方进行缴纳,协议双方同意,若经另一方要求,该方需采取另一方所满意的方式,努力完成、实施并安排任何所需的证明和/或文件,并将上述文件副本提供给另一方和/或经另一方合理指定的任何政府或税务当局。

  Where either Buyer or Seller becomes aware of a potential or actual liability to make any payment of Taxes which might give rise to a claim under this Section 10, it shall give notice of the circumstances to the other Party as soon as reasonably practicable, in order to allow both Parties reasonable opportunity to seek to minimise their liability for such Taxes, acting always in compliance with the laws of the relevant country. Each Party shall give the other Party such assistance as is reasonable in the circumstances in this regard, and Buyer or Seller (as appropriate) shall not make any payment of such Taxes until the due date on which such Taxes are due and payable in accordance with the relevant tax regulations unless an early payment could result in a reduction of the liability to such Taxes. In order to allow the Parties to make payments to each other without neglecting compliance with any tax, royalty, duty or other impost levied, the Parties agree that if requested by the other Party, they will diligently complete, execute and arrange for any required certification and/or document in a manner reasonably satisfactory to the other Party, and will deliver to the other Party and/or to any government or taxing authority as the other Party reasonably directs, copies of any such documentation.

  10.5 其它费用Other Charges

  (a) 装运港船上交货时,买方应支付、赔偿并保护卖方免于承担通行费、港口费、关税、费用、使用费、评估费和任何其它与装货港LNG 船的使用相关的费用或税项,且买方不应接收上述费用的偿还。

  In the case of an FOB delivery, Buyer shall pay, indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against and shall receive no reimbursement of tolls, port charges, duties, fees, royalties, assessments and any other charges or levies associated with the use by the LNG Ship of the Loading Port.

  (b) 目的港船上交货时,卖方应支付、赔偿并保护买方免于承担通行费、港口费、关税、费用、使用费、评估费和任何其它与卸货港(和苏伊士运河,如适用) LNG 船的使用相关的费用或税项,且买方不应接收上述费用的偿还。

  In the case of a DAP delivery, Seller shall pay, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and against and shall receive no reimbursement of tolls, port charges, duties, fees, royalties, assessments and any other charges or levies associated with the use by the LNG Ship of the Discharge Port (and the Suez Canal, if applicable).


  11.1 装运港船上交货时的文件编制和发票Documentation and Invoices for FOB deliveries

  装运港船上交货时,在完成每批LNG 货品的装货作业后,卖方或其代表需立即向买方提供根据附件B 开具的装货量证明,和买方在卸货港清关合理所需的其它文件。根据附件B 条款,卖方需在完成装货后的四十八(48)小时之内对装载LNG 货品完成一份实验室分析,以确定货品质量和Btu 含量。在完成上述实验室分析之后,卖方需向买方开具质量证书和发票,其中需包含以下信息:

  In the case of a FOB delivery, promptly after completion of loading of each LNG Cargo, Seller or its representative shall provide Buyer a certificate of volume loaded, prepared in accordance with Schedule B, and such other documents as Buyer reasonably requires for the purpose of Discharge Port customs clearance. Seller shall, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule B, within forty-eight (48) hours after completion of loading, complete a laboratory analysis to determine the quality and Btu content of the LNG loaded. Following completion of such laboratory analysis, Seller shall send Buyer a quality certificate and an invoice showing:

  (a) (i)根据附件B 条款计算所得的LNG 装载MMBtu 量,以及包含相关计算依据的任何相关文件;或(ii)在差额量发票的情况下,相关标称量的MMBtu 量;

  the MMBtu content of (i) the LNG loaded, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Schedule B, together with any relevant documents showing the basis for such calculation or (ii) in respect of an invoice for a Deficiency Quantity, the relevant Nominal Quantity;

  (b) 相关LNG 的合同价格;以及the Contract Price in respect of such LNG; and

  (c) 买方就该LNG 货品的应付款项,通过相关MMBtu 量乘以合同价格计算而得,或在差额量发票的情况下,根据第6.2 条规定。

  the sum due from Buyer in respect of the LNG Cargo, which will be calculated by multiplying the relevant MMBtu content by the Contract Price or, in the case of an invoice for Deficiency Quantity, as specified in Section 6.2.

  11.2 目的港船上交货时的文件编制和发票Documentation and Invoices for DAP deliveries

  目的港船上交货时,在完成LNG 货品的装货作业后,卖方需立即将相关LNG 的预期品质信息提供给买方,同时,在卖方得到所装LNG 相关的数量和品质证书之后,需立即将相关信息提供给买方,以便买方告知买方设施运营方。

  In the case of a DAP delivery, Seller shall send to Buyer information about the expected quality of the LNG promptly after completion of loading of such LNG, and Seller shall, promptly after Seller has access to the information, send the quantity and quality certificate with respect to the loaded LNG in order for Buyer to inform the operator of Buyer's Facilities.

  目的港船上交货时,在卸货港开始卸货之前,卖方或其代表需向买方提供卸货港清关合理所需的文件,以便买方清关。当LNG 货品卸货完毕后,卖方或其代表需立即向买方提供根据附件C 开具的卸货量证明。根据附件C条款,买方需在完成卸货后的四十八(48)小时之内对卸载LNG 货品完成一份实验室分析,以确定货品质量和Btu 含量。在完成实验室分析之后,买方需提供一份实验室分析结果给卖方。在收到上述结果后,卖方需向买方开具发票,其中需包含以下信息:

  In the case of a DAP delivery, prior to the commencement of unloading at the Discharge Port, Seller or its representative shall send to Buyer such documentation as Buyer reasonably requires for the purpose of Discharge Port customs clearance. Promptly after completion of unloading of a LNG Cargo, Seller or its representative shall provide Buyer a certificate of volume unloaded, prepared in accordance with Schedule C. Buyer shall, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule C, within forty-eight (48) hours of completion of unloading, complete a laboratory analysis to determine the quality and Btu content of the LNG unloaded. Following completion of such laboratory analysis, Buyer shall send to Seller a copy of the results of such laboratory analysis. Upon receiving such results, Seller shall send to Buyer an invoice showing:

  (a) (i)根据附件C 条款计算所得的LNG 卸载MMBtu 量,以及包含相关计算依据的任何相关文件;或(ii)在差额量发票的情况下,相关标称量的MMBtu 量;

  the MMBtu content of (i) the LNG unloaded, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Schedule C, together with any relevant documents showing the basis for such calculation or (ii) in respect of an invoice for a Deficiency Quantity, the relevant Nominal Quantity;

  (b) 相关LNG 的合同价格;以及the Contract Price in respect of such LNG; and

  (c) 买方就该LNG 货品的应付款项,通过相关MMBtu 量乘以合同价格计算而得, 或在差额量发票的情况下,根据第6.2 条规定。

  the sum due from Buyer in respect of the LNG Cargo, which will be calculated by multiplying the relevant MMBtu content by the Contract Price or, in the case of an invoice for Deficiency Quantity, as specified in Section 6.2.

  目的港船上交货时,如果在LNG 货品卸完之后四十八(48)小时内,实验室分析未能完成并发给卖方,卖方可以根据卖方先前从装货港交付给其它买家的典型Btu 含量和典型摩尔成分分析向买方提供一张临时发票。该临时发票能按照第11.4(a)条中指定的到期日予以支付。只有在相关实验室分析完成以后,支付才会以后期调整发票为依据。

  In the case of a DAP delivery, if the laboratory analysis has not been completed and sent to Seller within forty-eight (48) hours of the completion of unloading of the LNG Cargo, Seller may furnish to Buyer a provisional invoice based upon the typical Btu content and typical mol composition analysis of LNG then being delivered by Seller from the Loading Port to other buyers, and such provisional invoice shall be payable on the due date specified in Section 11.4(a). Such payment shall be subject to a later adjustment invoice when the relevant laboratory analysis has been completed.

  11.3 其它发票Other Invoices

  除非第11.1 和11.2 条中规定,如果一方需根据本协议应向另一方支付任何金额,则被欠款的一方需将发票,与包含金额计算依据的相关支持文件一并提供给另一方。

  Except as provided in Sections 11.1 and 11.2, if any sums of money are due from one Party to the other Party under an Agreement, then the Party to whom such sums of money are owed shall send to the other Party an invoice together with relevant supporting documents showing the basis for the calculation of such sums.

  11.4 发票到期日Invoice Due Dates

  (a) 在相关销售备忘录中没有备选支付条款的情况下,第11.1 和11.2 条中提及的为交付给买方的LNG 货品开具的每张发票需在买方收到之后的十(10)个工作日后期满并可支付。若发票通过传真或电子格式提供给买方,则需认定买方在发票发出的后一个工作日收到该发票。

  In the absence of alternative payment terms in the applicable Sale Memorandum, each invoice referred to in Sections 11.1 and 11.2 for LNG delivered to Buyer shall become due and payable by Buyer ten (10) Business Days after the date on which Buyer has received such invoice. For this purpose, a facsimile or electronic copy of an invoice shall be deemed received by Buyer on the Business Day after the day it was sent.

  (b) 除非销售备忘录中另行明确规定,第11.3 条中的每份发票需在协议方收到之后的十五(15)个工作日后期满并可支付。若发票通过传真或电子格式提供给协议方,则需认定协议方在发票发出的后一个工作日收到该发票。

  Except as otherwise expressly provided in a Sale Memorandum, each Section 11.3 invoice shall become due and payable by the Party receiving the invoice fifteen (15) Business Days after the date of the receipt of such invoice. For this purpose, a facsimile or electronic copy of an invoice shall be deemed received by the Party receiving such invoice on the Business Day after the day it was sent.

  (a) 如果任一方可支付的发票全额在到期时未进行支付,未支付金额自到期之日起根据利率开始计息,到支付之时计息结束。利息在到期金额支付之日进行支付。

  (b) In the event the full amount of the invoice payable by either Party is not paid when due, any unpaid amount thereof shall bear interest from the due date until paid at the Interest Rate. Interest shall be paid on the date when payment of the amount due is made.


  11.5 支付Payment

  任一方需在到期日当天或提前,根据按照协议开具的发票,支付或促成支付该方向另一方需到期支付的所有款项。上述款项需以美元或其它约定的货币进行支付,通过电汇以可立即存取的资金支付到卖方在销售备忘录中指定地点指定银行的账户,或买方另行指定的账户中。Each Party shall pay or cause to be paid on or before the due date, all amounts that become due and payable by such Party to the other Party pursuant to an invoice issued under an Agreement. Such payments shall be made in USD, or other agreed currency, and shall be made by electronic transfer in immediately available funds, to such account or accounts with such bank and in such location designated by Seller in the Sale Memorandum or separately designated by Buyer.

  任意欠款金额需以到期全额进行支付,不得以任何理由扣减、扣留或抵偿(包括但不限于外汇手续费、银行转账手续费、任何其它费用或税费,接收方根据第10 条需要承担的税费除外)。对于买方根据协议规定应向卖方支付的费用,如果根据法律要求, 买方需在费用中做出扣减或扣留(卖方根据第10 条需要承担的税费除外),买方需向卖方进行上述费用的补偿,以确保扣减或扣留后,卖方收到的费用为发票全额,并向相关方支付扣减或扣留部分的金额,同时将上述金额的支付收据或其它凭证提供给卖方。对于卖方根据协议规定应向买方支付的费用,如果根据法律要求,卖方需在费用中做出扣减或扣留(买方根据第10 条需要承担的税费除外),卖方需向买方进行上述费用的补偿,以确保扣减或扣留后,买方收到的费用为发票全额,并向相关方支付扣减或扣留部分的金额,同时将上述金额的支付收据或其它凭证提供给买方。

  Each payment of any amount owing hereunder shall be for the full amount due, without reduction,

  withholding or offset for any reason (including, without limitation, any exchange charges, bank transfer charges, any other fees, or Taxes, other than any Taxes for which the receiving Party is liable in accordance with Section 10). In relation to any payment due from Buyer to Seller pursuant to an Agreement, if Buyer is required by law to make any reduction or withholding (except in respect of any Taxes for which Seller is liable in accordance with Section 10), Buyer shall pay to Seller such amount as will result in Seller receiving the full invoiced amount after such reduction or withholding, and promptly pay to the relevant authorities the amount deducted or withheld and provide to Seller a receipt or other evidence of payment. In relation to any payment due from Seller to Buyer pursuant to an Agreement, if Seller is required by law to make any reduction or withholding (except in respect of any Taxes for which Buyer is liable in accordance with Section 10), Seller shall pay to Buyer such amount as will result in Buyer receiving the full invoiced amount after such reduction or withholding, and promptly pay to the relevant authorities the amount deducted or withheld and provide to Buyer a receipt or other evidence of payment.

  11.6 争议发票Disputed Invoices

  如果协议一方对发票内容存在异议,该方需对发票中无争议的金额进行支付,并立即告知另一方发票存在异议的原因。发票信息可以由发票接收方在收到发票后的八(8) 个工作日内以书面形式向另一方提出异议,也可以由发票开具方在开出发票后的八(8)个工作日内书面通知另一方提出修改,视实际情况而定。如果未发出上述通知, 则视作双方认定发票信息正确,认可发票。在发票异议得到解决以后,卖方或买方(视实际情况而定)应在五(5)个工作日以内根据金额向另一方多退少补,并根据费用到期日到支付日期间的利率支付利息。

  In the event a Party disagrees with any invoice, it shall pay the portion of the invoice not in dispute and shall immediately notify the other Party of the reasons for such disagreement. An invoice may be contested by the Party that received it, or modified by the Party that sent it, by written notice delivered to the other Party within a period of eight (8) Business Days after such receipt or sending, as the case may be. If no such notice is served, such invoice shall be deemed correct and accepted by both Parties. Promptly and no later than five (5) Business Days after resolution of any dispute as to an invoice, the amount of any overpayment or underpayment shall be paid by Seller or Buyer (as the case may be) to the other Party, together with interest thereon at the Interest Rate from the date payment was due to the date of payment.

  11.7 逾期付款和暂停交付Late Payment and Suspension of Deliveries

  除上述第11.6 条中的发票争议部分金额以外,交付LNG 量或未收货LNG 量发票中买方需支付的款项,或买方根据协议需支付的款项如果在到期日之后三(3)个工作日内仍未进行支付, 卖方完全根据自行决定,有权(i)要求买方根据第11.8 条提供任何形式的信用支持;(ii)如果上述关于信用支持的要求未能成功,在相关发票金额及其利息得到支付之前,暂停对买方的后续LNG 交付。任何上述的暂停交付行为不得视为卖方未根据协议条款进行相关销售量的交付,且在相关金额未得到偿付时,买方对相关暂停交付量不具备任何权利,但需要根据第6.2 条就相关暂停交付量进行所有到期应付金额的支付。此外,在上述违约期内,买方无权收取卖方可能需向买方到期应付的任何款项,但是卖方则有权向买方收取其向卖方到期应付的款项。

  Except in relation to a disputed portion of an invoice to which Section 11.6 above applies, if payment by Buyer of any invoice for quantities of LNG delivered hereunder or for quantities of LNG not taken and for which Buyer is obliged to make payment pursuant to an Agreement is not made within three (3) Business Days after the due date thereof, Seller shall be entitled in its absolute discretion to (i) call on any form of credit security provided by Buyer pursuant to Section 11.8 and (ii) if such call on the credit security is unsuccessful, suspend subsequent deliveries of LNG to Buyer until the amount of such invoice, together with interest thereon, has been paid. Any such suspension shall not constitute a failure by Seller to make such quantities available for sale pursuant to the terms of an Agreement and Buyer shall have no rights in respect of such suspended deliveries while such amounts are outstanding but shall be obliged to make all payments which become due and payable pursuant to Section 6.2 in relation to such suspended deliveries. In addition, during such period of default, Buyer shall have no right to any sums that may otherwise have been due and payable by Seller to Buyer, and Seller may instead apply such sums against amounts owing from Buyer.

  11.8 信用支持Credit Support


  Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, simultaneously with the execution of a Sale Memorandum by both Parties,

  (a) 如果买方信用等级没有标准普尔信用评级至少“BBB”级或穆迪同类等级(由于买方没有信用评级,或低于标准普尔信用评级“BBB”级或穆迪同类等级),买方需根据自行选择,向卖方提供(i)一份母公司担保文件,其格式需与附件F 或H(视情况而定)所示格式大体相似(但是,在担保文件有效期内,开具上述担保文件的公司或实体的信用等级必须不低于标准普尔信用评级“BBB”级或穆迪信用评级“Baa2”级)或(ii)一份由债务评级需不低于标准普尔“A-”级或穆迪“A3”级的一级国际银行开具的不可撤销备用信用证,其格

  式需与附件G 所示格式大体相似;以及

  in the case Buyer does not have a Standard and Poor's credit rating of at least "BBB" and the equivalent by Moody's (because Buyer has no credit rating or is rated lower than "BBB" by Standard and Poor's or the equivalent by Moody's), Buyer shall, at its election, provide to Seller either (i) a parent company guarantee substantially similar to the form attached hereto as Schedule F or H as the case might be (provided however, that the company or entity giving such guarantee must, during the duration of the guarantee, have a Standard and Poor's credit rating of at least "BBB" and a Moody's credit rating of at least "Baa2") or (ii) an irrevocable standby letter of credit substantially similar to the form set out in Schedule G provided by a first class international bank having a debt rating of at least "A-" from Standard & Poor's and a debt rating of at least "A3" from Moody's; and

  (b) 如果卖方信用等级没有标准普尔信用评级至少“BBB”级或穆迪同类等级(由于卖方没有信用评级,或低于标准普尔信用评级“BBB”级或穆迪同类等级),卖方需根据自行选择,向买方提供(i)一份母公司担保文件,其格式需与附件F 或H(视情况而定)所示格式大体相似(但是,在担保文件有效期内,开具上述担保文件的公司或实体的信用等级必须不低于标准普尔信用评级“BBB”级或穆迪信用评级“Baa2”级)或(ii)一份由债务评级需不低于标准普尔“A-”级或穆迪“A3”级的一级国际银行开具的不可撤销备用信用证,其格

  式需与附件I 所示格式大体相似。

  in the case Seller not have a Standard and Poor's credit rating of at least at least "BBB" and the equivalent by Moody's (because Seller has no credit rating or is rated lower than "BBB" by Standard and Poor's or the equivalent by Moody's), Seller shall, at its election, provide to Buyer either (i) a parent company guarantee, substantially similar to the form attached hereto as Schedule F or H as the case might be (provided however, that the company or entity giving such guarantee must, during the duration of the guarantee, have a Standard and Poor's credit rating of at least "BBB" and a Moody's credit rating of at least "Baa2"), or (ii) an irrevocable standby letter of credit, substantially similar to the form set out in Schedule I provided by a first class international bank having a debt rating of at least "A-" from Standard & Poor's and a debt rating of at least "A3" from Moody's.

  如果有公司根据上述第11.8(a)或11.8(b)条规定提供母公司担保文件,但是在担保文件有效期内的某一时间,该公司的信用评级低于标准普尔信用评级“BBB”级或穆迪信用评级“Baa2”级的,买方或卖方(根据实际情况)需在三(3)个工作日内提供一份不可撤销备用信用证(由债务评级需不低于标准普尔“A-”级或穆迪“A3”级的一级国际银行开具),其格式需与附件G 或I(视情况而定)所示格式大体相似。

  Should the credit rating of the company providing a parent company guarantee under Sections 11.8(a) or 11.8(b) above fall below a Standard and Poor's credit rating of "BBB" or a Moody's credit rating of "Baa2" at any time during the duration of the guarantee, Buyer or Seller (as applicable) must within three (3) Business Days provide an irrevocable standby letter of credit (provided by a first class international bank having a Standard and Poor's credit rating of at least "A-" and a Moody's credit rating of at least "A3") substantially similar to the form attached hereto as Schedule G or I, whichever is applicable.

  11.9 扣除和抵消Netting and Setoff

  除第11.5 和11.6 条中另行明确规定,协议双方均不可对另一方根据协议的任何应付金额进行抵消或扣除。

  Except as otherwise expressly agreed in Sections 11.5 and 11.6, neither Party shall be entitled to set-off against or net-off against any amounts due to the other Party under an Agreement.


  12.1 在本总协议及各项协议中,“不可抗力”是指协议一方(以下简称“受影响方”)无法进行合理控制的,或在可以预见的情况下采用合理对策也无法予以避免的,并导致受影响方无法根据本总协议及各项协议(完全或部分)履行向另一方应尽义务的,或推迟履行上述义务的任何事件或情况,或事件和/或情况的任何组合的发生和/或其影响, 包括但不限于:

  In this Master Agreement and each Agreement, "Force Majeure" means any event or circumstance, or any combination of events and/or circumstances, the occurrence and/or effect of which is beyond the reasonable control of, and could not have been avoided by steps which might reasonably have been expected to have been taken by, a Party (the "Affected Party") and which results in the Affected Party being unable to perform (in whole or in part) or being delayed in performing any of the Affected Party's obligations to the other Party under this Master Agreement or any Agreement, including but not limited to:

  (a) 火灾、水灾、干旱、爆炸、气层扰动、闪电、风暴、暴雨、飓风、旋风、台风、龙卷风、地震、塌方、海险、土蚀、地面下沉、道路冲塌、疫症或其它天灾;

  ire, flood, drought, explosion, atmospheric disturbance, lightning, storm, tempest, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, tornado, earthquake, landslide, perils of the sea, soil erosion, subsidence, washout, epidemic or other acts of God;

  (b) 战争(无论是否宣战)、暴乱、内战、封锁、暴动、公敌行动、海盗行为、入侵、禁运、贸易制裁、革命、民变、叛乱、破坏或恐怖行动;

  war (whether declared or undeclared), riot, civil war, blockade, insurrection, acts of public enemies, piracy, invasion, embargo, trade sanctions, revolution, civil commotion, rebellion, sabotage or an act of terrorism;

  (c) 罢工、闭厂或其他工业骚动;strikes, lockout, or other industrial disturbances;

  (d) 受影响方对装货港或卸货港所在国的外事、国际、国家、市政、港口、交通、地方或其他当局或其他政府机构的,或声称属于上述当局或机构或为上述当局或机构进行代理的任何组织或人员的任何法令、规范、规则或要求的遵守,除非由于违反了相关销售备忘录日有效的任何法律、规范或指令,上述当局或机构可构成补救措施或主管当局合法施加的处罚方法;但是,为了避免疑虑, LNG 船不能通过美国海岸警卫队或其他类似的州级或当地实体机构的检验不应视作为不可抗力,除非上述情况是由于买方(装货港船上交货)或卖方(目的


  compliance by the Affected Party with an act, regulation, order or demand of a foreign, international, national, municipal, port, transportation, local or other authority or other governmental agency of the country of the Loading Port or Discharge Port or of any body or Person purporting to be or act for such an authority or agency, except to the extent that they constitute remedies or sanctions lawfully imposed by a Competent Authority as a result of a breach of any law, regulation or directive in effect on the relevant Sale Memorandum Date; and provided, for the avoidance of doubt, that failure of a LNG Ship to pass an inspection by the United States Coast Guard or other similar state or local entity shall not be considered as a Force Majeure event unless such failure is the result of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Buyer, in the case of a FOB delivery, or Seller, in the case of a DAP delivery;

  (e) 港口设施(包括但不限于航道、拖轮或领航员)的故障或使用限制;

  breakdown or unavailability of port facilities (including but not limited to channel, tugs or pilots);

  (d) 苏伊士运河的损坏或故障,或苏伊士运河的限制或关停;

  (e) damage to or failure of the Suez Canal, or restriction or closure of the Suez Canal;

  (g) 政府或港口当局的行为或使用限制;

  acts of or unavailability of government or port authorities;

  (f) 卖方设施或买方设施发生损失、损坏或故障;

  (g) loss of, damage to or failure of Seller's Facilities or Buyer's Facilities;


  (i) 直接上游天然气供应商进行天然气生产并交付给卖方设施的任何设施(包括但不限于气井,运输、压缩和处理设施,LNG 储藏设施、液化及相关设施,以及用于LNG 运输的管道)发生损失、损害或故障;

  loss of, damage to or failure of any facilities (including but not be limited to wells, transportation, compression and treatment facilities, LNG storage facilities, liquefaction and related facilities and

  pipelines relating to the transport of the LNG) for the production and delivery of Natural Gas to the Seller's Facilities by immediately upstream gas suppliers;

  (j) 目的港船上交货时,从买方设施到买方接收设施所在国的天然气管网的任何天然气运输设施发生损失、损害或故障;

  in the case of a DAP delivery, loss of, damage to or failure of any facilities used to transport Natural Gas from the Buyer's Facilities to the gas pipeline network of the country where Buyer's Receiving Facilities are located;

  (k) LNG 船发生损失、损坏或故障;loss of, damage to, or breakdown of the LNG Ship;

  上述段落(a)到(j)需分开阅读和理解,并始终受第12.1 条中第一段中不可抗力的定义所约束。

  The foregoing paragraphs (a) to (j) shall be read and construed independently, and always subject to the definition of Force Majeure in the first paragraph of this Section 12.1.

  12.2 相关人员Related Persons


  An event shall not be considered to be beyond the reasonable control of a Party unless:

  (a) 就卖方而言,超出卖方、卖方设施运营方、卖方承运方(目的港船上交货)及其任何雇工或代理人的合理控制范围;

  in the case of Seller, it is beyond the reasonable control of Seller, the operator of Seller's Facilities and in the case of a DAP delivery, Seller's Transporter, and any servant or agent of such Persons;

  (b) 就买方而言,超出买方、买方设施运营方、卖方承运方(装货港船上交货)及其任何雇工或代理人的合理控制范围。

  in the case of Buyer, it is beyond the reasonable control of Buyer, the operator of Buyer's Facilities and in the case of a FOB delivery, Buyer's Transporter, and any servant or agent of such Persons.

  12.3 排除事项Matters excluded

  以下情形不构成不可抗力:The following events shall not constitute Force Majeure:

  (a) 无论由于何种原因,协议一方在任何费用到期时无法进行支付;

  (b) inability, howsoever caused, of a Party to pay any amounts when due;


  (b) 由于正常损耗或疏于养护而导致的工厂或设施的损坏或故障;

  breakdown or failure of plant or equipment caused by normal wear and tear or by a failure properly to maintain such plant or equipment;

  (c) 由于天然气自然消耗或缺乏经济可采量而导致天然气供应区气藏的损失或缺乏,或天然气供应区可交付量的缩减。

  loss or failure of gas reservoirs in the Gas Supply Area or decreased deliverability of Natural Gas from the Gas Supply Area due to natural depletion or the absence of economically recoverable Natural Gas.

  12.4 不可抗力的影响Effects of Force Majeure


  The Affected Party shall be relieved from liability for any delay or failure in performance of any of its obligations under this Master Agreement or any Agreement which results from Force Majeure for so long as and to the extent that the occurrence of Force Majeure and its effects could not be overcome by measures which the Affected Party might reasonably be expected to take with a view to resuming performance of its obligations; except that a strike, lockout or other kind of labour dispute may be settled by the Affected Party at its absolute discretion.

  12.5 通知Notice


  Following the occurrence of Force Majeure, the Affected Party shall:

  (a) 在合理可行的范围内尽快以书面形式告知另一方不可抗力的发生,包括以下细节:不可抗力的性质、不可抗力预计持续时长、本总协议及各项协议中由于不可抗力受到影响的该方义务;以及

  notify the other Party in writing as soon as reasonably practicable of the occurrence of Force Majeure, including details of the nature of the Force Majeure, an estimate of the duration of the Force Majeure and the Affected Party's obligations under this Master Agreement and any Agreement that are affected by the Force Majeure; and

  (b) 立即通知另一方何时将能够继续履行本总协议及各项协议中的义务。

  promptly notify the other Party when it is once again able to perform its obligations under this

  Master Agreement and the relevant Agreement.

  12.6 长期不可抗力的终止Termination for prolonged Force Majeure


  If an event of Force Majeure occurs and is continuing for a period of fourteen (14) days after the end of a Delivery Window under an Agreement such that it prevents the Affected Party from performing all or substantially all of its obligations under that Agreement then either Party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement by and upon written notice to the other Party and without liability to the other Party.


  13.1 违约事项Events of Default


  The occurrence at any time with respect to a Party (the "Defaulting Party") of any of the following events is an event of default (an "Event of Default"):

  (a) 不付款: 违约方未能根据协议在到期日支付任何数量的货款,且在另一方(以下简称“非违约方”)对违约方做出通知后的3 个工作日内,违约方仍未进行纠正。

  Failure by the Defaulting Party to pay on the due date any amount payable under an Agreement which is not rectified within three (3) Business Days of such failure being notified to Defaulting Party by the other party (the "Non-Defaulting Party").

  (b) 不履约:违约方未能履行协议中自身的任何义务(除非该不履约行为是未能进行一批LNG 货品的交付或接收,且已在第5 或6 条中指定了唯一补救措施;除非该不履约行为是由于不可抗力或本总协议任何其他条款所引发),且在非违约方对违约方做出通知后的3 个工作日内, 违约方仍未进行纠正。

  Nonperformance: Failure by the Defaulting Party to perform any of its obligations under an Agreement (other than when such non-performance is a failure to deliver or accept a LNG Cargo for which the exclusive remedy is provided for in Sections 5 or 6, and other than when such non-performance is excused by Force Majeure or any other provision in this Master Agreement) which is not rectified within three (3) Business Days of such failure being notified to Defaulting Party by the Non-Defaulting Party.

  (d) 破产:违约方是或成为破产事件的当事人。

  (e) Insolvency: The Defaulting Party is or becomes the subject of an Insolvency Event.


  (d) 虚假陈述: 协议一方在本总协议或其它协议中所做的声明或保证存在实质性的虚假情况。

  Misrepresentation: Any representation or warranty made by a Party under this Master Agreement or an Agreement proves to be untrue when made in any material respect.

  (e) 主管部门的行为:任何主管当局对违约方所有或几乎所有的资产予以没收、征收、剥夺、收归国有,从而妨碍该协议方根据总协议或其它协议履行自身义务的,但是,在相关方正在对上述行动采取适当的对策时,不能认为违约事项已经发生;只有当相关方的所有或几乎所有资产面临被没收、强制征收、剥夺或收归国有的实质性风险,才能认为违约事项已经发生。Act of Competent Authority: Any Competent Authority seizes, acquires, expropriates or nationalises all or substantially all of the assets of the Defaulting Party, in a manner that impedes the performance of that Party's obligation under the Master Agreement or any Agreement, provided that an Event of Default shall not be deemed to have occurred where such Party is contesting such action in good faith by appropriate means, unless and until such time as there is a

  material risk of all or substantially all of such Party's assets being so seized, compulsorily acquired, expropriated or nationalised.

  13.2 违约事项的影响Consequences of an Event of Default

  假如违约事项发生,在违约事项存续期间,非违约方可以在任何时间自行决定,在不影响自身其它权利的前提下, 书面通知违约方:

  If an Event of Default occurs, the Non- Defaulting Party may at any time while the Event of Default subsists, in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any of its other rights, by and upon notice in writing to the Defaulting Party:

  (a) 暂停履行自身在任何或所有协议中的义务;

  (b) suspend performance of its obligations under any or all Agreements;


  (b) 立即根据第11.8 条对任何根据协议到期应付的金额利用信贷支持文件;和/或

  immediately draw on any credit support documents provided pursuant to Section 11.8 for any amounts due and payable under Agreements; and/or

  (d) 对届时生效的总协议及所有协议(并非部分协议)予以终止。

  (e) terminate this Master Agreement and all Agreements (but not only some Agreements) then in effect.



  除非本总协议或其它协议中另行明确规定,无论在本总协议或任何协议中或与本总协议或任何协议相关,合同中、侵权行为、违反法定义务或其他方面,原本可能不构成间接或附带性损失或费用的任何间接或附带性损失或费用,包括:预期利润的流失、工厂关闭或减产、发电量减损、停电或电气设备关停或缩减、平衡交易或其他衍生损失、商誉、使用、市场声誉、业务收入或合同或商业机会(无论是否可以预见),协议一方不需要对另一方承担相关责任。Save as otherwise expressly stipulated in this Master Agreement or an Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other, whether under this Master Agreement or any Agreement or in connection with this Master Agreement or an Agreement, in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise, in respect of any indirect or consequential losses or expenses including, if and to the extent that they might otherwise not constitute indirect or consequential losses or expenses, loss of anticipated profits, plant shut-down or reduced production, loss of power generation, blackouts or electrical shutdown or reduction, hedging or other derivative losses, goodwill, use, market reputation, business receipts or contracts or commercial opportunities, whether or not foreseeable.


  本总协议及其任何协议应遵守英国和威尔士法律,并按照英国和威尔士法律进行解释。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》不适用于本总协议及其任何协议。为避免疑义,任何一方因本总协议及其任何协议或与之相关原因而提出的非合同索赔也受到英国和威尔士法律制约。This Master Agreement and any Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Master Agreement or any Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, non-contractual claims by either Party arising from or in connection with this Master and any Agreement shall also be subject to the laws of England and Wales.


  16.1 根据第16.2 条,任何因本总协议及其任何协议或与之相关的原因,或因违反以上协议,或与本总协议及其任何协议在任何方面相关的原因,或就本总协议及其任何协议的主题事项

  (包括本总协议及其任何协议的存在、有效性或终止)协议双方之间的关系而引起的争议、索赔或争端,以及任何非合同性索赔或义务(以下简称“争议”)应受到英国和威尔士法庭的专属管辖权所管辖。每一份销售备忘录中需指定买方和卖方在英国任命的代理方,一旦发生争议事项,法律程序会递交上述相关方,除非买方或卖方(根据实际情况) 是一家在英格兰和威尔士注册的公司,法律程序会递交至该方在上述地区的注册办公所在地。

  Subject to Section 16.2, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or in connection with this Master Agreement or an Agreement, or the alleged breach thereof, or in any way relating to the Master Agreement or the relationship between the Parties concerning the subject matter of this Master Agreement and any Agreement including the existence, validity, or termination of this Master Agreement or any Agreement and any non-contractual claims or obligations (a "Dispute") shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Each Sale Memorandum shall name agents of Buyer and Seller in England upon whom legal process may be served in the event of a Dispute unless Buyer or Seller as the case may be is a company registered in England and Wales, in which case legal process shall be served upon that Party's registered office.

  16.2 专家裁定Expert Determination

  (a) 如果出现的争议属于纯粹的技术性争议,且尚未根据第16.1 条予以启动相关程序,协议任一方可以通知另一方希望采取专家裁定的意愿,将争端交由专家裁决。

  If a Dispute arises of an exclusively technical nature, then either Party may, provided that proceedings have not been commenced in accordance with Section 16.1, refer the Dispute to an Expert for determination by giving notice of its wish to do so to the other Party.

  (b) 如果协议一方根据第16.2(a)条通知另一方希望采取专家裁定的意愿:

  Should a Party give notice to the other of its wish to refer a Dispute to an Expert pursuant to

  Section 16.2(a):

  (i) 协议双方需通过真诚合作,尽快协商指定一名专家。

  The Parties shall seek in good faith to appoint an Expert by agreement as soon as possible.

  (ii) 如果协议双方在根据第16.2(a)条发出通知之后的十五(15)天内无法协商指定一名专家,任何一方可以请国际气体船运营者协会(SIGTTO)主席选定一名专家。在以上两种情况下,专家均需始终符合第16.2(c)条款中的规定。由国际气体船运营者协会(SIGTTO)主席选定的人员需作为专家根据第16.2 条进行争议的裁定。

  If the Parties are unable to appointment an Expert by agreement within fifteen (15) days of notice being given under Section 16.2(a), either Party may ask the President of SIGTTO to choose the Expert, and, in those circumstances, subject always to Section 16.2(c), the person chosen by the President of SIGTTO shall be appointed as Expert for the purposes of determining the Dispute in accordance with this Section 16.2.

  (c) 无论通过何种方式指定的专家,均应该是具备适当资质和经验的专业人士,在国际LNG 行业方面具备渊博知识,并具备过硬的技术能力,是裁决争议方面的专家。

  The Expert, however appointed, shall be an appropriately qualified and experienced professional who is knowledgeable regarding the international LNG industry and technically competent to act an as Expert with regard to the subject of the Dispute.

  (d) 协议双方需在指定专家后的七(7)天内,将争端相关的的辩护意见及其支撑性信息和文件提交给专家。

  The Parties shall provide submissions and supporting information and documents with respect to the Dispute to the Expert within seven (7) days of the date of the Expert's appointment.

  (e) 专家需在对协议双方提供的辩护意见、相关信息及文件进行适度考量之后对争议予以解决,并需在受到任命之后的二十八(28)天内提交他的决定。

  The Expert shall

  resolve or settle the Dispute taking due and proper account of the submissions of the Parties and the information and documents provided therewith, and shall render his decision in respect within twenty-eight (28) days following the date of his appointment.

  (f) 需给予专家对争议相关的所有文件和信息进行合理查阅的权力,同时,如果专家合理要求,也需给予专家对交付点、采样、称重、测量和其他数据进行查阅的权利。

  The Expert will be given all reasonable access to the relevant documents and information relating to the Dispute, and access to the Delivery Point and sampling, weighing, measurements and other data as the Expert shall reasonably require.

  (g) 专家的任何决定均不可更改,且对争议双方具备约束力,除非存在明显错误,则可以根据第16.1 条采用法律程序对相关疑似错误提出上诉。

  Any decision of an Expert shall be final and binding on the Parties except in the case of manifest error, in which case such alleged error by the Expert may be appealed in proceedings pursuant to Section 16.1.

  (h) 由于聘用专家进行相关争议的解决和决定而产生的费用由败诉方负担,除非专家另行决定。

  The costs of the Expert in settling or determining such Dispute shall be borne by the losing Party unless the Expert determines otherwise.


  (a) 在本条第17 条中,“适用法律”是指:(i)相关协议方或协议方的最终母公司所适用的法律,以及相关协议方或协议方的最终母公司上市或其股份交易所在国家的法律;(ii)《关于打击国际商业交易中行贿外国公职人员行为的公约》(1997 年12 月17 日在巴黎签署,并于1999 年2 月15 日生效)中所规定的原则,以及公约注释;(iii)美国1997 年版《海外反腐败法》;(iv)《英国反恐怖主义、犯罪和保安法》( 2001 版); 以及( v) 《英国反贿赂法案》( 2010 版)。

  For the purposes of this Section 17, "Applicable Law" means (i) the laws to which such Party or such Party's ultimate parent company are subject and the laws of the country in which such Party or such Party's ultimate parent company is listed or its shares traded; (ii) the principles described in the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, signed in Paris on 17 December 1997, which entered into force on 15 February 1999, and the Convention's Commentaries; (iii) the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 of the United States of America; (iv) the United Kingdom Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001; and (v) the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010.

  (b) 在本条第17(b)条中,“政府官员”是指:在立法、行政或司法办公室担任职务的任何个人(无论是通过任命或选举),包括受雇于或代表公共机构、公共企业或公共国际组织的任何人员(包括国有单位或国营单位的任何官员或雇员)。协议各方需向另一方声明、保证,并约定如下:

  For the purposes of this Section 17(b), "Public Official" means any person (whether appointed or elected) holding a legislative, administrative or judicial office, including any person employed by or acting on behalf of a public agency, a public enterprise (including any officer or employee of a state-owned or state-operated entity) or a public international organization. Each Party represents, warrants and covenants to the other Party that:

  (i) 该方及其子公司以及相关领导、董事、雇员和代理人(统称“代表”)就本总协议或任何确认备忘录主题事宜或相关事宜或由此产生的任何事宜, 此前没有,将来也不会向任何公务人员、任何政党、任何政党官员、任何候选人员或任何其他人员提供或批准提供报酬、礼品、承诺提供物品或任何有价之物或其它利益(若上述报酬、礼品、承诺或利益违反任何相关法律),以利用上述人员谋取利益,无论是直接提供或通过任何其他人提供; 以及

  it and its Affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (together, "Representatives"), have not made, offered, or authorized and will not make, offer, or authorize, with respect to the matters which are the subject of this Master Agreement or any Confirmation Memorandum or in connection with this Master Agreement or any Confirmation Memorandum and any matters resulting therefrom, any payment, gift, promise or anything of value or advantage, whether directly or through any other Person, to or for the use or benefit of any Public Official,

  any political party, any political party official, any candidate for office or any other Person, where such payment, gift, promise or advantage would violate any Applicable Law; and

  (ii) 该方需建立并保持相关法律要求的所有适当记录(包括会计记录)。

  it will establish and maintain all proper records (including accounting records) required by Applicable Law.

  (c) 协议一方因违反本条第17 条协议而产生的或相关的任何索赔、赔偿金、损失、处罚、成本和费用,该方需对另一方进行辩护,赔偿,并保护其免于承担上述费用。上述赔偿责任需在本协议终止或者期满之后继续有效。

  Each Party shall defend, indemnify and hold the other Party harmless from and against any and all

  claims, damages, losses, penalties, costs and expenses arising from, or related to, any breach by such first Party of this Section 17. Such indemnity obligation shall survive termination or expiration of this Master Agreement.

  (d) 若发生违反本条第17 条的情况,在不影响本总协议或任何确认通知书中另行指定的任何其它补救措施,或根据法律或衡平法可采取的任何补救措施的前提下,非违约方有权采用自己认为合适的任何途径来确保自身符合相关法律,包括有权以即时生效的方式终止本总协议和/或任何确认备忘录。如果根据本条第17(d)条终止本总协议和/或任何确认备忘录,则该终止方(i)无需向另一方因利润损失或商誉损失,或因根据本条第17(d)条终止协议而导致的任何其他损失或损害而进行任何赔偿,且(ii)无需对根据本总协议或任何确认备忘录条款已到期或可能即将到期的任何款项进行支付,在上述行为会违反终止方所需遵守的任何法律法规的情况下。

  Without prejudice to any other express remedies referred to elsewhere in this Master Agreement or any Confirmation Memorandum or any remedies available at law or in equity, in the event of a breach of this Section 17, the non-breaching Party reserves the right to take whatever action it deems appropriate to ensure that it is in compliance with Applicable Law, including the right to terminate this Master Agreement and/or any Confirmation Memorandum with immediate effect. If this Master Agreement and/or any Confirmation Memorandum is terminated pursuant to this Section 17(d), then the terminating Party (i) will not be liable to pay any compensation to the other Party for loss of profits or loss of goodwill or for any other loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of the termination under this Section 17(d) and (ii) will not be obliged to make any payments which are due or may otherwise be due under the terms of this Master Agreement or any Confirmation Memorandum where to do so would violate any law or regulation to which the terminating Party is subject.



  Neither Party may assign, delegate or otherwise dispose of any of its rights and obligations under this Master Agreement and/or any Agreement without the prior consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.



  Each Party warrants and represents to the other Party that:

  19.1 该方是由于自身原因签订本协议,而非代表任何他方或受他方委托进行签订;

  in entering into this Master Agreement it is acting on its own account and not as agent or nominee of any other Party;

  19.2 就本总协议而言,该方未向任何其他人、公司、合伙企业、非法人团体或其他实体转


  it has not assigned or transferred to any other person, company, partnership, unincorporated body or other entity any right or claim it would have, but for this Master Agreement, against the other parties and each of them;

  19.3 签订本总协议时,该方未依赖本总协议中未含的任何陈述、担保或保证;

  in entering into this Master Agreement it has not relied on any representation, warranty or undertaking which is not contained in this Master Agreement;

  19.4 本总协议的签署和实施均属其法人权限范围之内,且全都经过股东决策的正式授权批


  its entry into and performance of this Master Agreement are within its corporate powers and have been duly authorised by all necessary corporate actions and approvals;

  19.5 本总协议的签署和实施目前和将来在任何方面均不会与任何法律、法规或合同限制条


  its entry into and performance of this Master Agreement does not and will not contravene in any respect any law, regulation or contractual restriction which does or may bind the party or any of its assets;

  19.6 代表该方签署本总协议的人员完全有权代表协议方缔结本总协议;

  the individual who signs this Master Agreement on its behalf has full authority to bind the party to this Master Agreement;


  all information it has provided to the other Party up to the date of this Master Agreement was and continues to be true and accurate in all material respects.

  20. 通知NOTICES

  本协议下的所有通知、发票、声明或其它往来文件需应采用书面形式并以英文编制, 在下述条件下则视为已正确递交另一方:(i)专人送达或通过专递函件送达;(ii)通过预付邮资挂号信并要求提供回单的方式送达(跨国情况下选用航空邮件方式);或(iii)通过电子邮件或传真的方式送达,相关方的联系方式详情以本总协议附件D 中的信息为准。

  All notices, invoices, statements and other communications given under this Agreement shall be in writing in the English language and shall be deemed to have been properly given if: (i) delivered by hand or by courier; (ii) sent by postage prepaid and registered mail, return receipt requested (airmail if international); or (iii) transmitted by email facsimile, in each case to the contact details of such Party set out in Schedule D to this Master Agreement.


  21.1 协议双方约定,在本合同期间及随后两年间,对保密信息予以严格保密,并在未取得


  For the term of this Master Agreement, and for two years thereafter, the Parties agree to treat Confidential Information as strictly confidential, and agree not to disclose, without the prior written consent of the other Party, any Confidential Information to any Third Parties.

  21.2 本条款需取代协议双方此前就本总协议主题已达成的任何保密协议。

  This clause supersedes and replaces any confidentiality agreement already in place between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this Master Agreement.

  21.3 但是,协议任一方可以在通知另一方之后,但不需要取得另一方事先同意的情况下, 将保密信息披露给:

  However, each Party may disclose Confidential Information, upon notice to the other Party, but without the other Party's prior consent, to:

  (a) 为根据本总协议及其任何协议履行该方义务所需知晓相关信息的该方附属公司、代理方、LNG 船船东或运营方、员工、官员、代表或顾问,但是协议各方需保证上述人员遵守本条第21 条规定;以及

  Its affiliates, agents, owners or operators of a LNG Ship, employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of carrying out the Party's obligations under this Master Agreement and any Agreement, provided that each party shall ensure that such persons comply with this Section 21; and

  (b) 为符合任何法律或政府要求或司法程序,向任何法庭或政府机关或其它要求提供相关信息的相关机构。

  to any court or governmental authority or other such entities requiring such information to the extent necessary to comply with any legal or governmental requirement or judicial proceedings.

  22. 无豁免权NO IMMUNITY

  22.1 如果本总协议任一方完全或部分、直接或间接由政府所有或控制,该方同意,由于该


  If either Party to this Master Agreement is wholly or partially or directly or indirectly government owned or controlled, such Party agrees that in the event and to the extent that it may in any jurisdiction claim for itself or its assets immunity from legal proceedings, and to the extent that in any jurisdiction there may be attributed to such Party or its assets such immunity (whether claimed or not), such Party irrevocably and unconditionally and to the full extent permitted by the laws of the relevant jurisdiction:

  (a) 同意不予要求相关豁免权;agrees not to claim such immunity;

  (b) 对该方或其资产目前拥有的或可能在将来得到的任何上述豁免权予以放弃;和

  waives any such immunity which it or its assets now has or may in future acquire; and

  (c) 在产生于本主协议或任何确认通知书或与之相关的任何法律程序中,同意通过强制执行、执行(包括扣留、拘押或出售任何国有财产)或扣押(不论在判决前、为协助执行或以其他方式采取的扣押措施)而针对其任何资产提供救济。

  consents, in any legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Master Agreement or any Agreement, to the giving of relief by enforcement, execution (including the arrest, detention or sale of any state property) or attachment (whether before judgment, in aid of execution, or otherwise) against any of its assets.

  22.2 对于可能会在英格兰和威尔士开展的任何法律程序,上述放弃豁免权需根据《国家豁

  免法案( 1978 版) 》生效, 并依照上述法律进行解释。

  In relation to any legal proceedings that may be commenced in England and Wales, the foregoing waiver of immunity shall have effect under, and be construed in accordance with, the State Immunity

  22.3 在本条第22 条中,“法律程序”需包括但不限于:根据本总协议第16 条的任何传票送达、诉讼、判决、执行、扣押(不论在判决前、为协助执行或以其他方式采取的扣押措施)、审判或仲裁程序,或其它争议解决机制;“资产”是指任何财产,不论其用途或预期用途,包括但不限于非商业专用的财产。

  For the purposes of this Section 22, "legal proceedings" shall include, without limitation, any service of process, suit, judgment, execution, attachment (whether before judgment, in aid of execution, or otherwise), court or arbitral proceedings pursuant to Section 16 of this Master Agreement, or other dispute resolution mechanisms; and "asset" means any property whatsoever, irrespective of its use or intended use, including, without limitation, property not used solely for commercial purposes.

  23. 弃权WAIVER


  No waiver by any Party of any of its rights with respect to the other Party or with respect to any matter or default arising in connection with this Master Agreement or an Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent right, matter or default whether of a like kind or different nature. Any waiver shall be in writing signed by the waiving Party.


  本总协议及相关任何协议编制及签订的目的仅仅是为了保护协议双方及其经许可的继任者和转让方的合法利益。第三方不可以成为本总协议或任何相关协议的直接或间接合法受益人,也没有与本总协议或任何相关协议相关的任何直接或间接的诉讼或索赔理由。协议双方未打算在本协议中设置任何可以由第三方根据《1999 年合同法(第三方权利)》予以执行的条款。

  This Master Agreement and any Agreement are made and entered into for the sole protection and legal benefit of the Parties, and their permitted successors and assigns, and no Third Party shall be a direct or indirect legal beneficiary of, or have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim in connection with this Master Agreement or any Agreement. The Parties do not intend any term of this Agreement to be enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any Third Party.


  如果本总协议或任何协议的任何条款或某一条款中的部分约定经仲裁法庭、法院、或具备司法管辖权的当局认定为无效的或不能强制执行的,需将该条款或其中部分约定视为已从本总协议或任何相关协议删除,同时,协议的剩余条款继续具备完全效力。在上述情况下,协议双方需努力重新制定一条有效且可执行的条款或其中部分约定, 以取代已发生无效或不能强制执行情况的条款或其中部分约定。

  If any provision or part of a provision of this Master Agreement or any Agreement is found by an arbitral tribunal, court, or authority of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, that provision or part of a provision shall be deemed to be deleted from this Master Agreement or the Agreement and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The Parties shall in this event seek to agree upon a valid and enforceable provision or part of a provision to replace the

  provision or part of a provision found to be void or unenforceable.


  协议双方承认,本总协议由协议双方协商编制,并在双方认为必要的范围内参考法律顾问的建议。协议双方已经同意本总协议的措辞,不得由于协议方为本总协议或其任何部分的作者, 而将本总协议的任何条款理解为针对协议一方。

  The Parties acknowledge that this Master Agreement was negotiated and prepared by the Parties with the advice of legal counsel to the extent deemed necessary by each Party. The Parties have agreed to the wording of this Master Agreement and none of the provisions of this Master Agreement shall be construed against one Party on the ground that such Party is the author of this Master Agreement or any part of this Master Agreement.



  This Master Agreement may not be amended except in a written instrument signed by authorised

  signatories of both Parties.



  This Master Agreement comprises the entire agreement between the Parties in respect of its subject matter and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations affecting the same subject matter.



  This Master Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which shall be deemed one and the same instrument.

  签约日期:签约方:Signed this [ ] day of [ ] 20[ ] by



  1. 买方Buyer 买方为[ ]。The Buyer shall be [ ].

  2. 卖方Seller 卖方为[ ]。The Seller shall be [ ].

  3. 交付期限Terms of Delivery


  中的附件[B][C]。The deliveries under this Sale Memorandum shall be on [a FOB][a DAP]

  basis and Schedule [B][C] of the Master Agreement shall apply.

  4. 装货地点Loading Location

  6. 合同量Contract Quantities

  交付的LNG 货品数量为[____] 。The number of LNG Cargoes to be delivered is [____].

  7. 交付时间表Delivery Schedule

  各批次LNG 货品的交付窗口期如下:

  The Delivery Window for each LNG Cargo is as follows:

  8. 合同价格Contract Price

  各批次LNG 货品的合同价格(美元/MMBtu)如下:

  The Contract Price in USD per MMBtu for each LNG Cargo is as follows:

  9. 支付LNG 货品发票的卖方账户Seller's Account for payment of LNG Cargo Invoices:


  The name and location of Seller's bank and Seller's account details are as follows:

  10. LNG 船舶LNG Ships

  LNG 船舶的总容量最小需为[________]立方米,最大需为[________]立方米。


  Ships shall have a minimum gross volumetric capacity of [________] cubic meters and a maximum gross volumetric capacity of [_______] cubic meters.

  用来运输各批LNG 货品的LNG 船舶名称和国际海事组织(IMO)编号如下:

  The name and IMO number of the LNG Ships to be utilised for transportation of each LNG Cargo are as follows:

  [卖方][买方]目前未对LNG 船舶进行批准。[卖方][买方]在决定相关船舶的可用性之前,需对一艘或多艘LNG船舶进行检验。[卖方][买方]对LNG 船舶的批准不得予以无理拒绝或推迟。

  [[Seller] [Buyer] has not yet approved the LNG Ships. [Seller] [Buyer] may inspect one or more of the LNG Ships before deciding upon their acceptability. [Seller's] [Buyer's] approval of the LNG Ships shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.] 11. 允许的装卸时长Allowed Laytime

  允许的装卸时长需为:[ ] 小时。The Allowed Laytime shall be: [ ] hours.

  12. 滞期费率Demurrage Rate


  The rate of demurrage is USD [_____] per day pro rata..

  13. 认定的闪蒸率Deemed Boil-off Rate

  用于确定过度蒸发量的认定闪蒸率为:The Deemed Boil-Off Rate for determining excess

  boil-off is::

  如果LNG 船舶为[_______],认定闪蒸率为[____]%每天按比例。If [_______] is the

  LNG Ship, [____]% per day pro rata.

  如果LNG 船舶为[_______],认定闪蒸率为[____]%每天按比例。If [_______] is the

  LNG Ship, [____]% per day pro rata.

  如果LNG 船舶为[_______],认定闪蒸率为[____]%每天按比例。If [_______] is the

  LNG Ship, [____]% per day pro rata.

  14. 留底货Heel

  [船舶在到达装货港时预计船上装有的][在卸货完后LNG 船舶需保留的]留底货为[____]


  The Heel [expected to be on board upon arrival at the Loading Port] [to be retained by the LNG Ship after discharge] is [____] cubic meters.

  15. 规范Specifications

  交付点处的LNG 规范需为: The Specifications for LNG at the Delivery Point are as follows:

  16. 责任Liabilities

  标称量为[_______]MMBtu。The Nominal Quantity is [_______]MMBtus.

  17. 信用支持Credit Support


  Attached is a [parent company guarantee] [irrevocable standby letter of credit] provided by [Buyer] [Seller].

  18. 诉讼代理人Process Agents


  Seller irrevocably agrees that any legal process may be served upon [_______], who are hereby authorised to accept service on behalf of Seller, which shall be deemed to be good service on Seller.


  Buyer irrevocably agrees that any legal process may be served upon [_______], who are hereby authorised to accept service on behalf of Buyer, which shall be deemed to be good service on Buyer.

  19. 先决条件Condition Precedents


  This Sale Memorandum is condition to the following Condition Precedents being met :




  1. 卖方设施Seller's Facilities

  1.1 卖方设施的设计和容量需符合本总协议及其任何协议中LNG 的生产、储存和装货要求。卖方设施需包括如下设备:

  Seller's Facilities shall be of appropriate design and sufficient capacity to enable the production, storage and loading of LNG in accordance with this Master Agreement and any Agreement. Seller's Facilities shall include the following:

  (a) 符合国际标准的靠泊设施,需能够接收相关LNG 船舶,并满足LNG 船舶安全抵达、安全停泊、安全装载LNG 货品、满载状态下安全离泊的要求;

  berthing facilities that comply with International Standards and are capable of receiving the LNG Ship and to which the LNG Ship can safely reach, lie at safely berthed, safely load the LNG Cargo, and safely depart fully laden, at all times afloat;

  (b) 装货设施,需能够在正常工作压力下,达到约一万(10,000)立方米/小时的LNG 装货速率;

  loading facilities capable of loading LNG at an approximate rate of ten thousand (10,000) cubic metres per hour at a normal operating pressure;

  (c) 闪蒸气回流系统,需能够把来自LNG 船舶的天然气量进行转移,以使LNG 按照相关LNG 船舶设计和/或LNG 船舶的良好操作所需的速度、压力和温度实现安全装载;

  a vapour return system of sufficient capacity to transfer from the LNG Ship quantities of Natural Gas necessary for the safe loading of LNG at such rates, pressures and temperatures required by the design of such LNG Ship and/or good operating practice with respect to the LNG Ship;

  (d) LNG 储罐,其容量需保证,当LNG 船舶到达时,能够满足相关LNG 货品的装载;

  LNG storage tanks of adequate capacity to load the relevant LNG Cargo upon arrival of the LNG Ship;

  (e) 与LNG 船舶进行必要的电子邮件、传真、电话和无线电通信所需的联络系统;

  appropriate systems for necessary email, facsimile, telephone and radio communications with the LNG Ship;

  (f) 具备资质和能力的人员,需具备流利的英语口语及书写能力,能够在装货操作中与LNG 船舶操作人员进行有效沟通;

  qualified and competent personnel, fluent in spoken and written English, to communicate effectively with the LNG Ship during loading operations;

  (g) 岸上储罐及液氮或气态氮装货管线,适用于清洗装货管线;

  shore-based tanks and loading lines for liquid or gaseous nitrogen adequate to purge the loading lines;

  (h) 应急停车系统。emergency shut down systems.

  1.2 卖方需保证,卖方设施需符合销售备忘录之日有效的,与根据相关协议进行每艘LNG

  船舶的接收、LNG 的装载与出口相关的所有要求和规范。

  Seller warrants that Seller's Facilities meet all applicable requirements and regulations, which are in force at the Sale Memorandum Date, for reception of each LNG Ship and the loading and export of LNG under the applicable Agreement.

  2. LNG 船舶LNG Ships

  2.1 每批LNG 货品需在装货港交付给每份销售备忘录中指定的LNG 船舶。

  Each LNG Cargo shall be delivered at the Loading Port to the LNG Ship(s) named in each Sale


  2.2 除销售备忘录中另行明确规定以外,销售备忘录中制定的LNG 船舶需认定为(i)已经

  由买卖双方批准,(ii)与卖方设施兼容。如果卖方在相关销售备忘录中保留了对销售备忘录中指定的LNG 船舶进行检验或批准的权利,上述检验需及时实施,同时上述批准不得予以无理拒绝或推迟。

  Unless otherwise expressly stated in a Sale Memorandum, the LNG Ship(s) named in the Sale Memorandum shall be deemed (i) to have been approved by Buyer and Seller and (ii) to be compatible with Seller's Facilities. If Seller has reserved the right in the applicable Sale Memorandum to inspect and approve a LNG Ship(s) named in a Sale Memorandum, such inspection shall be performed in a timely manner and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

  2.3 买方可以向卖方建议将类似载货能力的代用LNG 船舶(以下简称“代用LNG 船舶”)用来对LNG 船舶进行替换。只有在卖方得到合理机会对代用LNG 船舶进行检验或批准的情况下,买方才可以使用相关代用LNG船舶。卖方对代用LNG 船舶的批准不得予以无理拒绝或推迟。通过卖方批准的代用LNG 船舶需成为本协议中所有用途的相关LNG 货品的运输船舶,买卖双方需对认定的每日闪蒸率进行适当调整。

  Buyer may propose to Seller to use a substitute LNG ship ("Substitute LNG Ship") of similar cargo capacity to the LNG Ship being replaced. Buyer's use of such Substitute LNG Ship shall not

  be permitted until Seller has been given a reasonable opportunity to inspect and approve such vessel. Seller's approval of a Substitute LNG Ship shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. A Substitute LNG Ship that is approved by Seller shall become the LNG Ship for the relevant LNG Cargo for all purposes under the Agreement, and Seller and Buyer shall discuss an appropriate adjustment to the Deemed Daily Boil-Off Rate.

  2.4 根据附件B 第2.2 和2.3 条进行的LNG 船舶检验所产生的费用需由卖方承担。任何相

  关检验不应免除买方根据附件B 第2.5 条需向卖方应尽的义务。如果该LNG 船舶受到卖方合理拒绝,协议双方需进行协商合作,以确定一个可以继续履行协议的对策。买方在销售备忘录日期以后不能对或批准对LNG 船舶进行任何更改,以防止LNG 船舶与卖方设施发生不兼容的情况。

  LNG ship inspections pursuant to Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of this Schedule B above shall be at Seller's expense. Any such inspection shall not relieve Buyer of any obligations it has to Seller pursuant to Section 2.5 of Schedule B. If a LNG vessel is reasonably rejected by Seller, the Parties shall consult and cooperate with a view to agreeing upon a course of action which will permit the Agreement to be performed. Buyer shall not make or permit any modification of a LNG Ship after the Sale Memorandum Date which would cause the LNG Ship to be incompatible with Seller's Facilities.

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    答:对于不足一千字的稿件,目前有两种收费标准: 1)不足一千字按一千字计算。 2)对于身份证、户口本、驾驶证、营业执照、公证材料等特殊稿件按页计费。
    答:笔译翻译又称人工笔头翻译, 既通过文字形式的翻译转换, 把源语言翻译成目标语言, 是当今全球经济发展, 政治文化交流的主要方式, 笔译通过文字展现方式, 使全世界上千种语言能够互通有无, 每天都有数以亿计的文字被翻译或转译, 笔译肩负着世界各国经济文化发展的重任, 是各国各民族的文化大使, 我们的笔译领域涉及十大类专业领域和五百多种不同的分领域。
    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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