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液化天然气(LNG) 购销总协议翻译模板(中英文第三部分)

所在位置: 翻译公司 > 翻译案例 > 翻译领域 / 日期:2018-02-07 10:17:38 / 来源:网络

  2.5 买方需在销售备忘录日期以及任何协议的整个协议期内确保,每艘LNG 船需:

  Buyer shall ensure that, at the Sale Memorandum Date and throughout the period of any Agreement, each LNG Ship shall be:

  (a) 符合销售备忘录中规定的最大和最小总容量要求;

  of a maximum and minimum gross volumetric capacity as set forth in the Sale Memorandum;

  (b) 装有与装货港和卖方设施进行通讯的适当系统,包括LNG 装载正常需要的所有船岸通讯系统;

  equipped with appropriate systems for communication with the Loading Port and Seller's Facilities, including all ship-shore communication systems normally required for the loading of LNG;

  (c) 参加了船东保赔协会的保险,包括LNG 船的标准污染责任保险;

  entered for insurance with a P&I Club, including pollution liability standard for LNG carriers;

  (d) 装有可在装货港进行系泊、解缆和运送LNG 的适当设施;

  equipped with adequate facilities for mooring, unmooring and handling LNG at the Loading Port;

  (e) 在建造和维护时遵守在LNG 船舶分级方面具备先前经验的国际船级社协会会员的规章制度,并符合船舶登记国的相关条约、法律,以及LNG 船合理审慎的作业者需遵守的任何其他法律、建议和指导原则;

  constructed and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations of, and maintained in class with, a member of the International Association of Classification Societies that has prior experience in classifying LNG ships, and in compliance with applicable treaties, laws of the country of vessel registry, and any other laws, recommendations and guidelines with which a Reasonable and Prudent Operator of LNG carriers would comply;

  (f) 在操作时遵守国际标准和船舶登记国的相关法律,包括(i)与适航性、设计、安全、环境保护、导航和其它操作事宜相关的法律;和(ii)政府机关对在装货港进行LNG 运输和装载所需的LNG 船舶的所有许可和批复;

  operated in compliance with International Standards and applicable laws of the country of vessel

  registry, including (i) those that relate to seaworthiness, design, safety, environmental protection, navigation, and other operational matters, and (ii) all permits and approvals from governmental authorities for LNG carriers that are required for the transportation and loading of LNG at the Loading Port;

  (g) 配备具有经验和能力的操作员、指挥员和船员,以上人员需(i)在国际LNG 或油船操作方面具备适当资质和经验,受过相关培训,并达到国际海事组织(IMO)最低标准,(ii)可以与监管当局和卖方设施操作员用英语进行书面或口头交流;(iii)同意禁止在LNG 船上使用毒品或饮酒的政策(该政策为卖方所合理接受);以及

  manned with skilled and competent operators, officers and crew who (i) are suitably qualified, trained and experienced in international LNG or oil ship operations and qualified to a minimum of IMO standards, (ii) are able to communicate with regulatory authorities and operators at Seller's Facilities in written and spoken English, and (iii) have subscribed to a policy, reasonably acceptable to Seller, precluding the use of drugs or alcohol aboard a LNG ship; and

  (h) 在操作时按照与国际海事组织(IMO)用于LNG 装载的船岸安全检查表相一致,且在装货操作开始前得到卖方书面同意的计划进行。

  operated in accordance with a plan that is consistent with the IMO's Ship/Shore Safety Checklist for loading LNG and which has been agreed in writing with Seller before the commencement of

  loading operations.

  2.6 在任何销售备忘录实施之前,卖方需向买方提供一份装货点处有效的接收站规范。买方需遵守卖方提供的相关接收站规范,或者向卖方取得对上述规范的豁免(无论是在相关销售备忘录日之前或之后取得上述豁免)。买方声明并保证,在相关销售备忘录日,每艘LNG 船需符合相关政府或港口当局对在装货港所在国水域范围内进行操作的所有有效的相关要求或取得上述要求的豁免。买方需确保,买方承运方的船长或任何代表对装货港或卖方设施就LNG 船舶靠泊方面所要求的使用条件(或类似文件)予以实施,只要上述责任或义务限制在通常情况下或在合理的商业条款下不存在歧视,对所有使用上述装货港和卖方设施的LNG 船舶均适用,并为国际保赔协会集团所接受。

  Prior to the execution of any Sale Memorandum, Seller shall provide Buyer with a copy of the Terminal Rules then in effect at the loading location. Buyer shall either comply with the relevant Terminal Rules as provided by Seller, or shall have obtained a waiver of such from Seller (whether such waivers are obtained before or after the applicable Sale Memorandum Date). Buyer represents and warrants that as at the applicable Sale Memorandum Date each LNG Ship will meet or has obtained valid waivers in respect of all applicable governmental or port authority requirements for operation in the waters of the country of the Loading Port then in force. Buyer shall ensure that the master, or other representative of Buyer's Transporter executes any conditions of use (or similar document) required by the Loading Port or Seller's Facilities in connection with the berthing of the LNG Ship, provided that such obligations and liability limits are applied on a non-discriminatory basis to all LNG ships using such Loading Port and Seller's Facilities and are acceptable to the International Group of Protection and Indemnity Clubs, in either case in the ordinary course and on commercially reasonable terms.

  2.7 如果有LNG 船舶在装货港进行安全靠泊时需要拖轮、引航员、护航舰或其它支援船的


  If a LNG Ship requires assistance from or the use in any manner of tugs, pilots, escort vessels or other support vessels in connection with the safe berthing at the Loading Port, such assistance or use shall be at the sole risk and expense of Buyer unless agreed otherwise in the Sale Memorandum. Seller shall provide Buyer with all reasonable assistance in securing assistance from tugs, pilots, escort vessels or other support vessels that Buyer may require.

  3. 装货港作业Loading Port Operations

  3.1 卖方需负责装货码头的操作或促成他人进行操作,以使每艘LNG 船能够尽量快速高效

  地进行装货作业,同时,卖方需在每艘LNG 船根据销售备忘录中的装货安排进行快速维修和离泊时提供协助。在每批LNG 货品进行装货时,LNG 船舶需要向卖方设施返回一定量的天然气,回流的天然气量需能确保LNG 船舶在相关速度、压力和温度的情况下能够实现LNG 的安全装载。

  Seller shall operate, or cause to be operated, the loading terminal so as to permit loading of each LNG Ship as quickly and efficiently as reasonably possible, and shall cooperate in prompt servicing and departure of the LNG Ship pursuant to the loading schedule in the Sale Memorandum. During loading of each LNG Cargo, the LNG Ship shall return to Seller's Facilities Natural Gas in such quantities as are necessary for the safe loading of the LNG at such rates, pressures and temperatures as may be required by the LNG Ship.

  3.2 在卖方的协助下,买方需在保障安全高效的情况下负责实施,或促成他方实施每艘LNG 船舶的靠泊作业。买卖双方需根据相关销售备忘录中的装货安排,在靠泊完成后,通过合作开始装货作业或促成他方开始装货作业,并需通过合作完成装货作业或促成他方完成装货作业,并尽可能保证装货作业的安全和效率。

  Buyer shall berth each LNG Ship or cause it to be berthed as safely and expeditiously as reasonably possible in cooperation with Seller. In accordance with the loading schedule in the applicable Sale Memorandum, Seller and Buyer shall cooperate to commence loading or cause it to be commenced upon completion of berthing and to complete loading or cause it to be completed as safely and expeditiously as reasonably possible.

  3.3 买卖双方需通过合理努力,避免LNG 船舶在卖方设施的靠泊过程中与其它LNG 船发

  生冲突。如果有LNG 船在其交付窗口期进入装货港,卖方需通过合理努力,确保该LNG 船比其他LNG 船舶相比具备优先权,除非有其他也在计划中的交付窗口期之内的LNG 船在之前到达,且由于恶劣天然条件或其它不可抗力原因正在等待装货。对于在交付窗口期之前或之后抵达装货港的LNG 船舶,卖方需通过合理努力,促使装货港设施运营方尽快接收该船舶。如果发生两艘LNG 船舶在相似时间到达装货港,且两艘船均在各自的时间计划范围以外,则采用“先来后到”的船运行业常规惯例。

  Buyer and Seller shall use reasonable endeavours to avoid any conflict with other LNG ships in berthing a LNG Ship at Seller's Facilities. If a LNG Ship arrives at the Loading Port within its Delivery Window, Seller shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the LNG Ship has priority over other LNG carriers, except in the case that the other ship has arrived within its scheduled delivery window and is waiting due to Adverse Weather Conditions or other Force Majeure reasons. Seller shall use reasonable endeavours to cause the operator of the Loading Port facilities to accept as soon as possible a LNG Ship that arrives at the Loading Port prior to or after the Delivery Window. If a LNG Ship and another LNG carrier are due to arrive at the Loading Port at a similar time and both vessels are outside their respective schedules, then the normal shipping industry practice of "first come, first served" shall apply.

  3.4 在装货完成后,买方需在卖方协作之下,尽可能安全高效地完成每艘LNG 船舶的离泊


  Buyer shall cause each LNG Ship to depart as safely and expeditiously as reasonably possible from the berth after completion of loading in cooperation with Seller.

  3.5 买方在对实际可装载的LNG 上限量(在LNG 船船长和卖方设施运营方确定的操作公

  差范围内),以及离泊时所需的吃水,LNG 船到达装货港时所需的留底货量予以考虑后,在保障安全合理的前提下在装货港将每艘LNG 船装满。

  Buyer shall cause each LNG Ship to be loaded at the Loading Port as fully as is safely and reasonably practicable after taking into account the maximum amount of LNG that can practically be loaded (within the operational tolerance established by the master of the LNG Ship and the operator of Seller's Facilities), allowing for the required draft upon departure and the Heel on board the LNG Ship upon arrival at the Loading Port.

  3.6 卖方需承担LNG 船舶在装货港进行移泊所产生的所有费用,除非移泊作业是由于买方


  Seller shall pay all charges payable by reason of the LNG Ship having to shift berth at the Loading Port, unless such shifting is a result of Buyer's and/or Buyer's Transporter's action or inaction.

  4. 通知Notices

  4.1 对于根据本总协议交付给买方的每批LNG 货品,买方需向卖方,或促使LNG 船船长


  With respect to each LNG Cargo to be delivered to Buyer pursuant to this Master Agreement, Buyer shall give, or cause the master of the LNG Ship to give, to Seller, the following notices:

  (a) 当LNG 船离开到达装货港之前所需停靠的最后一个港口时,需发出第一个通知,告知上述离泊日期、时间,以及LNG 船舶预计到达装货港的时间(以下简称“预计到达时间”)。如果预计到达时间变动超过十二(12)个小时,LNG 船船长需立即将正确的预计到达时间通知卖方;

  a first notice, which shall be sent upon the departure of the LNG Ship from the last port at which the LNG Ship calls before arrival at the Loading Port, stating the time and date of such departure and the estimated time of arrival of the LNG Ship at the Loading Port (the "ETA"). If this ETA changes by more than twelve (12) hours, the LNG Ship's master shall promptly give notice of the corrected ETA to Seller;

  (b) 在LNG 船到达装货港之前七十二(72)小时,需发出第二个通知,对预计到达时间进行更新和确认。如果预计到达时间变动超过六(6)个小时,LNG 船船长需立即将正确的预计到达时间通知卖方;

  a second notice, updating or confirming the ETA, which shall be sent seventy-two (72) hours before arrival at the Loading Port. If this ETA changes by more than six (6) hours, the LNG Ship's master shall promptly give notice of the corrected ETA to Seller;

  (c) 在LNG 船到达装货港之前四十八(48)小时,需发出第三个通知,对预计到达时间进行更新和确认。如果预计到达时间变动超过六(6)个小时,LNG 船船长需立即将正确的预计到达时间通知卖方;

  a third notice, updating or confirming the ETA, which shall be sent forty-eight (48) hours before arrival at the Loading Port. If this ETA changes by more than six (6) hours, the LNG Ship's master shall promptly give notice of the corrected ETA to Seller;

  (d) 在LNG 船到达装货港之前二十四(24)小时,需发出第四个通知,对预计到达时间进行更新和确认。如果预计到达时间变动超过四(4)个小时,LNG 船船长需立即将正确的预计到达时间通知卖方;

  a fourth notice, updating or confirming the ETA, which shall be sent twenty-four (24) hours before arrival at the Loading Port. If this ETA changes by more than four (4) hours, the LNG Ship's master shall promptly give notice of the corrected ETA to Seller;

  (e) 在LNG 船到达装货港之前六(6)小时,需发出最后一个通知;

  a final notice, which shall be sent six (6) hours before arrival at the Loading Port;

  (f) 当LNG 船到达引航员登船点,并做好了靠泊和装载LNG 的所有准备工作(清洗和冷却除外)时,需发出准确就绪通知书(以下简称“准确就绪通知书”)。

  a notice of readiness, when the LNG Ship has arrived at the PBS and is ready to berth and to load LNG in all respects, purge and cool-down excepted ("Notice of Readiness").


  The notices referred to above shall be sent either by facsimile or by email.

  4.2 买方根据附件B 第4.1(a)条发出的通知中需包括:LNG 船在到达装货港时是否需要冷却,在卖方设施处装上LNG 船舶的LNG(包括需要冷却的LNG)估计量(单位为立方米),以及可能会影响LNG 船舶在港口表现的任何操作性缺陷。买方根据附件B 第4.1 条发出的后续各个通知需包括以上信息的任何实质性变化。

  Buyer's notice under Section 4.1(a) of Schedule B shall state whether the LNG Ship will require cool-down upon arrival at the Loading Port, the estimated volume, expressed in cubic metres, of LNG (including any LNG required for cool-down) which is to be loaded on the LNG Ship at Seller's Facilities and any operational deficiencies which may affect the LNG Ship's port performance. Each further notice given by Buyer under Section 4.1 of Schedule B shall include details of any material change in such information.

  5. 滞期和过度蒸发量Demurrage and excess boil-off

  5.1 LNG 船舶装货时所用时长(以下简称“装货时长”)需从以下时间中的最早时间点算

  起:(i)LNG 船舶在泊位中泊牢;(ii)准备就绪通知书发出之后的六(6)小时(如果LNG 船舶在交付窗口期内发出准备就绪通知书);或(iii)交付窗口期第一天的当地时间06:00 整(如果LNG 船在上述日期之前到达),到断开最后一根装船臂、LNG 船舶可以离泊之时为止。

  Laytime used in loading a LNG Ship ("Laytime") shall begin to count upon the earlier of (i) the LNG Ship being all fast in the berth, (ii) six (6) hours after the tendering of the Notice of Readiness, if the LNG Ship tenders Notice of Readiness within the Delivery Window or (iii) 0600 hours Local Time on the first day of the Delivery Window, if the LNG Ship arrives prior to such date, and shall end when the last loading arm is disconnected and the LNG Ship is cleared for departure and able to depart.

  5.2 装货港允许的装货时长需为三十(30)小时。

  Allowed Laytime at the Loading Port shall be thirty (30) hours.

  5.3 如果实际装货时长超出允许装货时长,卖方需按照销售备忘录中规定的每日费率,向

  买方或买方承运方账户(若买方要求)支付滞期费。滞期费是实际装货时长超出允许装货时长的情况下唯一的补偿方案。鉴于后续LNG 货品需要根据销售备忘录或任何其他根据总协议签订的销售备忘录中的时间交付给买方,如果上述延期情况对后续货品的交付也产生了影响,买卖双方需通过真诚协商,对上述后续LNG 货品的交付窗口期进行修改, 以便相关LNG 货品的交付。

  In the event that Laytime exceeds Allowed Laytime, Seller shall pay to Buyer or to Buyer's Transporter's account if so directed by Buyer, demurrage at the daily rate stated in the Sale Memorandum. Demurrage is the sole and exclusive compensation payable if Laytime exceeds Allowed Laytime. If such delay also affects the delivery of subsequent LNG Cargoes to Buyer scheduled in accordance with the Sale Memorandum or any other Sale Memorandum entered into pursuant to this Master Agreement, Buyer and Seller shall consult in good faith to modify the Delivery Window for such subsequent LNG Cargoes so as to facilitate delivery of such LNG Cargoes.

  5.4 在计算卖方需支付的滞期费时,由于以下原因所导致的时间损耗需加到允许装货时长


  For computation of demurrage to be paid by Seller, any time lost as a result of any of the following shall be added to Allowed Laytime:

  (a) 买方、买方承运方、LNG 船舶或其船长、船员或操作方过失;

  the fault of Buyer, the Buyer's Transporter, the LNG Ship or its master, crew, owner or operator;

  (b) 不可抗力;Force Majeure;

  (c) 恶劣天气条件;Adverse Weather Conditions;

  (d) 在装货港的正常操作遭到法律法规或法令所禁止的时间;

  time during which normal operation at the Loading Port is prohibited by law, regulation or decree;

  (e) 对LNG 船舶进行清洗和/或冷却所需的时间(如果上述清洗或冷却并不是由于附件B 第5.6 条所适用的LNG船舶在靠泊时发生的长时间延误所导致);

  time required to purge and or cool down the LNG Ship (provided that the requirement for such purge or cool-down is not caused by an extended delay in berthing of the LNG Ship to which Section 5.6 of Schedule B applies);

  (f) LNG 船舶为符合装货港规范所产生的时间损耗,除非是由于卖方或卖方雇工或代理方未符合总协议而规定必须符合规范。

  compliance by the LNG Ship with Loading Port regulations, unless such compliance is necessitated by the failure of Seller or Seller's servants or agents to comply with this Master Agreement.

  5.5 在不影响买方根据附件B 第5.3 条收取滞期费的情况下,如果发生的或预计即将发生的任何问题对LNG 船的靠泊、装货和/或离泊造成了延误,导致或预计将导致实际装货时长超过允许装货时长,买卖双方需对该问题进行真诚沟通,通过合理努力将上述延误降至最低,同时,双方需联合寻求对策,以减少或避免将来类似延误的发生。

  Without prejudice to Buyer's right to receive demurrage in accordance with Section 5.3 of Schedule B, if any problem occurs or is foreseen to occur so as to cause delay to a LNG Ship in berthing, loading and/or departing which results or is expected to result in Laytime exceeding Allowed Laytime, Seller and Buyer shall discuss the problem in good faith and use reasonable endeavours to minimise such delay and, at the same time, cooperate to identify measures which could be adopted to reduce or to avoid the occurrence of any similar delay in the future.

  5.6 如果由于卖方或卖方雇工或代理方的原因,导致LNG 船舶装货作业的启动从以下时间

  中的最早时间点算起延误二十四(24)个小时:(i)LNG 船舶在泊位中泊牢;(ii) 准备就绪通知书发出之后的六(6)小时(如果LNG 船舶在交付窗口期内发出准备就绪通知书);或(iii)交付窗口期第一天的当地时间06:00 整(如果LNG 船在上述日期之前到达),由于过量闪蒸的原因,卖方需向买方赔偿一定金额,该金额需为LNG 货品合同价与过度蒸发量MMBtu 值的乘积。通过将LNG 货品标称量与销售备忘录中认定的每日闪蒸率(以下简称“认定的每日闪蒸率”)相乘,并将所得乘积与第5.6 条中确定的过度蒸发开始的时间和装货开始时间之间的天数(包括部分天数)相乘得出过度蒸发量的MMBtu 值。

  If a LNG Ship is delayed in the commencement of loading for reasons attributable to Seller or Seller's servants or agents for twenty-four (24) hours after the earlier of (i) the LNG Ship being all fast in the berth, (ii) six (6) hours after the tendering of the Notice of Readiness, if the LNG Ship tenders Notice of Readiness within the Delivery Window, or (iii) 0600 hours Local Time on the first day of the Delivery Window, if the LNG Ship arrives prior to such date, then Seller shall pay Buyer an amount, on account of excess boil-off, equal to the Contract Price for the LNG Cargo multiplied by the MMBtus of excess boil-off. The MMBtus of excess boil-off shall be calculated by multiplying the Nominal Quantity of the LNG Cargo by the deemed daily boil-off rate in the Sale Memorandum (the "Deemed Daily Boil-Off Rate") and multiplying the product by the number of days (including partial days) between the time when excess boil-off commences as determined in this Section 5.6 and the time when loading begins.

  5.7 买方需根据第11.3 条对按照附件B 第5.3 和5.6 条应付的款项向卖方开出发票,并需提供相关款项的支撑性文件和计算依据。卖方需根据第11.4(b)条对上述发票进行支付。Buyer shall invoice Seller pursuant to Section 11.3 for amounts due under Sections 5.3 and 5.6 of this Schedule B and shall provide documents and calculations in support of such amount. Seller shall pay such invoice in accordance with Section 11.4(b).

  5.8 如果由于买方过失原因,使LNG 船未在允许装货时长内完成装货作业,并导致其它

  LNG 船延误装货,由此直接导致卖方产生的合理且有记录的费用,包括需向相关LNG 船支付的滞期费,买方需向卖方进行赔偿,但是买方应向卖方支付的赔款量不得超过延迟时长与销售备忘录中滞期费率的乘积。

  If the loading of a LNG Ship is not completed within Allowed Laytime and such delay is the fault of Buyer, and, as a result, another LNG carrier is delayed in loading, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for documented costs reasonably incurred by Seller as a direct result of such delay, including demurrage payable in respect of such LNG carrier, provided that Buyer shall not be required to reimburse to Seller any amounts in excess of duration of the delay multiplied by the demurrage rate in the Sale Memorandum.

  6. 冷却和蒸发Cool-down and boil-off

  6.1 在装货港对LNG 船进行清洗或冷却所需的任何LNG 量需由买方承担费用,并需根据

  第11 条以合同价为基础开出发票;除非是由于卖方原因导致靠泊延期而需要进行冷却,买方有权要求卖方根据附件B 第5.6 条支付过度蒸发量的费用,且清洗或冷却所需的LNG 费用需由卖方承担。协议双方需商定一个确定清洗及冷却所需LNG 量的办法,并由指定的独立检验员根据附件B 第7 条进行查验。

  Any quantities of LNG required for purging or cool-down of the LNG Ship at the Loading Port shall be for Buyer's account, and shall be invoiced pursuant to Section 11 at the Contract Price; unless the requirement for cool-down resulted from a delay in berthing caused by Seller, for which Buyer was entitled to a payment for excess boil-off pursuant to Section 5.6 of Schedule B, in which case the cost of LNG required for purging or cool-down shall be for Seller's account. The Parties shall mutually agree on the method used to determine the purging or cooling LNG quantities, which will be verified by the independent surveyors appointed pursuant to Section 7 of Schedule B.

  6.2 LNG 船舶在装载过程中不得将闪蒸气或置换气用作燃料,除非得到卖方事先批准。

  A LNG Ship shall not use boil-off or displacement gas as fuel during loading unless prior permission has been granted by Seller.

  7. 交付量和质量的确定Determination of Quantity and Quality

  7.1 买方需为LNG 船上的LNG 储罐提供合适的计量装置、并进行操作与维护,或促成他

  方进行计量装置的提供、操作和维护;其中需包括压力和温度计量装置、其它包含在上述LNG 船舶结构中或习惯性置于船上的所有测量或测试装置。

  Buyer shall supply, operate and maintain, or cause to be supplied, operated and maintained, suitable gauging devices for the LNG tanks of the LNG Ship, as well as pressure and temperature measuring devices and all other measurement or testing devices that are incorporated in the structure of such LNG Ship or customarily maintained on board ship.

  7.2 卖方需提供、操作并维护,或促成他方提供、操作并维护,收集交付LNG 的连续样本


  Seller shall supply, operate and maintain, or cause to be supplied, operated and maintained, devices required for collecting continuous samples and for determining quality and composition of the delivered LNG and all other measurement or testing devices that are necessary to perform the measurement and testing required hereunder at Seller's Facilities.

  7.3 根据本条款第7 条提供的各项装置的设计需经证明在现有的LNG 贸易中得到过应用,

  除非协议双方另行约定。根据本条款第7 条提供的任何装置如果未曾在现有LNG 交易中使用过,需由协议双方通过协议予以选用,并需在选用之时,为实践应用中最为精准和可靠的装置。相关装置所需的精度需由协议双方在使用之前进行商定并核实,同时,该精度还需由买卖双方联合指定的独立检验人进行核实。所有上述装置需得到卸货港所在国和/或装货港所在国(视情况而定)的船级社或相关政府机关的批准。

  Each device provided for in this Section 7 shall be of a design that has been proven in service in an existing LNG trade, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties as provided below. Any devices provided for in this Section 7 not previously used in an existing LNG trade shall be chosen by agreement of the Parties and shall be such as are, at the time of selection, the most accurate and reliable in their practical application. The required degree of accuracy of such devices shall be agreed upon and verified by the Parties in advance of their use, and such degree of accuracy shall be verified by independent surveyors jointly appointed by Buyer and Seller. All such devices shall be subject to approval by classification societies or by the appropriate governmental authority of the country in which the Discharge Port is located and/or the country in which the Loading Port is located, as applicable.

  7.4 在设计、选择和购买用于第7 条项下计量和测试的装置时,协议双方需进行密切合作,以尽可能使测量和测试结果统一以美制计量单位或统一以公制计量单位为准。如果必须要采用不同的计量体系或计量单位进行测量或测试,则协议双方需确定一个互相认可的转换表。计量装置需以下表中的美制单位或公制单位进行校准。

  The Parties shall cooperate closely in the design, selection and acquisition of devices to be used for measurements and tests under this Section 7 so that, as far as possible, measurements and tests

  may be conducted in either United States units of measurement or metric units of measurement. In the event that it becomes necessary to make measurements and tests using different systems or units of measurement, the Parties shall establish mutually agreed conversion tables. Measurement devices shall be calibrated in the United States units or metric units set out in the table below.

  7.5 买方需为LNG 船的每个储罐向卖方提供一份,或促成他方向卖方提供一份如附件E 第

  2 条中所述液位计表的经核证副本。

  Buyer shall furnish to Seller, or cause Seller to be furnished with, a certified copy of tank gauge tables as described in Section 2 of Schedule E for each tank of the LNG Ship.

  7.6 通过在装货前后对LNG 船舶储罐中的LNG 进行及时计量,对根据本协议在交付点交

  付的LNG 量予以确认。买方需在装货前后对LNG 船舶储罐中的LNG 进行计量,并对

  每个LNG 储罐中的液体温度、蒸发气温度、蒸发气压力,以及LNG 船舶的纵倾和横倾、环境压力进行测量或促成他方进行测量。需将计量或测量记录副本提供给卖方。计量设备的选择与测量结果的生效需按照接收站规范中的流程,如果没有相关规范,则按照附件E 中第3、4 条中规定的流程。

  Volumes of LNG delivered at the Delivery Point under this Agreement shall be determined by gauging the LNG in the tanks of the LNG Ship(s) immediately before and after loading. Gauging the liquid in the tanks of the LNG Ship(s) and the measuring of liquid temperature, vapour temperature and vapour pressure in each LNG tank and the trim and list of the LNG Ship(s) and atmospheric pressure shall be performed, or caused to be performed, by Buyer before and after loading. Copies of gauging and measurement records shall be furnished to Seller. Gauging devices shall be selected, and measurements shall be effected, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Terminal Rules or, in the absence of such procedures, with the procedures set forth in Sections 3 and 4 of Schedule E.

  7.7 卖方需根据接收站规范中的流程取得,或促成他方取得交付至交付点的LNG 的代表性

  样本,并将该样本提供给买方,如果没有相关规范,则按照附件E 中第5 条中规定的流程。卖方需根据接收站规范中的流程对上述样本进行分析,或促成他方进行分析, 以确定样本中的Btu 含量、烃类和其它组分的摩尔分数,如果没有相关规范,则按照附件E 中第5 条中规定的流程。

  Representative samples of the LNG delivered at the Delivery Point shall be obtained or caused to be obtained by Seller and provided to Buyer in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Terminal Rules or, in the absence of such procedures, with the procedures set forth in Section 5 of Schedule E. Such sample shall be analysed, or caused to be analysed by Seller, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Terminal Rules or, in the absence of such procedures, with the procedures set forth in Section 5 of Schedule E in order to determine the Btu content, the molar fraction of the hydrocarbons and other components in the sample.

  7.8 卖方需根据接收站规范中的流程对装货港的Btu 装载量进行计算,如果没有相关规范,

  则按照附件E 中第6 条中规定的流程,计算所得的Btu 量需由联合指定的独立检验人进


  The quantity of Btus loaded at the Loading Port shall be calculated by Seller in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Terminal Rules or, in the absence of such procedures, with the procedures set forth in Section 6 of Schedule E and shall be verified by the jointly appointed independent surveyors.

  7.9 按照附件B 上述第7.6 到7.8 条所进行的所有测量、计量和分析工作需由联合指定的独立检验人进行见证和核实。在进行相关测量、计量和分析工作之前,该工作的实施方需通知另一方代表以及独立检验人,以便相关代表和独立检验人有合适的机会参与所有的操作和计算过程;但是,在发出通知并提供见证机会之后,另一方代表未到场的,则不应影响任何操作和计算过程的执行。独立检验人在得出验证结果之后需立即提供给协议各方。所有测量记录和计算结果需由测量工作的实施方留存,并需在上述测量和计算完成后的至少一(1)年内供其他相关方查阅,如果协议双方就上述测量和计算存在任何争议的话,在争议最终解决(通过协议,审判程序,仲裁或其它途径) 之前需一直开放查阅。

  All measurements, gauging and analyses provided for in Sections 7.6 to 7.8 of Schedule B above shall be witnessed and verified by the jointly appointed independent surveyors. Prior to effecting such measurements, gauging and analyses, the Party responsible for such operations shall notify the representative of the other Party and the independent surveyors, allowing such representative and independent surveyors a reasonable opportunity to be present for all operations and computations; provided, however, that the absence of the representative of the other Party after notification and reasonable opportunity to attend shall not prevent any operation or computation from being performed. The results of verifications by the independent surveyors shall be made available promptly to each Party. All records of measurements and the computation results shall be preserved by the Party responsible for effecting such measurements and held available to the other relevant Party for a period of not less than one (1) year after such measurements and computations have been completed, or if longer until any dispute between the Parties relating in any way to such

  measurements and computations has been finally resolved (by agreement or court proceedings or arbitration or otherwise).

  7.10 各相关方应按照双方约定的时间间隔对相关计量装置的精度测试和查验。对于LNG 船

  上的计量设备,相关测试和查验工作需在船舶进干坞的预定期间内进行。协议各方有权在提前通知对方的前提下随时对另一方安装的计量设备进行检验,相关费用和风险自行承担。测试工作需选用生产商推荐的方案或买卖双方商定的方案进行。测试工作需由联合指定的独立检验人见证并查验。协议各方均有权委派代表对设备和LNG 的测量、取样和测试工作进行见证。

  Each relevant Party shall test and verify the accuracy of the applicable gauging devices at intervals to be agreed between the Parties. In the case of gauging devices on the LNG Ship(s), such tests and verifications shall take place during scheduled dry-docking periods. Each Party, at its own cost and risk, shall have the right to inspect at any time the gauging devices installed by the other Party, provided that the other Party shall be notified reasonably in advance. Testing shall be performed using methods recommended by the manufacturer or any other method agreed upon by Seller and Buyer. Tests shall be witnessed and verified by the jointly appointed independent surveyors. Either Party shall have the right to have representatives present to witness measurements, sampling and testing of devices and LNG.

  7.11 允许偏差需根据接收站规范中的规定,如果没有偏差方面的相关规定,则按照附件E

  中第2、3 条中的规定。如果发现有设备的误差超过了允许偏差范围,在可行的情况下对该设备进行对应的调节,并对双方已明确知道或约定的误差期间内的记录值以及据此得出的计算数据进行纠正。在上述误差期间内开具的所有发票需根据上述纠正方案作出对应的修改,同时,买卖双方需在上述调整后的十五(15)个工作日以内完成支付款项的调整。如果协议双方无法明确或无法约定误差期间,则需对发生误差的设备从其最近一次校准之日开始,到发现误差之时为止,该时间段内下半部分时间中所发生的各次交付中的数据进行更正。但是,对于已经根据第11.6 条最终解决了的任何争议发票,不应将本条第7.11 条中的条款用来要求对其进行更改。

  Permissible tolerances shall be as set forth in the Terminal Rules or, in the absence of such tolerances, as set forth in Sections 2 and 3 of Schedule E. Where the inaccuracy of a device is found to exceed the permissible tolerances, the device, if possible, shall be adjusted accordingly and recordings and computations made on the basis of those recordings shall be corrected with respect to any period of error that is definitely known or agreed by the Parties. All the invoices issued during such period of error shall be amended accordingly to reflect such correction and an

  adjustment in payment shall be made between Buyer and Seller within fifteen (15) Business Days of such adjustment. In the event that the period of error is neither known nor agreed, corrections shall be made for each delivery made during the last half of the period since the date of the most recent calibration of the inaccurate device. However, the provisions of this Section 7.11 shall not be applied to require the modification of any disputed invoice that has been finally resolved pursuant to Section 11.6.

  7.12 由于对测量设备进行测试或查验而导致的所有费用和开支需由测试或查验工作的实施


  All costs and expenses for testing and verifying measurement devices shall be borne by the Party who is testing or verifying the devices unless the testing is conducted at the request of the other Party and such testing does not disclose errors or inaccuracies which require correction in such measurement devices, in which event, the Party requesting such testing or verification shall bear such costs; provided, however, that representatives of the Parties attending such tests and verifications shall do so at the cost and risk of the Party they represent.


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    答:①根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。标点符号算翻译字数是统一的行业标准。 ②标点符号在不同的语种中,有不同的表达方式,例如中文的标点符号大多是全角的,英文的无特殊设置都是半角的,而且如果一句话或一段内容夹杂两种不同的语言,标点符号的规则就相对复杂,对于翻译文件来说,标点符号的部分也是很费时。 ③另外,标点符号在句子中对句子语境等的限制因素,使得标点对句子、对译员翻译判断等起到一定的要求。所以,该部分也要计算在内。 ④可能我们平时不是很注重标点符号,其实在文字表达中,标点符号的重要不亚于单字单词,一个标点符号可以改变全句话的意思,而我们的工作也是做到了这一点,保证每个标点符号的准确,保证译文表达的意思和原文一样。
    答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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