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Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize; but the conflict inUkraine is also likely to be on the Nobel committee's agenda. 俄罗斯总统普京获2014年诺贝尔和平奖提名,但乌克兰冲突也很可能位列诺贝尔和平委员会议程。
A record 278 candidates, including 47 organizations, received nominations for the 2014 prize, said theNorwegian Nobel Institute's director, Geir Lundestad. 挪威诺贝尔研究所负责人伦德斯塔德称,2014年诺贝尔和平奖候选人数量创下纪录,总数多达278个,其中有47个团体。
Committee members who met on Tuesday added their own proposals with a focus on recent turmoil aroundthe globe. 周二参加会议的委员会成员补充了自己的建议,重点关注到全球动荡局势。
"Part of the purpose of the committee's first meeting is to take into account recent events, and committeemembers try to anticipate what could be the potential developments in political hotspots," Lundestad said. 伦德斯塔德说,"委员会第一次会议的部分目标在于把近期事件考虑进去,委员会成员也在预见政治热点事件的进展形势。"
Russia seized control of Ukraine's Crimea region after President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted on February22, prompting the most serious confrontation between Moscow and the West since the end of the Cold War. 乌克兰总统亚努科维奇在2月22日被驱逐处境后,俄罗斯控制了克里米亚地区,造成冷战结束以来莫斯科和西方最紧张的对峙局面。
Pope Francis and former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden also receivednominations as well as Putin. 新教皇方济各以及揭露美国“棱镜门”的美国情报机构前雇员爱德华·斯诺登也同普京一起被提名为2014年诺贝尔和平奖候选人。
Although nominations are kept secret for 50 years, thousands of people around the world are eligible topropose candidates, including any member of any national assembly, and many make their picks public. 尽管诺贝尔委员会过去50年一直拒绝披露被提名者身份,但世界上有很多个人以及单位有资格提名候选人,他们可以对外公布自己的提名人选。
The committee narrowed its list to between 25 and 40 on Tuesday and it will cut its list to about a dozen bythe end of April. 诺贝尔和平委员会周二把名单缩小到25-40个之间,并将在4月底将候选人数缩小到12个左右。
First awarded in 1901, the prize includes 8 million Swedish crowns ($1.24 million) in cash. The winner will beannounced on the second Friday of October and the prize will be presented on December 10, theanniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. 诺贝尔和平奖首次颁发于1901年,奖金包含800万瑞典克朗(124万美元)现金。获奖结果将在10月的第二个星期五公布,颁奖仪式将在12月10日(阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的逝世周年纪念日)举行。www.rzfanyi.com/jining/ 济宁翻译公司 |