重庆市科学技术委员会 乌克兰教育科技部国际合作司
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Agreement on Ukraine Delegation’s Attending 2000 Chongqing Hi-tech Fair and the International Exhibition of Military & Civil Technologies
between Chongqing Science & Technology Commission and International Cooperation Department of Ukraine Education & Science Ministry
With a view to facilitating the reciprocal cooperation in science and technology between China and Ukraine, as well as promoting understanding between the two sides and tapping the potentials of bilateral cooperation in science and technology, Science & Technology Commission of Chongqing Municipality, China and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Department of Ukraine Education & Science Ministry had a negotiation on the issue of inviting the Ukraine delegation to attend the seventh Hi-tech Fair in Chongqing, China and the third International Exhibition of Military &Civil Technologies. The two sides agree that the fair can serve as a platform for cooperation of science and technology programs among hi-tech enterprises, scientific research institutions and universities between China and Ukraine, thus pushing forward technological cooperation, technology transfer and transformation of science and technology findings into industrial products in these institutions and enterprises. Aiming at mutual preference and benefit as well as promoting cooperation, the China and Ukraine sides reach the following agreement on the basis of friendly negotiation:
----The Ukraine side agrees to send a delegation to attend the seventh Chongqing Hi-tech Fair and the third International Exhibition of Military & Civil Technologies held by the China side from April, 20th to 23rd, 2000.
---- The Ukraine side is liable for organizing a delegation of 10 people to attend the fair. Members of the delegation include officials of Ukraine Education & Science Ministry, officials of Ukraine National ScientificTechnology Transfer Center and experts from relevant research institutions and enterprises (the specialties, technological requirements for the experts shall be offered by the China side).
----The Ukraine side shall exhibit Ukraine’s science and technology findings and technological cooperation programs at the fair, hold the thematic fair introducing the development of science and technology in Ukraineand organize experts to visit counterpart enterprises and have talks on cooperation in science and technology.
----The Ukraine side shall present the China side with its technological cooperation programs to be exhibited at the fair and the electronic version (in English) of documents introducing Ukraine’s enterprises before March, 2000 for making the exhibiting boards. They should also bring relevant samples and models to attend the exhibition when coming to China.
----The China side shall offer a space sized 50 square meters for exhibition free of charge and a place for the thematic fair introducing the development of Ukraine’s science and technology.
----The China side shall make the exhibiting boards for Ukraine’s programs to be exhibited at the fair according to the programs’ introduction and the electronic version of enterprises’ introduction provided by theUkraine side, translate and publish the collection of Ukraine’s science and technology programs and manuals of enterprises’ introduction.
----The China side shall pay for the three Ukraine government officials’ international trip to China, their transportation and accommodation in China and shall arrange transportation and meals for the whole Ukrainedelegation during their stay in Chongqing.
----The China side is liable for organizing China’s relevant national scientific research institutions, ten leading national munition groups, celebrated universities, other provinces and municipalities and pertinent personnel from large state-owned enterprises and private-owned corporations to attend the fair and communicate or negotiate with the Ukraine side.
----The bilateral cooperation of this time shall be under the framework of Sino-Ukraine Governmental Science & Technology Cooperation Committee and shall be complemented and confirmed at the sixth regular meeting of the committee.
This agreement shall come into force on the date of its signature.
This agreement shall be written in both Chinese and Russian. Each version shall be in four counterparts. Each side shall hold two counterparts of each language version. All the four counterparts have the same legal effect.
Science & Technology Commission International Cooperation Department
of Chongqing Municipality of Ukraine Education & Science Ministry
Authorized Signature: Authorized Signature:
Date: Date: