For the athlete undergoing direct repair of spondylolysis, a return to preinjury athletic performance is often the primary goal. Authors reporting on surgical outcomes in athletes with these injuries use a variety of methods to measure outcome. In 1966, Henderson proposed a set of criteria to measure the outcome in patients undergoing surgical treatment for spondylolisthesis. These criteria are still used today and provide an overall view of outcomes in a large patient population.
Although the literature contains limited data on athletes, the available data reveal that professional athletes can undergo various methods of surgical treatment and achieve excellent outcomes and a return to their previous athletic performance . Buck’s is a popular technique for the surgical treatment of spondylolysis in athletes, with half of the studies on athletes utilizing this technique. The procedure also yields consistently high outcomes, with > 90% of athletes able to return to their previous athletic performance. Other methods, such as pedicle screw hook fixation, show potential, but the limited available data make it difficult to draw conclusions.
There is no consensus on when an athlete can return to play. In a survey, Scoliosis Research Society members reported greatly varied recommendations regarding a return to sports following surgery for scoliosis. The most common recommendation for a noncontact, low-impact sport was after 6 months. For contact sports, the most common recommendation was after 12 months; however, 13% of responding clinicians recommended never returning. For collision sports, 60% of responding clinicians did not favor ever resuming the sport.
针对患有脊椎滑脱需实施直接手术修复的运动员,重获赛前的竞技状态是治疗的首要目标。 研究者采用不同的预后衡量方法对运动员的临床预后进行了报道。1966年,Henderson提出了一项脊椎滑脱手术治疗临床预后评估标准。这些标准一直沿用至今。
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