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夜间遗尿症 nocturnal enuresis
排尿反射 micturition reflex
排尿犹豫 hesitancy in urination
尿外渗 urinary extravasation
假性尿失禁 false incontinence
女性尿失禁 female incontinence
剩余尿 residual urine
结晶尿 crystalluria
肾小球性血尿 glomerular hematuria
排尿指数 micturition index
遗精 nocturnal emission
精子减少 [症] oligospermia
手淫 masturbation
泌尿外科检查 urologic examination
尿流动力学检查 urodynamic study
膀胱测压 cystometry
夜间阴茎勃起试验 nocturnal penile tumescence test
经直肠活检 transrectal biopsy
尿道造影[术] urography
逆行肾盂造影术 retrograde urography,retrograde pyelography
肾动脉造影术 renal arteriography
选择性肾动脉造影术 selected renal arteriography
经股静脉插管 transfemoral catheterization of femoral vein
腹主-肾动脉造影术 abdominal aorto-renal arteriography
经尿道输尿管肾盂镜检查术 transurethral ureteropeyloscopy
输尿管肾镜 ureterorenoscope
输尿管肾盂造影术 ureteropyelography
膀胱造影术 cystography
膀胱尿道造影术 cysto-urethrography
膀胱冲洗法 bladder washout method
膀胱镜 cystoscope
逆行尿道造影术 retrograde urethrography
尿道镜 urethroscope
导尿术 urethral catheterization,catheterization
输精管造影术 vasography
阴茎海绵体造影术 cavernosography
肾图 renography
液电碎石术 electrohydraulic lithotripsy
经皮肾镜取石术 percutaneous nephrolithotomy
性行为 sexual behavior
性功能 sexual function
男性不育症 male infertility
精液 semen
高肾素型高血压 high renin hypertension
多尿型肾衰竭 polyuric renal failure
去梗阻后利尿 postobstructive diuresis
体外动静脉短路 external arterio-venous shunt
绒毛膜促性腺激素 chorionic-gonodotropin hormone
动力性尿路梗阻 dynamic obstruction of urinary tract
腹股沟疝 inguinal hernia
膀胱镜 cystoscopy
尿道造影术 urethrography
排泄性尿道造[术] excretory urethrography
尿道膀胱造影[术] urethrocystography
尿道镜检查[术] urethroscopy
间歇性导尿 intermittent catheterization
淋巴系造影[术] lymphography
输精管精囊造[术] vaso-seminal vesiculography
输精管附睾造影[术] vasoepididymography
精囊造影[术] seminal vesiculography
附睾造影[术] epididymography
超声碎石术 ultrasonic lithotripsy
体外冲击波碎石术 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
性活动 sexual activity
精子 spermatozoon
男性性功能障碍 male sexual dysfunction
性腺功能减退症 hypogonadism
少尿型肾衰竭 oliguric renal failure
渗透性利尿 osmotic diuresis
组织相容性试验 histocompatibility test
性染色体 sex chromosome
射精 ejaculation
特发性腹膜后纤维化 idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
细胞调亡 apoptosis
腹膜后纤维化 retroperitoneal fibrosis
憩室 diverticulum
动静脉瘘 arteriovenous fistula
剖腹探查术 exploratory laparotomy
冷冻疗法 cryotherapy
畸胎瘤 teratoma
肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄 stricture of pyeloureteric junction
孤立性肾囊肿 solitary renal cyst
闭合伤 closed injury
肾移植 renal transplantation
肾上腺移植 adrenal transplantation
组织相容性 histocompatibility
超急性排斥反 hyperacute rejection
慢性排斥反应 chronic rejection
单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody
麻醉 anesthsia
白细胞介素 Interleukin
尸体肾移植 cadaveric renal transplantation
疤痕 scar
端侧吻合术 end-to-side anastomosis
息肉 polyp
腹腔镜检查术 laparoscopy
错构瘤 hamartoma
重肾双输尿管 duplication of kidney and ureter
合并伤 associated injury
器官移植 organ transplantation
急性肾小管坏死 acute tubular necrosis
睾丸移植 testis transplantation
排斥反应 rejection
急性排斥反应 acute rejection
免疫抑制 immunosuppression
多克隆抗体 polyclonal antibody
感染 infection
乳头状瘤 papilloma
端端吻合术 end-to-end anastomosis
下尿路症状 Lower urinary tract symptoms,LUTS
海绵肾 medullary sponge kidney
肾素瘤 renninoma
皮质醇增多症 hypercortisolism
化学睾丸切除 chemical castration
舒血管肠肽 vasoactive intestineal peptide
经闭孔经阴道无张力尿道中段悬吊术 tension-free vagonl tape obturator,TVT-O
中性粒细胞率 NEU-R
双氢睾酮 Dihydrotestosterone,DHT
卵巢静脉综合征 ovarian vein syndrome
副中肾管组织退化因子 mullerian regression factor
葡萄状肉瘤 sarcoma botryoides
香草基扁桃酸 vanillylmandelic acid
软斑病细胞 von Hansman cell
过饱和结晶学说 theory of supersaturation and nucleation
保护性胶体学说 theory of protective colloid
抑制物缺乏学说 theory of inhibitor
软斑病小体 Michaelis-Guttman body
乳酸脱氢酶 lactic acid dehydrogenase
舒血管肠肽 vasoactive intestinal peptide
逆引导尿管插入 retrourethral actheterization
正压尿道造影[术] positive pressure urethrography
黄体化激素 luteinizing hormone
肾内反流 intrarenal reflux
肾积脓 pyonephrosis
肾错构瘤 hamartoma of kidney
迪特尔危象 Dietl crisis
性腺发育不全 germinal aplasia
附睾结核 tuberculosis of epididymis
前哨淋巴结 sentinel node
经阴道悬带成形术 intravaginal slingplasty,IVS
经阴道尿道中段悬吊术 Tension free vaginal tape,TVT
肾脏相互平衡 renal counterbalance
乳碱综合征 milk alkali syndrome,Burnett syndrome
腺棘皮瘤 adenoacanthoma
卵黄囊癌 yolk saccarcinoma
酚红排泄倒置 inversion of phenolsulfonphthalein excretion
肾钙斑学说 theory of Randal plaque
基质启动学说 theory of matrix initiation
血管紧张素酶 hypertensinase
促黄体素释放素 luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
肾激肽系统 renal kaillikrein system
血卟衍生物 hematoporphyrin derivative
横纹肌溶解 rhabdomyolysis
肾前列腺素 renal prostaglandin
充盈性膀胱测压 filling cystometry
膀胱镜检查 cystoscopy
利尿排钠激素 natriuretic hormone
硬水综合征 hard water syndrome
边缘肝素化 marginal heparinization
盆腔包虫病 pelvic echinococcosis
低肾素型高血压 low renin hypertension
去肾性高血压 renoprival hypertension
肾指数 renal index
男性化综合征 virilizing syndrome
回旋现象 Yo-yo phenomenon
副中肾管综合征 mullerian duct syndrome
女性化 feminization
男性化 virilization,virilism
逼尿肌无反射 detrusor areflexia
真两性畸形 true hermaphroditism
两性畸形 hermaphroditism
精子生成 spermatogenesis
特发性不育症 idiopathic infertility
[高]尿酸血症 hyperuricemia
草酸尿 oxaluria, hyperoxaluria
遗传性黄嘌呤尿症 hereditary xanthinuria
肾小管性蛋白尿 tubular proteinuria
酸尿 aciduria
尿流分叉 bifurcation of urination
附睾囊腺瘤 cystadenoma of epididymis
经回肠膀胱逆行输尿管造影[术] retrograde ileocystoureterography
膀胱三对比造影[术] triple contrast cystography
盆腔横纹肌肉瘤 pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma
膀胱双对比造影[术] double contrast cystography
排尿期膀胱尿道造影[术] micturition urethrocystography, voiding cystourethrography
膀胱充气造影[术] pneumography of bladder
女假两性畸形 female pseudohermaphroditism
睾丸女性化综合征 testicular feminization syndrome
女性化综合征 feminzing syndrome
肾小管肾小球反馈机制 tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism
逼尿肌反射亢进 detrusor hyperreflexia
男假两性畸形 male pseudohermaphroditism
假两性畸形 pseudohermaphroditism
血浆肾素活性 plasma renin activity
男性泌尿生殖性梅毒 syphilis of male urogenital system
泌尿生殖性滴虫病 trichomoniasis of genito-urinary system
肾小管性酸中毒 renal tubular acidosis
高钙尿症 hypercalciuria
磷酸盐尿 phosphaturia
黄嘌呤尿 xanthinuria
肾小球性蛋白尿 glomerular proteinuria
无症状性细菌尿 asymptomatic bacteriuria
附睾肉瘤 sarcoma of epididymis
附睾类腺瘤 adenomatoid tumor of epididymis
附睾梅毒 syphilis of epididymis
化学睾丸切除[术] chemical castration
睾丸畸胎癌 teratocarcinoma of testis
睾丸旁横纹肌肉瘤 paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma
睾丸精母细胞瘤 spermatocytic seminoma of testis
睾丸母细胞瘤 orchioblastoma
性索间质细胞瘤 sex cord-mesenchymal tumor
阴茎头白斑病 leukoplakia of glans penis
软下疳 chancroid
外生殖器红癣 erythrasma of external genitalia
阴茎梅毒 syphilis of penis
阴茎阿米巴病 amoebiasis of penis
滴虫性包皮阴茎头炎 trichomonal balanoposthitis
阴茎异常勃起 priapism
阴茎皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of penis
阴茎皮脂腺囊肿 sebaceous cyst of penis
阴茎囊肿 cyst of penis
阴茎骨化 ossification of penis, OS penis
阴茎转位 translocation of penis
蹼状阴茎 webbed penis
阴茎绞窄 strangulation of penis, incarceration of penis
隐匿阴茎 concealed penis
[先天性]阴茎缺如 congenital basence of penis
阴茎畸形 deformity of penis
脐尿管结核 tuberculosis of urachus
脐尿管未闭 patent of urachus
脐尿管窦道 sinus of urachus
阴囊钙化性皮脂腺囊肿 calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum
阴囊角化囊肿 keratomatous cyst of scrotum
鞘膜积血 hematocele
特发性鞘膜积液 idiopathic hydrocele
阴囊癌 carcinoma of scrotum
阴囊脂肪癌 lipoma of scrotum
阴囊皮肤梅毒 syphilis of scrotal skin
阴囊脓肿 abscess of scrotum
特发性阴囊坏疽 Fournier gangrene of scrotum
外生殖器带状疱疹 herpes zoster of external genitalia
外生殖器毒物性皮炎 dermatitis venenata of external genitalia
阴囊损伤 injury of scrotum
双叶阴囊 bilobate scrotum
阴囊发育不全 hypoplasia of scrotum
阴囊缺如 agenesis of scrotum
输精管附睾吻合术 epididymovasostomy
分钟间隔连续尿路造影[术] minute-sequence urography
三段排尿 triple voiding
尿液分段检查 fractional examination of utine
尿道括约肌肌电图 urethral sphincter electromyogram
扩约肌测压 sphincterometry
刷拭活检 brush biopsy
性成熟 sexual maturity
碎石洗出术 litholapaxy
胱氨酸结石 cystine stone
磷酸钙结石 calcium phosphate stone
精索附睾丝虫病 filariasis of funiculo-epididymis
少年胚胎性癌 juvenile embryonal carcinoma
睾丸网乳头状腺瘤 papillary adenocarcinoma of rete testis
睾丸表皮样囊肿 epidermoid cyst of testis
睾丸间质细胞瘤 Leydig cell tumor, interstitila cell tumor of testis
性腺基质细胞瘤 gonadal stromal tumor
膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴肥大 hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric ridge
梅毒性下疳 syphilitic chancre
下疳 chancre
阴茎坏死 gangrene of penis
阴茎放线菌病 actinomycosis of penis
阴茎结核 tuberculosis of penis
阴茎头炎及阴茎头包皮炎 balanitis and balanoposthitis
包皮结石 calculus of prepuce, preputial calculus
阴茎粘液样囊肿 penile mucoid cyst
阴茎下弯 chordee of penis
阴茎皮肤撕脱伤 avulsion of penis
阴茎前阴囊 prepenile scrotum
先天性阴茎弯曲 congenital curvature of penis
阴茎扭转 distortion of penis
阴茎脱位 dislocation of penis
阴茎缺失 absence of penis
巨阴茎 megalopenis
脐尿管肿瘤 tumor of urachus
脐尿管放线性菌病 actinomycosis of urachus
脐尿管憩室 urachal diverticulum
外生殖器血管神经性水肿 angioneurotic edema of external genitalia
外生殖器血管角化瘤 angiokeratoma of external genitalia
阴囊皮脂腺囊肿 sebaceous cyst of scrotum
鞘膜积脓 pyocele
阴囊结石 caiculus of scrotum
阴囊血管瘤 hemangioma of scrotum
阴囊结核 tuberculosis of scrotum
阴囊丝虫病 filariasis of scrotum
阴囊放线菌病 actinomycosis of scrotum
阴囊坏疽 gangrene of scrotum
外生殖器疱疹样皮炎 dermatitis herpetiformis of external genitalia
外生殖器萎缩 atrophy of external genitalia
阴囊异位 ectopia of scrotum
圆饼形阴囊 cirumcrescent cake-like scrotum
阴囊畸形 deformity of scrotum
阴囊转位 translocation of scrotum
延续性排泄性尿路造影[术] delayed excretory urography
快速连续尿路造影[术] rapid sequence urography
膀胱去神经超过敏实验 denervation supersensitivity test of bladder
尿道括约肌测压 urethro-sphincterometry
排尿期膀胱测压 voiding cystometry
尿道闭合压力图 urethral closure pressure profile
尿性腹水 urinary ascites
性分化 sexual differentiation
基质结石 matrix calculus
草酸钙结石 calcium oxalate stone
磷酸镁铵结石 magnesium ammonium phosphate calculus
放射性核素膀胱输尿管反流实验 radionuclide vesico-ureteral reflux test
性腺静脉造影[术] gonado-venography
克兰费尔特综合征 Klinefelter syndrome
睾丸附件扭转 torsion of testicular appendage
多睾症 polyorchidism
睾丸异位 ectopia of testis
阴茎基地细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of penis
阴茎假瘤 penile pseudotumor
阴茎包涵囊肿 inclusion cyst of penis
肾上腺动脉造影[术] adrenal arteriography
肾盂压测定 Whitaker test
肾断层造影[术] nephrotomography
睾丸鞘膜纤维瘤 fibroma of testicular tumica
无性细胞瘤 dysgerminoma
性病淋巴肉芽肿 lymphogranuloma venereum
男性泌尿生殖系放线菌病 actinomycosis of male genitourinary system
非特异性睾丸炎 nonspecific orchitis
医源性阳痿 iatrogenic impotence
纯睾丸支持细胞综合征 Sertoli-cell-only syndrome
睾丸脱位 dislocation of testis
性腺缺如 gonadal agenesis
精索癌 carcinoma of spermatic cord
精囊癌 carcinoma of seminal vesicle
精索肿瘤 tumor of spermatic cord
精索纤维瘤 fibroma of spermatic cord
利尿肾图 furosemide renography, diuresis renography
淋巴系闪烁造影[术] lymphoscintigraphy
性腺发育不全 germinal aplasia, gonadal dysgenesis
无睾症 anorchidism
单睾症 monorchidism
睾丸畸形 deformity of testis
阴茎淋巴网状组织恶性病 lymphoreticular malignancy of penis
阴茎黑色素瘤 melanoma of penis
巨大尖锐湿疣 Buschke-Lowenstein tumor, giant condyloma acuminatum
肾上腺血管造影[术] adrenal angiography
肾断层造影洗出法 wash-out method in nephrotomography
腹膜后注气造影[术] retroperitoneal pneumography
睾丸支持细胞瘤 Sertoli cell tumor
睾丸结核 tuberculosis of testis
睾丸梅毒 syphilis of testis
睾丸真菌病 mycosis of testis
睾丸树胶样瘤 gumma of testis
睾丸融合[症] synorchidism
睾丸缺如综合征 absent testis syndrome
无性腺症 agonadism
精索静脉曲张切除术 varicocelectomy
精囊结石 calculus of seminal vesicle
精索肉瘤 sarcoma of spermatic cord
精索脂肪瘤 lipoma of spermatic cord
精囊腺癌 adenocarcinoma of seminal vesicle
精囊肿瘤 tumor of seminal vesicle
输精管梅毒 syphilis of vas deferens
精囊结核 tuberculosis of seminal vesicle
精阜炎 verumontanitis
输精管炎 deferentitis
输精管畸形 deformity of deferens
输精管缺如 absence of vas deferens
精囊囊肿 cyst of seminal vesicle
泌尿生殖系X线照相术 roentgenography of genitourinary system
泌尿生殖系寄生虫病 parasitosis of genitourinary system
泌尿生殖系软斑病 malakoplakia of genitourinary system
尿路病变 uropathy
经会阴前列腺全切除术 total perineal prostatectomy
外生殖器汗腺腺瘤 syringoma of external genitalia
前列腺肉瘤 sarcoma of prostate
前列腺癌肉瘤 carcinosarcoma of prostate
前列腺内膜子宫样癌 endometrioid carcinoma of prostate
前列腺精囊包虫病 echinococcus disease of prostate and seminal vesicle
前列腺结核 tuberculosis of prostate, tuberculous prostatitis
滴虫性前列腺炎 trichomonal prostatitis
寄生虫性前列腺炎 parasitic prostatitis
前列腺素 prostaglandin
前列腺痛症 prostatodynia
变应性前列腺病 allergic prostatosis
前列腺静脉丛 Santorini venous plexus
阴囊象皮病 elephantiasis scroti
精囊梅毒 syphilis of seminal vesicle
精囊放线菌病 actinomycosis of seminal vesicle
精索炎 funiculitis
症状性精索静脉曲张 symptomatic varicocele
重复输精管 duplication of vas deferens
精索皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of spermatic cord
泌尿生殖窦 urogenital sinus
泌尿系子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of urinary system
泌尿生殖系变应性疾病 allertic diseases of genitourinary system
泌尿系异物 foreign body in urinary system
前列腺冷冻术 cryosurgery of prostate
经会阴前列腺切除术 perineal prostatectomy
前列腺移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of prostate
前列腺管内腺癌 intraductal adenocarcinoma of prostate
前列腺淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma of prostate
前列腺结石 calculus of prostate
前列腺脓肿 abscess of prostate
前列腺梅毒 syphilis of prostate
肉芽肿性前列腺炎 granulomatous prostatitis
放线菌性前列腺炎 actinomycotic prostatitis
血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶 prostatic graction of serum acid phosphatase
前列腺液溢 prostatorrhea
前列腺病 prostatosis
前列腺损伤 injury of prostate
前列腺囊肿 cyst of prostate
肾上腺[性]性征综合征 adrenogenital syndrome
肾上腺剩余肿瘤 adrenal rest tumor
类脂性肾上腺增生 lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
下丘脑-垂体-睾丸轴 hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis
尿道膀胱吻合[术] urethrovesical anastomosis
尿道改到复原术 urinary undiversion
经尿道男性尿道癌切除术 transurethral resection of male urethral carcinoma
尿道膀胱悬吊术 Marshall-Marchetti-Kranz procedure, urethrovesicopexy
尿道折叠术 plication operation of urethra
尿道球腺腺癌 adenocarcinoma of bulbourethral gland
尿道球腺肿瘤 tumor of Cowper gland
尿道口血管瘤 angioma of urethral meatus
女性尿道纤维息肉 fibrous polyps of female urethra
尿道球腺结核 tuberculosis of Cowper gland
尿道周围脓肿 periurethral abscess
非特异性尿道炎 nonspecific urethritis
尿道丝状探子 urethral filiform
尿道球腺疾病 diseases of Cowper gland
女性尿道囊肿 urethral cyst in female
尿瘘 urinary fistula
棱状巨尿道 fusiform megalourethra
尿道闭锁 atresia of urethra
尿道上裂 epispadias
巨尿道 megalourethra
非肾上腺性女性假两性畸形 nonadrenal female pseudohermaphroditism
肾上腺髓制增生症 adrenal medulla hyperplasia
纳尔逊综合征 Nelson syndrome
下丘脑-垂体轴 hypothalamic-pituitary axis
下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴 hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
约翰松尿道成形术 Johanson urethroplasty
尿道外切开术 external urethrotomy
斯塔米尿道悬吊术 Stamey procedure for stress urinary incontinence
套入法尿道成形术 Badenoch urethroplasty
尿道刀 urethrotome
尿道腺癌 adenocarcinoma of urethra
尿道球腺囊肿 cyst of Cowper gland
尿道血管瘤 hemangioma of urethra
尿道腺瘤 adenoma of urethra
支原体性尿道炎 mycoplasmal urethritis
滴虫性尿道膀胱炎 trichomonal urethro-cystitis
尿道球腺炎 cowperitis
尿道扩张 urethral sounding
女性后天性尿道粘膜包涵囊肿 acquired inclusion cyst of urethral epithelium of female
尿性囊肿 urinoma
外伤性尿道瘘 traumatic urethral fistula
重复尿道 duplication of urethra
女性尿道下裂 female hypospadias
尿道膨出 urethrocele
尿道发育不全 hypoplastic urethra
尿道畸形 deformity of urethra
膀胱子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of bladder
膀胱紫癜 purpura of bladder
盲肠膀胱扩大术 cecum augmentation cystoplasty, cecal cystoplasty
膀胱三角区乙状结肠吻合术 trigonosigmoidostomy
回肠改口术 ileostomy
膀胱颈部Y-V成形术 Y-V plasty of bladder neck
膀胱碎石洗出术 vesical litholapaxy
膀胱葡萄状肉瘤 botryoid sarcoma of bladder
膀胱平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of bladder
膀胱肌瘤 myoma of bladder
膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤 inverted papilloma of bladder
膀胱腺瘤 adenoma of bladder
膀胱白斑病 leukoplakia of bladder
念珠菌膀胱炎 candida cystitis
膀胱泡疹 herpes of bladder
碱性痂块膀胱炎 alkaline incrusted cystitis
淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎 lympho-follicular cystitis
膀胱坏疽 gangrene of bladder
腺性膀胱炎 glandular cystitis
变应性膀胱炎 allergic cystitis
间质性膀胱炎 interstitial cystitis
膀胱子宫瘘 vesicouterine fistula
膀胱直肠瘘 vesicorectal fistula
膀胱静脉曲张 varix of bladder
膀胱外翻 exstrophy of bladder
膀胱膨出 cystocele, vesicocele
先天性膀胱颈挛缩 congenital contracture of bladder neck
膀胱小梁形成 trabeculation of bladder
稳定性膀胱 stable bladder
直肠膀胱-结肠腹壁造口术 rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy
乙状结肠膀胱 sigmoid conduit
外尿道改道术 external urinary diversion
根治性膀胱切除术 radical cystectomy
膀胱淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma of bladder
膀胱间质瘤 mesenchymal tumor of bladder
膀胱平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of bladder
膀胱血管瘤 hemangioma of bladder
膀胱乳头状瘤病 papillomatosis of bladder
囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着 cystitis cystica calcinosa
膀胱梅毒 syphilis of bladder
膀胱真菌病 mycosis of bladder
膀胱三角区炎 trigonitis
滤泡性膀胱炎 follicular cystitis
坏疽性膀胱炎 gangrenous cystitis
化学性膀胱炎 chemical cystitis
气性膀胱炎 emphysematous cystitis
非细菌性膀胱炎 nonbacterial cystitis
非特异性膀胱炎 nonspecific cystitis
膀胱输尿管瘘 vesicoureteral fistula
膀胱肠瘘 vesicoenteric fistula
膀胱假性憩室 false diverticulum of bladder
膀胱脱垂 prolapse of bladder
膀胱闭锁 atresia of bladder, atretocystia
膀胱缺如 agensis of bladder
重复膀胱 duplication of bladder
腹部 abdomen
腹壁 abdominal wall
腹前外侧壁 anterior lateral abdominal wall
腹后壁 posterior abdominal wall
腹膜 peritoneum
会阴 perineum
壁腹膜 parietal peritoneum
脏腹膜 visceral peritoneum
腹膜后隙 retroperitoneal space
腹腔 abdominal cavity
腹膜腔 peritoneal cavity
盆腔 pelvic vcavity
浅筋膜 superficial fascia
腹壁浅动脉 superficial epigastric artery
旋髂浅动脉 superficial iliac circumflex artery
腹直肌 rectus abdominis
腹外斜肌 obliquus externus abdominis
腹内斜肌 obliquus internus abdominis
腹横肌 transversus abdominis
脐白线 linea alba
半月线 linea semilunaris
弓状线 arcuate line
半环线 semicircular line
腹股沟管 inguinal canal
腹股沟管浅环 superficial inguinal ring
腹股沟管深环 deep inguinal ring
脚间纤维 intercrural fibers
内侧脚 medial crus
外侧脚 lateral crus
腹股沟韧带 inguinal ligament
腔隙韧带 lacunar ligament
耻骨梳韧带 pectineal ligament(Cooper ligament)
腹股沟镰 inguinal falx
联合腱 conjoined tendon
提睾肌 cremaster
腹壁下动脉 inferior epigastric artery
腹壁上动脉 superior epigastric artery
旋髂深动脉 deep iliac circumflex artery
腹股沟三角 inguinal triangle
海氏三角 Hesselbach triangle
髂腹下神经 ili-o-hyp-o-gastric nerve
髂腹股沟神经 ilioinguinal nerve
生殖股神经 genitofemoral nerve
腹横筋膜 transverse fascia
腹膜下筋膜(腹膜外筋膜、腹膜外脂肪) external peritoneal fascia
腹股沟区 inguinal region
精索 spermatic cord
kidney(ren nephr-)
肾区 renal region
肾门 renal hilum
肾窦 renal sinus
肾蒂 renal pedicle
肾盂 renal pelvis
肾段 renal segment
肾动脉 renal artery
副肾动脉 accessory renal artery
上极动脉 superior artery
下极动脉 inferior artery
肾段动脉 renao segmental artery
乏血管区 zone devoid of vessel
肾筋膜(肾周筋膜) renal fascia(Gerota fascia)
肾前筋膜 prerenal fascia
肾后筋膜 retrorenal fascia
肾脂肪囊 renal adipose capsule(fatty renal capsule)
肾纤维囊(膜) renal fibrous capsule
输尿管 ureter
输尿管腹部 abdominal part of the ureter
输尿管盆部 pelvic part of the ureter
输尿管壁内部 intramural part of the ureter
肾上腺 adrenal gland(suprarenal gland)
肾上腺上动脉 superior suprarenal artery
肾上腺中动脉 middle suprarenal artery
肾上腺下动脉 inferior suprarenal artery
腹主动脉 abdominal aorta
腹腔干 celiac trunk
肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery
肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery
睾丸动脉 testicular artery
卵巢动脉 ovarian artey
膈下动脉 inferior phrenic artery
腰动脉 lumbar artery
骶正中动脉 middle sacral artery
下腔静脉 inferior vena cava
盆部 pelvis
会阴 perineum
耻骨嵴 pubic crest
耻骨结节 pubic tubercle
界线 terminal line
骨盆上口 superior pelvic aperture
骨盆下口 inferior pelvic aperture
盆内筋膜 endopelvic fascia
髂总动脉 common iliac artery
髂外动脉 external iliac artery
髂内动脉 internal iliac artery
髂腰动脉 iliolumbar artery
闭孔动脉 obturator artery
下尿路器官 lower urinary apparatus
膀胱 bladder(urinary bladder) 、vesical、cysto-
膀胱尖 apex of bladder(bladder apex)
膀胱体 body of bladder
膀胱底 fundus of bladder
膀胱颈 neck of bladder
膀胱襞 vesical plica
膀胱三角 triangle of bladder
输尿管口 ureteric orifice
尿道内口 internal urethral orifice
尿道外口 external urethral orifice
尿道扩约肌 sphincter urethral muscle
膀胱垂 vesical urula
膀胱前隙 prevesical space(Retzius’ space)
耻骨后隙 retropubic space
耻骨前列腺韧带 pubicoprostatic ligament
静脉丛 venous plexus
前列腺静脉丛 prostatic venous plexus
神经血管束 (NVB)neurovascular bundles
直肠膀胱筋膜 rectovesical fascia
直肠前列腺筋膜 rectoprostatic fascia
狄氏筋膜 Denonvilliers’ fascia
男生殖系统 male reproductive system
内生殖器 internal reproductive organs
睾丸 testis
附睾 epididymis
输精管 deferent duct(ductus deferens)
输精管壶腹 ampulla ductus deferentis
射精管 ejaculatory duct
精囊 seminal vesicle(vesiculae seminal)
前列腺 prostate
外生殖器 external reproductive organs
阴茎 penis
阴囊 scrotum(scrotal sac)
肉膜 dartos caot
阴囊中隔 septum of scrotum(scrotal septum)

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答:根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1-2003 对翻译行业服务规范的要求,中文字数统计是以不计空格字符数为计算单位的。而数字、字母也是包含在其中。而对翻译公司来说,数字和字母也要算翻译字数的原因还包括以下两个方面: 首先,我们的收费都是根据国家颁布的翻译服务规范来收取翻译费用,对待收费我们都是统一对待的,其次,数字和字母也是文章中的一部分,特别是在一些商务文件中,数字就是文件的主题,所以也是一样要收费的。 另外,纯数字字母需要核对、录入,比翻译一个词语更麻烦,翻译是大脑里面概念形成的,而纯数字字母是要严谨的核对、录入才能实现的,这将会花费更多的时间,所以我们会把数字和字母也算成字数。 但是有一种情况除外,如审计报告里面那种数据很多而且又不需要我们翻译可以直接保留的,这部分我们可以不计算在内。
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