
本长期合作协议由以下双方于 签订:
This long-term cooperation agreement is made in City between:
移动通信有限公司,其住所位于 。(以下简称甲方)
Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd., an organization located at City (hereinafter referred to as Party A).
和 And
电子材料有限公司,其住所位于 。(以下简称乙方)
Technologies (Shenzhen) Ltd, an organization located at City(hereinafter referred to as Party B).
Based on the principle of mutual benefit and friendly cooperation and to clarify responsibilities and obligations, Party A and Party B hereof come to the long-term cooperation agreement and various special agreements. All the agreements will come into force at stamping the common seals on the covers.
1、双方合作项目为: 精密五金件加工。
Cooperation content: precision metal parts manufacture
2、交易币种: 人民币,含税___17__%(VAT)。 Currency used: RMB including 17% tax (VAT);
3、付款条件:月结 30 天,货到 ___天
Payment: Net__30_____days AMS; Payment made within__days after receiving;
其他付款条件: Other payment terms:____
付款条件定义:Definition for payment condition:
Payment AMS terms: Net day payment means payment is made for the warehoused products accepted after inspection from the first day to the end of the month. All the products failed for release for warehouse due to quality issues during this month are excluded in settlement of this month; net 30 days means payment shall be made within 30 days counting from the first day of next month after supplying, and on analog of this for net 60/90 days.
COD terms: X days after delivery means payment shall be made X days after receiving.
4、订单下达 Order Placing
Party B takes the only way to place purchase order to Party B by printed Purchase Contract (including Purchase Order, Material Contract, similarly hereinafter.) with special seal for purchase contract of Party A. Within one working day after receiving the Purchase Contract from Party A, Party B shall confirm product specification, quantity, unit price, date of delivery and payment on the purchase order and fax it back to Party A after stamping seal on it as proof of confirmed Purchase Contract by both parties. In case of failure to fax it back as scheduled due to special reason, Party B shall notify Party A about detailed contract review time. The confirmation time can not be delayed until consent received from Party A. If Party A’s production plan is affected due to unreasonable delay of confirmation time of Purchase Contract by Party B, Party A shall claim against Party B for RMB500 for each delayed day for each contract as penalty for breach of contract.
5、 订单变更 Order Modification
If the valid Purchase Contract is modified (including but not limited to: cancellation, quantity increase/decrease, change of date of delivery) due to Party A, Party A shall fax a Purchase Contract Modification Agreement with purchase seal to Party B. Party B shall confirm, seal and fax back the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement within one working day after receiving it from Party A. In case that Party B fails to fax it back as scheduled, Party A shall deem it as that Party B has accepted the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement.
After receiving and confirming the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement from Party A, Party B shall immediately make arrangements of production and stock adjustment. In case of purchase order cancellation or quantity decrease in purchase order, Party B shall report actual production or stock situation to Party A within one working day. In principle, Party A shall assist in absorbing the produced or stocked materials of Party B, and the specific solution shall be reached after consultations between the two parties. In case of Party A’s loss caused by false quantity reported by Party B, Party A has the right to require Party B to undertake all the losses suffered by Party A.
Supply Department of Party A is the only unit of Party A to place purchase order to Party B, and Party B shall not accept any new order or modification directives from any other personnel except those appointed by Party A. Otherwise, all losses caused to Party B shall be solely undertaken by Party B. Party B takes the only way to place purchase order or modify the purchase order to Party B by printed Purchase Contract or Purchase Contract Modification Agreement with special seal for purchase contract of Party A, and Party B shall not accept purchase order directives in any another forms for placing or modifying purchase order. Otherwise, all losses caused to Party B shall be solely undertaken by Party B.
6、价格 Price
The purchase price is subject to the unit price specified in the valid Purchase Contract. Pricing method and other responsibilities and obligations are subject to Price Credit Agreement signed by the two parties.
7、交货 Delivery
Party B shall deliver the products to Party A at the place specified in the valid Purchase Contract, handle delivery formalities, and provide related certificates and data of the products. Party B shall undertake all charges and commodity risks before delivery including but not limited to charges for transport, insurance and discharging. In case of delayed delivery by Party B, Party B shall pay 1% of the delayed product value for each delayed day as compensation for breach of contract. The minimum amount of compensation for breach of contract is RMB500, and the maximum amount is 10% of the delayed product value; in case that the delivery is delayed for more than 8 days (inclusive), Party A has the right to cancel this purchase order, and all the losses incurred shall be undertaken by Party B. Meanwhile, Party A has the right to require Party B to make compensation for all the losses caused to Party A. In case of failure of delivery as scheduled by Party B due to force majeure, Party B shall not be held responsible for breach of contract. However, Party B is required to submit related certifications of force majeure. In case of failure of delivery as scheduled due to fault of Party A, Party B shall not be held responsible for breach of contract.
Party A reserves the right of changing the date of delivery in purchase contract (Requirement of advancing delivery needs confirmation of acceptance by Party B.), and Party B is required to try the best to arrange delivery following delivery schedule and related notifications from Party A. The extra charges of Party B due to change of delivery by Party A shall be borne by Party A, and Party B shall not be held responsible for any delay of delivery therefore. If Party B may anticipate the delay of delivery, Party B shall immediately notify Party A of the impossibility of delivery performance on schedule and the new date of delivery.
In case of no prior consent from Party A, Party A has the right to refuse delivery before scheduled time or beyond the quantity specified in the contract by Party B.
At delivery, Party B is required to provide formal Delivery Note. The Delivery Note is required to be printed or filled in by hand on carbonless copy paper at least in triplicate and to satisfy requirements from Party A of basic contents, format and instructions for copy use. The information including Party B’s supplier code, purchase order number, material code, material description, delivered quantity and consigner’s signature (full name is required.) registered and coded by Party A are required. The factors and quantity on the Delivery Note must be be consistent with actual delivery and instructions. Great care is required for billing of the same material with different purchase order numbers, and the principle of first-in-first-out must be followed. Resumed purchase orders that have been rejected and held for inspection shall be processed separately. In case data confusion is caused to Party A as Party B fails to follow first-in-first-out principle, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB500 as compensation for breach of contract.
Provision of customs information (No such clause for delivery place in China.)
Party B is required to provide detailed information including packing list, invoice, net weight, gross weight, brand, place of origin and manufacturer 4 days prior to delivery, and timely fax the information to the fax number of Party A specified in Purchase Contract, and contact the appointed contact person by Party A for confirmation.
Types of products and carton marks provided by Party B must the consistent with the information submitted;
Place of production, brand marks on carton must the same as the information provided by Party B;
Party B shall provide certificates of non-wood packing for all products with original place of Japan, Korea, European Union and USA;
In case of any modification in information concerning model, place of origin and production process of the products provided by Party B to Party, Party B is required to timely notify the appointed contact person of Party A in writing before delivery.
Quantity (indicates the quantity marked on external packing) of products delivered by Party B to Party A must be the same as the quantity stated in customs information provided by Party B to Party A. In case of discordance, Party B shall immediately notify Party A. Provided Party A hasn’t made arrangement for customs clearance when notified of the discordance, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract; provided Party A has made the arrangement for customs clearance when notified, Party B shall undertake all the losses (including but not limited to customs forfeiture and penalty, and charges of customs clearance) caused to Party A, and meanwhile Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB50, 000 each time as penalty for breach of contract as.
If Party B has already submitted the related customs information to Party A but fails to make delivery as scheduled, Party B shall be held responsible for the delayed delivery. Moreover, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB50, 000 for each breach of contract as penalty.
7.6收货 (若乙方境外交货则无此条款)
Receiving (No such clause for delivery place outside China.)
After receiving the products from Party B, Party A is to issue a Note of Receiving for Quality Inspection. If the products pass the inspection, Party B may go to Party A to collect the supplier’s payment request copy of Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A seven working days later by showing Supplier Identification IC Card issued by Party A. Party B is required to properly keep the Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A as the important proof for payment request. For each lost Delivery Note by Party B, Party B is required to pay RMB50 for each breach of contract as penalty. In case that Party B issues a Certificate of Lost Delivery Note with no actual Delivery Note loss for attempting repeated payment request, Party B shall pay RMB1, 000 for each breach of contract as penalty. The compensation for breach of contract shall be deducted from the unpaid payment for products.
7.7包装要求 Packaging requirements
Product packages of Party B shall satisfy pertinent laws of the People’s Republic of China including the national standards of the related products, e.g. safety standard and environment protection standard. Otherwise, Party A has the right to refuse the delivery. Please refer to Incoming Material Packaging Specification Agreement signed by the two parties for details.
Payment for Domestic Delivery (No such clause for delivery place outside China)
Time of account checking: 5th – 10th each month (Monthly payment) or 3-5 days after delivery (Payment made X days after receiving)
Basis of checking account: Delivery Note, Return Note for Outsourced Product, Statement of Account, Advice of Collection, Credit Note, Advice of Payment, Compensation Claim against Supplier
Payment request information: payment request copy of Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A and original Statement of Account and invoice sealed by Party B
8.4请款流程: Procedure of payment request
Party B shall go to warehouse keeper of Party A to collect the Delivery Note for last month (or last time) by the 5th of each month (monthly payment) or 3 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving), and prepares Statement of Account according to the requirements from Party A. Party B shall send the Statement of Account by e-mail to business audit department of Party A for review by 10th of each month (monthly payment) or 5 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving). After Statement of Account is confirmed by both parties, Party B shall submit information for payment request to personnel of Party A in charge of account checking by 15th of each month (monthly payment) or 7 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving).
Requirements for preparing Statement of Account:
1) 以《送货单》上甲方仓库人员签字的收货日期先后顺序编制《对帐单》,而不是以乙方开具《送货单》的日期顺序。收货项目在前,退货项目在后,其他付款或扣款项目列最后;
The Payment Statement shall be prepared based on the sequence of date of receiving marked by warehouse keeper of Party A on the Delivery Note instead of the sequence of date of issuing the Delivery Note by Party B. Receiving items shall comes first followed by returning items and then other payment or deduction items.
2) 以实收数量为准,金额需保留两位小数。
Take Actual received quantity as standard, and the amount shall round off to the nearest hundredth.
Requirements for submitting payment request information:
1) 必须经双方电话或邮件确认对帐无误后方可递交请款资料;
Payment request information can not be submitted until account checking is confirmed by both parties through telephone or e-mail communication;
2) 《送货单》请款联必须按《对帐单》上的《送货单》单号先后顺序整理,以甲方收货日期的先后顺序摆放;
The payment request copy of the Delivery Note must be prepared based on sequence of Delivery Note number on the Statement of Account, and placed in chronological order, i.e. by receiving date of Party A;
3) 《送货单》请款联原件、加盖乙方公章的《对帐单》原件和发票三种单据缺一不可;
All of the original payment request copy of Delivery Note, the original Statement of Account sealed by Party B and invoice are required;
4) 发票上货物及应税劳务名称一栏的内容必须与甲方下达给乙方采购订单上的描述栏位内容一致,税率必须与采购订单上的税率一致。
The content in column of Name of products and taxable labor service on invoice must the consistent with the content in column of description on purchase order, and tax rate must be consistent with the tax rate on purchase order;
8.4.4扣款执行Payment deduction
For the compensation for breach of contract and other deductions undertaken by Party B, Party A shall notify Party B by Compensation Claim against Supplier or Credit Note;
For the compensation for breach of contract and other deductions undertaken by Party A to Party B, Party A shall notify Party B by Advice of Payment.
8.5违约责任Responsibilities for breach of contract
In case of delayed payment to Party B attributed to delayed account checking or submission of payment request by Party B, Party A shall not be held responsible for the delayed payment. Meanwhile, Party A has the right to postpone the payment due for the month till the next month.
In case of delayed payment to Party B due to fault of Party A, Party A shall pay interest to Party B calculated according to the banking interest rate of demand deposit at the same period.
In case Party A fail to withhold input VAT due to fault of Party B (e.g. invoice beyond valid term of withholding, dirty invoice, lost deduction copy of invoice), Party B shall be fully liable for the loss of tax suffered by Party A.
The issued invoice by Party B is prohibited to be modified by hand or cancelled without authorization. In case of modification or cancellation needed, Party B shall notify Party A in writing. Otherwise, all the penalty of tax from tax authority shall be undertaken by Party B, and Party A also has the right to postpone the payment due for one month;
In case of name change, account alteration or cancellation of Party B, Party B is required to make settlement for all transactions with Party A. In case of failure to make payment to Party B due to fault of Party B, Party A shall be free of any responsibility.
Payment for offshore delivery (No such clause for delivery place in China)
9.1甲方委托香港美高物流有限公司(MAINCO LOGISTICS LTD.)收货并代开支票付款。
Party A entrusts MAINCO LOGISTICS LTD. to receive the products and issue checks and make payment on behalf of Party A.
If any currency conversion shall be required in connection with the calculation of payment, both parties agree that such conversion shall be made using the exchange rate issued by the People’s Bank of China on that day.
In case of delayed payment by Party A due to fault of Party B, Party B shall be held responsible for it.
10、增值服务 Value-added service
Party A encourages Party B to provide latest information of industrial technology, processing technique, materials and processing flows;
Party A encourages Party B to provide scheme with higher performance-price ratio and meanwhile Party B shall have the right to share the achievements ;
Provided suggestion made by Party B is adopted by Party A, Party A promises, under equivalent conditions, to reward Party B with certain preferential policy of allocation proportion when placing purchase orders, based on the profit brought to Party A.
11、供应商考核 Supplier evaluation
Party A shall conduct comprehensive assessment and grading on Party B every month from aspects of price, quality, date of delivery, service etc. Party A has the right to adjust allocation proportion of purchase orders based on the assessment results. In case of super low grade of Party B, Party A has the right to enable supplier eliminating procedure.
Supplier Identification Recognition Smart IC Card issued by Party A
To guarantee the property safety of Party B and prevent false claim of Party B’s products and bills of document at warehouse of Party A, and for the convenience of Party B’s personnel to come to Party A for business as well, Party A shall issue Supplier Identification Smart IC Card to Party B. The detailed handling flow and related responsibilities and obligations are subject to Supplier Identification IC Card Collecting Agreement.
13、售后服务 After-sales service
13.1乙方承诺供货给甲方的产品品质可靠性期限为 个月(从甲方验收合格入库日算起),在品质可靠性期限内出现品质异常,乙方除需接受甲方的库存退货外,还需承担甲方因此产生的售后服务处理费用(包括但不限于维修费、车旅费、住宿费、善后处理费等)。
Party B undertakes that quality reliability term of the products provided to Party A is ____ months (starting from the date of releasing for warehouse after inspection by Party A). In case of any abnormality during the quality reliability term, except for accepting returned inventory by Party A, Party B shall also undertake after-sales service expenses therefore caused to Party A (including but not limited to maintenance, traveling, accommodation and aftermath expenses).
To ensure a consecutive supply of maintenance materials for products of Party A, Party B has the obligations to supply maintenance materials for another two years after the delisting of the products of Party A.
Party B shall assist Party A in timely returning warehoused spoiled materials of Party A. Please refer to Spoiled Material Disposal Agreement for details.
14、业务终止 Business termination
If business termination is requested by Party B, Party B is required to notify Party A six months in advance by submitting Business Termination Notice in writing. Party B shall not stop supplying products until receiving consent in writing from Party A. Otherwise Party A shall deem the unsettled purchase order as delayed delivery. Party A has the right to suspend payment to Party B for the products provided for the last three months since the last shipment. After clarifying influence of supply termination and at the completion of aftermath disposal, Party A shall resume the payment to Party B for the unpaid balance.
During normal transactions between the two parties, in case of business termination requested by Party A, Party A is required to notify Party B one month in advance by submitting Business Termination Notice in writing. Party A shall make normal payment to Party B during the aftermath period.
In case of accidents of serious quality problem, delivery date and corruption, Party A has the right to immediately terminate the cooperation with B, and meanwhile, Party A has the right to suspend payment to Party B for all the unpaid balance till an agreement reached between the two parties on disposal of the accident.
To terminate the cooperation between the parties, at settlement of all payments except for deposit for quality and white hands and at completion of returning all the spoiled materials in stock of Party A, the two parties shall sign a Certificate of Business Termination and this agreement is terminated simultaneously. However, the terms of Non-disclosure Agreement shall survive the termination. After termination of the agreement, in case quality problems in batch or serious quality deviation are caused to Party A by products of Party B during the valid warranty term promised by Party B, Party A shall also have the rights to hold Party B liable for breach of contract pursuant to the related clauses of quality guarantee.
15、协议解除 Termination of Agreement
In case of any of the following events, either party can notify the counterparty in writing to terminate this agreement.
Either party breathes the contract and thus makes the counterparty unable to achieve the goal of this agreement, and also fails to make explanation or remedy within the specified period after receiving written notice from the counterparty.
Either party has filed for bankruptcy or become subject to any bankruptcy proceeding.
Operation of either party has deteriorated significantly, and thus fail to perform the obligations and responsibility specified in this agreement.
Either party transfers property, surreptitiously withdraws funds, and evades liabilities.
If the observant party requests to terminate this agreement under the provision of this article, it shall not influence the rights of the observant party to claim against the defaulting party for compensation.
16、不可抗力的处理 Force Majeure
Either party shall not be held responsible for breach of contract in case of failure of performing this agreement due to force majeure. However, the party encountering force majeure shall timely notify the counterparty in writing about the force majeure and try the best to take effective and reasonable measures to minimize the losses incurred to both parties. Provided Party B fails in normal supply and to perform obligations within 15 days due to force majeure, Party A has the right to cancel the unsettled purchase orders and qualification of Party B as supplier. All the losses incurred therefore shall be undertaken by Party B, and Party A shall not be held responsible.
17、专项协议 special agreements below:
17.1 (标注的协议表示包含。标注的协议表示为可选项,表示包含,×表示不包含,空白表示包含)
(The agreements marked with indicates being included. The agreements marked with indicates being optional, indicates included, × indicates excluded, and blank indicates included.)
《价格诚信协议》Price Credit Agreement;
《廉洁保证协议》White Hands Guarantee Agreement;
《保密协议》Non-disclosure Agreement;
《坏料处理协议》Defect Material Disposal Agreement
《环保协议》Environment Protection Agreement
《品质保证协议》Quality Guarantee Agreement;
《知识产权协议》Intellectual Property Rights Agreement;
《来料包装规范协议》Incoming Material Package Specification Agreement;
《快递送、退货责任协议》Agreement on Express Delivery and Reject Responsibility;
《商标使用授权协议》Trademark Use Authorization Agreement;
《委托加工协议》OEM Agreement;
Supplier Agency Qualification and Supply Source Control Agreement
All the special agreements are integral parts of the long-term cooperation agreement and are with equal legal force as the long-term cooperation agreement.
18、一般条款 General Provisions.
This Long-term Cooperation Agreement together with other special agreements and supplementary agreements as well as related attachments constitute the entire purchase-supply agreement between the two parties, and the related special agreements, supplementary agreements and attachments are the integral parts of the purchase-supply agreement with equal legal force. During the valid term of this agreement, nether party shall make unauthorized modification or termination of this agreement. For the unmentioned matters, the two parties shall come to supplementary agreements after consultations. In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated the moment the new version of this agreement is signed.
Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
One party waiving claim on the counterparty for its failure in performing responsibilities and obligations of this agreement shall sign a written document of waiver, which however shall not be construed as waiver for future events.
This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each, and the agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.
This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.
移动通信有限公司(公章)Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. (Seal)
授权代表人(签字):Authorized representative (Signature):
年 月 日
Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)
电子材料(深圳)有限公司 Technologies(Shenzhen)Ltd.
授权代表人(签字):Authorized representative (Signature)
年 月 日
Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)
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