银行借款合同(中英文翻译 第四部分)
第九章 费用和补偿Chapter 9 Expenses and Compensation
第三十三条0在本合同生效后,早于首次提款日借款人应向贷款人支付金额相当于贷款本金金额的百分之 %的管理费。如果借款人迟延支付管理费,借款人应就其迟延支付的管理费按本合同第三十五条规定向贷款人支付违约金。
Article 33 After the Contract has come into force, the Borrower shall pay percent of the Loan principal to the Lender as the management fee before the first withdrawal date. If the Borrower failed to pay the management fee on time, subject to the terms in Article 35, the Borrower shall pay a penalty for the delayed management fee to the Lender.
第三十四条 借款人应就未提取的贷款金额向贷款人支付承诺费。该等承诺费应按应提未提的贷款金额,以百分之 的年率进行计收,以一年三百六十(360)日为基础,以自本合同生效之日起(包括当日)至提款期间的最后一日止的实际天数进行计算,每季度每半年每一年支付一次。如果借款人迟延支付承诺费,借款人应就其迟延支付的承诺费按本合同第三十五条规定向贷款人支付违约金。
The Borrower shall pay a commitment fee to the Lender for the undrawn Loan. The commitment fee shall be calculated, according to the undrawn amount at an annual rate of % on the basis of three hundred and sixty (360) days a year, since the effective date of this Contract (included) to the last day of the withdrawal period, and paid by each quarter half-year each year. If the Borrower failed to pay the commitment fee on time, subject to the terms in Article 35, the Borrower shall pay a penalty for the delayed management fee to the Lender.
Should the Borrower failed to pay relevant fees of the Contract in comply with the Lender's requirement (including but not limited to the penalty for prepayment, management fee, commitment fee, etc), the Borrower shall pay penalty of default to the Lender for the overdue fees. The penalty shall calculated since the day it become overdue till the exact payment of the fee has made at the rate of zero point fiver per thousand (0.5‰) daily and paid quarterly.
第三十六条 借款人应在收到任何收费通知单后三十日内,向贷款人支付或补偿贷款人因本合同和其他担保文件或其中提及的任何其它文件的谈判、准备、打印和签署所合理发生的全部成本和支出(包括但不限于所有律师费)。如非因贷款人的原因需对本合同和其他担保文件进行修改,借款人应向贷款人补偿贷款人就此做出评估、谈判或文件修改而产生的所有成本和费用(包括但不限于所有律师费)。
The Borrower shall, within thirty (30) day upon receiving the charge notice, pay or compensate the Lender any costs and expenses caused by negotiation, preparation, print and sign of this Contract and other Guarantee Document or any other documents (including but not limited to all attorney fees). In the event that this Contract and other Guarantee Document need to be modified for any reason not caused by the Lender, the Borrower shall compensate the Lender for the assessment, negotiation or document modification costs and expenses of the Lender therefore generated (including but not limited to all attorney fees).
第三十七条 借款人应向贷款人补偿其发生的因履行本合同而发生的所有损失、责任、损害、成本及费用,包括但不限于贷款人需要就本合同进行登记、注册所发生的费用以及贷款人汇划贷款资金过程中发生的费用。
The Borrower shall make compensations to the Lender for any losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses generated to the Lender due to the implementation of this Contact, including but not limited to the Lender's registration fees for this Contact, and other costs occurred in processing the Loan fund.
The Borrower shall pay the Lender all costs and expenses caused by enforcing or reserving any rights under this Contract (including but not limited to all attorney fees) within three (3) working days upon the Lender's written request.
The Borrower shall, within three (3) working days upon the Lender's written request, make compensations to the Lender for any costs or losses caused by the following reasons:
第十章 担保Chapter 10 Guarantee
The Loan under this Contract has been guaranteed as follows:
货款人接受的第三方保证人提供信用保证,该保证人与贷款人另行签订《保证合同》,编号为 。
Letter of Credit issued by a third party accepted by the Lender, and in which the guarantor has signed the Contract of Guaranty with the Lender, contract number of .
借款人将其所拥有完全所有权的 建设物及其占用范围内的建设用地使用权抵押给贷款人,借款人与贷款人另行签订《房地产抵押合同》,编号为 。
The Borrower has mortgaged the solely owned building and the construction land use rights in its occupied area to the Lender, for which the Borrower has signed the Real Estate Mortgage Contract with the Lender, the contract no.:
借款人将其所拥有使用权的 建设用地抵押给贷款人,借款人与货款人另行签订《 抵押合同》,编号为 。
The Borrower has mortgaged the which it has the use right, to the Lender, for which the Borrower has signed the Mortgage Contract with the Lender, the contract no.:
第十一章 保险Chapter 11 Insurance
The Borrower shall have all relevant equipments, construction works, export cargos, freight transportations and the risks in the Project’s operation insured in the insurance company admitted by the Lender, and pay the premium to the insurance company on time. The types of insurance shall comply with the Lender’s requirement and the Borrower shall assign its insurance interests to the Lender. The Borrower shall not terminate the insurance for whatever reason before the Loan principal, interest and other account payable have been fully paid. The Borrower shall provide the payment document to the Lender that proves the Borrower has fully and substantially executed the premium payment obligation according to the terms in the insurance contract or the insurance policy. In the event that the Borrower has terminated the insurance, the Lender has the right to renew the insurance or insure on behalf of the Borrower and the costs therefore caused shall be completely undertook by the Borrower.
The Borrower shall notify the Lender in written form within three (3) days after knew or aware the occurrence of the insurance accident, and based on terms of the insurance policy, the Borrower shall claim against the insurance carrier immediately. The losses generated to the Lender due to the Borrower’s neglect of prompt notice or claim or perform the duties under the insurance policy shall be undertook by the Borrower.
The insurance indemnity shall be preferentially used to repay the Loan principal and interest and other accounts payable under this Contract, but the Lender can, based on the Project situation, decide whether the insurance indemnity can be used to support the Project or not. In the event that the insurance indemnity is insufficient to cover Loan principal and interest, the Borrower shall take the responsibility to pay off.
第十二章 违约事件与处理Chapter 12 Default Events and Resolutions
The Lender has the right to make a judgment on the occurrence of the abovementioned defaults and keep the Borrower informed. After the occurrence of any abovementioned default, the Lender has the right to take one or more measures stated below:
第十三章 合同变更Chapter 13 Modification of the Contract
Any modification or supplement of the Contract shall be made in written forms and after signed and sealed by the two parties, the modifications and supplements will come into force thereby. Any modifications or supplements of the Contract shall be considered as an integral part of the Contract.
In the event that any term or condition in the Contract become invalid subject to any changes of the State’s laws and regulations or other judicial reasons, the validity of other terms and conditions in the Contract will not be affected. On this occasion, the two parties shall cooperate to modify relevant terms affected of the Contract.
第十四章 抵销、转让和权利放弃Chapter 14 Setoff, Assignment and Waiver
The Borrower shall, in accordance of the terms of the Contract, pay full amount of the accounts payable without any setoff, retaining or counterclaim and exempt from any deduction or withholding of any tax or expense. In the event that any deduction or withholding of the payment to the Lender has been required by any Law, the Borrower shall at the same time pay the equal amount to the Lender to ensure the full amount received by the Lender will not be influenced. The Borrower shall immediately submit the duplicate receipt or other certificate to the Lender so as to prove the deducted or withheld payment has been paid to relevant tax authority or other governing authority.
Without the Lender’s written consent, the Borrower shall not assign any of its rights and obligations under this Contract to any third party. However, the Lender has the right to assign its creditor’s right under the Contract to any third party, and then notify the Borrower even without the Borrower’s prior consent.
Any indulgence, grace, preference or leniency offered to the Borrower by the Lender shall not influence, damage or limit any of the Lender’s rights entitled by the Contract and laws and regulations, and shall not be considered as any waiver of the Lender’s right and interests under the Contract nor does it influence the Borrower’s performance for the obligations under the Contract.
第十五章 适用法律及争议解决Chapter 15 Applicable Law and Dispute Settlement
This Contract is constructed and shall be explained in accordance with and governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
During the performance of the Contract, any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to the Contract shall be resolved by friendly negotiations. If any dispute or controversy is not resolved by negotiations, any Party may submit the dispute to the People’s Court for arbitration. The two parties agree that the lawsuit related to this Contract shall be carried out in the People’s Court situated in the Lender’s city.
第十六章 其它Chapter 16 Miscellaneous Provisions
The withdrawal form and other appendixes confirmed by the two parties are deemed as integral part of the Contract and shall be equal valid as the Contract.
The receipt for a loan and other vouchers of the loan are constituent parts of the Contract. If the information recorded or not recorded in the Contract, including but not limited to the Loan amount, loan term, repayment schedule, interest and value dated etc., is not consistent with those on the receipt of loan or other vouchers, the information on the receipt of loan or other vouchers shall be prevailed.
In the circumstance applicable to the context of the Contract, the two parties involved shall include their successors and other allowable assignees.
Any notice, requirement made by the two parties shall be in a written form and sent to address listed on the first page of the Contract the following address:
借款人地址:Borrower’s Address:
贷款人地址:Lender’s Address:
If any change has happened to any of the abovementioned addresses, the other party shall be timely informed.
Any document between two parties, if delivered by specially-assigned courier, it’s deemed to have been received by the other party at the time of delivery; if sent by registered letter, it’s deemed to have been received by the other party three (3) days after sent out; if sent by telex or fax, it’s deemed as have been received at the moment the sender’s terminal has received the confirmation signal. But the document send by the Borrower to the Lender shall be regarded as have been received by the Lender after the Lender actually received.
Subject to Regulation on Credit Reporting Industry and laws and regulations of the State, the Borrower confirms that it has acknowledged and understood the connotations of this term and hereby irrevocably authorize the Lender (including its affiliated branches) to conduct following operations:
1. 为及时了解借款人的信用状况,排除借款人存在违法、违规行为的情况,确保本合同项下业务安全,根据国家相关规定通过金融信用信息基础数据库和 / 查询并使用借款人的有关信息。
According to relevant provisions of the State, query and use the Borrower’s relevant information through the Financial Credit Information Database and / , for promptly knowing the credit standing of the Borrower, eliminating any existence of unlawful act or irregularity, and ensuring business safety under the Contract.
2. 按照国家相关规定将借款人与贷款人签订的所有合同、协议及任何形式的法律文件项下有关信息,以及贷款人通过以上合同、协议及法律文件获得的与借款人有关的其他信息提供给金融信用信息基础数据库和 / 。
According to relevant provisions of the State, submit all Contracts, Agreements and relevant information under any forms of legal document signed by the Borrower and the Lender, and other information about the Borrower acquired by the Lender through aforementioned contracts, agreements and other legal document to the Financial Credit Information Database and / .
3. 根据适用的法律法规和监管要求,将借款人的相关信息提供给中国银行业监督管理委员会等有关监管部门及有关司法、行政管理部门。
Subject to applicable law and supervision requirements, submit the Borrower’s related information to China Banking Regulatory Commission and other supervision department as well as judicial and administrative department.
4. 出于提供金融服务的目的,在贷款人内部共享借款人的相关信息,包括在分支机构之间共享。
For the purpose of providing financial service, the Borrower’s information will be shared internally, including its affiliated branches.
5. 根据欠款催收、债权转让、金融服务外包等需要,将借款人的相关信息提供给有关的第三方机构。
Due to the requirement of debt collection, credit assignment, financial service outsourcing etc, the Borrower related information will be provided to relevant third party institutions.
6. 本授权自本合同签订之日起,至本合同项下所有业务结束之日止。
The authorization is valid since the day the Contract was entered, until the completion of all business under the Contract.
The both parties should keep secrets for any information provided by either party and specified to be confidential. However, the party who provides the information is entitled for any following disclosure: 1) disclose information that is publicly known (not including such information that is publicly known due to the party’s breach of this article); 2) disclose such information in lawsuit or arbitration; 3) disclose such information in the range of and in accordance with any law and regulation; 4) disclose such information in accordance with listing and transaction rules of stock exchange where the party is listed; 5) disclose such information to any government, financial, tax or other administrative authorities as their requirements; 6) disclose such information to its directors, managers, employees or professional advisers (including but not limited to lawyers, auditors , etc.) on condition that the disclosed party has promised to comply with the obligation of confidentiality of this article; 7) disclose such information with consent of confidential information providing party.
The Lender can disclose the following information to its affiliates, or any person who may reach or has reached any assignment, participation or other agreement related to the Contract: 1) copies of the Contract; 2) any information the Lender has obtained about the Borrower, the Contract and any transaction information under this Contract. However, the disclosed party must be committed to comply with the obligation of confidentiality prior to receiving any such information.
In compliance with this article, the Borrower shall keep the loan guarantee conditions of this Contract and the related documents, contract terms and rates strictly confidential and shall not provide or disclose them to other third party. If the Borrower violates this article, the Lender is entitled to take measures to remedy the breach and the Borrower should compensate for all losses the Lender therefore suffered.
Confidentiality obligations under this article are still valid after the termination of the contract.
第五十七条特别约定:Article 57 Special Agreement
If exploitation license has not been issued by the Department of Minerals and Energy of Laos before the project is officially put into operation, the Lender can recall all loans in advance.
The contract shall take effect after signed and sealed by the Borrower and the Lender, and will be terminated when all principal and interest of Loan and other payables under this contract are paid off.
This contract is made in two originals: one for the Lender and the other for the Borrower and four duplicate copies: Guarantor, Agency, Registration Authority, the Borrower, the Lender, the Guarantor and the custodian bank each party holds one copy.
(以下无正文)(No text hereinbelow.)
签字页Signature Page
借款人(盖章):The Borrower: (Seal)
法定代表人或有权签字人(签字): Legal representative or authorized signatory (signature):
贷款人(盖章):中国进出口银行The Lender(Seal): The Export-Import Bank of China
法定代表人或有权签字人(签字): Legal representative or authorized signatory (signature):
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