银行借款合同(中英文翻译 第二部分)
第十四条借款人每次提取贷款资金(包括首次提款),还须进一 步满足以下先决条件(包括但不限于):
Article 14 Before the Borrower’s Loan withdrawal each time (including the first time), the following prerequisites (including but not limited to) shall be satisfied:
1. 贷款人 (1 )已收到第十二条中所列明的先决条件并对第十二条和第 十三条项下的先决条件的履行情况表示满意,或(2)就未收到或不满意的任何先决条件而言,其已放弃要求递交或满足任何该等文件和先决条件;
The Lender (1) has received the performance of prerequisites of the Article 12 and satisfied with the fulfillment of the prerequisite in Article 12 and Article 13, or (2) has waived requirements on delivering or meeting those prerequisites when not receiving or not satisfied with any prerequisites;
2. 借款人在本合同项下所作的全部陈述与保证在预计提款日依照当时 存续的事实及情形在所有重要方面仍是真实和准确的,就如同该等陈述与保证是在该提款日作出的;
All statements and guarantee made by the Borrower under the terms and conditions of this Contract on the expected date of withdrawal are still as true and accurate as they were made on the date of withdrawal in accordance with the facts and situation survived;
3. 没有已经发生且持续存在的本合同项下的任何违约事件;
No default of the Contract occurred and survived;
4. 该笔提款已列入借款人向贷款人提交的提款计划;
The withdrawal amount has been concluded in the Borrower’s withdrawal schedule to the Lender;
5 贷款人的律师已就与该笔提款有关的事项向贷款人提交令贷 款人满意的法律意见书且借款人已支付相关的律师费;
The attorney of the Lender has provided satisfactory legal opinion to the Lender in terms of this withdrawal amount, and the Borrower has paid for such attorney cost;
6 贷款人应在预计提款日前的第二 ( 2 )个工作日的12点(北 京时间)之前已收到借款人发出的按照本合同附件一确定的格式填写的完整 有效的提款申请书;以及
The Lender shall receive the Borrower’s complete and effective withdrawal application in accordance with the format of the appendix attached to this Contract before 12 o’clock (Beijing Time) of the second (2) working day prior to the expected withdrawal date; and
7 借款人填写的完整有效的借款借椐。
The complete and valid receipt for a loan filled by the Borrower.
第十五条在满足了上述第十二条、第十三条和第十四条的规定及本合同其 他条款和条件的情况下,贷款人将在提款申请书中确定的提款日当日,根据 提款计划和提款申请书所确定的贷款资金数额,通过向提款申请书中指定的账户汇款进行放款。该等放款即构成借款人在本合同项下的债务。
Under the circumstance that the terms in Article 12, Article 13 and Article 14 have been satisfied, the Lender will issue the amount of Loan specified in the withdrawal schedule and application form to the designated account on the withdrawal date. The Loan issued thereby constitutes the Borrower’s liability under this Contract.
除以下两种情况可釆取借款人自主支付方式外,其他情况下均应釆用贷 款人受托支付方式:
The entrusted payment by the Lender shall be adopted in all circumstances except in the following two conditions in which the direct payment by the borrower can be adopted:
1. 单笔金额未超过项目总投资5%且未超过500万元人民币(其他货币以借款人提款申请当日中国人民银行公布的该货币兑换人民币的 汇率的中间价计算);
The amount of a single payment is not exceeding 5% of the total investment and not exceeding 5 million RMB (other currencies shall be calculated on the basis of the medial rate of the exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on the day the Borrower applies for withdrawal);
2. 单笔金额虽超过项目总投资5%但小于50万元人民币(其他货币以借款人提款申请当日中国人民银行公布的该货币兑换人民币的 汇率的中间价计算)。
The amount of a single payment has surpassed 5% of the total investment but within 0.5 million RMB (other currencies shall be calculated on the basis of the medial rate of the exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on the day the Borrower applies for withdrawal).
上款中借款人自主支付是指贷款人根椐借款人的提款申请书将 贷款资金发放至借款人账户后,由借款人自主支付给符合本合同约定用途的借款人的交易对手。
The direct payment by the Borrower aforementioned means that after the Lender released Loan capital to the Borrower's account according to the Borrower's withdrawal application, the Borrower directly pays such Loan capital to its counterpart consistent with the purposes stipulated in the Contract.
The entrusted payment by the Lender means that the Lender, according to the Borrower’s withdrawal application, pays the Loan capital, through the Borrower’s account, to the counterpart of the Borrower consistent with the purposes stipulated in the Contract.
"借款人应及时提供贷款资金使用的有关记录和资料。在贷款发放和支付过程中,借款人不得违反上述约定,以化整为零方式规避贷款人 受托支付,否则贷款人有权立即对本合同项下未发放的贷款资金全部改 用贷款人受托支付方式,或者直接停止贷款发放和支付,并采取本合同约定的其他违约救济措施。
The Borrower shall promptly provide relevant the usage record and other documents of the Loan capital. The Borrower shall not breach any of the aforementioned terms or by any means to evade the entrusted payment by the Lender during the Loan disbursement and payment process, otherwise the Lender reserves the right to issue all remaining Loan by the entrusted payment or to cease the disbursement and payment of the Loan and take other default remedy measures under this Contract.
第十六条在贷款发放和支付过程中,借款人出现以下情形的,贷 款人应与借款人协商补充贷款发放和支付条件,也可直接停止贷款 发放和支付:
If any of the circumstances mentioned below has been occurred to the Borrower during the Loan disbursement and payment, the Lender shall negotiate with the Borrower to supplement the terms of Loan disbursement and payment, or the Lender can directly cease the Loan disbursement and payment:
第四章 中间业务的办理Chapter 4 Management of Intermediate Business
第十七条借款人在此向贷款人承诺:借款人将在贷款人 处或贷款人指定的银行开立账户,项目项下的所有资金往来,包括但不限于与项目有关的销售收入、款项划拔等,均通过这一账户办理,并由贷 款人或贷款人指定的银行进行监控,0该账户的安排应当在商务合同 中明确约定。
Article 17 The Borrower hereby makes commitment to the Lender that: the Borrower will open account in the Lender’s bank or the Lender designated bank, and the capital flow under the Project, including but not limited to any Project-related sales revenue, fund disbursement, etc. will be processed by the account and monitored by the Lender’s or designated bank, and the arrangement of the account will be specified in the Commercial Contact.
Article 18 The Borrower hereby makes commitment to the Lender that:
1. 借款人所有与项目相关的存款及中间业务(以下称中间业务, 包括但不限于国内外结算、结售汇、保函、金融衍生业务、现金管理 业务、贸易融资业务等),均在贷款人处或贷款人指定的银行 办理;
All deposit and intermediate business that related to the Project (hereinafter the Intermediate Business including but not limited to the domestic and abroad settlement, exchange settlement, letter of guarantee, financial derivative business, cash management, trade financing business etc.) will be processed in the Lender’s or designated bank;
2. 借款人在贷款人分行(分支机构名称)或贷款人指定的银行开立本外币结算账户;
The Borrower will open a foreign currency settlement account in Branch of the Lender or other Lender designated Bank;
3. 借款人应当按照贷款人规定的格式向贷款人出具中间业务承诺函。
The Borrower shall offer commitment letter of the intermediate business to the Lender in the format required by the Lender.
第五章 借款人的陈述、保证和承诺
Chapter 5 Statement, Guarantee and Commitment of the Borrower
Article 19 The Borrower hereby makes following statements and guarantees towards the Lender:
1. 借款人是一家依法成立并有效存续的企业法人,具有独立的法人地位, 并享有充分的权力、授权及权利以其全部资产承担民事责任并从事经营活动。
The Borrower is a legally incorporated and survived enterprise with independent legal entity and enjoys full power, authority and rights to undertake civil liability and operate business activity with its all assets.
2. 借款人具有完全的资格和权利签署本合同和担保文件,并履行本 合同和担保文件项下的义务。
The Borrower has full qualifications and rights to sign this Contract and Guarantee Document and perform its duties hereunder.
3. 借款人具有完全适当的资格与能力进行项目的建设和经营,订立、提交、接收及履行项目项下的任何文件及进行相关交易,已釆取所有必要的法人行为及其他的行动并取得必要的同意,以进行项目的建设和经营。
3. The Borrower has full and appropriate qualifications and power to carry out the construction, operation of the Project, conclude, submit, receive and perform any document and transaction under the Project, and has already taken all necessary corporate actions and others to obtain required consent to construct and operate the Project.
4. 借款人为签署本合同和担保文件,进行本合同和担保文件项下的交易所需的一切必要的政府部门以及任何其他方的批准、许可、同意、公证、登记、备案均已适当取得和完成,并且充分、合法、有效。
The Borrower has fully, legally, effectively obtained and fulfilled all necessary governmental and other local approvals, permits, consents, notarizations, registrations, and filings for the Contract and transactions of the Guarantee Document.
5. 借款人 一直依法从事经营活动,并未从事任何超出其经批准的营业经营范围的行为。
The Borrower has always been engaged in business activities in accordance with the law and has never conducted any business beyond the approved business scope.
6. 借款人已仔细阅读本合同并完全理解和接受本合同的内容。借款人签署和履行本合同是自愿的,全部意思表示真实。
The Borrower has carefully read the Contract and fully understood and agreed all terms under the Contract. The Borrower’s signs and performances of the Contract are voluntarily and truly.
7. 借款人签署本合同,履行其在本合同项下的义务并不违反其订立的任 何其他协议、其公司章程和法律法规。
The Borrower’s sign of the Contract and performance for its obligations of the terms hereunder will not breach any other agreement, articles of association it has entered, and any laws and regulations.
8. 借款人具有完全适当的资格与能力订立、提交、接收及履行本合同和 其为一方的担保文件及商务合同、与本合同和其为一方的担保文件 及商务合同相关的其他任何文件及进行本合同和其为一方的担保文件 及商务合同项下的交易,已釆取所有必要的法人行为及其他的行动并取得 必要的同意,以授权签署和履行本合同和其为一方的担保文件及商务合 同。本合同和其为一方的担保文件及商务合同由借款人的法定代 表人或其有权签字人有效签署。
The Borrower has full and appropriated qualifications and power to conclude, submit, receive and perform this Contract, Guarantee Document and Commercial Contracts, and any other documents and relevant transactions the Borrower has involved, and has already taken all necessary corporate actions and others to obtain required consent to sign and perform this Contract and the Guarantee Document and Commercial Contracts it involved. The legal representative or authorized signatory of the Borrower has valid power to sign this Contract, the Guarantee Document and Commercial Contracts.
9. 借款人为本合同项下的贷款而向贷款人提供的所有文件、资料、报表和凭证等都是真实、完整、准确和有效的,提供的复印件与原件一致。
All documents, information, statements and certificates submitted by the Borrower to the Lender under this Contract are true, complete, accurate and valid; and the copies provided are consistent with the originals.
10. 借款人的经营管理、财务和资信状况良好,具备偿还贷款本息的能力。
The Borrower’s business operation, financial and credit status are in good condition with enough capacity to repay the principal and interest of the Loan.
11. 项目所在国(地区)投资环境良好,经济、政治状况基本稳定。
The Project located country (region) has good stable investment, economic and political environment.
12. 项目的建设阶段已经开始并正常进行,并且项目的资本金已经 同比例到位。
The construction of the Project is in normal process, and the capital fund has been available proportionately.
13. 项目按照建设和运营进度计划进行,执行过程中未发生任何重大违 法事宜。
The Project is proceeding according to the construction and operation schedule without severe illegal matters occurred during its execution.
14. 除已经向贷款人披露的担保外,在项目财产、资产或收入的全部或任何部分上未设定任何担保。
Apart from the guarantee disclosed to the Lender, not any or partial of the Project’s property, assets or revenue has been guaranteed.
15. 项目已取得我国和项目所在国(地区)的政府有权部门作出的所有批准、核准或备案,符合所在国法律规定、环境保护等要求,各项必要的审 批完备。
The Project has obtained all approvals, permits or fillings from Governmental department of our country and the Project located country (region), and conforms to requirements of the country’s laws and regulations and environmental protection. The necessary approvals are full and adequate.
16. 项目是境外资源、能源开发项目;境外加工贸易项目;境 外投资建厂项目;境外工业园区项目;境外基础设施项目;境外研发中心 项目;境外产品销售中心或销售渠道项目;境外服务中心或服务渠道项目;境外企业增资、收购、并购、参股项目; / /
The Project is overseas resources, energy development project; overseas manufacturing and trading project; overseas factory investment project; overseas industrial park project;overseas infrastructure project overseas R&D project; overseas sales or channels project;overseas service center or channel project overseas capital increment, acquisition, merger and participation project; / /
17. 项目项下的商务合同已经签订,项目配套条件已经落实,项 目竣工投产后的配套流动资金已经基本落实,并且项目预期经济效益良好,具备偿还贷款本息的能力。
The Commercial Contracts under the Project have been signed, the complementary conditions have been implemented and the complementary circulating capital has been well-prepared. The Project enjoys positive expected economic profit and has full capacity of repaying the principal and interest of the Loan.
18. 除已经事先取得贷款人书面同意、或在通常的商业活动中发生但已 事先书面告知货款人的担保外,在借款人的财产、资产或收入的全部或任何部分上未设定担保,在项目财产、资产或收入的全部或任何部分上未设定任何担保。
Unless with the Lender’s prior written consent, or except the guarantee occurred in ordinary business activity but informed the Lender with prior written notice, the guarantee hasn’t been set on all or partial of the Borrower’s and/or the Project’s property, assets or revenue.
19. 借款人未隐瞒下列任何事件: The Borrower has not concealed the following events:
20. 借款人在此特别声明,其完全知悉中国进出口银行云南省分行系受贷款人的授权,负责本合同项下贷款的发放、回收及与贷款管理有关的一切事宜。
The Borrower hereby announced that it’s fully acknowledged that the Yunnan Branch of the Export-import Bank of China has been authorized by the Lender to take full charge of the Loan disbursement and recovery, as well as all matters related to the Loan under this Contract.
21. 借款人向贷款人提供的所有文件、资料、报表和凭证是准确、 真实、完整和有效的,并且以复印件形式提供的文件均与原件相符。
All documents, information, statements and certificates submitted by the Borrower to the Lender under this Contract are true, complete, accurate and valid; and the copies provided are consistent with the originals.
22. 目前没有发生,或就借款人所知,也不存在可能发生的借款人 分立、合并、兼并、被兼并、重组、组建或改建为股份制公司等情况,以及以租赁、联营、托管等方式进行产权交易的情况。
22. Currently, as far as the Borrower has known, there is no occurrence or existence of the situation that the Borrower has divided, merged, been merged, reorganized, incorporated or reconstructed to be a join-stock company, and conducted equity transactions by leasing, contracting, joint operation or trusteeship, etc.
23. 目前没有发生,或就借款人所知,也不存在未完结的或者可能发生 的针对借款人或其资产的,对借款人的运营、业务或资产或借款人 履行本合同项下任何义务有重大不利影响的诉讼、仲裁或行政程序。
Currently, as far as the Borrower has known, there is no occurrence or existence of any unclosed or potential lawsuit, arbitration or administrative procedures on the Borrower or it assets that may cast adverse impact on the Borrower’s operation, business or assets, or its ability to perform any duties under this Contract.
24. 目前没有发生,或就借款人所知,也不存在未完结的或者可能发 生的针对项目或项目资产的,对项目的进行有重大不利影响的诉讼、仲裁或行政程序。
Currently, as far as the Borrower has known, there is no occurrence or existence of any unclosed or potential lawsuit, arbitration or administrative procedures on the Project or the Project’s assets which may have adverse impact on the proceeding of the project.
25. 目前没有发生,或就借款人所知,也不存在借款人主动 进行的或由第三方针对借款人提起的清算或破产程序。
Currently, as far as the Borrower has known, there is no existence of any liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings initiatively taken by the Borrower or aroused by a third party.
26. 贷款人在本合同项下的债权与借款人的所有其他未创设担 保的债权的债权人及非从属债务的债权人至少处同等地位。
The Lender’s creditor’s rights under the terms of this Contract are at least equal to those of all the Borrower’s unguaranteed creditors and subordinated creditors.
27. 借款人在此声明其已知晓和了解本合同中及履行本合同所涉及贷 款人制定的规章制度及程序,并同意在履行本合同过程中遵守前述规章制度及 程序。
The Borrower hereby announces that it has acknowledged the rules and regulations and procedures made by the Lender under this Contract and in the execution of the Contract, and agrees to comply with abovementioned rules and regulation and procedures during executing the Contract.
借款人在此声明其上述陈述和保证中没有遗漏任何可能使上述任何陈述 和保证成为不真实、准确或对贷款人可能造成误导的事实或情形。
The Borrower declares that no omissions has occurred in the abovementioned statements and guarantees which may caused untruthfulness or inaccuracy to those statements and guarantees or may facts or situations in which may mislead the Lender.
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